
Saturday 31 March 2018

Michele's Magazine Review & Mrixed crafts

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another Mixed Craft Saturday, this one has the added bonus of including Michele's Magazine Review too.

First photo today is of a card I made using a new (to me) technique, I made the background with Distress Oxides, I smooshed some into my craft mat, instead of spritzing with just water I used water with a little pearl mica powder in, so as well as having a great multicoloured background, it now shimmers too, it looks fantastic but I couldn't catch the shimmer very well I with the camera. I love how the colours worked togther, I then took my background piece trimmed it and placed it upon a piece of white embossed with the SU Woodgrain Embossing Folder and then onto a card base made with Mint Macaron card as it matched the colours in the distressed background beautifully.  I then added a Dragonfly trail.
It's a different look for me, I hope you like it . XXX

Michele's Magazine Review

Thank you so much Michele for an amazing review. 



Pat treated herself to some new Groovi Plates, what a lovely selection, I saw Pat using them in the week and the flowers she did were amazing, so detailed too.

Pat also shared the Flintstones cake that her Granddaughter Amy made for her boyfriend Matty.  I took her hours but my goodness it was worth every minute, so much incredible detail, she could make these professionally Pat !! 
Thanks so much for sharing your shopping and Amy's amazing cake.


Lynda had a go at making up her new John Lockwood Sandwich Box, Lynda it's stunning, I love all the detail and it looks so beautiful all in white, what a perfect way to present something inexpensive and make it look a million Dollars! 
Thank you for sharing Lynda 


Cheryl was lucky enough to bag these fantastic Phil Martin stamps from a "Destash" site, heavens knows why they were on there not even a week after launch but who cares?! Cheryl was the lucky one, I absolutely love these stamps and may well treat myself at Ally Pally.
I can't wait to see what you create with them Cheryl, thank you so much for sharing.


Danielle's latest make Is this stunning gift bag, perfect for men, it matches with the ''Man Card" she made for our last Challenge, for the tutorial please pop over to Dannii's blog....

Thanks Dannii for sharing your bag. 

Thank you to everyone that took part today. XXX

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs 



  1. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Well it looks like I’m first in as it’s 11.28 on Friday. Well according to my watch anyway.
    Great card Sandra and I must say it does shimmer when you see it in the flesh.
    I’m sat drinking a glass of white as we gasped a bottle left in our room. Along with cookies, shortcake biscuits and packets of crisps.
    Thanks for the reviews Michele.
    Look forward to seeing what you make with your goodies.
    Danielle I love the box you’ve made for the wine bottle. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sorry Lynda
    Pressed publish before I meant to. Perhaps the wines effecting my fingers. Great box you’ve made with Johns Dies.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Not sure what’s happened to all the text I added under each magazine -I certainly can’t read it but I’m using my phone.

    Great selection of projects & purchases today .

    I’m heading out soon to the butchers & Co-op then we’re going into Liverpool by train and meeting our American relatives. Unfortunately the weather forecast is correct for once and it’s wet & breezy!


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you have a lovely time with your relatives. It was raining here at 12.00 when we went into the fleet air museum. However when we came out at 4.15 it had stopped. Thanks for the magazine reviews.

    2. Meant to say Michele. Did you see you’d won on Christine Emberson blog.

  4. Ooh! I’m not worthy! The makes are amazing The sandwich box is gorgeous LYNDA Was It fiddly to construct
    Your Groovi buys and makes are terrific PAT I love the effect of embossing But I can’t justify starting it
    My my What a super cake and I know how much work goes into making cakes like this She’s a very talented young lady
    Great wine box DANIELLE I love how you’ve matched it to the cards
    I love the technique and card SANDRA I have done something similar with glossy card (cheap Lidl photo paper) and Pixie Powders
    Great magazine review MICHELE- thank you I could read the text on my phone by tapping on it and enlarging it
    Home alone today and dancing tonight I must photo and post a simple card I made with my Christine Emberson win
    Have a good day and take care all Weather here is very grey but a little warmer than yesterday x

    1. Hi Karen
      I’m glad you like my Groovi buys and makes.
      Amy’s cake was all made by hand. Pete thought she’d used a mould for Barnie and the rest of the clan. Amy was aghast when he asked as she’d already said it was all handmade. She did a Scooby Doo one last year that Sandra showed on the blog. She said it’s to time consuming to do as a full time job. She’s doing an apprenticeship with BMW training to be an engineer. Matty her boyfriend is doing the same course as well. He’s a year in front of her and finishes hopefully in May. Well, I suppose someone has to design, build and maintained those dratted robots they use. I think they have input to the design new models as well.

  5. Margaret Palmer31 March 2018 at 09:49

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card, love the
    Michele thank you for your review once again, very useful. Enjoy your day with
    Pat looking forward to see your makes with your new plates, Amber's cake is great soon much detail, well
    Cheryl you were lucky to get this bargain, looking forward to seeing more of your
    Lynda lovely details on your box, well
    Danielle I love your man bag, will have a look
    Cafe open at least it is warm & dry inside so come & join me, there are some oat cookies waiting, Sue likes them!!
    Hope you all keep dry, good excuse to craft, sending hugs to all who need them especcially Lilian, love

    1. Thank you Margaret
      ooo lovely cookies with my builders tea . Hug's xx

    2. I'm with Sue, I love oat cookies! two for me with my weaker tea please :>) hugs xx

    3. Thanks Margaret for the cookies. I’m with Maria. Weak tea and cookies. Maria and I have been know to share a teabag.
      It was Amy who made the cake not Amber.

  6. Good morning Sandra & Ladies
    SANDRA I love your card the background is gorgeous & the dragonflies add the perfect embellishment xx
    MICHELE thank you for a really great magazine review. I could read your comments under each magazine.xx
    PAT wow a lovey lot of groovy plates you have really mastered it.
    Amy's cake is a work of Art her boyfriend will absurlutly love it. Xx Have a good Easter holiday xx
    Thank you for liking my first attempt of JL sandwich box kAREN a little fiddly not to bad.
    BRENDA hope JOHN isn't in to much pain today & behaving himself sending you both some Hug's 🤗🤗xx
    DANIELLE a lovely man gift bag thank you for sharing xx
    After finishing housework have to pop Tesco for few bits & hopefully get some reduced Easter eggs. Hope you all have a good Easter Saturday.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sorry CHERYL good bargain with Phil's stamps I love them hopefully get some at AP.
      Hug's xx
      Some extra Hug's for LILIAN.Hopefully your feeling better xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Glad you liked Amy’s cake.
      I’m yet to master the fancy designs I’ve seen around the edging of other work. Plus the picot cutting. I have another lesson on the 11th of April. So fingers crossed I learn a bit more. Or at least have a bit more practice at cutting.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I have managed to loose 4 comments and see that yesterdays has gone too so fingers crossed this one is lucky!
    Sandra, I love your card, what a great idea to add the shimmering mica powder. Have a good weekend my lovely xx
    Michele, thanks for a great review, I did the same as Karen and just enlarged the tiny text X
    Pat, some lovely plates, enjoy using them all. What a talented young lady Amy is, her cake is fabulous X
    Lynda, what a beautiful box, what are you going to do with it?
    Cheryl, wow you were lucky to get these stamps when they are such a new release. Please could you let me know what the site is called as I would like to have a look. Thank you X
    Danielle, I love your bottle bag and how it matches your card. I will pop over to watch your video X
    Brenda, I hope John is feeling ok. Did the doctor tell him to hold a pillow against his stomach when he needs to cough or when standing up or sitting down? Chris was told to do that when he had his repaired and found it really helpful. Sending you both hugs. Only 8 sleeps until I can give you a proper hug 😊 x
    Lilian, sending you gentle hugs dear friend x
    I am sorting out my clothes before putting them all away properly in the new wardrobe and cupboards, not a job I particularly like but will be glad to get it all straight again. Then crafting later on so at least I have something to look forward to 😊
    Wishing you all a very Happy Easter ladies, enjoy the weekend. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Morning Sandra and friends.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the background you have made.
    Thank you Michele for the mag. reviews.
    Pat- have fun using your new groovi plates. Looking forward to see more of your cards made with them. Love the cake ! Amy have done a brilliant job at making the cake.
    Danielle- love the bottle bag and tag.
    Cheryl- fantastic buy, they are a good size for quick nice cards to make. Unfortunately they were all sealed up so couldn't test them out at the workshop.
    Lynda- beautiful box, was it tricky to make ?
    Brenda- hope John is doing alright. hugs for you both and to any one else who need one I have plenty to give :>)
    Lilian- do miss you. Hope you feel like coming in to the cafe soon again. To anyone looking in, come in and say Hi. Love to get to know you more.
    Not doing much today, didn't get to bed before 4am so feeling rather lethargic. Hope to do some cards up later.
    Have a nice day all xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Thanks for liking Amy’s cake. She did a Scooby Doo one foe him last year that Sandra showed on the blog. Hope your feeling a bit better now.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra I love her you have created the background paper, adding the mica powder was a touch of genius. Definitely going to give this technique a try. Thank you for the inspiration. xx

    Michele thank you for your magazine reviews they are always very much appreciated, helps me decide which magazines I might like to buy. I could read the comments under each magazine, but then I am using Love an iPad. xx

    Danielle love your Man gift bag. Would make any gifts look very expensive. xx

    Pat enjoy your new Groovi plates. Lots of lovely ideas there to keep you busy.
    WOW love the cake, Any is a very clever young lady, she could definitely turn this hobby into a business.xx

    Cheryl What a brilliant find these dies were. Have a great time using them xx

    Lynda, your box is beautiful, it really looks expensive and would make any gift look extra special, definitely a keepsake. xx

    John is doing well, and not in as much discomfort as he thought, although sitting down and getting up is very uncomfortable. Sue thank you for the tip about using a pillow when coughing, standing up and sitting down. I will get him to try that. xx

    Have a good Easter everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Glad to hear that John isn’t to uncomfortable after his op. I think my friend was told about the pillow thing after her op. We had to bring a pillow for her to put on her tummy while she was in the car as well. Apparently that stops the seatbelt from pulling on it. All great tips.

  10. Hi everyone.
    Had a feeling yucky couple of days. Not so bad now, just a bit queasy. Hope I'm OK tomorrow to eat my Easter Egg!!!
    Love your card Sandra. Great background and very cute dragonflies.
    MICHELE many thanks for your mag review. I have a couple of them but now want the rest. Have a great time with your relatives.x
    CHERYL great stamps. They look really useful.
    LYNDA Your box is beautiful. I have this die but of course not used it yet but you've encouraged me to route it out.x
    PAT Love all your groovi goodies and my oh my what a fantastic cake. A real work of art. Hope you're having a lovely few days away.x
    DANIELE. Your box is really great and matches last Sunday card perfectly.
    BRENDA so pleased John is doing well after his op.Now you've just got to get him to take it easy for a few weeks.x
    Have a great Easter holiday everyone and enjoy whatever your doing.
    Thinking of you Lilian.x
    Lots of love Valx

    1. Hi Val
      Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling yucky, but hope your feeling a bit better now.
      I’ll let Amy know that everyone loved her cake.
      To fiddly and time consuming to do it as a job.
      We’re having a nice time in Somerset. Shame about the weather though. A lovely rest before starting yet another round of hospital appointments on Tuesday. Enjoy your Easter egg.

  11. Hi ladies, so sorry im so late had a crazing day with one of my daughters Cassidy she is 9 and in to slime at the minute so she had me go round all the shops to buy what she needed in total she made 7 different slimes its taken about three hours, lots of fun and one happy daughter.. I must admit shes fantastic at making it.. Thank you for your lovely comments on my bag. Sandra your card looks amazing I would love to give it a try.. Lots to look at today all fantastic. Love the cake and stamps.x

    1. Hi Danielle
      Fantastic box 📦 for the wine. I’m glad your daughter enjoyed making her slimes. I’m assuming she can play with it once it’s made.
