
Tuesday 25 July 2017

Daisy Delight

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and that those of you that are battling different challenges, gentle, healing hugs are on the way to you.

Today's card is another version of this week's Sketch Challenge.  I decided to use the Daisy Delight Designer series paper that I have been saving, just to stroke and admire of course!  However it's to nice  not to share with all if you, I actually remember that Paul and I had matching curtains, quilt cover and wallpaper border in a very similar pattern to this, it was more of a denim blue though, do this still  match bedding and wallpaper border?  Oh there was a lampshade too!  It was back in the late  80's though!
Anyway back to the card, I matted and layered some Night of Navy and white  card as a base for the DSP, I glued that down too then stamped the Daisy Delight Stamp 6 times (2 for each daisy). I punched then out, shaped them and added a Faceted Gem to the centre of each Daisy. I created a topped with more white and Night of Navy card and then placed 3 daisies onto the topper, adding some foliage to finish.
I then made a decorative border with the Ribbon Border Punch and finished it with some narrow white ribbon. 
I tied a bow and made a tiny daisy with a flower centre from another die set, topped it with a glimmer dot. I popped this onto my bow.   I stamped a 'Thank You" in Night of Navy ink and added to my border.

Pat, I hope that your day at the hospital isn't too long today, it was great to read that Pete had a lovely day yesterday, it will help keep his mind off other things XXX

I hope you all have a good day, I think we are doing some preparation for holiday today. 

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra-I love the addition of the blue background.

    Managed to get through the day at work fine but felt tired last night. Hardly slept as I kept coughing & now my throat is sore again so I'm feeling sorry for myself!

    Busy day today & we have a trainee with us the I've been told I HAVE to get trained, we have a new member of staff starting next week who will also be put in with us (along with the trainee) plus my line manager (who still hasn't done anything about the Mediation) wants us to have a new Locum from next week. I'm not sure how she thinks these staff are going to get trained because that's impossible & unsafe. Our "big boss " came into the Unit for a chat yesterday & this was discussed so I think we're going to be having a chat today.

    My Dad is doing really well-he got his dog (Casper) back from the dog walkers where he's been staying so that will cheer him up.


    1. Sorry you're not feeling too good Michele. I'm sure pressure at work isn't helping.
      Hope you can get something resolved with all thee new people your having. Xxx

    2. They are certainly piling everything up on you Michele, and it is a disgrace that your line manager has got no further with arranging your mediation. Has your Union pressed for it too? x

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like work want you to perform miracles. Do they realise your only a human being and we can only do so much. It's about time your line manager pulled her finger out and get the mediation sorted. Perhaps she thinks it'll all go away if she doesn't do anything.

    4. Hi Michele. Just what does your line manager do? Not a lot from the sounds of it, but I bet she enjoys the extra pay she gets! Thinking of you. It's good to hear your Dad is getting on well. Having his dog back will be so good for him. Take care x

  2. Your card today is right up my street SANDRA
    Yesterday I was asked to make a New Home card So do that instead of cc I'll try and send you a picture BUT it is so personalised that I wil struggle to send it and not show the details unless I can pixilate them!
    Work soon So I'm enjoying a coffee and some toast - thank you JANET
    Take care all xx

    1. Mmmm toast and coffee sounds delicious.
      Hope work goes

    2. Hi Karen. It would be good to see your New Home card. Could you put bits of paper over the personal details then take a pic of it, rather than trying to pixilate them out. Unless that is easy for you to do. I wouldn't have a clue. Have a good day at work. Take care x

  3. Morning Sandra and all,

    Love your pretty card SANDRA? The flowers are lovely as is the paper. You made me laugh with having everything matching in the bedroom. We even had a four poster as the curtains on it matched the bedding, the curtains on the windows and yes, the wallpaper. I thought it looked lovely but nowadays it would be really naff. Thank goodness I couldn't get a matching carpet as I'm sure that would have been down!!!

    Had a bit of a panic yesterday as my Gemini stopped mid cut. I switched it off and pulled out the plug but nothing happened and the plates were still stuck. Anyway I kept trying during the day but couldn't even get the light to go on. Paul came to the rescue and apparently the magnetic sheet had somehow crinkled up and jammed up the works. All back to normal now. What a relief.

    Pat, hope everything goes well today. Xxx

    Hugs to those not feeling to good.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val. I'm glad your Gemini is back to normal working and I hope my doesn't have that problem.

    2. Hi Val. We had the same type of bedroom furnishings back then too. I'm just glad we don't have any photos of it as I can imagine the kids forever teasing us about it if
      they saw them ๐Ÿ˜‚
      I hope you have a good day without any more dramas with your Gemini. Take care x

    3. Hi Val, I keep the magnetic sheet between the plastic shim and the clear plate as I had the same problem.

    4. Thanks ladies.
      Lilian thanks for the tip. I'll be doing that in future. Xxx

  4. Morning Everyone

    SANDRA- thank you for a very pretty and cheerful card this morning. It is really what I needed.

    I managed to make a start on my CC yesterday!!! Wonders never sees? but had a problem sticking flowers onto the back of a resin flower pot so that's my mission for this morning. Glue Gun out and try

    We are still in the depths of Autumn here. Even Mr Tesco said yesterday morning that it was more like that season.

    Thinking of all Dear Friends who are under 100% and I'm sending HUGE but GENTLE HUGS to you all.

    Although the CAFE DOOR is CLOSED the CAFE is well and truly OPEN and waiting for you all.

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for keeping the Cafรฉ up to scratch, it is always a pleasure to pop in and see everyone. Good luck with your glue gun today. Mind you don't get burnt fingers though. Take care x

  5. Morning ladies,

    Quite a bold statement card today Sandra.

    Busy day yesterday started with visit to doctor for BT results, nothing adversary found so she now thinks all my symptoms could be related to my dodgy hips. I had time for quick lunch then back out for the xrays at our newish hospital.
    Results/reports will not be back until next week. More pain tablets required till then.
    After a dodgy start, yesterday became a lovely hot sunny day until the wind started whipping up late afternoon. A very clear night with plenty of stars merrily shining has led to glorious sunshine this morning which is streaming through the windows.
    My sister and fiancรฉ are coming next week so a mad dash to get my cards finished for birthdays at end of this month and craft room tidied up.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. I'm sorry to hear you are suffering so much with your hips. I hope the pain killers are helping you without too many nasty side affects. Take care x

    2. Hi Mrs B
      Thank you for your kind considerations. Pain relief sends me away with the fairies if I don't eat(lol) but are brilliant. I've never been one to take any sort of relief unless really necessary, I believe your body needs to feel pain other wise they are masked by the tablets. It is so easy to become addicted to any pain killer. Luckily my new doctor thinks I have a sensible approach to pain and has now given me 200 tablets whereas I only order one box (100 tabs) every couple of months or at least three times a year. x

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card today, that daisy punch is so good& easy to use, I bought the pansy one this time. Good luck with holiday
    Michele it sounds as if they expect you to perform a miracle at work today, good luck sending
    Petanque this morning looks as if it's going to be nice.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Michele, Maria & Pat love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Hope you win at Pรฉtanque today. Our weather is a bit overcast today.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Love the daisies. Good luck with the sorting out of your holiday stuff.
    Sat up the hospital awaiting the results of Petes bloods before he has his infusion.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope Pete's bloods are ok today. And I am hoping you find out what the lump is when you have your test on Thursday. Sending big hugs. Take care x

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    Sandra your card is stunning love the papers and your flowers are gorgeous.
    We have been Rain then the sun comes out for a while then rain again at the moment so not sure what it's doing sure it can't make it's mind up.
    PAT hope you haven't got to wait around too long before Pete can have his treatment. Sending you both some gentle Hug's & two soft cushions to sit on.
    Not upto much today we can't take Bambie out for a walk yet as still raining so I will do my ironing. Then I must pick up my repeat prescription from Doctors & get my Diabetic blood test results so better get on with ironing
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. I hope your bloods come back fine. It is dry here today, well it is at the moment but it can change so quickly can't it! I hope Bambie didn't have to keep her legs crossed for too long before the rain stopped ๐Ÿ˜Š Take care x

    2. Hi Sue
      Rang doctors & I have to go & see the Diabetic nurse appointment 10th August so it can't be too bad otherwise they would have called me. Rain stopped so we managed our walk. Did some cutting out for CC too.
      Big Hug's xx

    3. Hi Lynda
      I could have done with those cushions. Pete normally has a bed allocated him as he has to have 3 ECG's before his treatment and 3 after. However, today he didn't have to have any so he had a reclining chair. But I had to sit on a very hard chair.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Today's card is beautiful, I love the colours you have used. This card would stand out in any display, it really is gorgeous. Oh dear, think when we get back home I must give some attention to our visitors bedroom, it has matching bed cover and curtains, although there is nothing wrong with them they are old. Not quite Old Testament , let's just say they have been there a long time, AND I'm not going to admit how long ago that was!
    Sandra and Paul good luck with getting sorted out for your holiday, it's always so exciting when you start to get organised, it just makes the hole seem closer.
    On that note when will you be placing your last order (or have you done it) before you go away?
    Not sure what we will be doing today, children only started to move about an hour ago. Sorry Callum was up about 7am. He just can't sleep in. But the girls can sleep for England. They have holiday home work to do, so think I will suggest that at least start it.

    Have a good day everyone, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. OH OOPS Sorry didn't mean to put you in a hole!
      It should you say - it just makes the HOLIDAY seem closer xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. I hope you have a nice time, with lots of crafting, with the grandchildren. We used to get our 3 to do their holiday homework as early as possible so that they could then relax and enjoy the rest. But then when ours were younger they didn't anywhere near as much as they do today. I think todays children get too much holiday homework, it's just more pressure for them, at the end of the day they are CHILDREN, not adults. By playing, with just a bit of careful guidance, they can learn so much without even realising it. Oops, sorry Brenda, rant over now. Fingers crossed the weather is kind to you. Take care x

    3. Hi Sue, I totally agree with you. Why do they always have so much homework during the holiday period, Yes, they do learn through play and as they get older through life's experiences. But the education system always expects more. Oops I've got on the soap box again!
      I'll Quickly tuck it back under the table. Hugs Brenda xx

    4. Hi Brenda
      Yes, my grandchildren also have holiday homework. The thing that made my blood boil when Craig's children were younger was that their Mum had a roster of things they had to do throughtout the day while they were on holiday. Spelling, maths, reading etc. Grrrr.

  10. Hello from a very hot and sunny Cornwall, but rain forecast for later, at least when the sun shines holiday makers are not on the roads.

    Sandra lovely card, love the backing paper, yes we had a matching bedroom as well, not anymore.

    Going to keep this short as iPad playing up, have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today. At last,we are back online ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š I've managed to catch up on all of Sunday's wonderful CC's and your gorgeous Challenge inspirational cards my lovely. Both cards are beautiful, I love the colours, especially the yellow, and that gorgeous daisy paper you have used, it is so pretty. It's not long now until you go away is it so I hope you manage to make a good start on getting everything organised xx
    Well, it was quite grey first thing, wasn't it ๐Ÿ˜– but now the sky has lots of blue in it with a gentle sun and it is a lovely 22 degrees so a beautiful day, I hope everyone has the same weather now. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hi everyone.
    Georgeous card Sandra. Loving the daisies.

    Going shopping with ma pal this afternoon. She needs a dress for her sisters wedding. And I need shoes. I hate high shoes but needs must on this occasion. Yes people I'm wearing a dress as I'm invited to the evening reception. I hate dresses but I've been told I'm wearing one an that's it!! Lol ๐Ÿ˜‚ She's such a bossy boots is ma pal Janice lol x

    1. Hi Tracy
      I don't own any dresses but I'm sure you will look lovely in a dress. High heels are definitely a no no. My feet are cringing with the thought.
      Hope you & Janice got Your outfits & enjoyed time shopping.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Tracey
      Well I do have a few dresses that I just wear in the summer sometimes. No holidays abroad now so they'll stay in the cupboard. I can't remember the last time I wore high heels.

  13. Hi Sandra
    Hope you managed to sort out your holiday clothes. Have the twins grown since your last holiday hope they don't need too many new clothes.๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š
    Try & get some sleep many ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— love Lynda xx
