
Monday 15 May 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I have decided to put the Christmas themed sketch back for another week, so that I can make some samples to show the kind of thing I meant. 

So for this weeks Challenge I would like you to make a 'MAN' card, we haven't had a 'MAN' themed Challenge for a while and it's Father's Day next month! It doesn't really matter if you don't stick exactly to the sketch, it also doesn't have to be a Father's Day card, as long as it is a card designed for a Man.  I know you will embrace the challenge and I look forward to seeing your cards.  Those emails are the highlight of my week! 

We had a quiet weekend, Saturday we were asked by Rebecca to go with her to help her choose a new car, I think it's kind of nice that she still likes her Dad to test drive the car for her, she really values his opinion, although she had pretty much made up her mind before we went out looking, she ended up buying a lovely new Volkswagen Polo, her Dad is taking her to collect it on Tuesday evening. It is lovely to see her so excited, she works really hard and this is her reward.  Her last car just seemed to bring her bad luck, first of all a huge Stag ran into the side of her car, luckily she wasnt hurt.  Then in two occasions while parked in her works car park somebody reversed into her car and drove off without leaving any note!  So she will be glad to see the back of it. 

Now our Lynda had a lovely day yesterday, she went to the Create It show at Deitling, it was a Hochanda Live show too, so here is Lynda with Leonie......

Such a lovely photo Lynda, thank you for sharing XXX

Sending​ love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Great sketch idea especially as it is Fathers Day next month - Arrgh!
    So pleased Rebecca got her new car and hope she now has lots of good luck It's now reversed in our house (and rellies use him too) we ask our future son in law to help test drive etc because he's a mechanic
    Lovely photo of LYNDA with Leonor I am going to show my ignorance here where's Deitling
    Congratulations to CHERYL for driving all that way and back on your own Mind's gone blank I wanted to say so much more Anyway you're all in my thoughts and hugs are on the way
    PS the cafe looks gorgeous bathed in sunshine and I can hear the soft lapping of the sea in the background 🇬🇷

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great idea Sandra, will get thinking about that tonight. We have heavy rain here today which is great for the garden, the water butts were all nearly empty.

    I'm calling at my Dads on the way home tonight to show him the photos I took in London.

    Work could be interesting as the news is still saying there could be repeated cyber attacks-Southport was one of the hospitals affected in Fridays attack.


  3. Good morning,All, rather wet here, will help the plants I put in yesterday.

    Sandra great sketch, love square cards, which are my go to shape.

    Work to catch up on today, managed to get my pin board finished yesterday, I have my couple of friends comming on Thursday for a crafty day, don't get them so often now that I have no car.

    Glad Rebecca found her new car, hope she loves it they are usually very reliable.

    Lynda lovely pic of you and Leonie, she always inspires me when I watch her shows on a Wednesday.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian

  4. Morning Everyone
    An interesting Sketch for this week's CC.
    Will have to see what I can do.

    We have had a mixture of weather this week-end, sun/wind/rain and it is wet this morning with grey skies.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards for today after Mr Tesco has delivered.

    I'm off now to sit in the corner with a cuppa to see who pops in for a chat. HUGE HUGS on their way to you all.

    PAT- I hope you weren't in the middle of all the chaos with the cyber hacking on Friday.

  5. Morning everyone.

    Great sketch Sandra. I was lying in bed this morning wondering which Christmas stamp I could convert into an everyday card. I'll save my idea for another week.
    Happy that Rebecca got her lovely new car.

    Lynda. Lovely photo and great smile. I really like Leonie as well Lilian.

    I so enjoyed playing Petanque yesterday. I haven't played for about 15 years but after a while it all came back. A bit achy this morning though. Off with Joan this morning to her Yoga class. I tried it last Thursdays class and it was good fun. Then it's a visit to Javea one and only craft shop. I believe it is mostly artists material but with a few card making goodies. I'll see what I can find.

    Have a good Monday everyone. Michele hope work isn't too hectic.
    Love Valxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous selection of cards from everyone yesterday :-)
    Good to be challenged with a male themed card and a great sketch. I feel the need to do some crafting, so fingers crossed! ;-)
    Lynda, a lovely photo with Leonie. Glad you had a good time :-)
    Day off today and was hoping to get out in the garden,but as its raining I don't think that will be happening.
    Hope everyone has a good day. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all this morning.
    Good sketch for this week, can always make one for dad and then keep it somewhere safe for Nov. by then I have forgotten where so have to make another one :)
    Lynda, fabulous photo of you and Leonie. Later this year she will be doing a work shop here in MK together with Julia, very tempting to go.
    We have had a horrid night with heavy rain and wind and it still not nice but I need to go to the post office and get some fruit in so hopefully OH feel like taking me later. I hope you have a good day everyone. Love and hugs ,Maria xxx

  8. Hi everyone.

    I'm not so good with guys cards. Anything but that lol.

    My what a change in the weather from yesterday. I almost bought a swing seat yesterday. Going back today with hubby to get his opinion on it. It's a lovely big wooden one.

    Lynda u lucky girl meeting leonie she's so funny on tv and I bet she's lovely to talk to. Hope ur doing better my wee pal x

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Interesting challenge card today Sandra, as others have said, I am also not very good with MAN cards. But need must - we need to make them, so this could be the push I need. Actually I have six man cards to make in the next month!!

    Lynda what a lovely picture of you with Leonie. She is really genuine and and generous with her time.

    I bet Rebecca is so excited getting a new car and can't wait for tomorrow to come. Great she still asks Paul opinion and advice. Tell him it still carries on ever after they get married. Our girls (and now the grandchildren) always as John's opinion also if things need fixing it's Dad. He has a lawnmower handle to fix SIL has broken it for the third time. At other daughters a saucepan lid, the handle has come loose. Oh and while you are here ...!....! We both have to laugh because he is always being asked to fix something. It keeps him out of mischief!!

    Not very good weather here to get out into the garden. We have had rain in the night, now it has started again, we do need the rain ,as the ground is very dry, I have been wartering my strawberry plants well lately, the fruit has formed, they just need plenty of water and sunshine now. The latter is in the hands of the gods!
    Hope wherever you are it's brighter and you are enjoying it good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. So that will be 6 Challenge Cards then Brenda? Lol
      That's one of the many things I miss my Dad for, we were always calling and saying "Daaaad"?? Now Becca does the same with Paul, its quite funny.
      Quite chilly and damp here today, so we have spent most of the day indoors, we went to the allotment yesterday afternoon, managed to dodge worst of the rain but got a little damp on the way home, but the fresh air felt good as I was whizzing along on my Scooter!

    2. Oops didn't realise I was logged in as Sophie!

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Thank you all for your kind words about my picture with Leonie ( I hate having my picture taken ) Leonie she is a lovely lady. Margaret & I used to go to her craft club in Canterbury when she lived their many moons ago. She said she loves it at Brighton she lives quite near Nigel May. I think she is such a genuine person. The craft show was quite good with My highlight seeing Dawn Bibby HAHA.
    Great challenge card Sandra not that I like making man cards but will do my best. Really pleased for Rebecca getting her new car 🚗Tomorrow she deserves it. Really Nice she asked Paul to help look for one.
    Been very dull & cold today had some rain ☔️ but not heavy.
    I have been trying to tidy craft room but not in the mood keep moving thing from one place to another so not getting anywhere 😱Best get some Dinner on didn't realise the time. Terry is Snoring 💤💤can you hear him going to kick him in a minute ( not really)😴.
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry late again, I have had Sue & little Chris here today, he is such lovely company, chatters non stop & bought me a lovely Bunch of orange roses, well Sue did but apparently he wanted to choose them. The CC this week has got me thinking, will see what I can come up with. Pleased Rebecca got her car I bet she eagerly waiting to pick it up!.xxx
    I wrote quite a long message this morning but some reason it disappeared it is soo frustrating.
    Hope you have all had a good day, hugs on way to all who need them love
