
Tuesday 3 April 2018

Magic Window Card Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

Here it is at last, the long awaited Magic Window Card Tutorial, this is my first video tutorial in a while so please be gentle with me, tehehe!!

I will add all of the measurements below, the rest of the information is in the tutorial, if you need any clarification on anything please leave a comment below on here or on my YouTube channel.
So here we go......

Start with a piece of card cut to 28cm X 14cm

Score @ 7cm & 21cm

you can add your decorative papers now too.

The Centre Tab

Cut card to..

9cm X 15cm

Score @ 1cm from top

To create your aperture position a die (whatever shaper you like)

Approximately  2cm from score line and centrally between two sides.

You can keep this die cut piece to embellish your card closure.

 Side Tabs

Cut your card to....
24cm  X  7cm

Score 2cm from each end

Mark a score mark at the centre point 12cm X 3.5cm
(for positioning die)

Place your square die so that its points line up with
your score lines.

Die cut and remove die, this leaves you with your two side tabs.

These are the working mechanism of your card.

If you choose a Belly band closure you will need another piece of card cut to....

A4 in length X 3cm wide.

Fold around your card so that the join is at the back, glue ends together, making sure the band is tight enough to hold card closed, 

Please don't hesitate to ask if you are unclear about any of the information above or on the video.

YouTube Tutorial for Magic Window card

I will be giving both of the cards shown in this tutorial away, so if you would like the chance of winning one of them please leave a comment below, you can also comment on the Video, I will collect all the entries together and draw winners next Sunday, the winners will be announced on Monday 9th April here on my blog.

Thank you so much for watching the tutorial, please share photos of your Magic Window cards with me and I will feature them on the blog.

Have a lovely day,

Love and Hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Can’t wait to watch the video tonight after work, that will be something nice to look forward to. Both cards looks fabulous & Thank You for preparing the video for us.

    Can’t believe I’ve had 4 days of work, they’ve gone do quickly. Our American relatives fly home this morning, I’m sure they’ll be glad to see some sunshine & the warmer weather. They’re talking of buying a property over here to use as a holiday rental. Mind you they mentioned it last time they came over but then changed their minds.


    1. Hi Michele
      Glad to hear you enjoyed your 4 days off even if they flew by. Hope work isn’t to manic today after the holidays.

  2. Margaret Palmer3 April 2018 at 08:05

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for making the video wlill watch it later, although your written instructions are very
    Another wet morning, I thimk we have missed more Petanque than we have played this winter!
    Hope you all enjoyed your bank holiday & those that are feeling poorly feel netter soon, especially Lilian we miss
    Cafe open coffee ready for customers so come & join me.
    Hugs to all who meed them love

  3. Thank you for the video I look forward to watching it later - my battery is about to die
    It was lovely to have four days off But it went far too quickly
    Kitchen nearly finished I was so glad I worked from home last Thursday because although I was working upstairs I popped down to get a biscuit to see they were putting up the wrong colour! Fortunately they’d only done a few so we’re able to rescue it Shop had given them “bone” colour and not white! What if I’d been at the office and came home to see the whole room! So only the cooker hood and a few tweaks and it’ll be done If there hadn’t been delays by outside companies it would have been finished by now I made a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting on Sunday There’s some left - so help yourselves
    Take care all xx

    1. Hi Karen
      What a blessing you were working from home and spotted the mistake in colour.
      Yum yum, carrot 🥕 cake sounds lovely,

  4. Hi Sandra,
    Lovely card and great instructions Sandra. Will watch video after.
    Hope everyone had a good Easter. Saw some places have snow again!
    Meeting Wendy for a coffee later as I didn't go to craft last Friday because of upset tummy and this Friday its Lynn's birthday and were going over to Alicante for the day. Wendy's found a new venue for the craft meeting which is great.
    I hope the post is back to normal today. I'm waiting for two parcels of craft goodies.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Michele and Karen hope work isn't too busy.
    Lilian hope you're feeling better. Sending hugs to you XXX
    Also hope John is on the mend.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope you tummy bug has cleared up now. Great to hear that awendy found another venue for your craft club. Such a shame though that Paul felt he had to close.

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Thank you Sandra for making up the tutorial how to make this card. Both very nice and in lovely colours.
    Sitting waiting for the BHF for taking our sofas away. They could turn up anytime between 7am and 1pm so can't go anywhere before they been. It's raining once again so no walk but now looking for a tv stand unit, never thought they were so expensive some of them.
    Michele and Karen, have a good day at work.
    Pat, hope your journey back was ok.
    Lilian, missing you. Sending you extra many hugs and to anyone who need some. Take care all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      My word your sofas didn’t take long to be delivered. We will have to wait for at least 16 to 20 weeks for ours to be made and delivered. Probably sometime in June. Hope the rain has stopped for you. Look forward to seeing everyone on Sun. I do hope I manage to book a slot for a Groovi make and take.

  6. wow stunning card Sandra and a great pectoral tutorial too !!! I shall pin it to the team Pinterest board xxxx A

  7. Sandra your card is stunning. Its so nice to see you back on youtube Ive watched your tutorial beautifully done and easy to follow. Thank you for sharing it with us. xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Thanks for the video. I’m going to try and cut the bits out sometime this week. I’ve Olivia’s card to finish for Thursday first.
    We had a lovely time at Cricket St Thomas. The tribute show for Status Quo were fantastic on Sunday. The Who tribute band not so good. We knew a few of there songs but not money. We had fantastic seats 💺, which faced the middle of the stage and in the 3rd row.
    Well hospital today, but had to get our parking ticket first. We actually saw Prof Prothero along with Jackie ( the specialist nurse 👩‍⚕️). He showed us Petes blood results on a graft. He was very pleased with the results. Petes bone markers were down a bit and had leveled off. Although they’d just gone up slightly last month. Another line on the graft showed that Pete was eating well. ( so you can’t lie about eating well then ). But Petes PSA is still high but leveled off a bit. No results yet on the biopsies they asked if they could use.
    So it looks like the Radium has halted the progress of the Cancer in his bones. They don’t know how long this will last after the treatment finishes in May. Yippee, good news all around today really.

    1. Oh Pat I'm so pleased to read Pete's good health news .You must both be so relieved. Glad you enjoyed your break away and you're home safely. Sending hugsx

    2. Thanks Val.
      Yes it is good news that the Cancer has slowed up.

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This is a gorgeous card, I love the papers you have used, they work perfectly on this wonderful card.Thank you for making the instructions so clear here on the blog and I know your idea will be just as good. I will watch it shortly. I missed seeing you today but I didn't even wake up until 10.30am! I know I needed the sleep and I do feel a bit better after a relaxing day. I don't know where yet another comment from yesterday has gone!!! I don't seem to be having much luck with them lately, it seems to play up in fits and starts, it is so frustrating isn't it.
    Lilian, sending you gentle hugs X
    Brenda, I hope John is starting to feel less sore X
    Pat, what great news for Pete, and you, today x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hiya, just me again popping in to wish you all a good night.
    Hope you can sleep Sue after having your sleep in this morning.
    Pat, good news about Pete. Hope you can find a groovi make and take on Sunday, have never seen one before but you never know. Our new sofas are not coming until 4 weeks time but yes much quicker then yours for some reason. Where have you bought yours from ?
    Not happy this morning when they came from British heart foundation in the end, had a quick look and then said they were not good enough so no thank you !,oh I could have screamed in frustration because they are not that bad after 24 years. Now we got them piled up in the garage until Friday when the council can pick them up and it cost us £ 40. Spent the rest of the day packing up dvd's and ornaments and keep thinking ,why have we got so much stuff hihi. I don't envy you at all Sandra after having pack up and move a whole house. We only doing one room hmmmmm
    Sorry ,have now put the box back in the corner.
    val, good news that Wendy have found a new venue for your crafting group. Have fun. Glad you feeling better.
    Lynda and CU , so looking forward to see you both on Sunday. Be ready for some big hugs hihihi and the same to all who are able to come to AP, see you there.
    Dad is going for his results tomorrow , probably won't hear anything until the evening from them. A bit wired up for going to bed yet but I will leave you for now and hope to see you in the morning until then have a good night everyone. love xxx

  11. Margaret Palmer4 April 2018 at 08:39

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope all is well & just a technical hitch as today's blog is not
    Anyway cafe open as usual so come & join me.
    Sending hugs to all, pleased to hear Pete's good new Pat, hope Lilian feeling better love

  12. This is my first time visit here. From the tons of comments on your articles,I guess I am not only one having all the enjoyment right here! xxx
