
Saturday 10 June 2017

Mixed Up Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Today was supposed to have a tutorial but alas it was not meant to be, I just couldn't get it to upload for some reason, I have handed it over to my technical department to solve! Lol

I do have lots of lovely things to share with you though So I will get straight into it.......

Here is a painting of Tracy's old cat cass. The painting was done by a local artist Vikki Hastings. Tracy's friend Janice commissioned it for her birthday, Tracy says it's absolute perfection. The butterfly symbolises her beloved dad.
What a beautiful birthday gift Tracy, I bet that bought a tear to your eye.
Thank you so much for sharing Something so special. XXX


Karen's Shopping includes something for herself and a gift for her lovely Mum In Law who is 92!

The Diamond Dotz kit that Karen has bought is the gift for her MIL, I saw something similar on Hochanda last weekend with the 'lovely' Dawn, this kit looks nicer quality though, the canvas looks a much higher grade as does the tool that you use to add the 'dotz', I believe the idea is like a cross-stitch pattern but instead of stitches you add the little crystal Dotz.  Karen's MIL has fantastic eye sight so that shouldn't be a problem.  I bet she will love this Karen, I would love to see the finished picture.

Karen's second purchase is the 'Foil Transfer Kit for them​ 'Scanned​ and Cut', which looks fantastic, Karen is excited as combined with the Sentiment USB she bought a few weeks back she can foil her own sentiments.  Which will be brilliant, it looks fab on your little sample!  Can you run workshops Karen for Cheryl, Lilian and I to attend?!! 
Thank you so much for sharing your craft shopping XXX


Michele's shopping includes some pearls and gems from the £1 shop, (I have some and they are fantastic)! And a whole selection of Craft magazines, how long does it take you to read those Michele, it looks like you got some amazing free stamps etc with them too! I love those Numbers Dies.
Thank you so much for sharing Michele XXX


Brenda has bought some Pebeo paints, Watercolour card and Printable Vellum from crafters companion. Pebeo paints are fantastic quality, I love what Sheena Douglass does with them, I have some from years ago when she used to do the 'Folk Art' style painting .  I know Lynda uses them too in her canvases, so they must be good!!  Thank you so much Brenda for joining in XXX


Maria has been on a trip to 'HobbyCraft', as you can see she has bought herself a Glue Gun, (mind your fingers Maria, I have burnt myself more times than I care to admit)!  Also some gorgeous 'Intricut' Dies, a Stunning Owl, a cute Fox and a gorgeous rose die, they look just amazing Maria, I am looking forward to seeing your cards. Thank you so much for sharing XXX
My shopping

My shopping arrived yesterday, all from the new Stampin' Up! New catalogue launch, I am so excited to get playing with this lot.


Lynda has bought some of Sue's newer dies, I just love the flower and that Whispy Frond die set, the butterfly is really pretty too, I bet it's beautiful when it's cut out. Here are some of them in action on Lynda's card for her daughter Lisa's Anniversary.

A lovely card that shows those dies off beautifully​.  Thank you so much Lynda for sharing your shopping with us XXX

Michele found this little piece of information about ATC's yesterday 
I hope that makes it easier to understand, we will leave it until our Janet has arrived in Marigny and caught her breath! I am so excited to see little miniature pieces of your work! 
I will be posting out to most people so those of you that are concerned about postage can just send yours to me and I will distribute if you like.  
I will add some samples of ATC's nearer the time.  Thank you Michele XXX

Phew, I have typers cramp now!! Lol !!! 

Pat, I hope that you are feeling ok today and that your throat isn't too painful XXX

Janet I hope the packing is going smoothly, your new route sounds fab, I had a little look at the map, as I could see roughly  the idea when I was chatting with you on Thursday.  I was hoping that the Euro/pound would have picked up a bit but it seems to be spiralling downwards at the moment 1.08 € to £1 yesterday here, that's the lowest for a while! XXX

Thanks again for taking part my lovely crafty friends,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great collection of crafty shopping. I love seeing what everyone else has bought-I find it so interesting.
    I also bought some Number Dies to match the number stamps shown of the photo with the magazines.

    Very wet & windy day here-quick visit to the village then on into Southport before settling down in my craft room. I haven't had any time to even think of starting my challenge card yet.


    1. Hi Michele
      This weather is so unpredictable isn't it. Can't wait for summer. I've managed to book us 5 days away at the end of this month in Looe inbetween Petes treatments. Luckily as he's had two more appointments for a Bone And CT scan , it's just after we come back.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well from a lovely sunny start to yesterday we're back to 'normal' this morning Rain Rain Rain. When is it going to stop and realise that we're heading into Summer!!

    What a wonderful array of purchases this week and I cannot wait to see some results.

    Off to Meadowhall this morning to meet Jim's Niece and he children for the last time until September and then do some necessary shopping. This afternoon has to be given over to booking our second night stop over and then really get down to finalising the route for Tuesday.

    The CAFE is OPEN and I'll be leaving some cream scones and a chocolate cake for afternoon tea a little later.

    PAT- I hope all went well and that you're not in too much discomfort.

    HUGS for you all on their way.xxxx

    1. Thanks Janet I commented in a post as to what happened nothing untoward though that goodness.
      Hope you probably had by now a good meet up with Jim's niece and children. I agree with you re the weather. It's about time it realised its summer.

  3. I love to see people's shopping too especially products/companies I've never heard of
    I would love to be able to share my very limited knowledge of the ScanNCut I would love to just get together and craft
    MIL didn't feel like going to Craft last time She was exhausted after answering the door to Canvassers which I was angry about because she lives in warden controlled premises and you have to buzz in to gain entry They were obviously "invited" in by one of the flats BUT that doesn't give them the right to "knock" on all of the other doors. The Party concerned were not very sympathetic when I complained to them and just wanted to know that I'd vote for them I thought what a cheek when you didn't want to know about my concerns It took them two days to answer my ansafone in the first place!
    I hope you're getting on ok PAT
    Not much on the cards today I must do some housework BUT I'll definitely have a play later I think OH is going to the pub to watch the football

    1. Hi Karen
      I'd be cross about them knocking on my door as well if I was in a warden controlled dwelling. I going on ok Karen. I've left a post at the bottom as usual.

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    What a great lots of purchases today. Love them all. Have fun with them.

    TRACY just love the painting of your beautiful cat. He looks a beauty and how nice to include a butterfly in memory of your dad.

    SANDRA thanks for the info on ATC. Think I'll look them up on Pinterest.

    PAT hope everything went ok yesterday and you're not in too much discomfort today. Hugsxxx

    JANET have a lovely day with your family and good luck with all the preparation for your trip.

    We had to pay another visit to the vet yesterday, this time with Kit. He had no eaten for a couple of day and I thought it could be the heat making the tins of cat food too sloppy so I put some in the fridge to harden up a git but he still wouldn't eat. Then I realised lots of saliva was oozing out of his mouth I realised something was wrong. Anyway he has gingivitis poor thing and two loose teeth. The vet says he'll be in a lot of pain. He had a couple of injections and the vet advised an operation to remove the teeth and also to clean them and treat his gums whilst he's under anesthetic. So that's next week. He looks so sorry for himself. What next.

    Not doing a lot today, even though I should be doing some housework. My back is really bothering me so it's a take it easy day.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Oh dear Val I'm sorry to hear about Kit. I hope the operation does the trick. I didn't realise cats could get that as well. I lost teeth when I had that as well.
      Going on ok after my op although my throats is very sore. Nothing untoward found thank goodness. I do hope your back improves soon.

    2. Awww poor kit. It's not nice when your pets can't tell u what's wrong. I do miss cass terribly but can't bring myself to get another. X

  5. Hello Everyone, ditto Janet's weather here as well.
    Lots of lovely shopping, waiting for my goodies from Sandra , have not had any new goodies for a while, also ordered some new pens, a bit expensive but hopefully worth it. I have so many pens already but not really happy with any of them, will do a little up date when they arrive.
    Tracey lovely pic of your cat ,butterfly is a lovely toutch.
    Well I did my c card last night but it was late, now I look at it I don't think it's good enough, will see if I can make it look better, note to self do not craft late at night. Have a lovely Saturday, hugs to all, healing hugs to PAT, and all who are in pain. Lilian

    1. Thanks Lilian. I hope the weather improves as we're coming down towards you on the 21st in between Pete's treatment. Lucky to get Mid week as well.

  6. I hate to brag but it's beautiful sunshine here (at the mo) but quite windy
    Sorry to hear about your cat VAL but at least it's treatable
    What else was I going to say? Minds gone blank again ... off to make a cuppa and have a biccy

    1. Can you send some down this wat Karen. Or give it a good talking to and tell it to buck itself up.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well my op went well yesterday, but got home about 9.30ish. I got there about 12.15. No cancer I was glad to hear. Just silent reflux burning my throat and near my voice box. The burning left what the Dr calledcobblestones. They took some bits off of them, but couldn't take it all away due to the burning. So some extra medication is required as well as my Omeprazole. They'll be writing to my Dr reguarding thet. So my voice is still hoarse and might still be when the soreness has healed up.
    Great buys ladies like the Intricut rose that Maria bought especially. Might be talking to Sandra regarding her Honey Doo one.
    Thanks for the sizing re the ATC's Michele. I did some backgrounds the other week which might suit. However, it's something to put on it that might be a problem. Will probably just stamp on to it. So mine won't be anything fancy.
    A bit sunny here today but very windy.

  8. Sandra and everyone, good afternoon.
    Well if you got the gorgeous weather we got today I guess you outside and enjoying it as much as possible. I had a nice walk this morning around the whole lake, it is really summer today and the aches and pains feels better.The washing hanging outside and will dry in no time with the nice breeze.
    A lot of new shopping has been done; and
    Tracy- love the beautiful painting of your cat, a wonderful memory.
    Karen- have never seen the thingy you bought MIL but look like a fun idea for her to have something to do. No more beads ? Lol Have fun with the gilding.
    Brenda- you are going to be busy with all that new paint. Can't wait to see what you make.
    Michele- sorry, have just seen that the weather up North is wet but hope you have a nice day anyhow you are doing.
    The magazine with the Numbers is that from the last Creative Stamping ? Love to get hold of one for the ones I got are a bit small and there are some big Birthday's coming up.
    Lynda- know it wouldn't take you long before the butterfly went in your collection hihi I think I need the Chrysanthemum, it looks lovely when made up. Dis you see Sue's in gold mirror card yesterday ?
    Sandra- your shopping looks interesting from SU, love the rose and I can't wait to see what you make of the little piggy's :-)
    Pat- hope everything went well and you not in too much discomfort. Healing hugs
    Val- so sorry to hear about Kit. Hopefully he will get better after the teeth are out, bless him. Hope it is not to warm for you yet. Take it easy
    Janet- Hope you have a lovely time with Niece and the children today. A lot to do before your trip to Marigny, take care
    Tracy- hope your back feeling better, did you get any help ?
    Sonia- hope you are ok ? must look into your blog, really bad at doing it but will do later and Karen and Lynda's too. Sorry I'm not doing it more often.
    Lilian- hope you have sunshine today. Good luck with the CC, take care.
    Got to go and get a scone,some tea and maybe a piece of that chocolate cake too hihi feeling hungry today. Thankfully they are calorie free in our lovely cafe'. You are most welcome to have a look in
    Have a nice day all, Maria xxx

    1. Yes Maria-the number stamps are from this months Creative Stamping magazine. Inside is a discount code towards matching number Dies-you pay £5.99 instead of £9.99. I also have a lot of "special" birthdays this year-four 50th birthdays, two 70th birthdays (my Mother in Law and my Uncle-my Mums brother) so I thought they'd be useful. Oh yes-a 25th Wedding Anniversary this year-not mine, that's two years away).


    2. Thanks Michele, will have a lookout for it on Monday. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Some beautiful things today. I haven't bought much craft stuff lately however I did subscribe to a magazine which had 2 packs of chameleon pens as the free gift which I was happy to get x

    Yes Sandra the painting did set me off in tears. It's the most thoughtful and perfect gift that anyone has ever given me I love it so much.

    Back is still in agony but at least the combo of co codamol, diclofenac and the diazepam added in has helped a lot. Had another massage today. I nearly kept off the table twice lol. It feels so much better after she's got her knuckles stick in lol!!

    Will probably call dr on Tuesday and ask for another line off work. If I'm going to get pulled up for being off I might as well make it worth while lol πŸ˜‚ X

    Love to all xx

    1. Beautiful painting Tracey. Must be lovely to have the picture. I hope the medication kicks in soon. Hope you manage to get a new line of work as well.

    2. It is a beautiful painting

  10. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Gosh where did today go haven't done CC yet help!!! going in craft room in a mo
    Wow love all the shopping mine the flower & the whimsy fronds is from AP forgot to send to Sandra the Butterfly I just had to have it. HAHA
    Wow Sandra I love all your SU goodies. Look forward to seeing what you make
    Brenda hope you make some lovely art work with your paints I love them not that I New what to do with them.
    VAL so sorry πŸ˜”Kit has to have a operation hope he is the last one that needs the vet you seem to go a lot lately bless him cuddles from me. Gentle Hug's for you VAL hope your back improves soon. Hug's Lynda xx
    Maria love your shopping the rose looks lovely can't wait for you master pieces.
    PAT glad your feeling better it's good they let you go home yesterday nothing like your own bed is there. Healing Hug's xx
    We have had a gorgeous sunny day went for a walk up the park but cafΓ© was shut so didn't get our drinks mind you we were late going.
    Tomorrow we are over Darren's for Harry's little birthday party Sam is doing some nibbles & Darren is doing a barbecue as well. I can't beleave he is Thee on Monday & going on thirty three πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ so looking forward to that just praying Alfie will be there as Harry calls him his best brother. His mother said he couldn't go as Darren hasn't given her extra money for his uniform but they have already bought his Boxing boots he wanted they were £55 my argument is she should use his maintenance money & budget it instead of stopping his time with his dad. I feel so sorry for my son Alfie is 11 now she just uses him for blackmail it's gone on now for 9years she's even blocked his mobile so he can't even call him & he can't talk to his dad GRRRR sorry soap box back under the counter.
    Any way better do this card or it will be late.
    Love Lynda xxxx

  11. Hi Lynda
    Sun what's that and warm enough for a walk. We have had a little sun but it's very windy as well. Give Harry a hug from me and wish him a Happy Birthday. Shame about Alfie though. Pete's ex wife was just the same with Craig and Karen. Pete would go to pick them up and she wouldn't then let them go for no reason at all but spite. She had an affair with there next door neighbour and they eventually moved in together. The children's life was made a misery by her own husband so I can feel for them. Karen at 16 came to live with us. Craig wanted to as well but we had to go down the social services route. Eventually they left to live in Torquay and left Craig with us last minute.
