
Wednesday 5 September 2018

My Birthday Card From Janet

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I am sharing the first of the Birthday cards that I have received so far, I am so excited to see the rest of the cards I have waiting at home, it makes it feel like its my birthday all over again.

This amazing birthday card is from our lovely Janet and I can tell you that the picture does not do the card enough justice, it is so beautiful, it has all of the luxury elements, Gold foiling, pretty ribbon and paper flowers. Janet actually makes her own card bases, so the whole card base is beautifully embossed with Sue Wilson's Heart Lattice Embossing Folder, Janet has then built up a three layer die cut , the back/base is a gold foil beautifully intricate flower edges base, the next layer is very fine gold glitter cars that has a vine kind of pattern, the top layer is a also gold foil but not a shiny foil, I really love this new non shiny foil! Janet has woven ribbon through this top layer and filled the centre with paper flowers and foliage.
The gorgeous finishing touches are a heart printed satin ribbon that Janet has arranged around the die cut and then more pretty flowers placed where the ribbon meets and in the opposite corner.
Thank you so much Janet for such a stunning birthday card, I absolutely love it.

I can't remember the last day I described to you but I think it was Sunday, so onto Monday, we awoke to rather a cloudy overcast day, but to be honest nobody seemed to mind as we were all ready for a lazy  day, I had four blog posts to start to schedule, Lewis and Sophie and Lewis planned a 'Movie' day, Lucy was looking at Open University courses, so everyone kept themselves busy.
I kind of needed a break from walking on the beach too, we went into the Pals old town on Sunday evening and the streets are all ancient cobbles, which makes using the wheelchair super uncomfortable, so I just used my crutches, some of the roads were quite steep and the cobbles made it very hard for me to walk on but the views were worth it, some of our favourite shops and boutiques were closed though, we weren't sure whether it was because it was Sunday or if it was just because it was so late in the season.  
We aren't sure if that's why the weather has been so changeable this year too, we were about 10 days later coming this year, mostly because this was the only time accommodation was available added to the fact that we didn't need to worry about school term times. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day however you are spending it, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Birthday Card from Janet is absolutely gorgeous, there’s so much detail on it-it’s stunning.

    Busy day yesterday at work,very late lunch again. Luckily I’m having a paperwork day today but I know I’ll have to sort out a staffing issue the moment I walk into work!
    I’m off out for my tea tonight-meeting up with someone I used to work with. Not seen her for months so this will be a nice catch up.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a surprise it was to see my birthday card to SANDRA when I opened up this morning.

    It's going to be another busy day here. We peeled off all the paper on the bottom half of the stairs and hall yesterday and so today it's finishing off that by getting all the bits left so that the wall is completely clear. At least the top half of the wall is staying on and is going to be painted as it's a flat paper. I also want to get the curtains washed and hopefully dried outside as they're large, lined and heavy.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in when you can. HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care everyone xxxx

  3. A beautiful card JANET No wonder SANDRA wanted to display in the cafe
    I need to make two “Get Well” type cards this afternoon ready for craft club tonight Now, that’s not a problem but I am struggling with the sentiment because the lady wants to send these cards prior to their admission to hospital to have operations and I’m not sure how to word it bearing in mind I will have to use the recipient’s name in the sentiment So do I put “Good Luck with the operation ...” (her choice) Or “Hope the operation goes well ...” or what Your input will be gratefully received
    I hope to do cc today too
    Hope the bruising is goin LILIAN and you look less like Mike Tyson VAL
    I hope your pain is easing LYNDA and MARIA
    As said on Hill Street Blues - remember that one? - Let’s be careful out there xxx

    1. 'hope the operation goes well's sounds better to me Karen. The bruising is fading now thanks. Just a yellow tinge.
      I used to LOVE Hill Street Blues.x

    2. I would go with Val’s choice, or simply ‘thinking of you’ ...
      But not good luck, it made me think the person might not pull through !!

      SORRY Hope I haven’t offended anyone with my opinion. xx

  4. Morning everyone,
    JANET such a pretty card you've sent to SANDRA. Love the use of the ribbon. Hope the wall stripping goes well today.x

    SANDRA all big shops are closed on a Sunday except between July and the end of August. Smaller shows like boutiques aren't allowed to open either. Lynn can stay open as she sells Sunday papers and milk and bread. Strange system I know but I suppose I'm used to it now. X

    Off to the vets again this morning then my nurse and then Crib. It's been over a month since I played and I'm looking forward to meeting up again.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Hugs to all friends not well or having problems at the moment.
    Love Valx

  5. Morning everyone.
    A Gorgeous card you got from our Janet Sandra. Love all the different layers.
    I wish you all a good day and it all goes well whatever you are doing.
    OH is to hospital this morning ,just a check up,I go with and we can go for coffee and post office afterwards. Still thinking of the cc, wonder if I dare use any gilding flakes as it goes everywhere and not easy in the kitchen Lol
    many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely card we received from Janet so many layers, I understand you saying the picture doesn’t do it justice, I’m sure it has to be seen in the flesh as it were to appreciate the full beauty of this beautiful card.

    Been doing some ‘swearing’ this morning, now we going to Wimbledon some nice shops over there. Granddaughter has gone off to her part time job as a life guard, so we don’t have to worry about her. She is excitedly counting the days to when she goes off to Uni. I do worry she may get homesick, Leeds is a long way away. But then I worried about our girls and their university’s were only just over an hour away.

    Have a good day everyone, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, I used to worry about mine when they went to Uni. We lived in Penzance at the time and Reading was 5.5hrs on the train, needn’t have worried they both loved every minute. Hope your Granddaughter enjoys her time.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful card from Janet, everything is lovely. Hope you enjoy your last few days, make the most of
    Janet super card, so much detail, I do not know how you have the patience, well done. Good luck with the
    Maria hope OH gets on alright at hospital, how are Mum & Dad?xxx
    Val hope you get on alright at vet & with the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hello All, lovely sunny day here today, quite warm.

    Managed to go to Tesco this morning to get some special things as daughter and her hubby are coming to stay. I usually get it delivered from Asda, hadn’t realised how much more expensive Tesco has gone. Shattered now, still lots of holiday makers here.

    Sandra what a beautiful card Janet has made for you. Hope you are enjoying your last few days.

    Going for a play in my craft room now, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi everyone
    I better be quick our internet has been going on & off line all day again it's just come on agin so not sure for how long. I've been round Margaret &! Terry said it's been off most of the day & spent that time ringing them. JANET your card for Sandra is stunning so much work you have put into it. Hope decorating went well
    SANDRA enjoy your last few days. Pleased you all had a restful day. Well apart from your blog posts.
    MARIA hope all went ok for Ric's hospital appointments .
    Well so far so good but now see if this gets published. Hopefully tomorrow the internet & blogger behaves it's self.
    Hug's for everyone xxx
    Love Lynda xx
