
Monday 10 September 2018

Michele's Monday Challenge 4

Good Morning Ladies,

As you are reading this we should be travelling from Paris to Calais for the last leg of our journey home!

Now I am going to be completely honest with you all here, I totally forgot that I wouldn't be home in time to do this week's challenge, I had it in my head that we would be back Sunday and I would have time to put something together for a challenge, but no, our crossing isn't until 8pm Monday so I would have been a little late.  I had decided that I would just find a Tic Tac Toe grid to put up for you and I would try and make a card on Tuesday sometime.  
Anyway as I was frantically browsing Pinterest my Messenger notification 'dinged' and I saw I had a message from Michele, I was keen to message her back to say how amazing all of her Challenges have been and how you ladies have enjoyed them.
Her message to me read....
'Do you need a Challenge for Monday'???
Talk about spooky timing, it was almost like she could see me browsing pinterest and she offered me a life line!  I didn't want to say yes at first because I felt terrible asking her to do a 4th Challenge!
Seconds later a selection of cards arrived on my screen, with a couple of suggestions for the challenge! 
Michele, you are a life saver!  Thank you so  much for helping me out once again!  You have also inspired me to be much more organised, my goal is to get a few challenges set up with inspiration cards made, so that I don't spend so much time on a Sunday being indecisive! 

Michele's Challenge this week is to make cards that are suitable for 'Men' , I have included 3 of the cards Michele made to Inspire you, I can add later in the week if anyone is struggling to decide what to make!  I have Lewis's birthday a couple days after we are back and a few others so it will be a busy week!
Michele has made two fairly 'Clean and Simple' style cards, perfect for Men or women, that stunning first card is made using an Ali Express die, Michele has added some different sizes of stars for embellishments with a perfectly matched sentiment.

3 stunning cards Michele, thank you so much for helping me XXX

I am looking forward to seeing your cards ladies, 

Have a lovely day, however you are spending it,

Love and Huge hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    I hope you all like this weeks challenge-I know I find it a struggle to make cards for men so hopefully this challenge will help.
    Busy day yesterday-housework in the morning then I went out and did some weeding, kept finding another place to weed. Gave up after a couple of hours as I was starting to ache but it was nice to have been outside in the fresh air. Continued sorting out the stash from my friend then had a play in my craft room. Phoned my Dad after dinner then went back to reading my book(gruesome murder)!


    1. Your challenges have been wonderful and this is no exception
      Thank you

    2. Already thinking what I could make. Thank you for the wonderful cards you made to inspire us. xx

    3. Another great Challenge Michele. Your three cards are a inspiration thank you. Will have a look at my Dies & see what I come up with.xx

  2. Hi everyone,

    Good challenge this week. Thanks Michele for coming to the rescue. Love all these ofyour cards. X

    Have a safe last leg of your journey Sandra. Bet you'll be glad to sleep in your own bed tonight. X

    Off to the nurse for my dressing and then an appointment at the hospital regarding my asthma. It's only the tests today, I have to go back next week for the results?

    Have a good Monday everyone. Hugs to all with special ones for Pat and Pete .x
    Love Valx

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's going to be a testing Challenge this week MICHELE as those pesky men are always difficult lol.
    Thinking cap will be on.

    Well it's back to decorating today and it's also Mr Tesco morning so a busy day ahead.

    PAT- you are very much missed Dear Friend. HUGE HUGS and I'm always thinking of you both.

    SANDRA- hope your leg of your journey home today is a straightforward one.

    The CAFE is OPEN for business so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. Take care xxxx

  4. Another great challenge and some lovely inspirational cards
    Yesterday was lovely meeting up with some of Gary’s friends and doing the Fun Run There was 16 of us It is lovely to know that 10 years down the line that they still want to take part A few of them have even taken up serious running now
    Even Oscar ran across the Finishing Line to.a round of applause
    I made two male cards last week and sold them at Craft Club So I will send them to SANDRA
    Have a great dayTake care all Big hug for PAT and PETE xx

  5. Morning all.
    Looking into the distance with a blank face hihi it will be good to challenge us, thanks Michele to step in.
    Pat- sending you and Pete much love and hugs xx
    Hope everyone else are in good shape as possible and will have a nice day. Seem like Autumn is here but it is still warm. This is the time when you don't know what to put on when going out.
    Not doing too much this morning ,feeling achy after a restless night. Having some vaccinations done this afternoon for our holiday in beginning of October. Later hoping on putting a few things together that have been laying in a box until now but took it out last night.
    Have a nice day, many hugs xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope the final leg of your journey goes trouble free & you can relax in your own bed
    Michele thank you for helping Sandra out again with a great challenge, I have 2 male cards to make for this month so perfect for me. Your samples are
    Pat you are missed on the blog hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies
    SANDRA hope the last leg of your journey goes well & no hold ups stay safe.i Did a comment for Michele under your post.
    VAL hope the nurse was kind & your hospital went well. Big Hug's.
    KAREN pleased the fun run for Gary went well. And congratulations to Oscar for getting past the winning line.😇 Xx
    JANET good luck with the decorating don't over do it xx
    MARIA hope your vaccinations whent ok OUCH how many did you have. Will be worth it for a nice holiday. Are you going somewhere warm ? I'm nosy yes.
    Busy morning doing ironing CU went out doing gardening. Few minutes later he was back & he put one of Bailey's puppy's in my arms OH he was sooo sweet
    Bailey jumped on my lap & he was kissing him & puppy was licking Bailey I'm sure Bailey new it was his baby. Terry put him on the floor it was lovely seeing Bailey & Rea both kissing the puppy.& they were so genital.Then Terry took him back to his mum.
    Well CU still not home so I'm going to get some lunch can't wait any longer.
    Pat & Pete BIG HUG'S for you both thinking of you.
    Hug's for everyone
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Thanks Lynda It is a bit of a bittersweet visit knowing that Gary passed away in the hospital but we know he’d encourage us all to carry on doing it

    2. Hi Karen I'm sure Gary is very proud of his mum & was with you all on Sunday. Big Hug's xxx

  8. Hello All, dry but very windy here, washing dried super quick.

    Sandra hope last leg of journey goes well.

    Michele good challenge, I have one design that manly use for men, not sure if I’ve posted it before so will try and do another.

    Big hugs for Pat and Pete.

    Karen glad the run went well, lovely to catch up with friends.

    Hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian It was fun even though I always shed a tear
      The amugarumi animals were greatly received I think they want to use them at Christmas in their big raffle

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Hopefully you are on the last leg of your journey my lovely and will be able to have a decent cuppa and sleep in your own bed. I bet Milo and Bella will be so pleased to see you too xx
    Michele, thank you for another great challenge and for the great examples. I know next Sunday the Café notice boards will be full of inspirational men cards 😊
    Karen, sorry I forgot to wish you well yesterday. I'm sure Gary is there with you all in spirit. I bet Oscar loved all of the claps and cheers he got crossing the winning line 😊 Well done to you all. Your cuddles will certainly raise some money when they are raffled. Penny won't take hers out of her cot. If you do take it out she holds out her hands for it saying "Ta" then puts it straight back in her cot as if she wants to know it is going to be there when she goes to sleep, so cute 😘 X
    Pat, sending hugs to you and Pete X
    Lilian, I don't blame you for using the same man's card. I have used a couple several times, just hope I haven't sent the same design to the same person more than once! Looking forward to seeing yours X
    Lynda, how lovely that you got to see on if Bailey's puppies. Dogs certainly recognise their pups/parents don't they xx
    Maria, I hope the jabs weren't too bad. Where are you off to? Sorry you have probably told us already X
    Val, I hope your asthma check goes well and the results are all good next week x
    Janet I hope the decorating has gone well today X
    Mum, I hope you're getting on well, bet you're starting to put the stick down more now. love to you and Pop xx
    Had a blooming migraine so wasn't able to have Phoebe and Paige for the usual time after school today 😞 but feeling more or less back to usual(can't say normal!)
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I hope by now Sandra you are well on the way home, I’m sure you are both looking forward to sleeping in your own bed tonight. I’m sure the family (and cats) will be pleased to have you back home. xx

    MICHELE, thank you for setting another challenge. I like the idea of a Man challenge and am looking forward to everyone’s take on this one (more inspiration)
    I didn’t get my card finished for last weeks challenge, I have finished it now - would you believe it, it’s perfect for this weeks challenge.

    I hope everyone has had a good day, Sleep well, night,night, Love Brenda xxx
