
Saturday 7 April 2018

Mixed up Saturday


Good morning Ladies,

Today's blog post will be a little bit shorter than usual as im having a nightmare with the internet in our hotel room, it wont let me on my blog as "the connection is not private", so I am having to do my blog on my phone.

The first photo is of the Heart Plaque I made for a Swap that Danielle and I had planned about 6 months ago but with us moving etc we have only just got around to doing it. 
The base is a wooden heart plaque that I covered with pretty paper, i then used an edging lace around the edges, topping that with a floral lace and then added little pink pearls to the centre of the flowers.
I then arranged flowers in the centre and added felt to the back with a ribbon to hang it with.
Danielle loved it, thankfully! X

The next photo is of the tiny handbags I made for swaps at our event tomorrow. 
They were really simple, made with 6x6 paper, I will show you how to make them next week.

The last photo is of the gorgeous card that Pat made for her Granddaughter, using her Groovi plate, you really have got the hang of it now Pat, your cards are amazing Pat. This card must have taken you hours.

I am going to close now and upload it while I can.

I hope you have a lovely weekend ladies, looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all if you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two lovely projects. Hope you have a great day today.

    Pat-what a beautiful card, a real Keepsake.

    Yesterday’s meeting was ok-everything is just taking forever.

    We have rain here this morning which I will have to brave as I need to go into Southport for some shopping .

    I had sn email from Hobbycraft-they have 6x6 and 5x7 card blanks on offer at £2:50 per pack (50 I think) which a a great price.


    1. If they’re the ones I use they’re great value even at full price

    2. Hi Michele
      Glad to hear the meeting wasn’t to traumatic for you yesterday. It’s raining here as well today.

    3. Just me to forget to buy some when I was in Hobbycraft yesterday, stupid. It's sunny here. Hope you have a good weekend x

  2. Great project SANDRA Those gift bags look lovely too Enjoy your day I hope it’s not too tiring for you
    Oh PAT That card is gorgeous- I wonder which stall you’ll be visiting the most at AP tomorrow...
    I must crack on and do a bit of housework and sort out what I need for tomorrow as it’ Be an early start and we’are out dancing tonight

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely plaque you’ve made for Danielle.
    I hope you have a lovely day today with all your Stampin Up buddies.
    The card I made for Olivia looks a bit odd in colour. I forgot to take a picture of it before we took it up. When she opened Petes ipad was in night mode so it looks a bit yellowish. I’ll take a better one when I go up sometime later. I need to get the hang of doing fancy borders and picot cutting.
    The lady who I go to was unwell on the 1st March which was my next lesson. I had a lesson booked for the 11th April. It now looks as if that ones going to be cancelled as well. Her MIL isn’t coping at home after her husband died and so Carole and her husband have brought her home with them. Not to sure how long for though. Might invest in a couple of lessons with Rosella in Evesham, but because of hospital commitments it might not be until June.
    Seems like a trip to Hobbycraft is in order today.
    I’m hoping to do a make and take on the Clarity stand if they have any spaces when we get there. But knowing my luck there won’t be.
    Special hugs

    1. If you get to Ally Pally for 10am ,you should get a place if they doing it. You going in with Sandra so you can get in earlier then the rest.
      Love the card ! Thank you for sharing it with us. hugs for you and Pete x

  4. Margaret Palmer7 April 2018 at 10:06

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely heart you made for Danielle, no wonder she loved it, the bags look amazing as well. Hope you have a lovely time & manage some sleep
    Pat your card is beautiful I am sure it will be treasured, she you in
    Maria sorry to hear your news, keep positive that's the secret, see you for a real hug
    Lynda, Brenda & Karen see you tomorrow how lovely, & of course
    Cafe open today as normal,will be open tomorrow you may have to help yourselves, fruit cake & lemon drizzle will be available later.
    Safe journey
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Lilian & Maria love

    1. Have you saved some energy for tomorrow :-) can't wait, hugs xx

  5. Meant to say Sandra, love the bags you’ve made. Looking forward to seeing how they’re made.

  6. Afternoon ladies,

    A miserable wet start today, hope it improves soon, I have some flowers for Pete that should have gone yesterday but it rained very heavily all day.

    Beautiful heart and bags Sandra, I'm sure people will love them.
    Pat, you go from strength to strength with your Groovi boards. Each card you make is so perfectly done.

    Sorting out boxes for the loft, when Jamie comes home we shall pop up there to sort out my craft boxes in some kind of order. He and Joshua re-laid the loft floorboards last weekend ready for today's job.

    However you are spending your weekend, I hope it turns out fantastic for you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Sound great to have a loft. Our garage starting to look overfull again and we only emptied it out last year. Have a nice Saturday. Wish you could be with us tomorrow, hugs xx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Glad you liked the card but it does look yellowish due to Pete’s ipad being on night mode. Can’t really get into our loft. It’s so low that you can’t have a loft ladder.

  7. Hi everyone.
    Love the heart you made for Danielle, it is beautiful and I like the little bags you made too. Hope you have a fun time today. Love to hear all about it, maybe some photos ?
    Pat do get very good at making her Groovi cards, must take a long time to make.
    Sitting and having a rest after being busy all day with cleaning everything that now can go back in the wall fitment and cabinets. It all takes time and I'm trying to "pace" myself as they told me to do at the pain clinic, not going too well haha
    I hope you all have a nice Saturday, love and hugs Maria xxx

  8. Hi Maria
    I hope your not doing to much if the pain clinic has told you to pace yourself. Pace yourself at walk, walking etc.
    Yes, Groovi does take awhile to do. Doesn’t take to long to do the design, it’s the white work that takes the time. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
    I’m keeping my fingers crossed as I’d like to do a Groovi workshop.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Wow, what a fabulous swap. There's no doubt that Danielle loved it as it is gorgeous. I love the little handbag cards too. I'm looking forward to seeing what the other ladies have swapped with you. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight, at least your bedroom won't be as hot as the hotel one so you should sleep better. See you in the morning my lovely xx
    Pat, another lovely parchment card. Goodness me, Eavsham is quite a trek from you isn't it but worth it for a days lesson X
    Maria, sending you big hugs. I agree with Mum and docs about trying to stay positive, it is very important x
    Brenda, Maria, Karen, Lynda and Terry see you in the morning for some big hugs. Safe journeys for you all xx
    Janet, I hope you and Jim have a safe and trouble free journey home X
    Lilian, sending hugs to you X
    We have finally finished the bedroom changes so I'm in the middle of having a big sort out while finding new homes for my clothes etc. which takes ages doesn't it!!! What a shame I won't be able to do any of it tomorrow 😁
    I hope you all had a good day today.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian, Maria and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Three fantastic projects. Laura O Springfield

  11. Sandra the plaque is amazing and I do love it. I have it hanging right by my craft desk. Thank you so much for your swap everything was beautiful.. Glad you liked mine.. Your swaps were beautiful as well.. xxx
