
Wednesday 12 September 2018

My Beautiful Birthday Card From Lilian

Good Morning Ladies,

It's so good to be home, although I felt so lost without Paul with me today, being with each other 24/7 for over 3 weeks was an absolute pleasure, we both love each others company, to me that is the greatest part of our holiday, I could be anyway Paul and it would be paradise.

Something that really made my very tired eyes smile when we got home at getting on for 11pm was the amazing pile of cards that was waiting on the end of my bed.  I could barely keep my eyes open but I just couldn't wait to open them all and I will be totally honest and say that the gorgeous handmade cards and very touching messages but tears to my eyes.  It just confirms to me how very lucky I am to have such a wonderful, loving, caring and very supportive group of friends here on this blog.  So I would like to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. ❤❤

Today's absolutely stunning card is from Lilian, I have to ask you Lilian what the papers are you have used as they are so beautiful, it has a tiny delicate script with exquisite little flowers all over, the paper is of course in my favourite colour (green) with the prettiest pink flowers.  Lilian has added a flower to the removable tag, the flower matches the paper perfectly too. I love the little border bar along the bottom too, that die is so pretty, the strip of lace gives the card an extra touch of luxury.
Lilian also included the prettiest little gift that I will share with you on Saturday.
Thank you so much Lilian for my second birthday card, both are beautiful and very much appreciated. xxxx

We had a fairly straightforward journey home, it was lovely just having ourselves to please whilst travelling, it makes stopping easier and finding places to eat easier too and a lot less expensive too.
The cabin that we stayed in on Sunday evening was just as enjoyable as it was on the way down, they are lovely little self contained unit made to look like a cabin, really rustic bare wood inside with walk in shower, huge bed with lovely big pillows and very comfy duvet, you have a little wooden deck area that opens out from the bedroom, it has a little table and chairs so you can take in the breath taking views, we are in the mountains and the are is very popular with hot air balloons and Paragliding, the large green area in front of the hotel was where they all landed.  The area is also really popular with cyclists and canoeing enthusiasts. We are thinking of spending another night or two next year (maybe). 
I will continue the rest of the journey on tomorrow's blog.

Paul arrived home as I was writing this post and we need to do a mercy dash to the supermarket, as the cupboards look like that belong to Old Mother Hubbard!!

Have a lovely day ladies, I am hoping to do some crafting...YAY!!

Love and HUGE hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful birthday card from
    Lilian. I’m interested to hear what paper Lilian uses-it’s really lovely (& so is the card).

    Busy day yesterday at work, lots of problems that some staff just don’t seem to be able to deal with!
    Hubby showtime to look in the garden around 9;30pm as we had a new hedgehog visiting, this one was much smaller. Phone started ringing-it was my dad. He was having problems with his landline & wondered if I could call
    On my way home tonight-reminded him itnwas my Cardmaking class so it wouldn’t be possible so he reluctantly agreed to contact BT!
    I then got an email around 10pm from the Studio owner explaining she was at ha s hospital with her son who was being kept in overnight and did I wasn’t to cancel my class?? I’ve put a lot of hard work & effort into preparing for tonight so it’s going ahead.

    Another meeting this morning-probably another waste of time.


    1. I hope it goes well tonight How exciting to run your own class! I would love to do something like that but I don’t have the confidence

    2. Well done on starting up your own class Michele. I bet the ladies will love it.x

    3. Good luck for tonight Michele. Will be thinking of you. Please will you share the cards you make x

    4. Michele good luck for tonight.x

  2. A beautiful card from LILIAN I wish I could add lace/ribbon to a project and it look perfect like this Mine always looks “plonked” on
    Home alone tonight so I hope to finish my cc AND I must make a card for my daughter Plus the craft magazine I ordered from my local Spar shop should be here
    Hopefully work should be ok today No internet yesterday So I came home and worked from there
    Take care all You are in my thoughts xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN- what a gorgeous card you created for SANDRA's birthday and I too love love that paper and would love to know who makes it.

    Had a lovely afternoon at K&N yesterday. It was so lovely to get out of the house and leave decorating

    Anyway it's back this morning so I'll be really looking forward to this afternoon's break.

    MICHELE- good luck for tonight though I'm sure you won't need it.
    I'm looking forward to hearing about it. How many are you expecting to turn up and what you have planned for them.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day as usual.HUGS are on their way to you all. Take care everyone xxxx

    1. What stage are you at with the decorating now Janet? Just keep thinking of how lovely it will look once it is finished x

  4. Morning everyone.
    LILIAN such a lovely card. Beautiful paper and that flower is so pretty.x

    Had a lovely day out yesterday. The weather was beautiful. Bought3 tops at the market, ate a lot of free chocolate at the factory tour and bought some to bring home. Then had a lovely lunch at the restaurant where Lynn was the head chef. It's in a beautiful spot overlooking the sea. Our final stop was Aicante Castle which dates back to the 9th century. It's 1600 feet up a very windey road. Going up and down was not a journey for the fainthearted but well worth it just for the magnificent views. Got home around 7.30, took Gracie out and was so tired I had an early night.

    Off to play crib later but making my cc this morning after seeing the nurse.
    Hugs to all.x

    1. Hi Val. It sounds like you had a lovely day. Well done on making the trip to the castle. I hope you get on well with the nurse and enjoy crib later x

  5. Morning ladies,

    Truly beautiful card Lilian, everything matches perfectly.

    Welcome home Sandra & Paul. Glad to read you enjoyed your holidays.

    After a lovely visit to my Sister & Bil's I came home to a wonderful weekend with Mill-May. Everyone was working so I had her all to myself. We played, crafted, watched TV (all her programmes) and went shopping. It was surprizing how few things she NEEDED that went into the trolley. Bless her heart, she doesn't ask for much so it is a great pleasure to treat her with things like comics (it had to be one with a toy) a ride on Fireman Sam's truck and a Jazzy biscuit lollipop from the bakery counter. Then it was up to the Range for a new chair for her Hobby Table that I bought from the Cannock Branch of the Range.
    They are on sale ladies for only £24.99 and are a good sturdy table that can be set at different heights. So light though I think they (I bought an extra one for my Christmas Ornaments) will be going in my car for the next Fete/show/craft sale to give me more space set at a lower height than my other tables.

    My MOT came back with good results although I have been prescribed compression stockings for leg pains. An Xray on my right knee has been booked for next week and I am still waiting for my physio appt, I must ring to check today. My bloods, circulation, liver and kidney functions were all ok as was my BT and BP. Only thing to have further investigation is branch bundling showing up on the ECG, it may be a problem that has always been there or it could be something new. As there is heart problems both sides of my parents family, I am not unduly worried until further results are found.

    That dreaded swear word (housework) has come earlier this week and crafting this afternoon to catch up with family birthdays, anniversaries etc.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. It sounds like you have had some lovely family time first with your sister and partner then with Milly-May, especially having her all to yourself. I'm sure she loved every minute too 😊
      I will have a look at the table n a minute, it sounds really handy.
      Its good to hear that your MOT went well. It is pointless worrying about the ECG findings. As you say you don't know until you have further tests. This is part of why we have these MOTs isn't it? Any issues can be picked up early and dealt with accordingly. Enjoy crafting after swearing today x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a gorgeous card you have from Lilian. The papers are beautiful aren't they. I hope you manage to get some crafting done today my lovely X
    I actually managed to get a quick challenge card done last night and hope to get at least one more done today. I have got several ideas from Pinterest and want to try and stick to my "don't keep looking once you've got an idea". Deciding what papers etc. still needs to be sped up though! How do you all decide what to use? It's ok if you know the recipients preferences but I struggle to decide otherwise!
    It is a grey damp day here. Perfect for crafting 😉 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    LILIAN your card for Sandra's birthday is gorgeous so pretty love the backing paper used.
    SANDRA your card yesterday was lovely. I love the Die & stamp sets you have used. Think it's one set that will be used a lot beautiful. Sorry the cyber monsters stuck again as my comment was missing. So I had to say comment on your lovely card. Lazy day so far had my shower put my clean PJ'S Back on. It's poring of rain & very dark so not going out & Terry can't do gardening today so must get my cc done I did make one yesterday but it went in the bin wasn't happy with it.
    Have a good day everyone Sandra enjoy being in your craft room.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all ladies in café,
    Sandra what a beautiful card from Lilian, I love every thing about it. It is lovely when birthday is spread out. Hope you enjoy crafting
    Just been for a short walk, try to each day just to get strength back.
    Cheryl pleased to hear MOT went well, I am sure the small blip will be fine. If physio is anything like it is here you will have a long wait, I went last week & he could not book me in again until 25th
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat, love

  9. Hello All. Very muggy day here today, but managed to get the towels dry.

    Sandra glad you liked the card, it was the second one I sent to Sandra, as I sent the first one a month early!!!!!
    The papers are from an old pad of heartfelt creations papers, I’ve been searching for the cover, but I must have used it, have been saving them for years, dug them out to use for the new album I bought the other day. (Not started yet).

    Made a card for the challenge today, showed it to R and he asked me if it was supposed to say JUST YOU FOR I just didn’t notice, tried to get it off , but ripped the card, so that’s for the bin.

    Hope you all have a good evening. Hugs to all, Lilian

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lillian I love the card you made for Sandra, the backing paper is just gorgeous. Like Sandra I love green, this shade of green is my favourite.
    Yesterday must have been a very strange day for you Sandra with Paul being back at work, I’m sure you kept yourself busy.
    I have to apologise, I started this comment about 3pm was called away and have only just picked up the iPad again, totally lost the plot now ( nothing new there! ) Sorry ladies. I am trying to get ahead of myself, all the family are coming here on Sunday to celebrate younger daughters birthday. On Saturday I’m at Ally Pally so need to do as much as I can in advance.

    Hope everyone has had a good day, Love Brenda xxx

  11. Hi all.
    A quick visit today because it been a very long day but at the same time a nice day having sister in law and her husband here.
    Beautiful card Lilian, gorgeous papers. Sorry you put the letter around the wrong way, happens sometimes or I have made the cards up side down more then ones.
    Cheryl- glad your MOT went well. Look after yourself.
    Very tired so bed is calling so I wish you all a good night and I'll see you tomorrow. Hugs to you all xoxx
