
Tuesday 6 June 2017

Pretty Pink Butterfly

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you have all acclimatised to the cooler weather once again, all four of our children asked to have the heating on last night!  They were told to go and get a jumper, heating on in June, whatever next?! I will admit to going and getting a hot wheat bag to take to bed as Paul is on nights and boy is that bed chilly with out him, I think it's not having something to tuck your feet under that makes it seem colder, my circulation is quite poor so my feet are a nightmare to keep warm, I think it's hereditary as my mum's toes always look blue/ purple and two of my girls have been diagnosed with Reynauds, poor Sophie suffered with Chilblains all winter.  I wonder if we'll get to wear Flip-flops before August?! 

Today's card is a a very 'girly' pink card.  One thing I really Love about Stampin'Up​! Is that they have everything you need in each colour, so you can buy Ink pad, Card, Designer Paper and Ribbon, jewels etc in every colour, so there is no trying to find card to match your ink of pretty papers, that has all been done for you.  This card is stamped in 'Powder Pink' and 'Pear Pizazz', 
If you haven't guessed by now that's my favourite green !
The Stamp set is Butterfly Basics, which I initially bought just for the gorgeous Fern leaf, although I have grown to love every element. 
Butterfly Basics 

There are matching Butterfly dies that go with the set, which I used to die cut the two butterflies.  I stamped my Sentiment from Teeny Tiny Sentiments and punched it out, embellishing with a tiny pink rose.  I then added some twine tied in a bow and a rose to the centre of my butterfly. 
I hope you like my card. 

Janet, I hope you have time to relax a little today, before you go knitting and Nattering. XXX

Margaret, I hope you have a quieter day too, xxx

Lilian, I think your job is kind of special so I wonder if you'd miss it if you stopped all together, is there no way you could cut down gradually? I'm pretty sure that between your garden, sewing and stamping /card making will keep you fairly busy. XXX

Have a lovely day ladies, whatever you are up to, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, lovely colours.

    Yesterday's meeting went ok-everyone else had clearly met before & knew each other which wasn't a great start. Everything is already a "done deal " between the 3 hospitals-all agreed at Chief Executive level so we're now in a Tripartite Alliance!! Yup-that's what they're calling it.
    Finally got back to work at 2.45, dealt with the normal issues & problems then headed off to a local church hall to give blood. I didn't feel like going but I had an appointment & had already had 3 reminders-I'm O negative so they're always desperate for my blood group. They were running late so I didn't get home until about 6.40 but at least my tea was ready for me!

    No doubt we'll be asked a lit of questions today about our meeting....!!


    1. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear the meeting was as you expected, all sorted before you got there! Well done on giving blood. I wish I could donate as I'm O negative too but because of some of the meds I take I am not able to. I hope work isn't too bad today x

  2. Hello All , well what weather we are having, nearly an inch of rain and very windy, so not much sleep, so noisy and cold. Very sorry Sandra have to admit I put the heating on for a couple of hours last night.

    Sandra love your card, that stamp set was the first set I bought from stamping up, pear pizza is also my favourite green especially for foliage.

    Well it's cleaner day so I'd better go and shower, hope the weather is a bit better soon, work this morning , then I'm hoping to do this weeks c card.

    Have a lovely day all, hope those of you who are under the weather soon feel better , hugs to all Lilian.

    PS. Sorry about the moan yesterday, joints always worse when the weather changes.

    1. Hi Lilian. I was very tempted to put the heating on about 8.30pm too but wrapped myself up in a fleece blanket. You don't have to apologise about having a moan sometimes, we all do. When it's raining or damp both me and Mum suffer with our joints as do some of the other ladies on here so we know how you feel. Have fun with your CC if you get to it later on. Sending you gentle hugs x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Don't worry about moaning as it's good to get things off your chest. Hope the rain stops down your way soon. It's brightened up here in Oxford.

    3. Hi Lillian,
      Yesterday was definitely a day for moaning. ( I was also having a moan) The important thing is to vent your feelings, if you want to moan then please do. Sometimes just by putting our feelings into words it can help. On this blog you are never alone. Take care xx

  3. Good morning Ladies, well despite my comments last night I ended turning the thermostat this morning ready for them all getting up as the house was really cold and damp feeling. It seems ridiculous to have to put heating on in JUNE, porridge on the breakfast menu too warm us up too!
    Janet, everything sorted this morning so you can call in sit down and put your feet up! This place wouldn't be the same without your daily welcome, thank you XXX,
    Where are you planning to make your second overnight stop? Willing be between Calais and Marigny? We always used to stop at Bourges (south of Paris) for our first stop, it's about 4-5 hours from Calais depending on traffic.
    Also have you ordered one of those 'AIR QUALITY CERTIFICATES' for driving through Paris, we couldn't determine if we needed it or not do decided to be cautious and get one. If Yvette is an older lady like our car it may be wise.
    there seems to be new rules every year!

    1. Hi Sandra. Im not surprised you had the heating on for a while. It really is chilly and the damp gets right into you doesn't it! See you later my lovely xx

    2. I wonder if Janets route round Paris would be any good for you Sandra.

    3. Hi Sandra, Like you, John put the heating on this morning. For him to do it without asking me first (he always asks am I feeling the cold) it must be cold. So I woke up to a lovely hot drink and every room nice and warm.....bliss xx

  4. Morning Everyone from a very very rainy and windy Sheffield. The rain hasn't stopped since yesterday morning and we really had torrential downpours yesterday. There is one thing all the dams etc should be at the levels needed to take us through SUMMER.

    SANDRA - a BEAUTIFUL CARD this morning. I just love that butterfly it's so girly.

    We haven't yet decided where our mid journey stop will be but somewhere perhaps around mid way I'll let you know when we've decided. BOURGES is only one hour away from Marigny and such a beautiful city.
    About that AIR QUALITY CERTIFICATE - as we travel the N104 (outer ring road)around Paris we don't need one. It only applies to inner Paris. We get on the N104 at Charles de Gaulle Airport (spelling) and leave at the A6 exit. it is still busy but nothing like going through Paris.

    Thank you for opening up this morning. I must admit I'm a little slow this morning. The papering is finished and so it's just the glossing to do and that isn't my I shall be putting everything back tomorrow morning hopefully and then start on organising for next week.

    BRENDA- I hope you had a better night last night.
    LILIAN- I'm sure you would find more than enough to do if you retired. Imagine doing all those lovely things you WANT to do.

    I'm off now for a cuppa and I'll sit in the corner for a while. HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm not surprised you are taking it slowly today, you have been extra busy with the papering havent you. At least it is nearly all finished now 😊 x

    2. Hi Janet
      Yes, they were talking about a hosepipe ban in our area last month. Perhaps we won't need it now with all this rain we're having. Great to have the papering finished even if it's left you a bit achy.

  5. Morning everyone.
    Sandra you card is stunning. You're certainly the queen of stamping.

    Ladies, your weather sounds awful. Can't believe you were having a heat wave last week. Take care ladies especially if you're driving as the roads will be slippy.

    Can you believe Sue Wilson has brought her Christmas die collection out already? Come on now. September ok but June!!!

    Not going to Tai Chi at the moment as my back is really bad. I have a slight curve in my spine and every now and again it seems to lock and bending is out of the question. So it will have to be another day of crafting ha ha. MUST do the ironing first though as I've been putting it off for days.

    Brenda, hope you managed to have a good night.

    Love to everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Yes it is very wet here at the moment. We will have to come and stay with you until it brightest up 😊 I'm sorry that your back is bad at the moment. Don't go doing too much ironing please as I bet that doesn't help your back. Sending gentle hugs to you x

    2. Hi Val hope your back improves soon. Hopefully the sunshine if you have sunshine should in theory improve it.

    3. Hi Val, Hope your back eases soon, nothing worse than back-pain,
      I hope you don't stand too long to long doing the ironing. xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love your card, it's so pretty and the butterfly is gorgeous with that tiny rose and bow embellishment.
    I have all of my long lengths of ribbon on their bobbins now and was wondering what to do with the shorter lengths. Your lolly stick idea will be perfect so thank you for that 😊
    Maria, you must remember that your cards are gorgeous so please stop saying that they arent. How are you feeling, bet your joints are sore with all of the rain at the moment. Take it easy please x
    Pat, sorry I'm not going to see you again this week but I hope you have as good a day as possible fitting g in the hospital waiting for Pete bless you x
    Brenda, I hope your leg wasn't as bad as it was Sunday night. Sending you gentle hugs x
    Lynda, I hope you are both ok and not having g any more doc/hospital appointments this week x
    I had better go and get my craft bag packed, it takes ages for me to determine idea what I want each week, and I still manage to forget something !😊
    Stay snug and warm indoors if you can ladies x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    well I hope you can all keep dry and warm as it seem like the Autumn outside, thought about putting some heating on this morning but trying to drink more mugs of tea and jumping up and down before doing that.Lol
    Beautiful card , love the soft look of the butterfly and the stamps you used.
    I hope you all still have a good day and if not feeling 100% you soon get better. Take care
    Love Maria xxx

    1. MARIA- How can you say your cards are sad. They are always beautiful. You create such gorgeous cards and have so much talent. Hold your head high and be proud of your wonderful cteations xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a beautiful card Sandra I also love this fern stamp. These stamps are on my Wish List - so next time I order.

    Thank you everybody for your kind comments XX yes I did have a better night thank goodness.
    Have to go into Croydon this morning, got an INR check - yes another one, that's three weeks on the trot, my blood is all over the place. Yet I've been trying to be so good. Have really cut down on vitamin K (broccoli etc) so will see if it has made a difference.

    Sandra and Sue hope you have a lovely day crafting. xx

    Will pop back later, Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope the INR went well, and that your feeling better today. It looks like Pete has a water infection again according to his test done at the hospital. They did another one and the results should be back within two days. If he has an infection they will ring Petes Dr and ask him to write out a prescription for antibiotics. The stupid thing is Pete then said, I thought I might be getting one a few days ago. As before we went away last year he'd said nothing to me. Hands round throat comes to mind. At least we won't have to make an appointment to see a Dr if he has.

    2. Hi Pat, Sorry to hear Pate might have a water infection again, as you say at least he won't have to wait for an appointment this time. My INR has gone up I'm pleased to say. So don't have to go back again for two weeks - thank goodness. Hope you get something to eat soon, you must be starving. xx

  9. Morning everyone,

    I hope this weather is not too bad in your region, last night and today have been very, very gusty with heavy rain last night. Yesterday's rain started off with mizzle. As I watched it from the warmth of my living room (I did succumb and turn the gas fire on late afternoon), the wind caught it and swished across the garden like a fine veil blowing gently. Then it seemed as though it had turned it into clouds which then scudded across the window panes.

    Sandra, I have suggested it to you before so a friendly reminder....Matalan have the cosiest, fluffiest bed socks that I have ever bought since I started suffering from cold feet and cramps. Do your feet a favour my lovely and try them. Bliss!

    Agree with you Val re the new release, June is far too early to even think of Christmas cards. I haven't bought many of her last three collections, money being a bit short and saving for our next Family Reunion in Houston Texas, so I have been very selective in the ones that sang to me. I have a large draw filled with SB dies that rarely see the light of day now, I honestly cannot justify another draw filled with yet more dies.
    Crafting certainly is an expensive business and each new collection is such a beguiling selling point to crafters.

    My weekend has been spent sorting out the panto costumes. We are running out of hanging space so Luciana, who is also in one of our Bridgwater Carnival Clubs, had the bright idea of selling on the costumes that cannot be recycled. Some of Pete's have to go but I have chosen the ones I like to update. For some reason our former wardrobe department kept insisting on making floor length outfits for him and the other dames. This year they will be in shorter dresses to show off frilly bloomers, colourful tights and swishy net petticoats.

    Cuppa calling me, I notice there's no crumpets in the café today so I'll have to settle for a shortbread biscuit.
    Gentle hugs for all,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, so agree with re SW dies, I love stamping so try not to buy so many dies these days, as you say have loads that never get used these days.

    2. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like great fun this panto lark. Christmas in June whatever next. Much much to early. Great to see frilly underwear on a man.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Lovely day today isn't it ladies. Rain rain and more rain.
    Love today's card Sandra and noticed a Die. Yippee.
    The traffic was horrendous driving up to the Churchill. A long long day today, probably won't get home much before 8.00pm. We're here for 9.00 today.
    Hope the weather picks up soon though. It's awful having to have the heating on in June.

    1. Oh Pat I can't believe your still at the hospital. Bet your so bored. Hope you've got a book. Hugs Valxxx

    2. Sorry to see that Pete have got another problem. You really are having a lot to deal with,bless you. Sending you hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Georgeous card. Love the softness and delicate look of it.

    Under strict instruction today to do nothing and rest the back. Got emergency massage appt at 8.45 this morning she came in early especially for me bless her. I was squeeling the whole time along with a few naughty words thank god there was no clients waiting they'd have thought I was being murdered!! Lol.
    Anyways I was better by the time I left so couch and ice treatment on back all day!! She says no crafting as I tend to end up on the floor bending over things. Ah well as long As it eases off I don't mind.
    Another appt on sat morning hopefully it'll be less tense by then.

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracey, do hope the back eases soon, so debilitating.
      Also Val hope yours is easing too, hugs to you both

    2. Hi Tracey
      I do hope the massage and rest helps with your back. Gentle hugs on the way.

    3. Hope the massage helped you some so you can have a restful night, gentle hugs x

  12. Afternoon all Have not had a good day but can now see the light at the end of the tunnel
    Your card is lovely SANDRA You mentioned at Watford how much you loved that fern stamp
    Sooo Sue has bought out her Christmas dies already! I haven't bought any of her dies since the Baby Shadow Box collection and none of her Christmas dies for a couple of years I'd like to but like the rest of you I cannot justify spending more when I have dies I don't use very often
    Take care all Xxx

    1. Me to Karen, I can't justify buying more dies.
      Well Petes just been asked what he'd like for dinner. All day breakfast is what he's having. As Mick, another patient had one last week and said it was lovely. Me I'll have to wait until we get home. I did have a roll at lunchtime when Pete had his sandwiches.

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    It's been a horrible day weather wise really strong winds & Heavy ☔️ rain & getting colder like you Sandra not putting heating on it got a blanket over me.
    Terry had dentist appointment at 12.45pm he went on his own as Margaret came for lunch & to collect her mail. She asked if I wanted to go to Clarity open day Friday week. So will be a nice day out probably won't be buying much if anything as haven't used what I got last time we went. MARIA your cards are all gorgeous so don't keep saying there rubbish because they are definitely NOTxx
    Sandra your card today is beautiful I do love the colour's you have used & that stamp set is gorgeous think I must get that next time I order.
    Well must go & see if dinner is cooked.
    Hope everyone who isn't 100% some healing 🤗🤗🤗🤗 for you.
    Have a good evening love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, I had a giggle when I saw it, I have used same stamp for my cc, great minds think alike. Hope you have managed to keep
    Short comment my eyes feel very sore, I think it is probably due to playing Petanque in the wind & cold this morning.
    Sending hugs to all who are feeling poorly & anybody else who needs one love

    1. Crikey Margaret wasn't it pouring with rain this morning in Swindon itertainly was in Oxford. The traffic into Oxford was horrendous.

  15. Maria

    Just seen on Facebook that you've won a Sue Wilson Christmas die from SetCrafts....well done.


  16. Maria

    Just seen on Facebook that you've won a Sue Wilson Christmas die from SetCrafts....well done.


  17. Maria

    Just seen on Facebook that you've won a Sue Wilson Christmas die from SetCrafts....well done.


  18. Margaret Palmer6 June 2017 at 22:12

    Well done

    1. Hihi thanks x3 Michele for seeing it, I totally forgotten I had comment on their site. Wonder what die they will send me ?
      I hope you all will have a good-ish night and we hopefully will wake to a much nicer day then the one we had today. That rain did do come down and the wind ! Managed to have an hours walk but gee I defiantly got the cobwebs blown off Lol See you tomorrow xxx

  19. Congratulations on your win from Setcraft. I won a Die from them awhile back.
