
Friday 9 March 2018

Something Floral For Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

This week's Floral card has been designed and created by the lovely Danielle.
Using the Stampin'Up! ' Seasonal Layers Thinlits' and matching stamp set, the branch comes separate to the Cherry Blossom style flowers. 
I will add Danielle's directions below........

"Card base size is 5 x 6" scored on the short side at 2.1/2, you will need two pieces of whisper white cut at 2.1/4" x 5.3/4" One for the front of the card and the other for the inside.

For the flowers I used our seasonal layers thinlits dies.. Stamped five flowers in the two colours then cut them out on my big shot. I used the branch stamp and sentiment  from colourful seasons stamp set

The three little lips in the left corner are from this little pig stamp set.."

This is the same card but made in blue, I am sure Danielle will have done a tutorial for the card over on YouTube.
Danielle also made the envelope to match her DL style card, she has kindly written a tutorial so I will add it below.
Here's how we make it.

Card or paper size 8" x 6.1/2" scored on the long side at 3/4" turn your paper 180 degrees and score again at 3/4"

On the short side score at 1.1/2" and 4.1/2
I used a corner rounder to give a more professional look to the end flaps.

To see me make this envelope go over the tutorial on my channel.

Thank you so much Danielle for sharing your craft projects with us XXX

Pat isn't able to come over as planned today, as Pete has finally heard from the hospital and they want to see him. 
I will spend at least an hour of the morning cleaning my craft desk as I finished the Pearl wedding Anniversary card at about midnight last night after a mercy dash to HobbyCraft because I couldn't find my Glue sticks. So there are flowers, bits of ribbon, off cuts of card all over the place but I was too exhausted to pick it all up last night, I kind of wish I had now so I don't have to face it this morning, but never mind.

I hope you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Danielle-two really lovely cards, they’re so pretty.

    Sandra-hope you manage to clear everything up today & there’s still sone time to craft.
    Quick visit as I’m off out early -drive to Preston, train to Glasgow for my Sister in Laws Dads funeral. Stay for a short while to see her family, get something to eat + drink then reverse the travel arrangements. Should get Home around 9pm tonight. Phils not well enough to make the journey so I’ll be worrying about him & getting stressed about the whole day as my Dad is joining me and has already started complaining !


    1. Hope everything goes well Michele and have a safe journey. Thinking of you.x

    2. Will be thinking of you Michele, safe journey xx

    3. Safe journey MICHELE and hope it’s not too stressful

    4. Hi Michele
      Sorry to hear that Phil wasn’t well enough to go with you today. Hope the journey, funeral and your Dad wasn’t to stressful for you.

  2. Morning Everyone
    I'm not saying anything today re the weather as it's just impossible to know what's coming next.

    DANIELLE- two very pretty clean and simple cards.

    MICHELE- safe journey(s) today. Hope it's not too stressful.

    how do Friday's com have my hairdresser coming later this morning so must have everything done before then.
    We were able to go to the theatre last night as fortunately by mid afternoon all the snow had gone.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours so pop in when you can.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I think it’s best not to talk about the weather.
      Pete put our washing out this morning in the sunshine. We were walking through the hospital and Doreen noticed it was raining. So our washing is wetter than when it went out now. Hope you enjoyed the Theatre last night.

  3. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    Weather doesn't look so bad at the moment I'm sat here watching all the birds fighting over the last fat ball which was filled up yesterday morning.
    SANDRA hope you've cleared your craft desk by now. So hope the rest of your day you can relax. Have you finished organising your craft stash into your unit now. Look forward to seeing your finished craft space.x
    MICHELE have a safe journey & traveling with your dad isn't too stressful for you. Sorry Phil isn't well enough to go with you. Take care thinking of you.xx
    DANIELLE love both of your cards they are so pretty.
    JANET glad you managed to go to the theatre last night hope you enjoyed it.
    Hoping to get Challenge card done today now my birthday cards are finished. First like Sandra I must tidy my desk up before I can start cc.
    Have a good day Ladies sending lots of Hugs for you all.
    Love Lynda xx

  4. Hi All, absolutely chucking it down here, hope it’s better where you are.
    Danielle two lovely cards, very spring like.
    Sandra hope you managed to clear your desk, you should see mine. Waiting to see your new craft station in All it’s glory, have the missing pieces arrived?

    Have made my c cards, not how spring like they are, best I could come up with.
    Have a lovely day all, going to tidy my table now, not sure why I pull so much stuff out. Hugs to all Lilian

  5. Two very pretty good cards DANIELLE and I will be popping over to your channel to see how the envelope was bade
    Safe journey MICHELE
    It’s a shame you can’t go over PAT but at least PETE has his appt sorted
    Enjoy craft in your new craft area SANDRA If you’re like me you end up with about a 4” space to work in
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hi Karen
      I always seem to end up crafting on my dining room table as the desk in my craft room. ( well if you can call my little bedroom that ) is a total mess. I did clear a small space so as I could use my lightwave for some Groovi work.

  6. Hi everyone,
    Danielle. What pretty cards and love that you've made your own envelopes. Will pop over to see how you've made them.x

    I called in early this morning and replied to Michele's comment the had to go out and to be honest only just got back home. I went present shopping then craft club then on to my friends who celebrate their Golden Anniversary today. Tony is the man who's cataract operation hasn't worked and he found out this morning that its because he has Macular Degeneration in both eyes. He's starting a course of eye injections next week but in the mean time his sight is awful. Can't drive, watch the tele or even read. He's very down.
    PAT although its sad you can't meet up with Sandra today, its good that Pete has been sorted out.x
    I mentioned yesterday that we were in for a stormy weekend but happily now found out its going to miss us and hit Portugal and France only. Sorry for them but very happy for us.
    Well, better go and unpack my craft bag and try and squeeze the contents somewhere in my craft room.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Glad to hear the your stormy weather isn’t going to hit you. Such a shame about your friend. I think Pete has something like that in one of his eyes. Anyway everything looks wavy. But his doesn’t seem as bad as your friends.

    2. Sorry to hear you friend is so down, hope he get some help. Not nice if you lost your hearing but losing your eyesight I think would be worse. Hope you had a good day x

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely card today Danielle, great you can make an envelope to match. Lovely card you’ve made as well Sandra.
    I wonder if your bits have come for the unit yet. Bit of a poor show if they haven’t, seeing as they were going to post them out on Monday. Sorry I couldn’t come over today Sandra, but I hope you managed to clear up after you late evening crafting.
    We had a bit of a runaround at the hospital and Pete was not amused. He had his tests done then went with his envelope thing to have his bloods done. There’s nothing on the system said the nurse so I don’t know what they want. She tried to ring the Nuclear Medicine Dept but couldn’t get a reply. So we had to walk round there. No body on reception so I told Pete to knock on the office door, which he did. Explained to a nurse what we wanted which she didn’t understand. So she fetched a very nice gentlemen. We explained the situation, and he said sorry it’s nothing to do with us. Chemotherapy only use our facilities as it’s Radium and has to be administer here. So he offered to ring the Chemo Dept. We then had to go back to the blood Dept and wait for one of the nurses to bring us some other paperwork. Luckily we didn’t have to queue again. We’d taken Doreen with us for a ride but just left her in Heametology while we were going backwards and forwards.
    Then we went over to Lee Longlangs in Abingdon and bought 2 new sofas.

  8. Hi all,
    Two fab cards Danielle, must go over and have a look at your blog how you made the envelope. I'm not very good at these things but love to learn.
    Pat- what a saga wt the hospital. hope you can a few days rest.We have been looking for new sofas for ages but can't find anything we like so far,18 month and counting Lol
    Had my first appointment with the pain clinic management, it was ok. Nice meeting people in the same boat so to say, some of them have it much worse. Just be interesting to see if anything new since I went last time.
    Hope you all had a nice day as possible and have a good night. Love Maria xx
