
Saturday 5 May 2018

Mixed up Saturday...


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and enjoying the start of this lovely long weekend, I know some of you are traveling to visit family this weekend, I hope you have a lovely time, celebrating and making memories this weekend.

I will quit waffling no and get on with the show......

First up today (above) is a Fold Flat, no glue box that has some lovely DL sized cards inside, what a lovely gift to give someone, I can personally see how useful this would be as being stuck at home 24/7, not being able to get to shops, having a box of cards for any occasion would be the best gift ever! 
The papers Dannii us used are 'Coffee Break' Designer Series Paper, which are lovely shades of greens and browns, they feature all things coffee related, which is quite popular these days.
Thanks Dannii for allowing me to share your amazing box and cards.


Janet has made two different gift boxes this week, both absolutely gorgeous.  Here is Janets description:

"The boxes are made Using Crafter's companion 300gsm 'Lilac and Blues' card and the patterns are from one of the CD's included  in their latest Magazine.
The box with the butterflies is a 'Wrap around Box' and the other is made using their 'Shabby chic' card and is a 'Concertina File' The File is decorated with CC Edgeable Die."
Thank you so much Janet for sharing your boxes, I love those papers. 


Brenda was inspired by Julia Watts this eeek, she was on Hochanda demonstrating the  'Caught in Crystal' technique, using the products above. Thr glitters are such pretty cours, I haven't seen the Colour Tints before Brenda, I love those bold,  vibrant colours and can't wait to see to what you  create. 
Thanks do much fot sharing your shopping.


Lynda has had the amazing idea of starting an 'Art Journal', they are such a fantastic tool, particularly for Lynda, who experiments a lot with background techniques.  The idea of the journal is that you put your backgrounds and experimental pieces into the journal and then write down what you  used to create the piece and notes on how you made the piece too.
I love all of the backgrounds that you have designed  too.
Thank you so much for sharing your project with all of us.  

Thank you all so much for taking part in todays post. 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely craft projects & purchases today. I’m really missing my craft room!

    Thank you all for you kind messages about my Father in Law. He was semi conscious last night, the consultant thinks the reason for that could be Epilepsy brought on by the Stroke. I’m not convinced but what do i know?!

    Off to the hairdressers this morning then meeting my friend for a catch-up at Dobbies. We’ll be Hospital visiting this afternoon.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you enjoy/ed having your hair done, a little bit of important "me" time, especially when going through this stressful time with your FIL. Sending hugs x

  2. Morning Everyone
    We once again have sunshine this morning and after having a beautiful day yesterday I really hope that the week-end continues like this for all who have outdoor events planned.

    What a lovely 'Mix Up' this morning.
    I love your 'Art Journal' LYNDA. It's a fantastic way of remembering what you have used etc and if like me I cannot remember from one project to another it's definitely a must.

    BRENDA-your purchases look very interesting. I too saw JW's show.

    MICHELE- I hope your hospital visit this afternoon goes well and that FIL is a little better.

    We're off shopping this morning and then who knows.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to pop in when you can. HUGS are on their way to you all. xxxx

  3. Clever makes DANNII and JANET A lovely helpful gift from DANNII I really ought to do something similar for my MIL The boxes JANET look very clever
    Great buys BRENDA If you try out the Cascading Hearts one You MUST MUST make sure that the die cut on the back of the acetate is stuck down all of the way around or the tint will “leak” I tried this technique at a workshop of JULIA’s with CS lacquer I’m thrilled they’ve brought out colours
    A great idea LYNDA As I forget too forget that products I’ve used on what card
    Anyway must dash Need to photo cc and get out to post office
    Lovely sunny day but not sure what’s happening as OH has a day off but is taking the car into the garage for something or other
    Have a lovely day ladies

  4. Morning everyone.
    Janet- love the boxes you have made. The concertina one ,was it very fiddly to make ?
    Lynda- what a good idea to make a art journal. A great reminder of all the different techniques you can do, love it.
    Danielle- thank you for sharing your cards with us. I do like that set.
    Brenda- love to see you works with these new items. I might go to her workshop end of this month but it is not cheap mainly because she got two other famous,don't think I know them, people helping out.
    Michele- have a nice morning with your friend before the hospital this afternoon. Sending you all some extra hugs.
    Lilian- oh that was a long journey, no wonder R is exhausted but hopefully it will be all good seeing your family again. You have a nice weekend with everyone, hugs.
    Sue- believe you are going away soon, anywhere nice ? yes I'm nosy Lol If you seeing mum and Pop, give them a big hug from me :>)
    The garden and plants to plant are waiting for me, just waiting for son to wake up to give me a hand with the more heavier pots. It takes for ever every morning to cream on the voltarol and other makes on the market and then take the meds on top to be ready for the day ahead but looking forward to this beautiful day. I wish you all a nice day.Love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Perhaps it might be better to give this workshop a swerve if the price keeps going up, just because a Julia has a couple of people helping her.

  5. Hi everyone.
    Lots of lovely projects and buys today ladies. I don't seem to have bought and crafting goodies for ages.
    DANII What a lovely box and gift to makes
    JANET As usual your boxes are beautiful and so intricate. You're definitely the queen of boxes.x
    LYNDA if Janet's the queen of boxes then you're the queen of backgrounds. Love your Art Journal. Such a great idea.x
    BRENDA, Your buys this week are intriguing. Not seen these before. Love the vibrant colours of the inks. Bet you're going to have fun playing with them. By the way I christened my new needles last night on turning up a pair of trousers. So easy to use and thank you once again for sending them. Sandra's blog has the nicest people.x

    Just off to get my nails done then coffee with a friend and after that who knows.

    Hugs on there way for all in need.
    Love Valxcc

    1. Hi Val
      Sounds good having your nails done then coffee with a friend. Enjoy.

  6. Margaret Palmer5 May 2018 at 09:11

    Hi Sandra & all in cafรฉ,
    Sandra sorry I did not comment yesterday, hope the girls got on ok at Dr's & you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for showing lovely things
    Danielle love your box & cards, really useful
    Janet once again you have found a useful way to use a box & so pretty, pleased you have
    Lynda lovely card yesterday & your journals are a great idea, hope you have a good
    Brenda looking forward to seeing what you produce with these lovely colours. Enjoy your time with
    Maria enjoy your gardening in the
    Lilian what a long journey, enjoy seeing the family & hope the change will do you
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Morning all, what a gorgeous sunny day it is here in yorkshire, been busy this morning sorting out our holiday stuff for all 6 of us. Still need to get more. Im not looking forward to all that ironing lol. Great shares this week ladies Lynda love your backgrouds.. Hope you all have a lovely day. x

    1. Hi Danielle
      Lovely box today. Good luck with the mountain of clothes you have to iron. Plus the buying and sorting out.
      Hope the weekend weather is kind to you.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love the boxes ๐Ÿ“ฆ on show today from Danni and Janet.
    Great backgrounds from Lynda today as well.
    Lovely and sunny ๐Ÿ˜Ž in Oxfordshire.
    Pete went over to Hilltop garden Ctr this morning for a breakfast. They do rewards every 3 months. But somehow Pete lost his, he’d put them on the back seat before he went. Not to sure if they fell out off the car or not. I’ve told him to go back and see if anyone has handed it in as it has his name on it so he might be lucky.
    This sunshine is supposed to last all weekend fingers crossed it does.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today.
    Sandra, I hope the girls got on ok at the docs and you had a good day yesterday and also enjoy this long weekend with Paul xx
    Danielle, what a great gift and so pretty. I can think of several people that would love to receive something like this. Thank you for sharing and I hope you get the packing sorted. The ironing mountain takes so.long doesn't it. I remember when our three were small I actually wrote a packing list for each one of us which I then photocopied so i could tick off items as I went along. I used to give each childctheir own list so hithey got used to packing their own kit from early on then we would used to check the bag together afterwards to make sure they hadn't forgotten any important things (and for me to fold the clothes up neatly๐Ÿ˜Š) it reall made life much easier, especially as one or another of us was always going away for weekend either together or with different sections of our Scout group. Where are you off to? Somewhere nice I hope X
    Lynda, I love your journal, so pretty and a great idea. I must make myself one, if I remember of course ๐Ÿ˜€! Have a lovely weekend with CU. Hugs to you both xx
    Janet what a beautiful box a real treasure. You always make boxes look so pretty. I hope you and Jim have s lovely weekend x
    Brenda, I haven't seen these tints so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with them. I hope you and John had a good catch up with your daughter, it is wonderful to see the grands but it is also lovely to spend some time together with her on your own isnt it ๐Ÿ˜Š Enjoy the sunshine X
    Maria, I hope you get the gardening done but don't go doing to much at once please. It does take a long time in the mornings to get all of the meds sorted and starting to take the edge off the pain before getting up doesn't it ๐Ÿ˜ž We are off to Corfu on Tuesday. I can pretty much guareentee that the UK will probably have lovely weather while we are away as usually wherever we go it rains so let's wait and see ๐Ÿ˜Š x
    I have three cards to.make before we go so that's my plan today. Have a lovely time everyone in this wonderful sunshine. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Lynda, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    DANNII I love your boxes what a great idea ( is there a tutorial ๐Ÿค“ ) xx
    JANET your two boxes are gorgeous love both of them your really clever the Queen of boxes xx
    BRENDA love your shopping very bright inks & the glitters look lovely. Xx
    My journal I have only just started it but Sandra said she didn't have much for mixed up Saturday so I sent it to her quickly last evening so didn't photo it very good. Hopefully I will get some more pages done Then send it again at a later date.Thank you all for your lovely comments on it though your all very kind.๐Ÿค—
    I would like to thank everyone for all your kind comments on my card yesterday sorry I didn't thank you yesterday I tried but it wouldn't publish I tried a few times during the day with no luck.
    The post came this morning & I received hospital letter for my operation it's on Tuesday 15th May couldn't beleave it. As surgeon said 6-8 weeks little bit scary but at least it will be over & done with just hope it helps relieve my pain.
    We went for a walk down Broadstairs it was packed with people probably day trippers from London.Unfortunately we can't take the dogs on the beach now untill September as holiday season.
    Looking forward to all your challenge cards I love Sunday's.
    ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—for everyone ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—extra fo Maria & Lilian xx
    Love Lynda xx

    1. That was rather quick in the end wasn't it but hopefully you will feel so much better afterwards and everything crossed for no more pain (in one place at least) BIG hug for you my friend xx

  11. Hi Lynda
    Love the journal your doing. Look forward to seeing it when it’s finished.
    Good news re your operation as it’s earlier then you thought. Hopefully it will help with your pain. I hope it’s not to hot for your 8 paws ๐Ÿพ and CU.
