
Monday 17 October 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

What happened to the weekend?? We were preparing for the arrival of my Mum & Dad (in law) one minute, then saying goodbye the next!  I hope that you all had a more relaxed weekend.

Above is this weeks Sketch, I chose this one because I thought it could be used for every style of card, replace the button with a snowflake, festive papers and you have a Christmas card (just one example).  I was going to make this weeks sketch ''Man Cards",  hence my challenge card being quite a neutral colour theme and very few embellishments. But I felt I would be restricting you too much, you can make a 'man card' if you like, but I won't mind if you choose a different theme.  My initial thoughts were to give Lilian some ideas for male cards as she has a box of them to make for her friend.  Maybe I should do it as a mini challenge!!!? 
Anyway, the sketch is there for you and I look forward to seeing your cards.

Val, I hope you have a lovely few days away, I'm sure the sun will be shining for you, can't wait to hear all about it xxx

Janet, fingers, toes, legs & eyes crossed for good news today my lovely, please let us know how you get on.  Sending you buckets of love and hugs xxx

Maria, my daughter got great relief from the steroid injection in her knees, they drained the fluid out first, then injected. She wasnt allowed to weight bear on it for 24 hours, she felt the difference a few days after, so fingers crossed it will help you.
I think a meet up sounds like an amazing idea, I was going to organise a big one but I know how much Janet wanted to meet everyone too, so I was waiting until she was on the mend before planning a stay-over type break. Would love another mini one though, hugs xxx

Lynda, did you recognise the pad I used above, it was one of the ones that you sent me, they are such fantastic quality, not cheap and flimsy like some pads are, I am sure you will have a few weeks of being prodded and poked on the build up to your operation, make sure you keep us reminded of dates etc, you will be a new woman before you know it, poor Terry won't knoiw what's hit him!! Haha, thank you again for the lovely gift, love and hugs xxx

Margaret, you lucky lady, are you loving your Gemini?? It must be so lovely for you to be able to cut your dies with ease, there will be no stopping you now, you must bring it with you for a crafting session, I would love to see it in action!  Hugs xxx

Karen, your trip to the V&A sounded so much fun, I would love to have seen Val's face if she got to see it too, I could tell it really bought back memories for her.
They have some awesome exhibitions there don't they, it sounded like they pulled out all the stops for this one, thank you for sharing your experience with us, hugs xxx

 Right I must go, I have an exciting new toy to unbox!!!!  Week, Santa's been early, I will tell you all about it later xx

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and huge hugs to all,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great card Sandra & an interesting sketch for us this week.
    I can't believe how quickly the last 2 weeks have gone-it's been so lovely being off work!

    Nothing planned for this evening so I might start looking for inspiration for the challenge card.


    1. Michele hope work today is okay, it does for you having a holiday, you almost feel like the new girl going in. LOL. xx

    2. Hope you have a good day at work and it wont be too heavy first thing. xx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I love the CC this week, both the sketch and your lovely card in that gorgeous turquoise colour. I have a couple of men's cards to make will use this sketch. Yes please to setting a mini challenge of men's cards, hopefully it will help to inspire our Lilian, and the rest of us too : ) Sorry you blinked and the weekend was gone my lovely. I think you might be having a quiet, more restful day today playing with your new toy. Enjoy it my lovely : ) xx
    Janet, I hope that you have some answers by the end of today. You are in my thoughts and I'm sending big hugs x
    Michele, I hope that work isn't as hectic as you think it will be after your holiday. Will be thinking of you too x
    Val, Wishing you a safe and trouble free journey. Have a great time : ) x
    Maria, well done on another good visit to weigh in yesterday. You are doing so well. I think you deserved a bit of a treat so hope you enjoyed sharing your son's birthday takeaway. Hoping your arm and knees are not too painful today. Sending you hugs x
    Mum, I'm sure you will get on well at Hobbycraft this morning It dawned on me that the embossing mat also kept moving when we put it through the machine, didn't it, which I forgot to mention to the Hobbycraft lady on Friday. Love you xx
    Just for a change our plans got altered yesterday afternoon so no crafting as we went to see one of Chris's brothers and his wife instead. Will I get to craft today? I do hope so.
    I hope you all have a good start to the week. Sending love and hugs to you all and extras for Janet and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I did enjoyed the meal last night and I also had some cake so had a quick walk this morning and also done some house work. Have taken some extra pills for the pain so "feeling good" lalala :) Have a nice day xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great sketch and love your card today. Hoping to be able to take part, but my mojo has gone awol again so we will see!
    Fabulous selection of cards yesterday, they're all lovely.
    Sorry to hear you were unwell Sandra, I hope you're feeling better now x
    Val, congratulations on your win over on Sue's blog. Enjoy your holiday :-)
    Janet, hope you're ok - thinking of you today x
    Hope everyone is well and had a good weekend. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Sonia I may have the clue to get your Mojo back, Will that's if you're like me (messy)I started having a tidy up in my craft room, and allsorts of ideas are popping into my head. To be honest I don't see you as a messy crafter LOL Hope you find your Mojo soon xx

    2. Oh, they can be troublesome some days these Mojo's.Sure there are quite a few gone awol at the moment. Hope you find yours for some happy crafting
      soon xx

    3. Thank you Brenda and Maria. I am a bit messy and the table was covered in crafting stuff the other day. I did tidy up a little bit, but unfortunately it just made me want to put it all out I'd sight and forget about it even more :-( Often go through phases like this, so fingers crossed I'll be back to it quite soon. Hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra great card again this week, I am enjoying my new machine hope to get the one small problem sorted this morning. We must make a date for me to come to you so I can show off!!!xxx
    Sue yes I had thought about that as well, will let you know how I get on, love
    Maria well done on your weight loss you are doing soo
    Michele hope work is not too
    Sonia when do you start your new job?xxx
    Lynda I bet you are counting the days sorry you are having to use the spray more, sending
    Val hope you have a lovely few days
    Cheryl hope you enjoyed your
    Janet hope your visit to Dr gives you some answers, hugs on
    Brenda did you have a busy weekend hope you can relax
    Karen hope to see you in Nov
    Pat hope Pete's not getting too worried about his
    Lilian hope you are not too busy with work, how's the new car?xxx
    Cafe all clean & tidy new table cloths, fresh flowers & soup & fresh baked rolls for lunch.
    Sorry if I have missed somebody but sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hello Margaret, Thank you for asking, we were busy on Saturday looking after two of our grandchildren at their house, had hoped to come home and sort out my CC, but the traffic was horrendous, and I had to go out again at 5.45 it was a case of quick change and out again. Yesterday my Mojo went AWOL. Tidied up my desk and filed some papers, and that was my day, well I did cook - but that doesn't count, I want to be in my craft room!!! I have started on that this morning and can now see some space to work.
      I hope you get your problem sorted out today . Hobby Craft are very good when it comes to customer service. Take care. xx

    2. Hi Margaret. I don't have a start date yet for the new job as still waiting for the DBS, but it's all going through so am hoping it will be the beginning of November.
      Hope you got your machine sorted at Hobbycraft. Hugs xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone in the cafe,

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday Sandra it was just one of those yucky days. Yesterday's CC cards were so inspiring, mine is still waiting to be glued together. Nothing new there then! I like the idea of mini challenge it will just help Lillian I think it will help all of us who struggle with our men cards. I may have one or two I could share with you that fit the bill. Also have to do 18th and 21st cards for grandsons in November, I'll try and get the made sooner rather than later.
    Sorry to read you were not well on Friday night and Saturday Sandra, it's horrible when these ugly things come but especially when you want it to feel on top of everything. I'm sure your in-laws were very understanding, they must be because I brought up your lovely husband XX
    I'm itching to know what your mystery present is. Although I have one idea, it's something we both would like, but the cost is holding us back, now have I got my witches hat on again-am I right?
    Maria, well done on your weight loss.
    Val, enjoy your holiday, and congratulations on being a winner on SW 's blog.
    Gentle hugs for Janet and Lynda, thinking of you Pat and Pete.
    Wishing everyone a good day, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      You are lucky this is the first comment blogger has let me comment on.
      I also struggle with Men's and teenage boys cards. However, I bought a couple of lil of the valley teenage girls and boys stamps so hopefully that will help.
      Petes getting in a stew over his scans worrying how much further his cancer has spread. It doesn't help that he was told a few years ago, we have things in the cupboard we can use and that Chemo is the last resort. Nir a neighbour up the road told him that a friend of his died a couple of weeks ago, adding, he had the same as you.
      Couldn't you just slap some people.

  6. Oh oops, YOUR in laws brought up your lovely husband. - I have nothing to do with it! xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    This sketch look good as a CC so will give it a go and a mini one for a man card could be fun. Perhaps a colour scheme would help (me anyway) :-) Your card is lovely .
    Thanks for your support, it's nice to have friends who understand. It will get harder though the closer we come to Christmas with all the goodies around but like to have 14 lbs off before our holiday in January. Willpower ,me not tihi
    Margaret- I'd like to take up your kind offer of the Merry Christmas cut outs so if you could make just a few in red i would be very grateful and a coffee and cake will be waiting for you when we meet in November. I really would love to have a few days away with you ladies so if we could find a place it would be great Sandra.
    I hope you all having a good day and Janet, love to hear you are on the mend. Sending you many hugs. One day you will get a real one !
    Val- have a nice few days away. Where are you off to ?
    Lynda- hope you are alright and not too worried about your upcoming treatments. Remember we are with you all the way and holding you down as usual. :-)
    Lilian- how is your new little car working ? You will have to run it up to Watford in November so we get to meet you, it would be nice.
    Had a very busy morning so now I will go and do some more cutting outs, they do take time to make. Still haven't got the Christmas card I like to make for all, so will have to make some and see which one it will be this year.
    take care my friends and if feeling poorly I wish you better soon. love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  8. Hello Everyone, bit of both today, rain and sun, have towels on the line so am weather watching.

    Sandra sketch looks great, have managed a few male cards mostly tree and leaves, also sea scenes, so this will be great for something different.

    Janet hope you get some answers today, and you will soon be back here with us.
    Well done Maria on weight loss, I have totally lost it this year.
    Margaret weighting to hear how the new machine is going, looks good on tv, but think you need to use to really tell.

    Sandra you tease , can't imagine what your keeping in hiding from us, are we going to be very envious, have no spare pennies at the moment.

    Been setting up the in built sat nav on Rs car, it's a touch screen, and no instructions with it, and like many men has little patience when it comes to software.

    Hope you are feeling better Sandra, have a good rest of the day all hugs Lilian

  9. Hi Ladies,

    Just got back from an enjoyable weekend in Newquay.

    Did you get your ScanNCut Sandra?

    I must admit, I haven't played with mine as much as I thought I would this year. I still turn to my SW and Spellbinder dies an awful lot.

    Glad you all enjoyed the photos of Philadelphia. I will have more up on my Facebook page tomorrow. From there we went onto Washington DC, a total of 398 miles. Sending photos to Sandra soon.

    So tired, an early night will not do me any harm. I still have a residue of the cold hanging around and after a dizzy spell that left me not feeling too good last night, I am hoping to get a same day appointment with one of my doctors tomorrow.

    To all our poorly friends, I am sending gurt big squashy gentle hugs and healing thoughts.

    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Hi All,
    Just an update on my Gemini, the girl in Hobbycraft gave it a good test, the only thing she did different was put a piece of paper over the die that had been cut, before embossing it. She had no problem, just like a car take it to garage & behaves perfectly!! She did admit it is very thin material anyway the end result is they gave me a new machine. I was very impressed with their service but I will email Crafters Companion asking why the material is soo thin & have they had any more problems. I will keep you posted.
    Lilian asked what I think of it apart from that one problem it is lovely to use as Sue will testify.
    Love Margaretxxx

  11. Good evening Sandra & everyone
    Soooory late had blood test 💉this morning took Bambie with us she stayed in the car with Terry. So glad I had a appointment as it was overflowing with people
    As soon as I got there I was called in I got a few black looks.hihi.
    It was lovely & sunny up the park quite warm. Had a coffee & builders tea & sat for a hour. Then it came over dark so we walked backed to the car just got in & the rain was really heavy. After lunch I had a play in craft room done some cutting out & did some more pixie backgrounds & stenciling. I should have made C Card.looks a good one So will have a go tomorrow. Maria well done at weight watchers skinny Lizzy your doing so well you put me to shame.
    Margaret good result at Hobbycraft getting a new machine I love my Ebosser but the plates are so heavy the Gemini plates look so much lighter. Enjoy using it. Janet hope doctors went well & you got some answer's take care Hug's.xx
    Cheryl glad you had a good few days away, slow down now take it easy for a few days & rest. Hug's xx Sandra have you had a good play with your mystery present look forward to seeing what you have made.
    Hug's to everyone love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Well at long last I can get into the cafe. Jot quite sure what happened yesterday and today. Mind you we were out most of the day yesterday. Loved your cards ladies yesterday. Today love your sachet he challenge as well Sandra. As I've said before we have a great talented bunch of ladies.

  13. Hm, not to sure what's happening today again as I can't now leave comments under anyone's posts. Well at least I can't under Michele and Mrs B.
