
Monday 4 September 2017

Michele's Monday Challenge!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Michele has chosen the Challenge for you all again this week and the Challenge is to make a .......
Card in Black and White.

So it could be a simple stamped image, stamped in black, or you could do a die cut card in Black and White, there are simply thousands of cards to inspire you in monochrome on Pinterest, so if your mi d has gone blank go and have a browse!

Michele's card is Gorgeous, omg I NEED that Embossing Folder, it's another "that Embossing Folder" (like the last one in similar style).

Michele has talked us through her card, so I will hand over to her......

"I used one of the new Apple Blossom embossing folders (Dotty Floral) on my white square, embossed an extra piece in black and glued that onto the white piece. Matted & layered it on a 6x6 scalloped edged card blank. Added a few gemstones and the card was done."

Thank you Michele for a fantastic Challenge and for inspiring us with your stunning card XXX

Well ladies as you are reading this blog post we should be driving through the centre of France to the outskirts of Paris, were we we stop again over night, let's hope we have missed most of traffic!

One more night then I'll be back in my own bed !! Where I don't have to ask someone to take me to the toilet everytime I need to go, the things we take for granted eh!! Sophie and Lucy have washed up every single meal time and now the think that tents should come with dishwashers in them as standard!

I hope you all love Michele's Challenge, I love it and will be making a card when I'm back!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies,

    A gorgeous card Michele and an interesting choice for the challenge card. Now I have most of the die cuts for the Pre-school done, I'm hoping to have some time to join you all into doing the challenges again.

    Woken up again to a very wet soggy kind of day. Jamie is on days this week and so far he and his work team have ended being drenched to the bone. Good job they have plenty of overalls to change into and the services of a laundry team, a luxury that they can't take advantage of when on nights.

    (((((Hugs))))) to all in need of one or just because...
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope Jamie doesn't catch a nasty cold after being drenched.

    2. I'm glad your not badly hurt. Probably was a shock though.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-hope your journey has been problem free so far.

    My card was partly inspired by the lovely card Lilian made a couple of weeks ago, although mine is a much simpler version. I have treated myself to quite a few of the Apple Blossom embossing folders plus the 2 sets of Dies.

    We also have rain here, not too bad for me as I'm going into work. Wish I didn't have to go to work but at least my boss is back this week-she should cheer me up!


    1. This is a lovely challenge Michele I will be playing tomorrow with a few ideas that are floating around my head
      I hope work is a happier place now that your boss is back

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you had a better day at work now that she's back. It's awful to have this hanging over your head for so long.
      Love this folder Michele. I bought the original one and a couple of the new Christmas ones. Can't wait to play with them.

  3. Morning Everyone
    from a very Autumnal morning here in Sheffield.
    I really is like a November morning here - rain, misty and cold.
    It was so cold yesterday that I finished up wearing my long sleeved tshirt plus a thick woolly jumper!!!!
    Where has the Summer gone?

    MICHELE- a beautiful Challenge this week and a card which fits too. Hope today isn't too bad a work.

    SANDRA- I hope your journey hasn't been too bad so far and that it continues today. Have a good night in Calais and a seamless sail tomorrow.

    It's Mr Tesco first thing this morning and then I have a card to finish and start thinking of this week's Challenge.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I've put the heating on this morning for you all so pop in for a warm and a cuppa.
    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all,
    Sandra hope the journey is going well and trouble free.

    Thank you Michele, a lovely challenge and a beautiful card. I have looked at these Ef's and I'm very tempted. Are they from Craft Stash?

    Lovely seeing my brother SIL and friends yesterday. We're doing it all over again on Wednesday.

    Can't believe it's a month since Pip my window cleaner was here but it is and he's due any minute.

    Michele hope your day goes

    Maria, good luck to you and other half

    Margaret glad you appointment has come

    Cheryl hope there's no aftereffects from your

    Hugs to all especially Pet, Lynda, Lilian and anyone not feeling too grand today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Morning Val,
      No after effects apart from a small graze. The slight swelling last night disappeared after resting my foot up for a while. x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Wow Michele
    I love this embossing folder. I had that embossing folder that came free with a magazine but paid for mine. They've done numerous re runs as it was so popular.
    I've bought 2 Christmas ones, plus the dies and Christmas stamps that fit into the wavy bit. You can buy these in bundles or seperatly so might need to buy some more.
    Mind you I've loads of Spellbinders small embossing folders that I haven't even used yet

  6. Lovely idea for a challenge. MICHELE I'm itching to have a play
    How's the foot CHERYL You could have had a really nasty tumble wit that decking Thank goodness you didn't
    I'm glad you have another date for your op MARGARET Such a shame it's a long way off
    I hope your back is getting better TRACY
    Didn't see Oscar yesterday (did see him Friday though) as it would have been too cold and wet for him to go to the picnic. It was good fun There's nothing like (and typical of us Brits) dancing on the grass in the rain!
    Have a safe trip home SANDRA and lots of hugs to you all

    1. Hi Karen,

      My foot is fine thank you, was a shock but as I went straight through the gap I was very lucky not to have hurt my ankle any more than just a bit of a graze. x

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra hope your journey going well & you have a good crossing
    Muchele lovely card, I have quiet a few Apple Blossom dies but not Embossing folders, keep looking but resisted so far. Thank you for the Challenges you have
    Lynda hope this week is a better one for you both hugs on
    Maria hope both of your hodpital trips go well for you both. Pleased you can make Ally Pally look forward to seeing you, hugs on
    Val enjoy your
    Karen sounds as if you had fun in the rain yesterday. I was lucky enough to have little Chris to myself on Sat, Chris was helping Pop, we had fun & saw him yesterday for couple of hours, so lucky me.
    Pat hope your hand etc are getting easier hugs on way to you
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  8. Hi everyone.
    Georgeous card Michelle. I bought the original one as Sandra kindly sent me a link to craftstash to get it along with s few other items lol.
    Never got to craft shop yesterday. G put his foot down and said no way another day resting.

    Today is our wedding anniversary 8 years. So I'm gonny beg to go craft shop lol.

    Hope everyone that needs it gets well soon xx

    1. Hi Tracey
      Just make sue you don't do any more damage to your back

      Happy 8th Anniversary. I wonder if you'll get to the craft shop today.

    2. Happy Anniversary Tracy & G !!

    3. HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY Tracey and G. xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I hope your drive to Paris is uneventful, especially with the immigrants trying to get to England. I also hope that when your back in the UK your drive this side isn't to bad either.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Gorgeous card Michele and very happy with the choice for this weeks CC, just need to get something together and that usually takes a few days Lol
    I hope you all having a good day as you can, I hate this weather tho that we all seem to have today, feeling so cold. OH need some test, so more hospital. One is the Churchill Pat so you know that one but I hope he could get something closer to home . I'm fine, still a bit sore but that can have to do with the fibromyalgia to do so....Can't wait to have a proper shower !
    Take care driving back Paul and hopefully you won't see anything bad on the way. Sure you can't wait Sandra to be back in your own bad and toilet :-) Love to know how you cooped at the camping place tho so looking forward to have a chat soon.
    Many special hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Yes this weather is the pits isn't it. We've not heard anything from the hospital and to say Pete is down is an under statement.
      Yes, we know the Churchill very well, I'm back up there on the 11th to have the Cancer cut out on the left side of ny head up by my hairline.
      Patients come from all over the country Maria to the Churchill as it's a major cancer hospital. When Pete was on the trial they came from, Milton Keynes, Mansfield and Nottingham to name but a few. So I hope Rick gets an appointment soon and they can give you some news.
      Looking forward to seeing you at Ally Pally. We'll sort tickets out when Sandra gets home.

  11. I've been looking back on the blog Sandra and noticed that Brenda bought the star of light dies and stamps.using yours I've just noticed that one of the dies is missing. The one on the bottom right with the holes through it all when you look at the packaging. It might still be in the packaging that the wallet with the dies comes in.

  12. Another fantastic card and another i need that embossing folder too. Laura O

    1. Hi Laura
      Yes, these embossing folders are fantastic. Especially now they're done the Dies and the stamps to go with them.

  13. Hi Sandra & all,
    Quick message from Sue she asked me to say "Hi!", she was not able to get while at Camp & has been busy today getting ready for her & Chris to drive to Devon tonight. She will call in when she can & sends love & hugs to

  14. Hi everyone, damp and cold here today.
    Sorry didn't get yesterday, have had a couple of rough days health wise, am see a new Dr on Friday as mine is away again, do hope they get something sorted soon.

    Yesterday's cards were all lovely and this weeks challenge should be ok.

    Sandra hope journey is going well, you are going to feel cold when you get back.
    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well these last few gentle hugs on the way.
      I hope this new Dr will be able to find out the root cause of your problems.
      I know that Doreen had a very painful foot and saw numerous doctors and had an X-ray which showed nothing wrong. I mentioned about her foot to my chiropodist who has also done Doreen's feet. She suggested it might be Mortons Neuroma which only shows up on a scan. I mentioned this to the dr we saw who sent her up for a scan at the orthopaedic hospital and to see a specialist. Guess what was wrong, yes, Mortobd Neuroma.
      We find out what there going to do about it tomorrow.

  15. Hello Sandra and Ladies,

    Thank you Michele for setting this weeks challenge, I think this is going to be very interesting, can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

    Sandra I hope you have had a good journey today and are now able to relax and unwind ready for the last leg tomorrow. I'm sure you are looking forward to sleeping in your own bed.

    Had a very quiet day, energy seems to have flown out of the window. Doesn't help with the weather turning colder. Think I should hibernate like the tortoise!

    Goodnight everyone, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I think I'll join you in thane hibernation. I wish we'd had some really nice weather before this cold started in.
