
Tuesday 10 July 2018

Floral Thank you

Good Morning Ladies,

I was asked to come up with a Sketch/Tic Tac Toe Challenge for a Facebook group, I did a TicTacToe that we have previously done but made a new card as it was while ago that we did it.
I used Categories: Floral/Free(ribbon)/Thank You
I used Stampin'Up! Share What You Love paper, on a Rich Razzleberry Card base, I then cut a rectangle of the Rich Razzleberry card and a smaller rectangle of Mint Macaron to form a base for my die cut 'Thank You', I stamped a few second generation inked flowers from the matching 'Love What you do' Stamp set.  
I die cut the Thank You in Rich Razzleberry card and another in Copper Foil and used that as a 'drop shadow'.  
To embellish the card a added two different ribbons, one is the 'Polka Dot Tulle', the other is 'Rich Razzleberry Velvet Ribbon.  I die cut some foliage in Copper Foil and them fussy cut a selection of flowers from the Designer Series Paper and arranged them in the bottom corner of my sentiment, I then popped on a few Faceted Dots, in the centre of the main flower and in opposite corners of the card. I final swoosh of 'Wink Of Stella' sparkle pen completed the card.
I hope you like it. 

I can honestly say that yesterday was just unbearable for me, it was just so hot and humid, Paul said that the car thermometer read 34 degrees!!  It hasn't bothered me that much up to yesterday, I went into my Craft Room to film two tutorials but after clearing my desk and preparing I was out of breath and had to go lie down with the fan on full power.  It clouded over later in the afternoon and cooled down very slightly.  It was still up in the 20's at 11pm last night!  Do you all manage to sleep with fans running? we have tried a few but the are so loud and it really dries you out but we just can't sleep without it though.

I was so thrilled yesterday as the Challenge card I made went absolutely crazy on Facebook, getting over 170 likes in one group with some amazing comments, it really does give your confidence a boost, ironically it was a relatively quick card to make.

I am looking forward to see Sue today, hopefully it will be a more bearable day, Pat is coming over tomorrow too although we won't have any electricity as they are removing a pole that's holding up the power cables through our gardens, the pole is actually in our neighbours garden but they can't into their garden so are having to use ours, they have said that the power will be off between 9 - 4pm, although I am hoping that it won't take that long as there will no FANS!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    It's already on the 'warm' side here and the forecast isn't for it to cool off soon.

    Jim has already been in the garden trimming a bush (06.30 here) because after 09.00 it's just far too hot to be outside. It really does affect our breathing.

    It's the big monthly market in Corbigny today so we're going to try and get to see a little of it. Again we haven't managed to get to one this year so we really do want to go even if it's only for half an hour. The atmosphere and stalls are amazing as the whole of the town is shut off so the market is everywhere through the streets etc.

    SANDRA- A striking card this morning. I like the font of the sentiment particularly.

    Off now to have my breakfast. Have a good day everyone and take care in the heat. HUGS are on their way to you all. cccc

  2. Morning ladies,

    Very vibrant card Sandra.

    Well it has certainly cooled down here in Somerset, after the temperature hit over 80F yesterday it has dropped to a more comfortable 67F with a lovely cooling breeze. I hope it stays this way for a while as I have opened the windows to let in some colder air.
    It has been far too hot for Rosie and I to partake of our usual Monday walks so I suggested that we do them in the evenings when it is cooler. I walked to her house for 7pm and it was still baking hot for our route, no shade along the way, so we took a short walk round part of the village and visited the Rose & Crown (which is our oldest pub, over the fireplace there is the date 1638 etched in to the stone) for some well needed cold drinks. Then another short walk home to bed where I slept like a log.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Hi everyone,
    Very pretty card Sandra and well done on getting so many hits yesterday. Well deserved-it was a stunning card. Hope you and Sue have a good day today albeit without and electric.xx

    Not up to much today. Have to take Gracie to the vets shortly just for a routine visit, then I think Lynn and I are going out for lunch. After that I think it may be a siesta.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valx

    1. How’s the headache VAL A colleague mentioned that some headphones can be a sign of a bit of dehydration In this hot weather maybe we all need to drink more water

    2. Hi Karen. OK today thanks. I think its a combination of not drinking enough and playing too much scrabble on my tablet.
      Hope you manage to get your cc made today.x

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely Card, it’s pretty, bright & reminds me of a bouquet of summer flowers.

    Had a lovely lazy day yesterday after a quick trip into Southport. Started thinking about my challenge card but that’s as far as it got!
    Lovely meal last night, our ex neighbours brought us home as they had 2 bags of books for me. They stayed for a drink (coffee) and left about 10pm. I put out the hedgehog food & when I returned to the kitchen at 10:30 there was already a hedgehog eating. We had a casualty on Friday evening-I found a dead hedgehog outside my greenhouse which really upset me. Glad to know there’s at least one still visiting.

    Dentist this morning-check up and hopefully she’ll repair the tooth I chipped the previous Sunday!


  5. Lovely card today SANDRA and yes quite rightly you deserved all of those hits Yesterday’s card was stunning
    Now bearing in mind I never go to bed much before 1am Eventually I am able to drop off without the need of fans etc
    How’s Chris SUE? Like you say when the NHS get it right they are brilliant
    Hope to try a cc later I need a 70th that needs to be posted I had a count up last night and need to make another 6 cards Most of which I’ll try tonight
    Take care all Drink plenty of cool/tepid drinks xx

  6. Margaret Palmer10 July 2018 at 11:46

    Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra lovely card today, congratulations on the well deserved number of hits on face book yesterday. Enjoy your time with
    Sorry café is late opening internet has been playing up, cool drinks are ready for all although it is supposed to be cooler today.
    Maria hope you had a better nights
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely summery card today.
    Yesterday’s card was great, so no wonder you had so many hits.
    Reception stage at school had a dress rehearsal for their assembly tomorrow. This will be in front of the whole school and parents. I now know why Mrs Taylor ( head teacher for reception ) doesn’t agree that children of 4 yrs should do an assembly.
    Looking forward to seeing Sandra tomorrow even though she’ll have no electric. Must do some work to take over to colour with my new pencils.

  8. Hello All, hurrah we have wind today, still warm but so much better.

    Didn’t wake up too good, think I had too much fruit yesterday if you know what I mean.

    Sandra beautiful card love the colours and also all the hits for yesterday’s card.

    I’m with you all re breathing difficulties, yesterday was struggling all day.

    Enjoy your day ladies, hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Bit overcast today but still hot they did say we were getting rain today in Kent the garden could defently use some.
    SANDRA Beautiful card today love those papers & colour is very striking
    Congratulations on all the comment on FB for yesterday's card xx
    I'm hoping to get my CC done today just got some ironing to do first.Then I'm free to go in craft room unless something else turns up.
    I'm round Margaret's tomorrow so won't get in CR then.
    Sorry you all got two emails yesterday not sure what happened my Email just sent every one twice strange. Lilian the Email I sent you came back so I will just say now thank you for your lovely birthday card you sent me.very pretty.
    SUE enjoy your day with Sandra hope you get to sit in the garden if not too hot.
    MICHELE glad you had a lazy day yesterday. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
    VAL glad your headache has gone.
    JANET enjoy your market today hope you get some bargains & it's not too hot for you.
    Hug's for all
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Congratulations Sandra on getting so many hits on the card you put on Facebook yesterday, it was a beautiful card and deserve each and everyone of them. XX
    Love today’s card and the colours you’ve used - they are right up my street! I’m always impressed with your vision. I look at stamp sets my mind goes blank, you seem to look at stamp sets and present us witha beautiful picture. I hope you and Sue have both had a productive time. I’m sure you and Pat will manage tomorrow without any electricity. Just make sure that you have plenty of hot
    water in those flasks.
    I’m nodding off every few seconds so will say bye for now.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all.
    Hope you all have had a nice day and bad headaches and other pains and illnesses are down to the lowest settings.
    Very pretty card today Sandra and no wonder you had so many people looking at your card yesterday, it is gorgeous. Have fun with Sue and Pat when they are over, good idea from Brenda to fill up some thermos with hot water for tea and coffee.
    Visited OH cousin down London way so nice it was a bit cooler today. Think we might get some rain Friday, would be good, costing us a fortune watering the plants every night Lol
    Have a good evening everyone xxx

  12. Hi Sandra, a great card thank you for sharing. It is hot up here in Yorkshire which is very, very unusual so we have all the fans going and the air con units 24/7. It is still very uncomfortable for me with my chemo as this gives me hot sweats and on top of the heat is not good. Even the pooch who sleeps with me has taken to sleep with my hubby as he is not a hot as me! LOL xx
