
Friday 1 December 2017

Festive Friday

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe we are in December??? I wish we could all just slow time down a little, this year has whizzed by way too fast!

I think I need to step up my Christmas card making as I will be way behind, I have Val's on its way, so that's one ticked off the list. Another 50+ to go, I usually buy a box of inexpensive cards for school cards etc, having said that the girls send less and less as the years have gone by, now it's a few close friends, I will make them for their favourite teachers, or encourage them to make them!

Today's Festive Friday card is made using the 'Seasonal Bells' stamp set, for the main focal element of the card, the background has been made using a Snowflake stamp from 'snowflake sentiments' stamp set, that I stamped and embossed with Silver Embossing Powder onto some 'Whisper White' and 'Night of Navy' Card, I covered the join with Foil edged ribbon.
I die cuts 'Lots of Labels' die cut, stamped the Flourish and Sentiment onto the label, then stamped the bells onto 'Night of Navy' card and placed them under the flourish.
I tied a foil ribbon bow to top the bells and a Navy Seam Binding bow at the top of the label.

I must tidy my craft room today as it's a disaster zone!

The new Spring & Summer Stampin Up catalogue previews today, so many gorgeous things!!!

I hope you all have a lovely day, Lynda I will be thinking of you this afternoon, I hope your injection isn't too painful.

Have a lovely Friday ladies,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, it’s really lovely. Very classy & elegant.

    Goodness-it was such a rush last night. We’d been invited to an Art Exhibition & as the Artist was going to be there we decided we wanted to go. It’s about a 50 minute drive so it was a very quick meal, get chanythen off we went. We had a long chat with the Arto(Rozanne Bell) who was so funny & down to earth. Finally got home about 9:30 when I started to wash the dishes.

    I’m finishing work at 1pm today so I can pack up my cards etc and set up my Sale Table at the Christmas Fair. Home for a quick bite to eat then back to the Church for 6pm ready for the punters to arrive!! As it’s nearly freezing already, I think I’ll need to wear a few layers!


    1. I hope you do well tonight xx

    2. Hope you have a really successful evening

    3. Hi Michele. Good luck tonight. I bet your cards will be quickly snapped up x

    4. Hi Michele
      Good luck tonight. Yoyr cards are lovely so they should all sell tonight.

    5. Hi Michele, good luck for this evening x

  2. Morning Everyone
    A very pretty Seasonal Card SANDRA- love the colours and that tag is just gorgeous.

    Well we had our first taste of SNOW last evening. It started around 19.30hrs and was still snowing when I went to bed. Fortunately it has all gone this morning and I really do hope that today is warmer than yesterday. It was so bitter here but according to the forecast we could get some more today.

    Housework (sorry for the swearing) is the order of the day but I'm hoping that I can get a little crafting sometime this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so if you're thinking of popping in please dress up warm (you know thick coats, big woolly scarves and of course bobble hats OH and don't forget gloves

    HUGS are on their way to you all and I'm hoping all Dear Friends not quite 100% feel a little better today.xxxx

    1. Oh that sounds cold Janet. I do love snow but only when I'm inside looking out on it. Good luck with th 'H' word

    2. Hi Janet. I think your plan to stay in the warm and craft after doing that rude 5 letter word is a very sensible one. I hope any more snow doesn't cause you any problems x

    3. Hi Janet
      Ooh that doesn't sound very good Janet. I really don't like the cold. We've been out twice this morning. Had a bank appointment at 9.00. Forgot we wanted a big bag of potatoes from the garden centre in Freeland, so had to go out again. It wasn't to cold here though last night as the frost wasn't so thick. And yes, I did wrap up warm.

  3. A very pretty card SANDRA When you said about VAL I went into panic mode a bit PLEASE don’t be offended but I will not be sending cards to you all The postage is too expensive Every year I make cards for family and friends And make a donation to Gary’s page on British Heart Foundation
    I hope you all understand
    I need to get an appt for dentist today I have managed to chip a tooth
    Take care all and as JANET said wrap up warm
    I love your card SANDRA

    1. Don't worry about the card Karen. Making a donation to Gary page is obviously close to your heart and a very worthy cause.
      Good luck with the

    2. Hi Karen. I hope the dentist doesn't hurt you too much, in both a physical and a financial way!!! X

    3. Hi Karen
      Don't worry about sending cards, giving to Gary's page is a much better cause to put your money to. I'll be hand delivering where I can. I won't be sending to Australia as it was much to expensive. My SIL and I decided that after last year, after I posted mine 3 weeks before Christmas and it arrived about 10 days after. So I got a Jacqie Lawson subscription instead. I've sent more cards this year that way for friends who are under the weather.

    4. Hi Karen no worries about sending cards.
      Hope dentist was ok & not too expensive
      Hug's xx

    5. Hi Karen, hope the dentist went ok. No worries about any cards, you give to Gary's page instead as before. Have you managed to get next Thursday
      off ? xx

    6. Hi Karen
      I hope you managed to get an appointment with the dentist. They managed to fix your tooth and it wasn't to expensive.

  4. Morning Sandra and all,
    Just love today's card Sandra. You certainly do make beautiful cards.
    Off to craft group today. Wendy is off to the UK next week and is kindly taking the rest of my Christmas cards over to send.
    Good news from my DIL. The cancer seems to be only in her leg. They've still got CAT scans to do but they're pretty positive. She's being kept in hospital until the drains are removed which is about two weeks time. Then she has 3 monthly check ups. Such a relief.

    Hugs to all not feeling so good especially LYNDA and LILIAN. Hope you're all having a better

    Keep warm everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. What wonderful news for your DIL and all of you. Enjoy craft club today. What will you be doing while you are there? X

    2. Hi Val
      Very good news about DIL so pleased for her & you. Enjoy craft club
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Val, very good news for your DIL. Hope she be alright. Have fun at craft club xx

    4. Ooh that sounds so much more positive What a relief I hop you had fun at Craft Club

    5. Hi Val wonderful news regarding you DIL. Sounds like she's had a very positive outcome. Great that she'll be home for Christmas and only have 3 monthly checkups.

  5. Morning ladies,

    Pretty card Sandra, I must take photos of my batch cards to send you.
    Had lunch & Secret Santa yesterday with some old work mates and I was a bit miffed when the organiser who is also a very good friend said 'Oh, you've done the snotty little one this year' when I gave her her card. This was well thought out for me, so she will not be getting next year!!!
    I also forgot to send pic of my new SW dies, which I bought from Set Craft on advanced order. I was quite surprized that they came two days later! That is why I could get the Challenge silhouette card done so quickly.

    My new freezer has arrived and has had its 24 hour start up period, so off to fill it up with goodies for the hordes to descend on us on Christmas day. The cubic capacity is half of my old one so we will have to plan goods out when buying instead of just chucking them in the trolley.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. How rude of your "friend". A lesson in manners should be at the top of her Christmas list! I hope you don't struggle too.much with the smaller freezer. We had to downsize from a good sized chest freezer to a fridge/freezer combi when we last moved so I know how you feel x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      How rude of your friend well she isn't such a good friend if she treats you that way. Hope your don't struggle with the smaller freezer.
      Hug's xx

    3. Hi Cheryl, rudeness from some people ey !
      Hope you survive with the smaller freezer. I know I wouldn't so thankfully the old fridge/freezer is still working in the garage plus we got a small extra one in the kitchen. Keep warm xx

    4. How very rude of your “friend”

    5. Hi Cheryl
      Well Cheryl what a rude person. Hope this isn't the same person who was rude to you when you had the dinner or lunch with the people you went walking with. Sounds like she needs a lesson in manners.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sandra, this is a gorgeous Christmas card. I love it, such a classic colour combo and the stamps are beautiful my lovely xx
    I still haven't managed to get any cards done but am going to have to set aside the first half of next week to get them done. I think it would be easier if I had a craft room so I could shut myself away but only having a lounge diner makes it difficult when we have visitors and we have been having lots of them over the last couple of weeks and will over the weekend as one of Chris's sister in laws passed away a fortnight ago after a long struggle with early onset dementia and we have our dear Sister in laws funeral this afternoon so not a good day really. But she is at peace and pain free at last, bless her.
    I hope you all are keeping warm. We have a clear blue sky here at the moment so hope it stays that way for the rest of the day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Sandra, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, you and the family take it easy and I hope the funeral went well. Sad day but as you say ,she is now at peace. sending you all some hugs.
      Hope you be alright for coming down to Watford on the 7th to have some Me time :>) Haven't got many cards together either so tomorrow will have to be a day of crafting as long Mojo and body would play nicely. hugs xx

    2. Hi Sue, so sorry to hear your sad news. Hope today went as well as these occasions can.
      Sending hugs to you and the

    3. Sorry to hear your sad news and the funeral went as well as it could do on these sad occasions

    4. Hi Sue
      A sad time for you all. Hope the funeral went off okay.

    5. Gurt biguns (((((HUGS))))) coming your way Sue xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Love this card your showing today. The bells are fantastic. The bells you can use for any occasion and not just for Christmas. Hope the postman comes today as I have some groovi plates on order since the weekend. Plus I ordered a couple of things from Sandra.

    1. Hi Pat, like to see some work of yours with the groovi plates. Send some photos to Sandra to show.
      Hope your day has been ok, take care xx

    2. Hi Maria
      I will when I get to put them together. I've done a few but never put them together.

  8. Hi all will pop in later I have to get ready for my Orthopaedic appointment
    Call in when I get home
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hope your appointment went well and you back home by now. take it easy this evening. many hugs xx

    2. Hope your ok after your appointment today.
      Sending hugsxxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, love everything about it, I have this set & can see it will used
    We are being entertained today we are loking after Christopher for the day, I think we will both sleep well tonight.
    Lynda hope you get some answers at clinic today, hugs on
    Lilian I hope you beginning to feel better, hugs on
    Val so pleased for your DIL & for all of you, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, sound like you having a great time. He is at a lovely age. Doe's he help you with the baking etc ? Hope Pop is doing better and if you are going out, take care. hugs xx

    2. Thanks Margaret, we're all very relieved.
      Sounds like you had a fun day with Christopher. Bet you're in need of a rest now. Xxx

  10. Hi all, where did today go ?
    Sandra, I liked this card yesterday and even better today when I can see the colours. You make lovely cards !!
    Lilian- sending you special hugs and hope you are taking it easy.
    Tracy- thinking of you. Hope you pop in when you up for it.
    A little special day for OH and me so we had a nice day together and I'm cooking a nicer dinner then usual, didn't fancy going out, so I will wish you all a nice evening and I see you again tomorrow. love Maria Xoxx

    1. Hi Maria, glad you've had a lovely special day and enjoy your lovely meal tonight.
      Enjoy your

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you enjoy your extra special meal for your special day.

  11. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wow what a afternoon I've had at the orthopaedic clinic. About 300 questions on what sort of pain I'm getting. In my back legs feet it's so hard to describe a pain. Then I had to take my trousers off shock horror
    Then he said stand in front he then pulled my knickers into the middle said I had a lot of muscle loss. He is going to send me for a MRI scan on my spine for lower back. He thinks my feet are nerve ending witch are damaged.
    Glad that's over. I'm going to dish up dinner. So will send you all Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Which not witch predicted text again xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Wow, what a shock you must have had after all those questions. Then having to take yoyr trousers off and etc. Hope you don't have to wait for an MRI scan. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    3. Predictive text keeps rearing its head doesn't it.

  12. Oh my goodness what an ordeal and having to strip to your knickers!!! Glad that's over anyway and hope your MRI scan comes through quickly. Take care.xxxx
