
Wednesday 17 October 2018

Lynda's lovely 'Eclipse' Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Lynda has made today's card, it is for her daughter Lisa's birthday, I have reminded Lynda not to share in on facebook like she did last time. !!
Lynda has made an 'Eclipse' card in Navy and White, using Dandelion Wishes stamp set and Beautiful You stamp set, both from Stampin up! 
I love your design Lynda and I know Lisa will too, you just cannot beat that sentiment, it is so Sincere and can be used for so many different occasions.  I love how you have finished your card with those pretty sequins that are floating along with the Dandelion seeds.
Lynda I am so grateful that you allowed me to share Lisa's card today, because I just couldn't get out of bed to make a card. Thank you my lovely friend. xxx

Beautiful You

Dandelion Wishes

These are the two stamp sets that Lynda used to make her card. 

I ended up spending pretty much all day in bed yesterday as not having the antibiotics for that extra day really gave the infection chance to take hold.  I managed to fit three antibiotics in in the first 12 hours of having them, because I just couldn't stand the discomfort any longer, this is one of the worst infections I have had I think, how I got through the day and made a card on Monday is beyond me!
I woke with Paul yesterday morning after I finally got to sleep at about 4.15am,  so I had had 1 hr 45 mins sleep, I lost count of trips to the bathroom.  Paul made breakfast and I took another antibiotic belt I felt so nauseous afterwards, as I said yesterday I think that taking Paracetamol and Ibuprofen every 4 hours on Monday didn't help.  So Paul made me another hot water bottle and I crawled back into bed, I was shivering!  I think I must have slept from about 8 until 11.30am which I needed, I just rested then as even making my way to the toilet exhausted me, being unwell seems to aggrevate my AF too, which adds to the exhaustion.  
Sophie was the perfect nurse, bringing me toast and tea and keeping my drink bottle full, so I was glad she was home.  I got up and about at about 3.30pm, trying to get myself going as we had booked and already paid for tickets to see 'The King of Thieves' which is the film about the Hatton Garden Diamond Robbery, I wanted to make the effort to go as this was Paul's choice of film to see and he doesn't usually suggest a film.  I am not a fan of Michael Caine to be honest, I think he always plays the same character, (but thats just me being picky), it actually looked like quite a good film on the trailer.  So fingers crossed I make it through without needing the loo!!

Thats all for today ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Pat, how's Pete doing?  thinking of you xxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lynda-what a beautiful card, I’m sure your daughter will love it.

    Sandra-hope you’re feeling better & managed to enjoy the film.

    We ended up moving our tumble dryer out into the garage yesterday evening as it’s broken & we’re waitin for a new one, delivery Thursday afternoon so Phil is working from home. I had to do some cleaning as I didn’t want to leave it messy. I haven’t felt like crafting so far but maybe tonight I’ll head into my craft room.


  2. Ooh SANDRA I do feel for you I do hope you feel better soon It’s so uncomfortable I will message you later re what gp has suggested I do to help

    I love your card LYNDA Eclipse cards are so effective These are my go to cards if I can’t think of something (especially for men)

    I have 4 more orders for cards AND I need to make 2 for myself
    I’m off to watch A Star is Born this afternoon I just hope I can stay awake!
    I will then be crafting later
    Take care all xx

    1. Congratulations BRENDA I’ Just noticed you’re a winner on Christine’s blog

    2. Thank you Karen I saw your message and popped straight over to Christine’s blog. Hope you enjoyed the film XXX

  3. Hi everyone,
    Sandra sorry you're still not too good. Hope the antibiotics are kicking in now.x
    LYNDA your card is lovely. So love Eclipse cards but yet to make one. I have the Beautiful You stamp set. It's really pretty.
    Off to get my hair done shortly then Crib later. Then the awful job of dropping Gracie off with the lovely couple who look after her whilst Im away. I always feel guilty although I know after a few days she settles in and is fine.

    Thinking of you Pat Pete and Lilian.

    Hugs to all.
    Love Alx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A beautiful card Lynda you’ve made for Lisa. Mind you all your cards are gorgeous.
    Lisa will be thrilled with it.
    Sorry to hear your poorly Sandra. I hope the antibiotics have kicked in a bit and your feeling a bit better.
    Well Pete has finished his treatment. He hasn’t lost his hair at the moment nor felt sick. Mind you his hair looks a bit odd as he seems to have developed lines in it. Now the consultant said she was going to arrange for scans to be done, but we’re seeing whoever on Tuesday and he’s not had scans. So I suppose he’ll have them done sometime after we’ve seen the Drs. His memory still isn’t good. He couldn’t remember last night how to open an email. Quite frustrating for him.
    Thanks for the hugs everyone they’re very much appreciated.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Lynda what a beautiful card in a great colour combo. Lisa will love it.
    Sandra, I do hope the meds are starting to work my lovely and that you managed to get some sleep last night. Did you manage to get to the film last night? It is one I want to see but we haven't decided when yet, also want to see A star is born. I will message you in a minute to see if you are up for a visit later xx
    Maria, Janet and Val I hope you are enjoying your holidays xx
    Lilian I hope your cold is clearing up well now X
    Karen, no doubt you will enjoy A star is born. Everyone who has seen it says it is fantastic x
    Enjoy your day ladies whatever it brings for you all. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello All, bright day here, it’s supposed to rain later.

    Lynda, love your card for Lisa, your cards are always really great, I seem to have lost any ideas these days.

    Sandra hope you are feeling better, antibiotics seem to take longer to work these days, hope you felt up to going to the film.

    Pat ,glad to hear Pete’s treatment has finished, hope it is successful.

    Hope everyone has a good day, hugs Lilian.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sorry to hear you still feel poorly, hope you got to pictures last night. Hope you are up to visit from Sue today, even if you do not feel like crafting it will be good to
    Lynda thank you for helping Sandra out, that is a beautiful card, & know Lisa will love
    Pat thinking of you & Pete it must be so frustrating for you
    Karen hope you enjoy the film & manage to stay
    Val hope you have a safe journey to here, shame you are not closer so we could meet up, perhaps one
    Maria & Janet hope you are having a good
    Café is open coffee & tea ready for you & come in & join us.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry to read you’re feeling so poorly Sandra, I hope by now the antibiotics have started to work. Yesterday sounds a dreadful day for you, so pleased Sophie was there to keep an eye on you and keep you hydrated, I hope you made it to the film and Paul did enjoy it .
    LYNDA, I love the eclipse card you made for your daughter Lisa’s birthday, both of these stamp sets are amongst my favourite and the colour you have used is perfect. I hope she has a lovely birthday, I know is she is going to love her card. I have to say this card really sings to me XX

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda I was really pleased with this card as it was my first attempt at the eclipse technique I also love both of the stamp sets my favourite stamps sets. Hope you're ok.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    Wow thank you Sandra for showing my card I don't think Lisa will see this card before her birthday on the 31st.( I HOPE 😫 ) she usually only dose FB so haven't put it on there this time. Thank you all for your lovely comments. They give me a real boost in confidence. I do like to try different techniques.
    Phew just finished a big pile of ironing & put it all away that's the worst part.
    I'm going for a shower now as I'm very hot.CU is out so I will go in craft room later.
    PAT pleased Pere has finished his treatment hoping he is feeling better. Hug's.
    Hug's for Lilian & everyone who needs a Hug.
    Love Lynda xx
