
Thursday 5 April 2018

Another challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

Hopefully this blog post goes up on time!! Sorry for the delay yesterday, the post was all done and uploaded at 10pm Tuesday, internet would not play nice sadly and after many attempts I left it do sort itself overnight, at 6:30 am I went to check it was up and there was nothing, after a couple hours of checking and rechecking I ended having to disconnect the router, leave it for a while and reset it!  Very frustrating.

Annoyingly the rest of the day went the same way, Paul had to take our car garage today as it's brakes ceased on on the front driver side, we have been using Rebecca's car in the meantime, firstly it eoulwoul start so he had to jump start it from Becca's car, he set off and then about 20 minutes into journey 2 lorries passed him sending water spraying and our card started juddering badly and running really rough, he managed to make it to garage though, they were going to do checks, give it a service, do brakes and sort out the engine management light.
Paul gave them his contact numbers and went to work, so car was at garage from7:30am.  He hadn't heard from them so called for progress check at 2:30 only to be told that they couldn't find the tool to unlock the wheel nuts so hadn't started it !!! So when Paul went to collect it at 3:45 it wasn't anywhere near ready, so I had to get Matt to go over and rescue Paul to get him home.  We were supposed to be leaving for Birmingham at 4:30!  Luckily we did make it in time just, the concert was the Best one I have ever been too, Sam Smiths voice is as amazing live as it is recorded.  He is also a very humble young man, he went to so much trouble to thank everyone for coming and the crowd loved him.

Today's card was a last minute request from my daughter Rebecca for her friend at work who is getting married on Friday, so the rules were that it had to be made and delivered to the bank by thursday, it took me most of Wednesday to make as I am still getting used to where I put things like my paper flowers etc.
I used Sue Wilson Heart Lattice embossing folder, Sue Wilson New York collection, Union Square die for the focal element, I do love these dies, I must use them more! The new part of the challenge was the white Metallic edged ribbon from Stampin'Up!
I think it turned out ok, what do you think?!

I have another crazy busy day today, but at this very moment in time I am so stiff I can't even turn over in bed, so we will have to see how the day goes, it's going to be slow one though.

Take care and have a lovely day,

Lilian I do hope you feel up to popping in to say hello soon, you are very much missed. XXX

Brenda I do hope hope your patient is being good and doing as instructed. Sending love to you both. XXX

Karen I can't wait to see your finished kitchen!

Pat so nice to hear positive news for Pete, sending hugs XXX

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-that’s a beautiful card, even more amazing considering how quickly you made it.

    Sorry I didn’t get into make a comment yesterday, I phoned my Uncle last night & we were chatting for over 90 minutes, really nice to have a catch-up with him. I then started a card for one of the Nurses on the Day Ward as she’s moving to a specialist post on Monday-I’m annoyed at myself for leaving it until the last minute as I’m not too happy with the card I’ve made.
    Shopping tonight then I’ll phone my Dad, let’s hope he’s a bit more cheerful than last time I spoke to him.


  2. Beautiful card this is a stunning embossing folder and dies too .Laura O Springfield

    1. Hello Laura, welcome to Cotswold café, all cakes etc. guaranteed calorie free.

    2. Nice to see you again Laura, hope you alright :>) xx

    3. Hi Laura.
      Nice to see you again in the cafe. Pull up a chair and have a drink and a piece of cake 🍰. Enjoy Margaret’s Kemon and Coconut cake if that’s on offer today.

    4. That was supposed to be Lemon and Coconut cake Laura. The cyber gremlins are about again.

  3. A beautiful card SANDRA I love single colour wedding cards I’ve just finished a cc for a friend whose theme is Cadbury purple and I’m not sure I like it
    I hope you’re fully recovered BRENDA and that JOHNis doing OK
    Craft tonight Which I’m really looking forward to I’m a self taught crocheter and I need some help with a pattern I really can’t understand it
    Photos of kitchen will follow soon

    1. Hi Karen
      I always wished I could crochet. I always used to see a pattern I quite liked, but though oh no it’s crocheted. Enjoy.

  4. Hi Sandra and all
    Also sorry I didn't get in yesterday. The day just ran away with me.
    Such a lovely card Sandra and fantastic to think it was done in a rush.
    Seems strange not to have Quilling to go to today but I'm sure I'll find plenty to do. I'm cleaning upstairs first and then hoping to make my cc.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Hope you didn’t have to do much cleaning today. Shame that your quilling finished though.

  5. Morning Ladies,

    We have a bright sunny day here in Somerset, I hope you do too.

    Beautiful card Sandra, they will love it.

    Tiegan now home so full on crafting day today, I managed to get my CC done yesterday and sent to Sandra.

    Gurt biguns to all in need of one today, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      We’ve also had a lovely day in Oxfordshire. Hope your crafting goes well today.

  6. Margaret Palmer5 April 2018 at 10:36

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope you havve a better day today, but so pleased you enjoyed the cpncert. Hope you are suffering too much, hugs on
    Sorry cafe is late opening this morning I have done a few jobs done that took longer than I thought, anyway coffee & teapots are now ready so come & join me.
    Mariav hope Dad's results are ok, missed you yesterday, looking forward to a hug on
    Lilian sending hugs to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I’m so glad you enjoyed the concert last night. But my word what a palava Paul had with the car 🚙. Such a shame it wasn’t able to be done at your normal garage though. Just a shame you have to suffer for it afterwards though. Gentle hugs coming your way today.
    Lovely card today that you made for Becca friend.
    However, I really don’t understand why Becca leaves it to the last minute to ask you to make a card. I’m certain the girl didn’t just decide to get married at the last minute.
    Lilian I do hope your feeling a bit better today.
    Hope John is behaving himself Brenda.
    Maria, I hope your Dad is progressing after his operation.

  8. Hi everyone.
    Love the card you made and so quickly too. You are amazing at making them up. Wish I had the oomph and that some of my ideas could turn even into a card at all.
    Danielle- your card yesterday is lovely. Really nice to see your cards in the cafe' :>)
    We were so busy yesterday by moving ornaments and empty the wall fitment, not sure how often you move out yours if you got one but it was like something out of a horror movie that's all I'm saying hihihi
    Michele- have a good day at work, hope you dad is okay.
    My dad will need to have another operation on the 16th , not sure yet what wrong according to mum but it sound like it could be the C so I just waiting to hear what it is really. Going to have a video chat later with them today.
    Cheryl- hope you not feel to lonely now when Tiegan have gone back home. Have you got some nice walks planned ?
    It is a nice day here too but to busy in the house for any walk today. Tomorrow I got pain clinic in the morning and then I have booked myself in for making a card in our Hobbycraft in the afternoon. Not sure about a cc this week, will try. Have cut the pieces out for the mechanic card so will have a go at put it together later today and hopefully have some time over for some tidying up. It is like you said Sandra, we always seem ending up making our cards on a postage stamp size work space......
    Have a nice day all. Big hugs for Lilian. Brenda, hoping John is getting better. Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. Oh Maria so hope the news isn't as bad as you think. I'm sure you'll feel better when you chat with your family later. Thoughts and hugs being sent to you.x
      Hope the pain clinic was OK and the card making went well.x

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope the news regarding your Dad isn’t as bad as you think. Hopefully by now you will have had some news from your family. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.
      Hope the pain clinic will help you.
      We also had good weather today, just a change from the rain we’ve been having.
      Hope you manage to sort out all you bibs and bobs.

    3. Hi Maria. Sending you gentle hugs. I hope Dad's next op does the trick, hospitals are so good at getting rid of nasties these days so thinking positive thoughts for you x

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a fantastic wedding card you made at such short notice, I’m bet Becca knows her Mum likes a challenge and will always rise to the occasion!! Hope you got lots of hugs and thanks for your magnificent efforts xx

    You would never think looking at him that this time last week John he had not long come around from a general anaesthetic. His recovery has been brilliant, for the first few days sitting down and standing up also coughing (Sue thank you for your advice xx) were a problem, but now he is back to his normal self, he does realise lifting is out of the question, but apart from that he is fine.

    Will look in later, iPad is telling me it is almost out of charge.

    Love to all. Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sounds like John has made a speedy recovery. Great when they do what there told isn’t it. At least he knows no heavy lifting for awhile.

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm so glad that you and Paul managed to get to the concert last night after a worrying day with the car, and of course it's great to hear you enjoyed it 😊 I love the card, it is definitely one of your beauties, I never cease to admire just how you arrange the flowers and foliage, you have a real talent. I hope you are able to move a bit more tomorrow my lovely, no doubt you will be getting your bits and bobs ready for Saturday xx
    Brenda, I'm so glad to hear John is well on the way to a complete recovery. It is amazing at just how quickly our bodies can heal themselves after such invasive surgery isn't it. Now it will be hard to stop John from trying to do too much too soon, Chris was just the same! X
    I have been cleaning units ready for refilling tomorrow, and I have to take up some net curtains too. I don't really like them to be honest but we are so overlooked and I really don't want to frighten any of the neighbours if they happen to look in before I get dressed!!!
    Lilian, I hope you have been able to enjoy the lovely sunshine we have had today. You are missed by us all X
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sorry so late time just disappeared. Just wanted to say your card is stunning Becca is lucky that your so talented & can just make a special card so quickly.
    Glad you where able to got to see Sam Smith 🎼on time & you both enjoyed it.
    What a nightmare Paul had with the car 🚘. Hope your in less pain now.
    Have finished all your bags for Stamping Up Saturday Hope all goes well foryou.
    THEN IT'S ALLY PALLY YAAAAY so looking forward to seeing everyonex
    MARIA Hope your dad's operation goes ok on the 16th & you have a good video chat with mum tonight. Hug's. Hope pain clinic goes ok tomorrow & you enjoy your craft day at Hobby craft Hug's my friend.xx
    BRENDA Glad John's recovery is going well & he's doing well Hug's on way xx
    Wish you all a good night xx
    Love Lynda xx

