
Saturday 13 October 2018

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all safe from Storm Callum, it was certainly windy here, we decided to tidy some of the garden yesterday afternoon, we were nearly blown away! It was dry for the most part though thankfully so we got a bit done.

Now onto our Crafts and Shopping.....

First up (above) is one of Danielle's Stuffed Envelope, such a lovely idea to give something like this to a friend, stuffed full of craft goodies! Can you believe that Danni got those beautiful FOILED Christopher Robin papers from £1 shop!  I can't believe that Disney Papers would be in a £1 shop, the Christopher Robin film hasn't been out that long so I thought you would have to pay a lot of money for any merchandise.  So its well worth a trip to have a look, Danni said they are really good quality too.

Danni has done a YouTube video giving a closer look at this particular 'Stuffed Envelope'
the one before it shows how to make those lovely wands too, here is the link:

Thank you so much Danielle for allowing me to share your project.


Karen sent me two more of her adorable cuties last week but the post was so long they would have got lost, so here they are, I can't quite make up my mind which one I think is cutest.  Which one do you all choose??

Do these one's have names Karen?  
Thank you so much for sharing my lovely, I absolutely love seeing your crocheted creatures.


Just look at this beautiful rose, its so perfect and such a beautiful colour!  Now can you believe that it isn't real ?? our Brenda had made this stunning rose with Foamiran, I believe it's the Silk one that we got at Ally Pally in April, either way it is incredibly realistic, just image a few in a vase with some dried Gypsophila !  I love how you have got so much texture into the petals, which is what makes it look so real.
Thank you so much for sharing my lovely, I know everyone will want to see it, especially if they are like me and have lots of foam that hasn't been touched (Sue and I did try but it wasn't great results)!
Thanks again Brenda.


Lynda has shared a photo of her holding one of Bailey's puppies, I don't know how you managed to leave him behind Lynda, such a cute little thing! Mind you puppies are hard work, cleaning up puddles and crying all night!  I think you are better off popping in for a visit.  I always wonder if a dog would actually know that they were its puppies (male obviously). How did Bailey react to them?
Now onto to Lynda's Wish shopping.....
You have bought some lovely dies Lynda, those shoes look amazing and so does that 'Hello' frame, I love the greeting stamp too. Lynda also bought a Craft Magazine, that features some lovely free Bauble dies and stamps. It's nice to see a different shape bauble too.
Thank you so much for sharing your photo and shopping my lovely.

Well I was trying to get this post up and loaded before Paul fell asleep, but no such luck, he has nodded off while I waited for ages for photos to uploads (bloomin internet).
Thank you to all that contributed to todays blog.

Have a lovely Saturday,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    What a great selection of crafty projects & shopping on show today.
    I failed to purchase any crafty items yesterday which is unheard of.

    I need to go to the shops in the village this morning then I’m popping into Southport so I might find some bargains there.


  2. Nice work Danni Your envelopes look interesting I will go and take a look at your video

    The rhino is called Austin and the elephant is called Bridget These will be donated to Harefield Hospital next year The wool I bought from Aldi is lovely to use and they’re working out (including the stuffing) at about £1 each
    Off to Greenwich in a mo with a friend I will Be back

    1. Oh Karen, Austin and Bridget are SOOO cute. Just love their round tums. Must have a look in Aldi at their wool.
      Enjoy your day.x

  3. Hi everyone,
    DANNI your stuffed envelopes are lovely. What a useful present for a crafty friend. Will nip over and have a look at your video.x

    BRENDA what a stunning rose. It's so life-like. I just wouldn't have guessed it was made with foam. Just love the colour as well.x

    Oh LYNDA what a cute puppy! Bet it was such a temptation to take him home. Great stamps as well. I guess they're from China? I resisted buying that magazine but I do like the shape of the baubles.x

    Off for a coffee with my friend Pippa shortly. We had thick fog here this morning but it practically cleared now. Sky news have just warned of a storm heading towards Portugal and Spain. Now we don't usually get a mention on Skye News so I suppose we have to take it seriously.

    Hope you're all safe over there and it's not too stormy in your area.
    Love Valx

  4. Hello All, very very wet and windy here.

    Lovely makes and shopping today.

    Keeping this short as having terrible trouble iPad since update, have been following every day, just could not publish.

    Well here goes, hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra thank you for showing all the lovely goodies today. With this wind I would think all the leaves etc will be coming down, I had a job to stand out our front. Hope you have a peaceful
    Danni what a great idea, will have a look
    Karen I love Austin & Bridget, they look so
    Brenda I really thought it was a rose from your garden, it is amazing, the shape colour & everything well
    Lynda what a cutie, he is gorgeous, your buys look interesting as
    Café is open waiting for you to visit, mind the door when you come in the wind is snatching it. Scones & jam & cream will be in cabinet this afternoon, enjoy.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Morning Everyone
    What a lovely selection of craftiness this week. Now I don't usually choose a favourite but I have to confess that I have fallen in love with BRENDA;s rose. It's so life like I cannot believe it's made from foam. I haven't as yet bought any of this medium but I'm sorely tempted though I know my efforts will definitely not be anywhere near Brenda's perfection.I

    I said yesterday I would report on our Cake purchases so here we go.

    Jim's choice was a Cherry Tart which was made as follows:-
    Pastry case which just melted in the mouth; filled with delicious Patisserie cream and finished with loads of cherries on top.

    I had a 'Je ne c'est pas - that's the name and translates as 'I do not know'. Anyway it was just gorgeous and was made as oblong in shape; very thin slice of sponge as a base; topped with Pistachio craquent;then topped with another fine layer of sponge on top of which was Chocolate mousse; again a fine laer of sponge topped with raspberry mousse then glazed with raspberry jelly and the finishing touch two strips of odark chocolate. Soooo yummy but definitely not an everyday cake.

    It's been that 'swear' word morning which really hasn't been too bad as the sun is shining and it's really warm with just a gentle breeze. As I'm sitting here I can see that some of the leaves are gently falling.

    I hope you're all as well as can be and having a good week-end. HUGE HUGS to all.xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra &Ladies
    DANNII love your stuffed envelop a lovely gift for a crafty friend. Love the papers you have used. Love your video too.
    KARREN Awww love your Austin & Bridget they are so cute. Did you give them their names.
    BRENDA WOW I really thought your rose was real it's stunning. How clever are you I haven't tried the formin but I know mine wouldn't turn out like yours.
    SANDRA thank you for sharing my goodies & Bailey's puppy mum only had two puppies the other one is light brown she had a bad time delivering them as they were so big for her.yes they so cute very tempting but I'm Far to Old for puppy love. Charly had the most gorgeous little white puppy now I would have been tempted but she's already sold.
    Haven't done nothing exciting today went Tesco shopping had lunch after putting shopping away CU is sleeping & I have to go & put the mince on for spaghetti bolognese which I cook in bulk then freeze in portions. So better go & start it off.
    Hug's for everyone extra Hug's for PAT & PETE.
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I left a comment mid afternoon but it seems to have disappeared into cyberspace, so I will have to start again.

    DANIELLE What a lovely gift your stuffed envelopes make. I’m sure everyone who receives these will be delighted. xx

    KAREN I think I have fallen in love - I just love Austin and Bridget they are both gorgeous. I would love to adopt them. If I have to choose I think Austin is my favourite. xx

    LYNDA - OMG Baileys puppy is just beautiful, you were really strong not taking it home with you. Haven’t you have been busy shopping, so many lovely dies and magazines, you are certainly going to be busy.xx

    I have been playing with Foamiran for a while now making small flowers and decided I would like to make a Rose. I have looked a several videos on YouTube so gave it a try, the foam I used was cream and I just coloured the tips of each petal with two shades of pink, then assembled the petals around a cone of tinfoil which I had inserted a wire through (this would form a stem ) This was my first attempt so felt I would like to share it with Sandra. Thank you for your lovely comments. xx

    Love and big hugs Brenda xxx
