
Monday 9 April 2018

Monday Tic Tac Toe Challenge

Michele's Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Wow what a busy weekend, I think this week will be super quiet and restful for me, I don't really remember a time that we had so much happening, it was lovely catching up with our blog friends.

I thought that I would go for a TicTacToe this week as it's quite easy and fits most occasions, so if you have cards to make it should work.

I will make my card for the challenge today, I was just too tired after getting back from Ally Pally yesterday to even think about crafting. I do have some ideas in my mind though that I'm quite excited about.

Luckily Michele came to my rescue and made a card to inspire all of you, thank you so much Michele, it was so kind of you to offer to ghelp last night xxx

Michele chose categories : Circles/Birthday theme/favourite colour (blue)
(Although photo looks different colour).
Michele used the Intertwining Circles Striplet for this card, I love the clean and simple design.

The girls are home for another week which is nice, it means Paul's week is a little easier too, as he doesn't have to drop off and pick up Sophie and Lucy, I think he is tired too from all of the driving he's done since Friday, not that he minds at all.

Well that's all from me for today, I had better close now in case I nod off and forget to press publish!

Looking forward to seeing your challenge cards.

Hugs to Lilian and Val,

Welcome home Janet, we missed you my lovely, although Margaret did a fab job in your absence!.  I am glad you are home safe and sound, fingers crossed that you can get your PC fixed. It must have been lovely being back in your little paradise, even though it was a stressful start.  XXX

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great Tic Tac Toe challenge for us this week.

    Glad to hear your meet up was good fun & I’m looking forward to seeing what you all purchased.

    It was a lovely sunny day here yesterday so in the afternoon hubby cut the grass & I emptied all the tubs that had last years bedding plants in. I then went into my craft room & sorted out more of my unused stash-some to sell on eBay and some to give to a friends daughter. I’m meeting my friend on Wednesday evening so I’d like to fill another bag for her.

    I’m off for my first Breast screening appointment today at 9am then going straight on to work.


    1. Hope you alright after being in the "clamper" and your day at work was fine. xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    A wonderful challenge this week. I love the tic tac toe ones as they are so wide ranging.

    Cannot wait to see the latest pic of you all from yesterday and so pleased that you all had a productive day.

    We have sunshine this morning and I'm hoping the day will be like yesterday which was full of Spring sunshine and warmth.

    Today it's Mr Tesco first thing and I then have to sort out my craft box and the cards I made while away.
    Jim starts his driving duty today so it's a busy day all round.

    The CAFE is OPEN and just ready and waiting for you all to pop in for a chat and a sit a while. There's fresh scones and jam on the counter so help yourself.

    HUGs are winging their way to you all.
    Extras for MARIA today - I'm thinking of you Dear Friend. LILIAN it was so lovely to see you yesterday in the CAFE and there's extra hugs for you today.
    Take care everyone xxxx

    1. Thank you Janet, it is very nice to know you and we will meet one day I'm sure. Hope you have a nice day and I for one looking forward to see your cards made in Marigny. The scone was delicious tihi xx

  3. Another interesting challenge and thank you MICHELE for helping I have both of those dies!
    It was lovely meeting up yesterday and thank you for the scrumptious cake MARGARET
    I could have spent longer (and more money!) there I got both of the magazines too! And I got “stung” at that make and take too MARIA At least CE said when you booked that there was a cost and you got a freebie too It was a substantial “make” too
    It was lovely to see LILIAN in yesterday
    Off to work now Tak care all xxx

    1. I missed out on the mags and a few other things because they shut on us hihi. Speak soon xx

  4. Margaret Palmer9 April 2018 at 11:39

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you are not suffering too much after your busy weekend. Rhank you & Michele for tic tac toe Challenge this week, I hope to do a card laterbin week. Thank you & Paul for a lovely day yesterday & it was lovely to see Brenda, Karen,Lynda & of course CU & Maria. Quite day today is on the books I
    Janet pleased you are home safe & sound, thank you for yoyr kind
    Lilian lovely to see you in last night, we do miss seeing you & your cards, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret. Xxx

    1. Big hug for you and Pop. You are amazing. Sue is very lucky xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Thanks for helping Sandra with the challenge Michele. The dies look like they’ve been cut out of black card.
    Must take a picture of the goodies I bought for Sandra,
    Great to hear your back home Janet as Jim has to return to his hospital run this week.
    We also have a busy week hospital wise. Back to two appointments a week again. Between the Heart hospital and the Churchill.
    Lilian, it was lovely to see you in yesterday and that you felt well enough to do so. Your hospital really have kept you waiting for answers haven’t they.
    Great to meet up with everyone yesterday.
    It’s raining her in Oxfordshire today. Lucky Michele and Janet having sunshine. Mind you I don’t begrudge you some sun as your weather isn’t very nice at the best of times.

  6. Doreen rang this morning to say her washing machine had packed up. Well it was well over 30 yrs old. She wondered if it could be fixed. Non of the knobs were working so we said she’d need a new one. So we went to Busby and Lucas who will deliver her one tomorrow afternoon. She’ll have to wait until Thursday to use it as we’re not about until then to make sure she knows how to use it.
    The man in the shop told us about a couple who cane in for a new machine and wanted a Miele washing machine. He said he could get them one but at a cost of about £1100.00, which came with a 10yr guarantee. They said that was fine. As the man was 97 and his wife was 94 he did try to diswade them, but they still wanted that machine. He didn’t think they would outlast the guarantee, but in this day and age you never know. He said they were quite spritely.

    1. Take care going back and forth to hospital this week Pat. Hope you have had a restful day. It was great to see you. hugs xx

    2. Lovely to hear about the elderly couple, bless them. Hope Doreen get a machine she can work x

  7. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    It's really cold today & heating on.we are looking after a dog for two days we've had him before but not with Bailey & Rea well Rea has take a dislike to him she went for him when I looked at her she had a big clump of white fur in her mouth
    So he won't need need a hair cut for a while 😂 She has calmed down now so hopefully things will be fine.
    Great Challenge this week Michele love your card I forgot I have that Die as well. Thanks for the inspiration.
    We were shattered after getting home from Ally Pally yesterday but so worth it seeing everyone.
    MARGARET CU said thank you for fruit cake. Your Lemon& coconut cake was delouse my favourite. Lovely seeing you.SUE PAT BRENDA KAREN MARIA SANDRA& PAUL
    JANET glad you &Jim are home safe lovely seeing you in the café today.
    I'm going to sort my AP goodies & take picture of them & send to Sandra. Also the picture Terry took of everyone .
    LILIAN really nice seeing you in last night hope your feeling better very soon
    Love Lynda xx

    1. I too have been extra tired today but so well worth it to see you and CU again. Hope you can take it easy a few days. Oh dear I hope the dogs will get better together soon, doubt they like a hairless dog back hihihi Many hugs to you both xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele you are a star, designing a card for this weeks challenge. Lots of interesting possibilities there, brain cells are ticking already.... I have to add very slowly !!

    I had a late start to my day today, after a lovely but exhausting weekend. This morning sorted out my bag from Ally Pally. Taking photos as I went. (will send them to you Sandra) Can't wait to play with my new goodies, but first MUST tidy my work area.

    Sandra I hope you have paced yourself today, it was a crazy weekend for you too, but yours involved so much traveling than mine. Take it easy and don't expect to much of yourself. I'm sure you have lots of craft goodies from Saturday and Sunday to play with and help you relax.

    JANET and MICHELE pleased you have had some sunshine, I hope it continues to shine on you. XX
    LILLIAN Hope you are feeling stronger each day. XX

    Take care dear friends, Hugs Brenda XXX

    1. It was lovely to see you again Brenda, hope your journey home was fine. Have a nice evening .hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Like the tic tac toe challenge, thank you Michelle for coming up with it. Hope you ok after the busy weekend you ended up to have Sandra and you are not in too much pain today because of it. Had a bit of a sleep in this morning before unpack my little shop from AP and showing OH the stunning cross stitch from Margaret and the one for our Anniv. it is so pretty. Thank you !
    Son had made the washing yesterday so was so pleased that we only needed to go to Tesco to get some food in today. It haven't stopped raining, just like yesterday so heating on here too. Feel a bit draughty in the lounge when no new curtains up yet.
    Hope your day have been fine and you all have a nice evening. Many hugs to you all xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Michele, I love this CAS challenge card. I must get a couple of cards made this week so will be using them for the challenge.
    Like all of you that were at AP yesterday I am exhausted but it was so good to see you all for real hugs 😊
    Maria, yes I agree, I am very very lucky to have such a fantastic Mum, and Pop too and Chris says he couldn't wish for better parents in law, when he's not being cheeky to Mum that is. I still miss my dearly loved Mum in law too so we are/where very lucky to have such special parents 😊 X
    Thank you Paul for being such a kind chauffeur for us. He has hd a busy week hasn't he! I must remember to take a pic of my goodies tonight and then send it to you my lovely. See you in the morning xx
    Janet, I'm glad you and Jim are home safe and sound x
    Val, sending you special hugs at this hard time dear friend x
    Lilian, it was so good to see you in yesterday. Thinking of you dear friend X
    I am having a quite day so will say goodbye now.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and Val and all in need. Take care xx
