
Wednesday 6 September 2017

Another of my Beautiful Birthday Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's post will be fairly brief as we got in at about ten last night after a another 12 hours travelling.  We were doing fine as always until we got to Calais, now by comparing today's traffic at the port to the last weekend of the holidays that we usually travel on it was clearly a very quiet day, until we arrived, after we had driven into the port we were excited to see so many empty lanes, both the French and British Border Agencies only had two booths open, so traffic soon built up, they then decided to close one, so all the traffic from that queue were supposed to 'merge ' into our lane, but people just don't understand the word 'merge', they all think it's ok to drive up to the front and try and force their way in,then to add insult to injury a French Army lad decided he'd like to look In our roof box, the look of horror on Paul's face was a picture, he had to enlist the help of Sophie and Lucy to close the darn thing, but just as Paul turned the key and went to lift it up the lad was satisfied, don't get me wrong I totally understand their reasons for doing it, I think it's just a case of by the part of the journey we just wanted to get home, I still think that Calais is a very disorganized port compared to Dover. 

I'm not going to start on the topic about the state of the house when we got back, I just went and sat in my bed and had a little cry!! 
The boiler isn't working at all, so no heating or not water!!

I was soon cheered up though by the pile of absolutely STUNNING cards, with verses that would bring a tear to anyone's eye!  You are all just the most amazing friends any girl could wish for, so thank you so very much.

Today's beautiful card was made by Lilian, believe me when I say the photo does not do it justice, the sparkle in the flowers is and grasses is enchanting, the butterfly shimmers prettily in the light too, a lovely soft green background with a stunning vibrant pink on the base of the flowers that blends out perfectly to a softer Pink at the edges of the leaves. 
Such a beautiful card Lilian, I feel very touched that you put so much work into my card, thank you so very much. 

My craft room is going to look so pretty with all of these lovely works of art, after I have tidied it of course, not sure quite what has happened while we were away, it looks like a Hurricane has been through the house, it managed to devour a whole box of unopened Thorntons chocolates, a 1\2 thick chocolate plaque with my name on, five packs of handmade fudge, all from a shelf in our bedroom, Matt wanted to blame Milo and Bella, but they have never been interested in chocolate and you can tell when They have ripped packages open as they claw if, these packages had huge rips in, so my guess is Harley ! Plus he has eaten both chocolate and fudge before from Matt's room! 
Today will be spent trying to restore order!! 

A nice clean bed is awaiting me, (I always change it before we leave), I can't wait to get in it, while we were away we tended to go to bed at about 11pm and we were up by 7.30am every morning, partly for a trip to the loo but also because it was too hot to stay inside any longer, plus we like to make the most of every day, it was a wonderful holiday, we spent lots of precious time with Sophie and Lucy, as it may well be their last 'family' holiday with us, Sophie has already been asked to go to 'Cannes' next August with Lewis (her boyfriend)'s family. I thought it was a bit soon as they have only been together 2 months, but it was nice that his Parents like her enough to invite her, she will of course be 18 by then too, which I forget as they are my babies and I still tend to see them as that, mind you I think they quite like it too!  It melted my heart seeing Paul with them in the sea as they were all getting to grips with the paddle board.  They clearly have fond memories of the place as they asked a few times if Paul and I would still come with them and our Grandchildren, we laughed saying that it was probably a long way off but nothing would make me happier.

So much for a quick post, lol !! 
Have a lovely day my amazing friends,

Love and the hugest hugs to all of you,


Ps...... It was lovely to not have to ask to be taken for a wee tonight 😉😉😉


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your journey sounds horrific! I hope you have had a lovely nights sleep & don't overdo things today.

    Lilian-your card is gorgeous, I love the gloss on the flowers & butterfly.

    Been tracking Hurricane Irma as its heading straight for Florida, in Laws will probably stay in their home. My Sister in Laws brother lives in Miami & has had to evacuate. Hubby's friend was due to fly out today to Antigua but BA have cancelled all flights so he's heading home instead.


    1. Hi Michele, hope all your family in Florida and Miami are safe and well. xx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your family in Florida and Miami are safe and well. Good on BA cancelling flights. I can't believe the Thomsons and Thomas Cook haven't.

  2. A very pretty card LILIAN How did you do the shimmer I am hooked on my Wink of Stella brush at the moment!
    I hope you can make AP BRENDA I will miss you but as PAT said we'll just have to do a Watford trip
    Oh PAT I can't wait to give you a real hug Take care hun
    I hope your foot is healing CHERYL and that you're feeling brighter LILIAN
    Thankyou fo the great ideas re Baby Shower LYNDA and VAL I'll miss you LYNDA and Captain Underpants
    Must dash Take care all
    I hope you had a great night's sleep SANDRA after that horrific journey

    1. Hi Karen
      Really looking forward to seeing you all at Ally Pally. It's a shame that Lynda, Terry and probably Brenda won't be there.

  3. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN - I love your birthday card. I really is gorgeous and definitely one for the Memory Box. I hope your visit to the Drs gave you some answers Dear Friend. Hugs on their way to you.

    SANDRA- Hope you've had a good night's sleep and that today you're going to take it easy.
    As you know these days we always travel via Dunkirk as it's only 25mins away from Calais and it's definitely nowhere as busy as Calais Port. I know it takes a little longer for sailing time but it's more than worth all the hassle of Calais.

    I cannot believe what has just happened. It's 08.12 and just before I started typing this the phone rang (which always puts me on alert at this time in a morning re something wrong with the family as it does if it rings after 20.00hrs) so I get up to answer it only to hear an Indian accent -gentleman- checking my address, age group and then 'do I have a Funeral Plan in place?'. This world of ours is getting worse!!!

    Anyway it's Jim's birthday today but he has a hospital appointment so that's our day planned.

    The CAFE is OPEN just waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. At least it's fine this morning so no brollies needed.
    HUGE HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, Wishing Jim a very happy birthday. XX

    2. Hi Janet Happy Birthday to

    3. Hi Janet
      Wishing Jim a very Happy Birthday, hope his appointment went well.

    4. Happy Birthday Jim Hope the appointment went ok x

    5. So sorry Janet, I wanted to wish Jim a Happy Birthday this morning but missed it out. I hope he had a nice day anyhow and you did something together other then the hospital .hugs xx

  4. Hi Everyone.

    Who stole my comment from yesterday? Or did I not press publish?
    A senior moment maybe.

    Glad you're home safe and sound Sandra and had a good sleep in your own bed.Hope you can take it easy today.
    Beautiful card from Lilian. Love the shine on the flowers.

    PAT pleased that Pete's appointments have come through but a bit of jiggling to get to the last one. Hugsxxx

    LYNDA what a shame you can't make Ally Pally. I'm sure you and Terry will be

    Just tidying up as my brother SIL and friends arrive soon for us to have a day out with lunch somewhere.

    Hugs to all. Will pop in later.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val enjoy you day with you brother, SIL and friends. xx

    2. Hi Val
      I hope you had a lovely lunch with your brother, SIL and friends.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a beautiful card, Lilian you really are so talented.
    Sandra I'm so glad you are home. Sorry to hear that the house is a mess, not a nice welcome for you. I hope you had a good night's sleep though. Love and hugs my lovely xx
    Lilian I hope you are feeling better today, gentle hugs on the way x
    Lynda, sending hugs dear friend X
    Wishing you all a good day.
    Another busy day here so I must get on.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Lilian and all in need. Sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue you popped in front of me while I was typing ( not very quick ) have a good day Big Hug's xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    That card looks stunning the flowers on it are just georgeous.
    Busy day ahead visiting people whilst we are off on holiday just have to watch the time for leaving dog at home. Most times we take him with us bit not today as my cousin has cats n chickens not a good mix to add a German Shepard lol x

    Love to all Tracy xx

    1. Hi Tracy enjoy your day visiting friends I would love to see a picture of your German shepherd ( didn't know you had a dog ) how's your back hope antibiotics have kicked in.Hug's for you &G xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      Enjoy visiting friends. I also visited a couple today. Well Lesley and I both went to Marguerites. She's had an operation on her spine so doesn't get about so well at the moment. She provider a lovely lunch.

  7. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    WOW Lillian your card for Sandra is stunning love the shimmer & sparkle xx
    SANDRA What a journey you had. I hope you had a good night's sleep in your own bed.Now young lady don't get doing too much this mourning / day. Rest is what's needed for you my lovely 😘 Big Hug's xx
    MICHAEL must be worrying for you having family & friends so close too Hurricane Irma. Hug's on there way xx
    KAREN Thank you I will miss you & everyone I'm really sad not to be going. I hope someone will take a picture of you all having lunch. Hug's
    JANET what a shock for you the phone ringing at silly o'clock.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM 🎉🎈🎐🎁Hug's on there way for you both xx
    VAL Have a lovely day with your Brother SIL & friends enjoy your lunch Hug's xx
    Not sure what's on for today must finish challenge card & make a start on Terry's birthday card as time is looming up fast. Can you believe he is still 💤💤 oh wait he's just getting up. So not a early start for us. Looks like we have a nice day with some sun not sure if it will last the whole day. One lot of washing on the line & another in machine.
    I hope you all have a lovely day whatever your doing.Big Hug's for you All
    Extra for special ones for Pat Pete & Lillian Cheryl.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs and I'm sending Gurt big hugs back, as Cheryl would say. Hope your both feeling a bit better today.

  8. Hi Sandra
    It seems that you had a lovely journey home until you reached Calais. Seems to me that the French side of border control is a bit like a Lidl supermarket. They have 3 tills open, once a big queue forms they shut one till or even two sometimes. Never seems logical to me, if you have big queues open more tills not close them.
    How awful to come home to something that looked like a hurricane had passed through the house. I'm afraid I would have let rip. I assume then that Becca didn't stay to keep order. Harvey really needs training.
    My word Sandra, what a gorgeous card Lilian has made for your birthday. I absolutely love it Lilian. Love to know what company the stamps come from?.
    Hope you manage to get the house a bit sorted. It's a shame Matts at work or you could have made him clear up. Mind you I though he would have done that before you came home anyway. After having such a great time you didn't need that to come home to.

    Gentle hugs to you both, also Lilian, Tracey and Lynda and Terry and anyone else who needs one.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I really hope today you are taking it easy and leave the tiding up for when the others give you a hand. You shouldn't have to come home to such a mess tho. Glad you have happy memories from the holiday and it sound like you will have many more (grand kids) :-)
    Beautiful card from Lilian, what did you use to make the glitter Lilian. What is this Wink of Stella everyone talking about ?
    Had a morning in town, window shopping, breakfast at Valerie and library . Hope to make some card making later but right now so tired so will sit here and watch some recordings. I wish anyone not feeling to well better and I hope you all have a nice day as possible whatever you are doing. many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, I hope you are not pushing yourself to hard, sounds like you need a nap 💤 xx

    2. I bought a Wink of Stella brush (clear) at Stamparama It adds a very delicate glittery/shimmer to image etc

    3. I also bought a wink of Stella pen at Farnborough. I couldn't open it so when I did I lost most of it on my table.

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Your journey back to UK sounds horrendous, then to come home and see the mess created by Harvey must have been the last straw.I hope you've all had a good nights rest and not pushing yourself too hard today.

    Wow LILLIAN I love the card you made for Sandra, your cards are always beautiful, you really have a great talent especially when it comes to colouring. Thank you Sandra for sharing this beautiful card with us.

    Been busy making soup again this morning from the glut of tomatoes we've had this year, so guess what's on the menu for lunch in this house today? For quite a few years we've also had a glut of blackberries, but this year we had less than a handful, I think the bushes are having a rest this year.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, at the moment we have sunshine, but the forecast for other parts of the country is not so good, just hope it's fine where you are. Love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      Hope your soup making went well. We've had quite a nice day today.

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry to hear you came home to such a mess, that was the last thing you needed after frustrating journey no wonder you had a cry. Sending you hugs & hope you had a good night's sleep, please take it as easy as you
    Lilian your card is beautiful love everything about it, hope you feel better today, hugs on
    Val enjoy your day out with brother
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat & Pete, Lynda & Terry, Tracy love

    1. Thanks for the hugs Margaret, they're very much appreciated.

  12. Well Pete was rushing about to go and have an ECG at the Drs. Appointment was at 4.15 but at 5.05 he's not home yet. I hope he's just met someone in the surgery and is chatting. He can talk for England once he gets going.

    1. Hope Pete's arrived home safe and sound Patxxx

    2. Yes he did thanks you Val. As predicted he'd been chattering. As he'd been feeling wobbly for over a week I was a bit concerned.
