
Thursday 8 June 2017

Beautiful Berry Burst

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe it's Thursday already?  This week has gone so fast, I wasn't quite as cold today, damp and miserable all day here though.
Have you all made your decisions regarding voting??  We were discussing it at dinner last night, it's surprised me how much the girls have absorbed about the different party manifestos.

Today's card I made to showcase another of the new Stampin' Up! 'In-Colours' 'Berry Burst', I have used it with the Detailed Floral Thinlits and Delicate Daisy stamps and Punch. 

I am going to finish filming my Twist and pop card tutorial today, along with a couple of others, I will let you all know when they are ready.

Hope you all have a fantastic day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs



  1. Gorgeous card Sandra-I love that colour. Nice & bright-perfect for cheering us up on a wet, miserable day.

    Quick visit as I'm off to vote then I'm opiup as my boss is off. Straight to Tesco after extortion do the shopping then will phone my Dad as he's back to see the Orthopaedic Specialist today fir his 6 week post op check up. He's hoping to be told he can drive-he's also hoping for date for them to replace the other hip.


    1. Is it really six weeks since your dad's op? That's just flown

    2. Hi Michele. Your Twist & Pop card is fabulous. I love it and how you decorated it, I always struggle with that bit, it is so bright and cheerful. I have lots of this style "pinned" on Pinterest so I am looking forward to having a go following Sandra's tutorial. Thank you for sharing. I hope your Day gets on well at his 6 week check up x

    3. My word Michele. It doesn't seem 6 weeks since your Dad had his operation. Hopefully they'll give him a date for his other one.

  2. Morning ladies,

    Another pretty colour from Stamping Up.

    Off to the dentist this morning to see if they can do anything about my bottom plate. From an initial lovely snug fit, every time I bite down the back slips up which then rubs my gum. I have noticed a couple of sharp projections that food seems to catch behind which makes it hard to eat and gets underneath the plate. I am so hungry...I need to be able to eat properly. I have tried fixative which works fine until I bite or chew.

    Weather has calmed down considerably since Monday & Tuesday although the sky is still very grey and overcast.

    Will vote when I get home.

    Gentle hugs for everyone.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck at the dentist I'm there this afternoon

    2. Hi Cheryl. I'm sorry to hear that you are in pain from your bottom plate. I know just how uncomfortable my mouth guard (to stop me grinding my teeth down while I sleep) was until the dentist filed it down at the sore points so I do hope that you can get your plate sorted today x

    3. Hi Cheryl
      I hope the dentist manages to fix your plate for you. It took a year before my plate was comfortable. Mind you lots of filing I did myself.

    4. Good luck at the dentist, hope they can help you out xx

  3. Morning Everyone from a very wet but less windy Sheffield.
    Yes it's still raining though not as hard but the winds are still strong. (I sound like Mrs Beal in As Time Goes By with her weather forecasts)lol.

    SANDRA - a very pretty card and I love that colour. It is so uplifting.
    It was lovely to have a chat yesterday afternoon.

    Well today will see the last of putting the living room back together -pictures to be hung this morning- and then I can really say 'FINISHED' YEHHHHHHHHH.

    We had a look at the French map last evening and have decided that on Tuesday next week we will travel from Calais down to Epernay with a mixture of motorway and back roads for our extra overnight stop and then travel back roads all the way to Marigny. We are looking forward to travelling a different route and everything crossed that the weather will be kind to us.

    The CAFE is OPEN so please pop in either on your way to vote or on your return journey.
    HUGS on their way to you all. Have a good day everyone. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. You will be pleased once the last picture is hung in the lounge, won't you? I had to giggle when you mentioned Mrs Veal and her shipping forecasts 😊 You journey driving on back roads sounds much more enjoyable that endless motorway. I have voted by post so I can sit back and enjoy seeing who pops into the Café today. Thank you for opening up 😊 x

    2. Hi Janet
      Well at least it's stopped raining here, and not quite so windy. Dull though. Not to sure when the weather is going to change for the better for longer than a few days.
      Glad you managed to sort out your route.

    3. Your new route to Marigny sound much nicer then endless motorways. Hopefully this week has been an accident reg the weather and it will soon be warmer, just wait we soon moaning about how hot it is Lol Happy picture hanging xx

  4. What a beautiful card SANDRA That berry is a gorgeous colour I remember thinking to myself that I liked it when you showed us that swatch last week
    Dentist this afternoon and then into town to buy something cheap to use as collection jars for tomorrow's Wear Red I usually decorate a bucket but as things have changed in the office I need four receptacles to decorate
    Have a safe day all Xx

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope you manage to collect lots for the wear red day tomorrow.

    2. Hi Karen. Good luck on your hard hunt. You should be able to find something suitable in a pound shop, if you have one that is. Also Tesco sell some glass jars with screw on plastic lids for 99p which we have used before now for a similar use. And good luck at the dentist this afternoon, I hope you don't need any treatment. Thanks for the heads up on the Lidl card. I always stock up on it when I can especially for the girls to use. X

    3. Good luck at the dentist and I hope you raise a lot for wear red xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    What a lovely colour the Berry Burst is. Love the card you made with the thinlets. Day off from hospitals yippee. But Pete has a blood test re his heart medication this morning, not to sure how long this goes on for. He's now at the maximum he can have but it can play havoc with his kidneys. This tablet stops his heart from remodelling itself. It can do this apparently after you've had a pacemaker fitted.

    1. Hi Pat. At least you have today off. Have you heard about the MRI yet? Sending you big hugs and will be thinking of you tomorrow my lovely friend x

    2. A whole day off, yippy di dada Lol I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Sending you the biggest of hugs xx

    3. I hope it al goes well tomorrow, will be thinking of you xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card & love the colour, thank you for
    Grey & windy still here & not very warm. Have to take Pop for diabetic eye test this morning, luckily can do my shopping while he is in there as it is in same area then he has Dr's this afternoon, so another in & out day.
    Good luck to Cheryl & Karen with the
    Michele hope Dad's check up goes well, as I was still on crutches after my first hip they would not let me drive hope he gets on
    Janet I should think it will be alot better for breaking the journey on Tuesday hope weather is kind to
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    just got back from a still very windy walk, so many big branches fallen off the trees. Sure it will rain later on but so far ok. After shower OH will take me to Hobbycraft,yay Lol. Have got a present card and a voucher for my so of course I will spend and some more. OH has dentist so I will get myself home by bus, have not done that for ages but as long I get on the right number.
    Love your card Sandra and the colour is gorgeous ! Will hopefully put together the CC this afternoon.
    best get a wiggle on, have a nice day all. Love Maria xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & everyone
    I love your card Sandra the colour is gorgeous a very pretty card.
    CHERYL & KAREN good luck both of you at the dentist.
    JANET glad everything is back where it belongs in the lounge. Pleased you have sorted your travels out for Marginy sounds a better route for you.
    MARGARET hope your in out day won't be to tiering for you today sending some Hug's 🤗🤗
    Sorry I have to go now as we are going to see my brother & SIL
    Call in later. Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Gabby card today. That colour is very lush!!! Xx

  10. Hello Everyone, very wet nod so cold, had to get my hottie hand warmers out last night, my hands get cold sewing.

    Sandra fabulous card, love that colour, can't remember if I ordered that one, if not next time, not sure if you received my email, so I'll assume you have and the payment has gone through ok.

    My "pet" is in charge of polling station today, so very quiet here. I use the postal vote, so don't have to go out again in this awful weather.

    Have a good day all, will pop in later, hugs Lilian

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card today - love the Berry Burst! :-)
    Hope everyone having a good day. Love and hugs to all xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Very late today. Woke up this morning OH said let's go out. Well we went out had brunch, did some shopping, bought new nets for shed / garage. Except they were to long. So returning home I have remade them. Looking out of the patio doors now towards the shed, they look great. I would not like to compare the colour of the ones they have replaced. Anyway my day has run away with/from me. Can't believe it's almost time for bed again.

    Sandra I love today's card. The colour is lush. Bonus for me - because I have this card and stamp pad on order. Can't wait to play when they arrive.

    Will catch up with everyone's day later. Big Hugs, Brenda xxx
