
Sunday 17 December 2017

Your Challenge cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all ok this Chilly Sunday morning, can't believe that this time next week but will be Christmas Eve !!

Now you have made some lovely cards for this week's Sketch so without further delay here we go........

Karen made a very sweet New Baby card for this week's Sketch Challenge. She used C&C 'Topsy Turvy' and 'Gingham' card (that Karen got free with her Scan&Cut, the dies Karen has used are Sue Wilson 'New Arrival' and 'Itty Bitty' bow dies and Spellbinder Curved Border for the top, such a gorgeous girly card Karen.  Karen's friend had a baby last weekend and she wanted to challenge herself, so didn't use the 'go to' shadow box die.                                                                                                              Your card is fantastic Karen, your challenge 100% paid off, I bet you were really pleased that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone.                                                                                         Thank you so much Karen for taking part in this week's challenge.


Janet was super busy this week so this card is one from Janet's archives, I'm amazed how perfectly it fits the sketch.  Spellbinders bauble dies cut in different glitter card create the focal element of this fantastic Christmas card. You should be so proud to be able to look back on past cards with pride, I look back and cringe! Haha.                                                                  Thank you Janet for taking part in this week's challenge.


Val has made a super cute Birthday card for this week's challenge.  Val found a cute image of a Chihuahua, her friend Pippa has a Chihuahua called Tinker so Val just had to use it for Pippa's card.  It really works Val, everything you have used compliments that gorgeous image.
Thank you so much Val for taking part this week. 


Michele has had two cards for this week's Sketch Challenge, the first has a beautiful topped with a delicate floral image, Michele has finished the card with a pretty pink ribbon and some sparkles, a gorgeous card Michele, I love it !                                      Michele's second card features a fantastic stamped topper, layered onto a tag, with a fantastic background, I really like that background it's unusual, everything works perfectly together. Thank you so much for making two cards for this week's challenge. 


Lynda has made a stunning card for this week's challenge, this lovely card features so many different techniques, die cutting, embossing (both heat and dry embossing), stamping and colouring.      They all work perfectly together on this card too Lynda.

I have to say Lynda that you put your heart and soul in every card you make, I have never seen a 'quick and simple' lynda card.  My Christmas card has so many different elements, from a stunning Northern lights background that sparkles beautifully to die cut detail, there is so much to look at, you pour so much love and attention to detail into your cards Lynda.  Thank you so much it is a privilege to share your cards each week my lovely.

Here is Lynda's description....

"My cc description
6x6 card Embossed with Sheena Douglas a taste of India embossing folder I went over it with yellow mica powder 
I cut a piece of light yellow card & cut it with a fancy edge die & folded it over the top of my card then put double sided sheet over a perspect tag & used gold gilding flakes a.Stamped a rose script stamp (but wouldn't on the GF) so stamped onto craft card with clear embossing pad used mustard lustre heat set glued onto base card tied small bow added cream pearl. Stamped sentiment & little bird on tag cut it out with SW flag die.."
Thank you so much Lynda for taking part this week.

Ladies, thank you all so much for taking part, I know you are all so busy with Christmas preparations but still you make time to support my blog challenge, you are all such amazing friends, you probably get bored of me saying how grateful I am to you all, but I really am.

I will make next weeks challenge a simple one so that you don't have to think about it too much.

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs



  1. Lovely selection of cards Sandra, xxxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    I just love Sunday morning and stepping into our wonderful world of craft to see what everyone has made for the week's Challenge and today is no different.
    All cards are beautiful and so different. The display board is just bursting with inspiration.

    We're off to Christina's today to take their presents and of course it gives me a day off from We aren't doing our usual routine though as we want to be back here earlier than usual. Driving through Derbyshire lanes in the dark these days isn't as easy as it used to be.

    The CAFE is OPEN but apologies to all as there isn't a lunch menu this week.
    HUGS should be arriving with you shortly. Have a good Sunday and if going out please wrap up warm.xxxx

    1. Enjoy your break from cooking

    2. Hi Janet have a lovely day at Christina's & enjoy your dinner that you haven't had to cook. I always enjoy my dinner's that have been cooked for me
      Hug's xxx

    3. Janet thank you very much for your lovely Christmas card.
      Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your lunch that you didn't have to cook, and enjoyed your visit with Christine and family. Must be a bit bleak this weather tending to the animals. I know Karen ( Pete's daughter ) has to go out in all weathers to tend to her horses. I always enjoy dinners more that have been cooked for me. Hope the journey hone wasn't to bad.

    5. Crikey Janet missed saying I liked your card you made for the challenge,

  3. Hi Sandra and all,
    A lovely way to start Sunday morning seeing all the lovely cards sent in this week. All beautiful and I'd be proud to have made any one of them.
    Barrie is still in bed as he was most of yesterday but I'm leaving him there as he obviously needs the sleep.
    Thank you Michelle for letting me know my name has been drawn for Christina's prize. A lovely surprise and a very nice gift.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone whatever you're up to.
    Hugs to all and special one to those not feeling too good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. I love that cute image of the chihuahua

    2. Hi Val
      Cute image on the card you have made for the challenge. Hope Barrie's enjoying his rest. And that Helen's not feeling to poorly and can come home soon.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge cards. Mine were both very quick + easy cards as I was really struggling to find some inspiration yesterday afternoon.

    Late start for me this morning as I actually had a lie in...!! I’ve felt so tired recently that I decided not to even check the alarm clock . I saw it was light outside so I could guess what time it was!

    Housework this morning then maybe have a play in my craft room starting some birthday cards for next year or something for my Sale Cards Box.


    1. Hi Michele thank you very much for your lovely Christmas card
      Hope you get some cards made.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your feeling refreshed after your lie in. Hope you manage to get some cards made.

  5. I was home alone last night and didn’t go to bed until 3am and yes I was crafting! I still need to make a few Christmas cards/finish painting:decorating a couple of presents/the ironing is staring at me/I should do some housework- argh! I need another couple of weeks
    I love seeing everyone’s take on challenges and how you “tweak” the concept I really need to think outside the box
    Waiting to hear if OH coming home later or I’m meeting him at the dance venue

    1. Hi Karen
      Well, like you I'm looking at the new tree I bought ( fibre optic ), and thinking I need to put some decorations on you. I'm doing it in stages. Not to sure why you need to think outside the box as your cards are gorgeous. Enjoy your dancing tonight.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. A stunning Sunday line of up of beautiful CC's. I love your card, much as I do like Christmas cards in other colours swing this one with the reds and greens makes it a winner for me. I hope you aren't too tired after shopping yesterday my lovely xx
    Karen, what a cute card. The recipient of this one will be delighted with it. Enjoy dancing later, if you're not too tired after a late night. I think I will be having a few of those over the next week!!! X
    Janet, you may not have made your card this week but it does fit the challenge so well. I love the beautiful branch, it is so pretty. I hope you and Jim have a nice time with Christina and have a good journey. X
    Hi Val. Congratulations on your win. That's a lovely start to the day isn't it. What a fabulous card for your friend. I'm sure she will love it x
    Michele, both of your cards are so pretty, I love the colours you have used and a great background, it would works so well for many cards ?
    Wishing you all a good day.
    We are putting the decs up today so chaos for a few hours, but worth it 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Great cards ladies today. Once again no two are alike. Lovely seeing you this morning Sandra, and thanks for getting my magazine for me. Had to wait an age for our lunch today as the whole place was heaving. Never seen the car park so full. Still waiting for Keith to come and help Pete get our old cooker in the car to take to the tip. Predictive text is rife today, for once I'm checking what they've written as I go along.

  8. Meant to say that we had a video call today from Ozgur who lives in Russia. He was an English student who came to stay with us awhile back. We don't take in students, but a Turkish lad who worked with Pete had been trying to get in touch with a friend of Petes who worked with him. He was away so we picked him up as Jim was on holiday. The upshot was that he stayed with us for a couple of years to learn English. We often joked that he was staying from May-Nov. He then says ah but I didn't say which Nov. He and his family always keeps in touch with us. Hopefully he's coming over for a visit sometime next year.

  9. Hello All, wet and very foggy here today, R playing for another carol Service tonight, he’s always very busy this time of year.

    Lovely cards today everyone, I did one but decide it wasn’t good enough to send to Sandra, hope to do better this week.

    Val lovely to see you had a crafty win, always good when you “know” the winner.

    Have any of you tried air dry clay?, I’ve bought some and a cutter to make a rose, still in the packet, saw someone on hochanda , and thought it looked fairly easy, I’ll let you know.

    Well I’d better go, have a good evening , hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Hope your feeling a bit better now. I've never heard of air dried clay. Will be interested in seeing your rose made up. Hope Roger isn't to busy in the coming week.

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry no card fromme this week, I ran out of time. Lovely selection of cards on display, well done ladies. Hope you ate not too tired after
    Janet hope you have had a good day. You will be pleased to know I have put one of boxes you kindly cut out to good use, I decided to fill it with notelets, which I spent the afternoon making, as a present for a
    Sue hope you have decorations finished, I am sure Chris junior enjoyed helping. Love you xxx
    Val hope Barrie is getting lots of rest & you enjoy spoiling
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely C cards on show again this Sunday. The chihuahua is so cute Val and Karen your baby card is so sweet, the person who get these cards will love them. Well done all.
    I hope you all had a nice relaxing Sunday. My SIL and her husband came up to us this morning. We went for a very nice Chinese buffet, we won't see eachother as usual on Christmas eve so this was instead for. They only left half hour ago so now I feel rather flat (if only)hihihi watching a bit of tv now before bed, just hope Mr Sandman is visiting tonight, sat here to near 4am the other morning. Good night my friends, many warm hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Well I'm off to bed now. I hope Pete doesn't wake me when he comes up. Last night he was up half the night with cramp. The night before he was in a lot of pain with his shoulder. He spent half the night downstairs in the chair playing scrabble.
