
Friday 20 January 2017

Hexagonal card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope you are all well and those that aren't feeling 100% are starting to feel a little brighter xx

I recently had the urge to make different shape cards, to challenge myself and do something different, so I order a set of Sizzix Thinlets Plus Hexagon dies, I then spotted that Sue Wilson's Pacific die range had a Hexagonal theme to so I ordered the Bora Bora die (well and the striped Nasturtiums but that's another story)! The two die sets work perfectly together, so I have been itching to make a card with them, so last night after tea was sorted I retreated to my craft room and the above card is the result. 
I basically used one of the larger Hexagons to die cut a card base (I just use an 8x8 white card), I then cut a blue Matt, then. Slightly smaller white one, I die cut the Bora Bora die background in blue, the detail part in white, another blue frame, the centre from Pat's Tahiti die and then my stamped Sentiment. 
I then cut out my flower box and my glue gun and arranged some flowers on the side and a small spray on the opposite side for balance.
I really hope you like it.

Ladies, I just want to add something this morning, I want you to know how much I love hearing your stories, yesterday's story from Janet's past, I talked about nothing else for the next couple of hours, same as with you Lilian and Brenda, all of you intact, please don't feel like you have to apologise for finishing a story, I really don't mind how long you chat for, the longer the merrier!!  It's just lovely hearing about your lives and about what made you -you!!

Sending love and hugs to all,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is gorgeous. The Bora Bora die fits in perfectly, the hexagon dies must be huge-very useful.

    Had a good day at work-got quite a bit more organised although one of the fridges was playing up-kept alarming for no apparent reason. Then last night I got a message to say the On Call Pharmcist had been called out although where she stated was our "old" area so let's hope it was that & not one of my fridges.
    Guess what I'll be sorting out this morning???


    1. Oh Michele, I hope you don't end up having a nightmare day because of the fridges!

  2. Morning Everyone
    We have a beautiful white morning here. Mr Frost has been out and about during the night painting all the trees/bushes even the dustbins lol.

    SANDRA- This morning's card is just STUNNING!!!! and I don't use that word very often. I just love the shape and your colours are just wonderful. You have now set me on the trail of finding a Hexi die or I just might try cutting one out myself as I cannot wait to try it.
    Thank you for making my day start with a big smile.

    I hope everything went well with Matt yesterday and that he is beginning to feel a little better and that the antibiotics are beginning to work.

    Well it's Friday again, how have we got to another Friday so quickly? So it's Corbigny this morning and Friday market. We'll be well wrapped from head to toe but it's so nice to visit their Café (it's not as nicely decorated as ours lol)and see the locals or hear most times rather than I'm hoping that we get some cakes this week as we only popped to the supermarket last Friday as the weather was so horrible.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you're all going to get up to. I see the lights are on in our CAFE so all is ready and waiting for you. HUGE HUGS to all of you. xxxx

    1. Have fun at Forgiving, I can't wait to hear about your pastries!
      How was the rabbit stew?

    2. Hello Sandra - rabbit stew was absolutely lovely infact there's enough left for a leftover tea tonight. Always better the second time around lol xxxx

    3. Hi Janet
      I'm glad you enjoyed your rabbit stew. In fact it does or did taste like chicken the last time I had it, which was years ago. Hope you managed to get your pastries.

  3. Good Morning Everyone from a frosty Cannington.

    Ooooh Sandra, I love your hexagonal card. You always decorate your cards so stunningly.
    I remember way back in the mists of time when I first saw Barry & Alan on TV and got hooked with card crafting. Later on when C&C took over, I used to buy the craft kits that were always on offer as it meant I had all the 'extras' with them so didn't have to buy anything else. (Nowadays you don't get so much in the kits)
    One of them was decoupage hexagonal cards, they sold very well at one of my first craft stalls and I still have one or two ready made up pictures somewhere in one of the toppings boxes.
    Tiegan is coming for the weekend tonight, Dad has to work all weekend, long shifts too. She is still excited that we live so near to each other now and she can catch the bus out to me. I might actually get the CC done for you, once I find my table, perhaps she will make one too. I sort of gave up decluttering the craftroom, it was taking too long and I then decided to do all the chests of drawers first as even if I only get one done per day, they are done and dusted.

    Good news Tracy regarding your lumps. Now breathe easy.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Have a lovely weekend with Tiegan Cheryl, I bet she will have the weekend of her life!
      You will enjoy it as much as she does, I can't wait to hear what you get up to!
      I look forward to seeing your Challenge Cards

    2. Hi Cheryl
      I bet you'll have a lovely time with Tiegan. I bet you both have a great time crafting.

  4. Such a very beautiful card Sandra , love the flower sprays and colors used. i must get myself a hexagon die and have a go .
    Cheryl , Barry & Alan ? now theres a blast from the past, and you are quite right todays kits are not as generous with the goodies.
    Have a good day everyone and stay warm .
    Elaine H X

  5. Morning All Having another day in the warm I hate taking time off work and can't remember the last time I was off sick
    The concert sounded amazing BRENDA I love your mantra CHERYL I wouldn't mind that phrase in a frame hanging on my wall
    So glad the burner was fixed JIM is an absolute star Can't wait to hear about the pastries you might be having today
    So relieved the boob exam was OK TRACY Such a relief for you
    And SANDRA THAT's a lovely card and hope MATT and your sciatica is improving

    1. My sister found it printed on wood with a frame in a local shop. I do believe it is in most arty farty shops especially at the shabby chic ones too. x

    2. How lovely that the saying was in a frame.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra this is a beautiful hexagonal card & my favourite blue & white. I am beginning to realise just hope many shapes & patterns of dies you need, you did all warn me!!
    Hope your sciatica is easier today, sending
    Horray Sue is coming today so hopefully we will spend time crafting, I haven't seen her for a month so alot of chatting to catch up on.
    Must get on sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Hi ladies,
    Matt's flexioscopy went ok, the said his bladder was normal, so we now have to wait for CT scan results!
    He said it was a very uncomfortable experience and he is still suffering today, we are all glad it's over. We just have to wait for diagnosis now!
    Thank you for all your kind words, be loved hearing that you all cared!My sciatica is still frustrating me, it will last a few days and then that's it hopefully.
    Love to all

    1. Forgot about your Sciatica Sandra. I hope it's eased a bit today.

  9. Hello All, it was lovely first thing, but now rather cold, only went for a short walk, as my metal knee is playing up today, probably from when I was trying to fix my stupid printer yesterday, the plug is behind the desks.

    Sandra the card is beautiful, you really do make feel like an amateur, must use more flowers, yours look so beautiful.

    Hope Matts results come soon to save you all the worry.

    Brenda the concert sounds wonderful, have never been to the O2 , you must have been so proud.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the day, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian , Don't you dare put yourself down, you make beautiful cards, everyone has there own style. Yours is really beautiful. AND I have the proof. LOL xx

    2. Lilian - like Brenda I'm a reciprient of one of your gorgeous card creations. You are an artist in your own right and always will be. love and hugs xxxx Take care of that metal knee you know that they are very expensive Titanium don't you and will fetch a lot of money at some point hehehe. Hugs xxxx

    3. Hi Lilian
      I second Brenda's sentiment re your cards being beautiful. I to have one of them and it's gorgeous. I loved how you did your sky even though you said you weren't very happy with it. Perhaps I can sell Pete's titanium clips as well as you your knee as I didn't realise they were worth quite a bit of money.

  10. Hello Sandra,

    WOW today's card is so beautiful, I love the colours you have used and the flowers are another WOW, they look absolutely gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this work of art with us. xx

    MARGARET and SUE, Have a lovely day, I'm so pleased that at last you are able to meet up, and if you get to do some crafting that will be a bonus, I know the time will fly by, it always does when you are enjoying yourselves. LOL

    MICHELE, Hope you managed to sort out the fridge problems. What a nightmare, I presume you have medication stored and made up and ready to administer to individual patients. Such a responsibility. xx

    KAREN, hope you are starting to feel better and keeping warm, This winter bug seems to be attaching everyone, even the flu jab hasn't suppressed it. Take care. xx

    CHERYL enjoy your weekend with Tiegan. I'm sure you will both have a great time. LOL

    JANET, Glad Jim was able to sort out the burner. Looking forward to hearing about today's pastries. xx

    Sandra, Thank you for the update on Matt. Hope the scan results come through soon xx

    Think it's time for a cuppa. Sending love and hugs to everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. So glad the O2 concert went ok for you and Ciara. You must be so proud of her. xxx

  11. The little pearl detail around the greeting is so perfect for this card.
    Love the shape of the card also.

  12. Afternoon Ladies-almost evening!

    Very glad this working week is over! The fridge was fine although something in the old Unit (building site) wasn't but that was eventually sorted .

    We're storing ready made treatments in 4 huge fridges -the total contents cost approximately £150,000 to £200,000 which is why I was getting concerned!

    I think it's wine time now.


    1. Uncork your bottle of wine and chill out Michele. xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad the fridge problem didn't refer to your fridges. That's a lot of medication they're keeping fresh.
      As Cheryl saying sit back and relax with a glass of wine.

  13. Hi Sandra
    Wow, what a beautiful card. Your hexagon dies work really will with your Bora Bora die and my die. I love the colour you've used but it does look a greenie colour on my screen. Will look forward to seeing the card in the flesh. I hope that Matts scan went ok even though he won't know the results for a few weeks.
    I managed to change Petes CT scan from the JR at 9.30 to 8.30 at the Churchill. Apparently the appointments people attached his CT scan to Pete's latest visit or phone call he had from the eye hospital at the JR. When it should have been linked back to the Oncology Dept at the Churchill. Anyway after a couple of phone calls I managed to sort it out.

    1. Hi Pat sorry you had lots of hassle with Pets appointments but glad you managed to sort it out.Hug's for you both 🤗🤗 Xx

  14. Hi All,
    In case any of you are interested Craftstash have a sale on their dies etc 50% off in alot of cases, yes I have been tempted in case you are wondering.
    Had a lovely time with Sue alot of chatting but no crafting.

  15. Hi Sandra
    Hope Matt doesn't have to wait too long for his Scan results.
    How is your how's you sciatica Hope your feeling better.
    Have been sorting out my goodies from Margaret today lots of lovely things.
    Went Tesco +a few other shops then the time just went.
    I'm off to my bed now see you tomorrow good night god bless
    Love Lynda xx 🤗🤗xx

  16. Hi Sandra and all.
    WOWIE your card today is a amazing piece if art and I Love it! Glad Matt is ok and hopefully the results will be fine. Hope the sciatica is better. Nothing worse than to be in pain all the time,. it takes on you ;( Wish you better. Hope Paul is alright.
    Cheryl, Have a lovely weekend together with Tiegan. Lovely words, must remember them.
    Brenda- What fantastic to go and see Ciara at O2 with so many singing, you must be so proud. Hope you rested today. Hope you feeling better.
    Oh Tracy- I am so glad your test was clear, sending you some hugs. What are you doing in your house, moving furniture's ?
    Michele- that's some cost on medicines, glad the fridges were alright. Hope you have a good night.
    Janet- glad you got the heating back in working order, do wrap up if going out. Do wonder what pastry's you managed to get today ? What town is closest to where your house is ? You might have said but my memory is so bad, sorry.
    Elaine- hope you had a better day, hugs.
    Lilian- your cards are wonderful ! I have some too and will cherish them forever. I love the cards you all make but I never using much flowers,never made a stick pin etc
    Because I never know how to put it together :) My stile is different, so need to learn about colours that's goes together (am useless at that) anyway I hopa everyone who have not been 100% lately are starting to feel better, sending you all some extra hugs.
    Margaret and Sue- hope you had a lovely day together.
    Sonia- hope you have a nice weekend, take care.
    Woke this morning to a sunny, blue frosty morning so as I was ok we had a walk around the lake wish took about 1 hours 6 minutes. After shower and brekkie we went to Tesco to bring in some food for son who after new year have gone vegan, Just something he want to try so the shopping is very different as you can understand. Couldn't see some meat free burgers he wanted so bought some other ones and was tol he couldn't eat the because it was honey in them aargh. Thank good he have got himself a new job do next time he can do his own shopping. He had an intervju with TNT for a job in their warehouse last Tuesday and out of 200 applications he got the job Thursday and started this Monday. I am happy he going out again and meeting people even if he's working 5 pm-6 am today. Did some house cleaning and washing (like to come home to a clean house) Then tonight my OH had some tickets to go and see Jimmy Carr at MK theatre , not been very keen of him but it was a fun evening and something we don't do very often. Hope to see Mamma Mia in May tho, like the music :-)
    Well it's late but I'm not ready for bed yet so I think I will watch a film. Hope you all have a good night, hugs Maria Xxxx

  17. Hi Sandra.
    Wow I love this card. Was looking at the octagonal dies today. Janice took me to craft shop again another £40 spend. I just can't help myself lol x

  18. Stunning Hexagon card Sandra!, love these colours and beautiful floral display with pretty pearls..
    Hugs Pam x

  19. I think this is a beautiful care - well thought out. I would love to know what dies you used for, and how you made your lovely flowers
