
Sunday 11 March 2018

Your Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Its that day of the week that we all look forward to the most, seeing how we have all interpreted this weeks challenge, I say it every week but I will say it again, it never ceases to amaze me how you all make such unique, amazing cards that are so different even though we are all working to the same rules and for the most part we all have very similar products.

I think Spring is a the very best Season, full of life and colour, bringing us the start of the better weather and longer days.  Our gardens are starting to spring into life, the first bursts of colour beginning to appear. 

Let's see your cards.........


Such a pretty Spring card Brenda, I love the stamp you have used, I particularly like how the daffodils fall out of the box, you have coloured it beautifully too.
Thank you so much for taking part.


WOW Cheryl, 3 absolutely stunning cards for this weeks challenge, you really have got your card making 'Mojo' back, I think its so lovely that you go to the trouble of making all of your cards personalised to the recipient, making them feel really special too. 
A huge thank you Cheryl for 3 amazing Spring cards.


Two beautiful cards from Our Janet this week, both fit perfectly with the Challenge.

"No.1 - The card is made from 'The Botanicals Collection' CD by Cupcake Crafting and the sentiment is a Joanna Sheen die. 

No.2 - is made using a Crafter's Companion stamp 'DAISY BLOSSOM' and coloured with Aqua markers."

Thank you so much Janet for your beautiful cards.


Karen, I just adore this image, it really shows everything we associate with Spring, here is Karen's description...
"Challenge card Made with a pre-set image from Serif (of course) I have added flowers made with SW Camelia and Dandelion dies"

Thank you so much Karen for such a lovely card.


Lilian, WOW!  You too have got your card making 'mojo' well and truly back, you have designed 3 absolutely stunning Spring themed cards for this weeks Challenge.
Snowdrops and Crocus are the first flowers that bring splashes of colour to the garden that is looking fairly dull after winter, your cards really bring that same happiness inside too, they would brighten anyone's mantlepiece! 
Thank you so very much for 3 stunning challenge cards.

Lynda I love how you have teamed your new Die'sire die with the Free die from the Chloe magazine,
such a beautiful card, I will add Lynda's description below....

"I used the Diesire creat a card delicate Butterfly cut it again then cut butterfly's off & put Pixie powders on them & glued them onto the white butterfly's Then I did a strip of Pixie powder down the other side stamped Chloe's butterfly stamp & cut it out with matching Die."

Thank you so much Lynda, you put so much work into every card you make and it really shows.


Margaret such a lovely challenge card, Paul and I both noticed how lovely it was to hear all of the different birds songs in the garden the other day, its so peaceful, we are lucky as there are plenty of bird nesting boxes around this house and garden and lots of very mature trees for them to nest in, we are looking forward to watching them as they gather things to build their nests.  
Thank you for such a lovely challenge card.

Maria, awww, such a cute spring image, with the pretty flowers and such adorable little bunnies,
absolutely beautiful, thank you so much for taking part.


Michele has designed 4 amazing Easter cards for our Challenge this week, she was asked to make some for a friend, she will love them Michele.
Here is Michele's description....

"Lots of Easter cards from me!! First two were to use up scraps of patterned paper and the second two are using a digital downloads"

Thank you so much Michele for making challenge cards after such a trying week.

Sue has made a beautiful Mothers day card for this weeks challenge, I hope Margaret gets to open it in reality before she sees it on here, I would hate to spoil the surprise! Such a lovely image Sue, Mum will absolutely love it.
Thank you so much for taking part in the challenge.

You are all amazing, there's no other way to say it, just look at this amazing display of cards, Janet will be thrilled to look at these today.  
I hope that you all have a lovely relaxing day, whether you are a Mum or not, it is Sunday after all, 
my Ikea treat is going to be a trip to Ikea, (not sure if that's a good idea or not)!
Then Becca is going to cook us Roast Beef and Yorkshire puddings, oh I can't wait, I wonder if she will clean up too?? maybe with the help of the others.  Either way it will be a nice treat.

What do you all have planned?

Sending love and hugs to all of you,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing selection of cards, they all so beautiful.

    I’ve just noticed one of mine has something on it-the backing paper from a mini foam pad...!! Isn’t it strange how you don’t notice these things until it’s too late?!

    Had a lovely lazy day yesterday-quick trip into Southport. Got done crafty bargains then Home and stayed in my craft room playing most of the day. Got a message from my crazy (cluttered house) friend last night at 9pm...could I make another Golden Wedding Card before the 23rd?? She was at the celebration for the couple I’d made the other card for when she was asking me!!

    I’m giving myself the day off from housework & going to spend some time in my craft room again. We’re both off work next week as we should have been going away for a few days but Phil was told he has a hospital appointment to see the consultant on Wednesday so we’ve had to cancel out trip. The hospital phoned him last Wednesday which was quite quick as the consultant only got the referral on Monday. We’re going to have a couple of days out but it won’t be long distance as it’s not comfortable for Phil to sit for any length of time.


  2. Morning Everyone
    WOW WOW WOW what a bumper bundle of gorgeousness this week. There are so many that I have had to ask Paul to dig out all the extra boards so that they can be seen properly.

    Spring is definitely here in the CAFE and it's just what we all need. Once again I'm so pleased we don't have to choose a favourite as it's just impossible.

    Not sure what's happening here today. I had a visit from my youngest Nicky yesterday afternoon so there could be a visit from Christina today.

    Anyway whatever happens the CAFE is OPEN and usual hours. I've set the tables with vases of Daffs and Primroses to go with the Challenge theme and the Lunch Menu is Roast Beef so place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all and have a really good Sunday. xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOWSER such a lot of GORGEOUS CARD'S this morning. They defently shout spring.well done everyone x
    Just about to get a shower & get ready as going over Lisa's for Mother's Day dinner. Darren Sam & Harry are coming too so that's going to be nice.
    The memory box corner Die I showed yesterday is also very small & looks silly on 6x6card not what I expected probably try it on a tag as need to go on a very small card. That's two Dies not happy with although JL Gerbare square is small but useable.
    The Sun is just breaking through the clouds. Well better get a move on.
    LoveLynda xx

  4. Margaret Palmer11 March 2018 at 10:45

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry having problem with comments, got new phone & keeps shutting me out. Lovely goodies & cards yesterday & today. My card from Sue is even better on the flesh. Have a lovely
    Sending hugs to all love Margaret xxx

  5. Hi All,
    Oh my Spring has arrived. Beautiful, beautiful cards ladies each and every one.
    Apologies Sandra for not contributing this week. I've been up to my eyes in Spanish Fathers Day and civil Ceremony cards and none of them sadly fitted the Spring challenge.

    Happy Mothers Day to all mums out there. Gracie gave me a lovely card with her photo on it and a huge box of Thornton's chocs. She's such a caring little dog!!!

    Cleaning the house this morning then tidying my craft room as the window cleaner is due in the morning and there's so much on my desk he won't be able to reach the window.

    Have a lovely day everyone Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone.
    Fabulous cards on show today. All very springlike, so I hope the weather plays ball with us today. We did have sun first thing but it’s coming over cloudy now.
    I’ll look in later and have an in-depth look at all the cards.
    I’d like to be a fly on the wall Sandra to see Becca cooking a Sunday Roast. Hope the others do help. A lovely Mothers Day treat for you. Try not to spend to much money at IKEA.

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lovely display of cards in the cafe. It looks
    like Spring has arrived.
    Sandra enjoy your shopping trip to Ikea, and your roast beef dinne, What a lovely Mothers day treat. xx
    We are on our way to daughters in Essex.going to have a lovely family day. Should have been there by now but traffic. is really slow, as we arrive safely is more important.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Love and hugs Brenda XXX and

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Such beautiful cards, each one shouting Spring is sprung, well almost apart from those that has snow! It always makes me feel better when the flowers start to bloom after the long dark days of winter.
    The primroses are made from the brilliant silk foam, I just coloured them with a yellow ink pad then wiped most of it off to try and get the gorgeous pastel yellow of real primroses.
    I've had a quiet time as my head hasn't been good today but had Tim and family round yesterday and will see Gem and RJ and Gemma tomorrow.
    I hope you have all had/are having a lovely day. Enjoy your roast Sandra. Roast beef is my favourite so please may I join you Janet. The Café looks wonderful with the daffs and primroses. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  9. A lovely spread of Spring flowers ladies and as CHERYL said it’s a good job we haven’t got to choose a favourite
    The more I look k at mine the more I think it’s a card for summer not spring because it looks like she’s hold a parasol not an umbrella! I love this image AND it’s the first time I’ve used it
    I forgot to mention how much I liked your cards yesterday
    Just got in from dancing So a cuppa and relax is on the cards now
    Happy Mother’s Day to all mums

    1. I meant Spring cards ladies

  10. Hello All, very wet again today.

    What a beautiful display of cards again today, All so different, love the little yellow primroses.

    Hope you have all had a lovely day, hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    woohoo what an amazing lot of wonderful spring cards. I love every single one !
    Brenda- is it pixie background on your card ? beautiful card.
    Lilian- your cards are so pretty and spring like, very nice.
    Cheryl- lovely to see some of your cards again.
    Karen- your card is lovely, I love the image and parasol or umbrella ? I still think it is still perfect as a spring card .
    Sue- love the flowers. Maybe if time at AP you can show us how you made them.
    Janet- beautiful cards as always.
    Michele- nice Easter card, like the boy in his bunny outfit.
    Lynda- Spring can't come soon enough. love to see the butterflies around again. Lovely card
    Margaret - such a pretty card. The blackbirds here are very busy now to make their nests. Only hope the magpies leave them alone this year.
    Hope I haven't missed anyone out. Will go back and have another look. Sorry missed the roast beef but met up with friend this morning than spent the day with family and we had a chinese and movie this evening and then we played some cards, think it was gin rummy, which I won Lol
    Hope you all had a lovely Mother's day.
    Pat- good luck for the week ahead, will be thinking of you.
    Lynda- hope you had a lovely day and the pain in your legs were not too bad.
    Michele- sending well wishes for Phil, hope all goes ok.
    OH is to hospital twice next week, my dad having his op on the 13th and Friday I'm going to the pain clinic for the next six weeks. Lot of talks and some gentle exercises over two and half sessions, nice bunch of ladies in the group.
    Have a good night , sorry being so late. love and many hugs to you all, Maria xxx
