
Monday 4 June 2018

Monday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Well weren't we treated to a lovely sunny day yesterday, it was so lovely to sit outside in the sunshine, I even managed to get Sophje and Lucy to come and sit outside with us for some freshly baked Scones with strawberries and cream, just to give them a break from their constant revision timetable.  Other than that we only get to see them at mealtimes, I really admire their dedication to study, they did the same for their GCSE's and it really paid off with A*'s across the board. Fingers crossed for the same results this time.

This week's Challenge is a super simple one,  I would like you to make a card that features  'Squares'.
It csn be the card shape or simply featute a square.
I hope you all enjoy the challenge.

The new Stampin'Up! Catalogue launched on Friday, if there are any of you still wanting to get your hands on one just let me know and I'll pop one in the post.
I will be placing my first order from it today, i am so excited to get my hands on some of the amazing new products!
I can'twait to share them with all of you too.

Pat I hope you and Pete enjoy London, you both deserve a break from hospital appointments and to have some fun xxx

Hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card & a great challenge. So many ways you can use a Square-can’t wait to get started on this one!!

    I did some weeding yesterday afternoon (once I’d done all the housework)- it was too hot to keep working for too long so I sat outside for a while. Hubby was working (from home). His car is going into the garage for repairs which will mean he has no car for 3 days and will be using the train so no hospital visiting until Thursday. Might get some crafting done .


  2. Morning Everyone
    who pops in today for a chat and look at what's going on.

    SANDRA- a good challenge this week. Having said that I only hope that my 'little grey cell'

    We had a glorious day yesterday and I did manage to pop into the Range in the morning. Didn't buy anything exciting just necessities like 7x7 blanks and some ready made flowers.

    It's a dull start here but fine and just a slight breeze. It's Mr Tesco morning as usual so I'd better get a move on.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. If any of you are off on holiday for a few days have a wonderful time xxxx

    1. It’s been quite breezy here in London as well.

  3. How lovely that you could relax in the garden with the girls I’m sure their dedication and hard work will pay off
    Lovely looking challenge (and card) A lot of scope for this one
    An extremely busy day yesterday I stupidly did far too much (stuff that I needn’t have bothered with) which resulted in a very very low blood sugar OH nearly called an ambulance BUT I’m fine now
    So not looking forward to work today but hey ho MIL has chair exercise this afternoon So that’s my day practically done
    Take care all Enjoy London PAT and PETE xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad to hear your ok today. Please make sure you don’t do to much.

  4. Morning all,

    Lovely card Sandra and a great challenge. I do admire your girls and their strict regime on revising. I'm sure all their hard work will pay off.x

    PAT hope you and Pete have a lovely well deserved break in London.x

    Don't know what I'm doing today. I have a friend visiting for a chat later but apart from that who knows.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely meet up with your friend today.

  5. Mirning all Bautiful card Sandra as always. Lovely that you got to spend some quality with the girls. Have a great day..x

  6. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    A dull & chilly day after sunshine yesterday never two days alike.
    PAT hope you & PETE have a nice break in London without hospital appointments. Not upto much today after another sleepless night coughing. Must try & do some housework as I hadn't been upto much lately.
    CU is out doing some gardens today so should be able to catch up a bit.
    SANDRA glad you had some nice time with the girls yesterday & able to sit outside. Your card is lovely & a good challenge for this week. Might get some time in craft room later.
    MARIA hope your enjoying your holiday & relaxing.Hug's.
    DANNII Nice seeing you this morning glad you had a lovely weekend at the Stamping Up event with Sandra.
    Well must get a move on.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry you've still got your cough Lynda. Have you got antibiotics? It seems to be going on a long time.
      Take care. Hugs x

    2. Hi Lynda
      Sorry to h3ar you still have your cough. I hope it clears up for you soon.
      The weather seems like it’s going to be nice for us while we’re here.
      Hospitals next week and the week after for us. Hopefully we’ll find out what the next step is for Pete on the 19th.

  7. Hi All, damp here today.
    Been suffering with migraine these last few days.

    Love card and challenge Sandra, glad you had a lovely weekend.

    Lynda hope your cough clears up soon, and you manage to get some sleep.

    O/H away in London for a couple of days, wish I felt better.

    Have a good evening all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      How long is it now before you see your Dr.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra, I like this 'square' challenge, I thought as soon as I looked at your card which dies I could use. Now that's not bad

    Lillian like you I had a migraine, you have my sympathy, mine lasted a day, yours sounds as if you had it for days, do take things easy. I haven't had one for a few years, it really knocked me out. Thank goodness after a slow start today I was feeling Ok ish by lunch time.

    Sending you all my best wishes, hugs Brenda xxx
