
Saturday 8 October 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Hands up, who's got their heating on pretty much all the time already??👐 !! We had to give in a set the heating back to come on with the timer, I'm not so fussed about the mornings, I could easily do without it then, but after about 4pm you really feel the chill in the air, my trouble is I always like to shower before I go to bed and getting out of the shower and shivering isn't fun! So I think Autumn is officially in full swing, although they seem to have missed it in our supermarkets and gone straight to winter, you name it, mince pies, Christmas cake, stollen, even festive snacks, ooh and Aldi have sprouts on 'super6' for heavens sake!! 
Anyway little rant over, onto today's crafts.........

Lynda's Altered Tag 

Lynda has made another of her amazing Altered MDF tags, this one has such lovely bright colours, I love how you have used different stamps to get the look of textured background Lynda, is that 'interlocking circles' embellishment a die cut ? I love the look it gives, it also works so well with the style of flowers that you have used.  The thing I love most about your tags is that the more you look, the more you see, like the tiny dragonfly and the stunning little wired pearl embellishments giving a touch of elegance to the tag as well as texture and dimension.  You have really grasped this 'altering' skill Lynda, thank you so much for allowing me to share your work. Xxxx

Margaret's cross stitched cards

Margaret sent me these photos of Cross Stitched cards a while a go with some others, I hadn't got around to sharing these ones and came across them yesterday, they are far too pretty to be hidden away!  
The first card looks so realistic, I always think that pansy's have little faces and you have captured this perfectly Margaret, the attention to detail is amazing right down to the shadow of the leaf, amazing talent .
The second card, this time with Margaret's incredible embroidered personalisation, we were lucky enough to get a piece of Margaret's work for our anniversary and the lettering is perfect!! The detail in the roses is once again incredible, just look at the delicate little rose bud! Thank you Margaret for allowing me to share your work xxxx

My Altered Peg

It started like this

I Covered it with a pretty serviette

I then arranged some flowers

What do you think?
I bought some large pegs at Ally Pally, from the £1 shop, I thought they might be useful to hold things in my craft room, they have just sat in a box since then, so yesterday afternoon I thought I would have a go at making it look pretty! 
I have had some pretty serviette in my stash for some time and have been waiting for the perfect project, so I put the two together.....
I started by covering the painting the peg with Gesso, to make a white base colour, when this had dried I painted one side with Mod Podge, peeled off the back layers of the serviette (leaving just the decorative piece) and laid it onto the mod podge, I painted some more over the top, smoothing it out as I went, I allowed one side to dry and then did the same on the reverse, making sure that the edges of the serviette are sealed down too. After these had dried I used a sanding block to remove any excess tissue and smooth off the edges, the mod podge seals the surface, protecting the delicate serviette. 
I then added Trailing Ivy CE die cut in dark green and an assortment of pink flowers from my stash, some pearly bits and little stamens bunched together. I kind of like the finished peg, what do you think???

That's all for today ladies, I hope you are enjoying your weekend, how are those challenge cards coming along? 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely selection of crafts today :-)
    Lynda, your tag is fabulous, I love all the detail and colour combo :-)
    Margaret, your cross stitch cards are very pretty :-)
    Sandra, love the peg - thanks for sharing how you altered it :-)
    Not sure what's on the agenda for today - only up early because I was woken by Hubby snoring! Lol. Hopefully get a chance for some crafting - not done any since Monday, started a couple of things then gave up and been too busy since! Not sure if I'll get this weeks challenge card made, but will try :-)
    Had a job interview yesterday at a retirement village for a care assistant and they phoned me in the afternoon and offered me the job :-)) I'm so excited (and a little bit nervous) although it will be sad having to say goodbye to my clients, I'm really looking forward to starting there in a few weeks time.
    I hope you're all keeping well and have a lovely day. Sending hugs xxx

    1. Many congratulations Sonia. Well done on getting you new job.
      Enjoy your crafting today.
      Love Valxx

    2. Well done Sonia congratulations on your new job. We owe alot to people like you as the work you do is not always the easiest. Hope you do get chance to craft today, hugs on

    3. Great, hope you'll love it.

    4. FANTASTIC news Sonia, you must be over the moon!!
      It will be emotional saying goodbye to your lovely clients but exciting to move on and meet new ones!
      They are lucky to be having someone as kind and caring as you coming to assist them with their day to day care.
      Do something fun to celebrate, I am genuinely over the moon that things are on the up!!
      Love and huge hugs,

    5. Hi Sonia. Congratulations on your new job. Of course you will be feeling a little nervous, that's only natural, isn't it. I echo Mum's words, it's not always an easy job but I'm sure you will enjoy it. Take care x

    6. Hi SONIA
      Big congratulations on getting you new job. You must be very excited but sad saying goodbye to all your clients. It's a very worth while job & I'm sure everyone will fall in love with you. Thanks for your lovely comment on my Tag. Hug's xxx

    7. Hi Sonia, CONGRATULATIONS on getting this new job. Yes it is going to be difficult saying goodbye to your clients. But this is a great opportunity, and you will still be doing what you are obviously good at.
      Wishing you all the best of luck. xx

    8. Congratulations Sonia, wonderful news xxx

    9. Congratulations Sonia on your new job. Fantastic news.

  2. Good morning ladies,

    My second café visit since my return from USA and my goodness what a delight for my streaming eyes. A simply divine tag from Lynda, cute pegs from Sandra and flower cross stitched cards from Margaret.
    Well done Ladies and equally well done to all the stashes I have just been looking at from yesterday's post.

    Well, this chest infection has certainly knocked me for six, it doesn't sit very well with my COPD but luckily the ABX have now taken a hold of those nasty little b*****s and are killing them off albeit a little too slow for my liking, then again nature has to take its course. I feel so much brighter today than of late and expect to improve further before I am off on my travels again this Friday for a weekend of 75th birthday celebrations in Newquay.
    Thursday I also hope to be going to the Craft4Crafters show in Shepton Mallet I believe but then it could be the Bath & West showground which rings a bell somewhere in my brain fog. Must check with friend Jacquie for that one this morning.

    Thank you so much for all the lovely birthday cards sent to me by you gorgeous lovely ladies. They are so special and personal for me. Whoever would have thought I would belong to this wonderful large 'family' of ours a couple of years ago? I am so blessed with your friendship and encouragement.
    Jamie is downloading all our photos today onto my PC so to give you fair warning Sandra, you may expect a large volume of pics shortly.
    I have to get in touch with both the USA tour company and Virgin tours over a couple of things that happened to mar a portion of our trip, nothing too serious just respectful suggestions so same will not happen to others.

    I still have a lot of posts to catch up with so Janet, I do hope you are improving, also Maria, Lynda, Sue and anyone else whom I have not read about yet.

    Love & 7 hugs to all,
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Lovely to hear you are feeling better, take

    2. So glad you're feeling better Can't wait to hear bout your trip

    3. Glad you're feeling so much better.Looking forward to seeing some photos of your lovely trip. Xx

    4. Hope you will soon feel better, if you're comming to Newquay, remember it's a cold place, just up the road from me, if you want a lovely meal try the Griffin Innn.
      We were there last week, and had a lovely meal.

    5. Hi Cheryl. I'm glad that you are starting to recover. You have another busy few days coming up, what with the party in Cornwall and the Craft4Crafters show, have you been to it before? If it's at the Bath and West show ground maybe some of us could try and visit it next year. Or is it in different places each year? It will be great to see some pics of your recent visit to America. Sorry to hear there were a few issues with parts of the tour. Sending healing hugs
      Take care x

    6. Hello CHERLY lovely to see you today im pleased your feeling a bit better but please take care. I'm so looking forward to see your pictures of your amazing vist to America.
      Thank you for liking my Tag.
      Big Hug's lovely lady. Lynda xx

    7. Hi Margaret, I took granddaughter Tiegan to their show at Westpoint Exeter in February so Shepton Mallet or Bath & West would be their last one this year in this area. I don't know where else they advertise shows as I only get advance notice for the South West. xxx

    8. Hi Cheryl, so pleased you are feeling better today. Please pace yourself as it sounds like you have a very busy week. Looking forward to the holiday photos. xx

    9. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to hear your feeling a bit better today. I look forward to seeing pictures of your trip. But I'm sorry to hear a couple of things marred your enjoyment. I hope you had a lovely day. Enjoy your trip away and the drafters show. Pete was saying today we ought to go down to either Cornwall or Devon. Haven't been down that way for awhile. Although he was talking about going camping. I think he was joking though, as we always went camping when the children were younger. I like my creature comforts now though.

  3. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra we have had heating on as well, I don't believe in being cold.
    Your peg is lovely, too pretty to use now, I know people who use serviettes to make cards have you tried that? Have a lovely
    Lynda your tag is the prettiest yet, I love the delicate colours & textures, well
    I had forgotten these cards so was surprised when I saw them, pansies are lovely to do such pretty faces & the other was for my sister's 70th birthday. Since starting papercraft I haven't made any cross stitch cards do not have time to do it all.
    Janet hope to see you in soon sending
    Sue hope you feel better today sending love &
    Maria take it easy with your shoulder & now your leg sending
    Cafe ready date cake for later hope to see visitors come in.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Thank you MARGARET your very kind comments regarding my Tag. It didn't take very long SANDRA was asking for items for mixed craft Saturday so this is what I came up with. Your cards are amazing Margaret you have such patients beautifulI. Love Lynda xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Sandra you're making me feel cold talking about having the heating on.

    What a clever group you are . All so lovely today.

    LYNDA you tag is beautiful all those circles are amazing and the colour is gorgeous.

    MARGARET Your cross stitch is fantastic. The flowers look so real. I really envy you your patience.

    SANDRA Such a pretty decorated peg. Love the pretty serviette you've covered it with and the flower decoration is Oh so pretty

    Well I started this comment at 8.30 and broke off to go to Iceland and L idle. Have been and come back. Had to rearrange the freezer to put it away but all done now. Iceland was just stocking the shelves with all the Christmas chocolates yum and quite a few boxes are now in my cupboard. Not that they'll last til Christmas in fact probably not past the end of the month ha ha.
    Have a lovely few days away Maria. Hope the Tiger Balm is working well.
    Hope all those not feeling too good have a better day today.
    Love Valxx

    1. Thank you Val for your kind comments on my Tag.
      Ooooo Christmas chocolate I love it but have to be good because of my diabetes IT'S NOT FAIR BoHoo anyway Val you enjoy it.
      Love Lynda xx

  5. Your tag is great LYNDA Still not tried this kind of project yet I live the colours you have chosen
    That peg is far too glamorous to use pegging bits up in your craft room SANDRA It need to be in full view with a great big sticker saying "I made this" so that people can admire how pretty it is
    I love your cross stitch MARGARET I haven't done cross stitch in ages I have several kits that are done and need framing and a few to do I find it so relaxing but nowadays I make cards in daylight hours and knit in the evening Before card making I'd cross stitch in the day and knit in the evening
    Out to lunch with MIL in a bit so better get a wriggle on
    I hope everyone is getting better by the day and getting their strength back
    No CC card from me this week Time has just disappeared and with hubby home I haven't liked to disappear up to my craft room

    1. Thank you Karen for your lovely comments on my Tag. Can you tell I love the colour blue :-) Hope you enjoyed your lunch with MIL.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Hello All, well am in complete muddle this morning, was up early to go to Asda, R away for a meeting, shopping all put away, so went out to the green house, came looked at the clock thought it said 12-30, so had lunch, just realised it was 11-30 !!!!!! It's an age thing, well that's my excuse.

    Lynda your tag is great, you have a real talent for this altered art.
    Margaret your cross stitch is lovely
    Sandra love your peg.

    Air brush has just arrived so am going to have a go.

    Have a lovely day all, hugs Lilian

    1. How exciting Lilian, I can't wait to hear what you think and see what you create!
      Have as fun afternoon,

    2. Hello LILIAN
      Thank you so much for your kind comments on my tag.
      Hope you get on with your air brush,can we see some of your creations please. Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Look forward to seeing what an airbrush can do Lilian. My brain can't remember what they are used for.

  7. Good afternoon ladies,
    Just a word of caution...if like me you are tempted by the lovely Derwent Coloursoft pencils on hochanda today, DO NOT BUY FROM THEM !!! They are selling 24 in a tin for £40.97 which you can get on Amazon for £21.99, the set of 72 on hochanda £89.99 on Amazon £51.99
    I realise they add a little on at times but to charge DOUBLE is an absolute disgrace!!
    Enjoying Sue's shows though!

    1. Hello SANDRA & everyone
      Sandra I love your peg it's so pretty love your beautiful flower spray down the side & the napkin very clever & pretty. My tag the entwined rings & flowers are Leonie's dies I love her wacky dies & stamps.
      I had my Flu jab this morning at leased they didn't take any blood this time.😳 We took Bambie & went up the park after but had to keep eye on her as she is in season. I have commented on way down I will pop back later but thanks to everyone that has given me lovely comments on my tag.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra your peg is absolutely stunning, it really should not be tucked away in your craft room. It needs to be on for you to be admired by everyone. xx

    Lynda Love your tag it is gorgeous and the colours are so beautiful. I still haven't tried altered art - maybe one day. xx

    Margaret I always love your Crosstitch work, the pansy is beautiful, I always see a cheeky face when we look at them. The birthday card is brilliant, that Rose looks real. xx

    Sandra SORRY I haven't made a CC card this week. I did get as far as pulling a pad of card out printed on both sides, But wasn't impressed by any of the designs and then I started playing with my colour pencils - and I drifted off into another world. I am sure colouring is good for our blood pressure, it is so calming !
    Love and hugs for you all. Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda for you lovely comments on my tag. I love doing them but I don't know what to do with them all HaHa.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Brenda
      I quite agree, colouring is a very calming occupation. It's Romilly's 12th birthday tomorrow ( one of our granddaughters ). She loves colouring, so we've bought her a Harry Potter colouring book plus the specials colouring pens to go with it. Plus a reading book called where has all the chocolate gone. Romilly's ate it I think as she's a chocoholic.

  9. Hi Sandra
    I suppose you could do this with ordinary pegs. However, if the pegs are small you could attach something like tags to a card. Not to sure what you could do with them, actually you could put a magnet on the back at use them to attach notes to that and put on a notice board or the fridge. See I knew I had a brain somewhere in my head.
    Lynda I just love your altered tag, crikey your brain must work overtime with all the fantastic designs swimming around in your head.
    Margaret once again your cross stitch designs amaze me.
    Janet gentle hugs are coming your way, I hope your feeling a bit more human as the days go on.
