
Monday 22 August 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Here is your weekly Sketch card, I went for something a little different this week,  I think that this Sketch looks a little like a handbag front, I thought it would make a perfect challenge card as the possibilities are endless, you could use so many different mediums to decorate it with too, a lovely stamped design would look fantastic, you could bring in lace and fabric, buttons and brads too.

I used Anna Marie Designs papers for the decorative part of my card, the top was created using a Spellbinders Grand Decorative Circle die, trimmed down.  You could use any die shape to form the 'flap' of the bag though, the smaller your card the more choice you will have though.

I hope you enjoy having a play with this challenge, I am looking forward to seeing your designs.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Very pretty card Sandra, really lovely. I this will be another week where I will struggle to complete the challenge unless I get chance over the next couple of evenings. Thursday is Tesco shopping then ring my Dad, Friday evening I have my hair appointment as I'm out all day with my M in L on Saturday.

    Yesterday we did make it to the beach but timed it wrong. The tide was only just going out but there was lots & lots of jellyfish all over the beach. I've never seen any close up -very odd looking creatures. It's was very windy & not that warm but there were children playing and some were attempting to go into the sea. The beach is 2 minutes walk from Pontins which is always busy.


    1. Hi Michele. Oh I so dislike Jellyfish. They are the reason I don't go in the sea any more. I'd swum over to some rocks a couple of years ago and was hanging on when all of a sudden I had the most awful pain in my arm. The tentacle marks around my arm lasted for weeks but the terrific pain only for a few days. My friend believe it or not had some vinegar in her beach bag for such an eventuality and it certainly helped. I must have disturbed it hiding in the rocks and it just lashed out.
      Have a good week and try not towork too hard. XX

    2. Hi Michele, firstly thanks for telling us about the cheese boxes. You now got me looking at tins and pots at home in a different way :-) I have a tube I keep my long pasta in, wonder what I could do with that... Jellyfish, we had white and red ones in the sea on a schooltrip many moons ago and one friend got so tangled up by some red ones, she probably still have the scars. Someone know that urine apparently was good to calm the pain down so we had some very helpful boys in the class,ouch. Have a good week at work, hope it don't be too bad xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Your very lucky living near the sea. Shame the tide had only just started going out. Home your week isn't to stressful.

    4. Hi Michele. It doesn't matter where the tide is really does it? There is always something to see on the beach. Jelly fish are funny looking things aren't they. I hope your week goes to plan and that you get to relax at some point. Take care x

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- love the look of this week's CC and your card is beautiful. Simple but oh so effective. Love your colour choice so calming.

    We had another rainy/windy day yesterday although still humid and this morning looks as though we are going to have a similar day.

    Have got to do all the jobs which are still waiting to be done today and try to do something re the CC.
    I hope all who are not 100% feel a little better today and that you manage to achieve all your plans.

    Everything is set up and ready to go in the Café so open the door and come on in stead of just looking through the window. Herman (the goat) is very tame and always tied up; the cat is in control of the back door just in case he tries to get inside; but most of all we are all waiting to welcome you into the wonderful blog.

    Hugs have been despatched to all of you. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, yes he do a good job Herman hihi omg we are going to the "house" just you see :-) Only the bravest will join us at this rate but we have calmed down dramatically over the year so I hope some more will come to see us. Are you ready for Wednesday ? remember we are all with you, always.
      Have a good day even if the weather is so so xx

    2. Hi JANET I'm glad Herman is tied up we don't want him head butting any new visitors or even MARIA as the cow pushed her in the bushes.
      Hope you managed all your jobs today. Hope your going to have a calm & restful day tomorrow so your relaxed on Wednesday thinking of you.x love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Janet. I hope you have managed to get all of those jobs done today so that you planned to, and tomorrow sees you able to relax, as much as you can so you are ready for Wed. What time do you have to be there? Take care x

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    What a gorgeous card Sandra ! I love the papers used and it is a wonderful challenge card, I'll need to get my thinking cap on , and quickly, as we have more friends arriving on Wednesday late afternoon ( my friend Jean who just had her 70th birthday and her hubby) and they will stay until Sunday , so more fun and cooking etc. ahead.
    Pilates this morning and then I need to make a couple of lemon drizzle cakes and shortbread as they are Jean's favourites.
    The open garden was amazing yesterday, makes me realise how much needs doing in our garden, I took Sue( she and her husband own the garden) a pot of the aromatherapy cream I make as she likes to order it from me and so she gave me 3 lovely plants in exchange , so I was very happy at that.
    Well I hope this finds everyone feeling well and in good spirits, love and hugs xoxo

    1. The garden visit sounds lovely Anne and how nice to get some plants. Enjoy your Pilates and your yummy baking this afternoon. Xx

    2. The garden sounds lovely Anne. Have a lovely time with your friends.

    3. Hi Anne, glad you had a nice time. Can smell your baking all the way down here, have a very good imagination me hihi. More visitors, have fun over the days xx

    4. Hi ANNE pleased you had a good day at the open garden. Mmmm
      The cakes & Biscuits smell lovely my favourite too.
      Enjoy your time with your guests.
      Hug's xxx

    5. Hi Anne. It sounds like you had a lovely time looking at your friends garden yesterday. Do you make lots of different creams or just the aromatherapy one? And do you sell them? Both the Lemon Drizzle cake and Shortbread are favourites of mine too. Will you get to relax before your friends arrive on Wed? You certainly don't have time to get bored do you : ) Take care x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra, do hope you and the family are continuing to have a wonderful holiday. Love the card you've made today. I have one or two circle and half circle dies I can use for this.
    Well the Olympics have well and truly finished. I'm so thankful that itwas completed without any terrorist activity which must have been such a worry for the organisers.
    Maria well done on losing another 1lb. Slow and steady is the way to do it and you sound as though you're doing great. I used to make a lot of my clothes. I could never get a dress to fit me being top heavy so it was an easy solution. Nowadays I wear tops and trousers or cut offs and I don't actually posess a dress which is why I thought I'd make a couple for my holidays.
    Sue glad you enjoyed Phoebes birthday. She sounds a lovely little girl.
    Lynda, its so lovely that you have somewhere safe to take Bambi for a walk and let her off the lead. The only place I can do that is quite a way away and it's a birthday and Christmas treat for Gracie to be able to run around which she loves.
    I really enjoyed using the Stampeazee yesterday. Very simple to use and hardly got messy with ink at all.
    Well take care everyone not feeling so good today. Hope its a lovely day for all.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. My mum used a sewing machine at home but mostly for curtains and such, sometimes a skirt or blouse. Myself was more in to wood work and banging with a hammer :-) Do take photos of your dresses and let us see them here, I'm sure Sandra wont mind. I envied people who can sew. Have a nice day and cuddles to all your pets xx

    2. Just a quick note to say a(as you talking sewing) that I have several of the rice bags - made by someone that used to visit the cafe I filled them myself and finished them off I was told you must use 100% cotton as they're going to be heated I kept a couple and sold the rest They are very good and I can imagine would sell well at fetes

    3. Hi Val just got back from park again,it is lovely having the park Bambi love running without her lead she seems to have a smile on her face.we sometimes take her to Minnis bay that's another nice walk along the grass top ubove the sea wall we are lucky as we have Broadstairs,Ramsgate,Margarte, the main cost then lots of Bays .
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Val. I'm glad you enjoyed using your Stampeazee, will we get to see any end products? I'm sure everyone connected to the Olympics breathed a big sigh of relief once it was over without any terrorist threats, so sad that it is the back of everyones minds, isn't it? That jellyfish sting sounded so painful, thank goodness your friend was prepared. Take care x

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love this weeks challenge card. Well to tell the truth I've loved them all even if I don't make obey. Well all apart from last weeks which was a fluke.
    Well I won the comment card on Christina's Griffiths blog this week. Although she was confused between patswitney and pat Simmonds living in Witney. Hopefully my email back ended her confusion.
    A lovely day yesterday and Pete did loads of washing. Wasn't amused that it started raining before we got home from visiting Ellis and it was soaking wet when we got home.
    Hugs to all who need one. Lorraine I hope your feeling a better today.
    Lynda how are you getting on with your stick?.
    Maria I hope your feeling better today as well.
    Oh well, Petes just put the ironing board up so I suppose I'd better go and do some ironing.

    1. Hi Pat, congrats winning the card. Did you get the e-mail about the magazine from Craftstash ? I tried to give my e-mail but wonder if it's only for new customers because it wont let me do it.
      How unlucky to get the washing soaked again, not easy to know when to hang it out or not this year. Hope you haven't got too much to iron. take care xx

    2. Congratulations Pat on winning Christinas card this week. I think she is a great card designer and I was lucky enough to win one of hers last year.In pride of place with Johns and Sues.
      So frustrating getting the washing wet again. Hope you're healing nicely.

    3. Hi Pat congratulations on winning a Christina card
      I also had no luck with the free mag on Craftstash!!! As well wouldn't let me do it. I'm getting used to stick thank you Pat.
      I had a laugh when you said Pete put your ironing board up as that's what Terry did this morning & said thought you would like to get it out the way so no slacking. HaHa. Love Lynda xx

    4. Hi Pat. Congratulations on winning a Christina card : ) Sorry to hear the washing got wet yesterday, that is so annoying isn't it! I hope you aren't doing too much ironing at a time. Remember I am happy to do some for you. Take care x

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone, hope your day is good and all who have problems getting on with or without the pain killers help today.
    Lovely card Sandra and like the others some kind of thinking cap is on :-) Hope you still have a wonderful holiday and the girls have fun in the sun.
    Just for fun I went on line to our surgery late last night instead for wait to 7.59 this morning and lo and behold it was up and it was an appointment 8.30 this morning so I grabbed it quick hihi. So I have been and will get referral to hospital for x-rays and physio. She thinks my Arthur rites is the culprit but we will have to wait and see. Off out to town with hubby so See you later xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      So pleased you have seen Dr. Hope you get appointment soon. Take care sending

    2. So glad you finally got a doctors appointment Maria and hope the appointment arrives soon.
      I also tried to put my email address in on Christinas blog for Craftstash but it wouldn't accept mine either. As you said I think the offer must just be for new subscribers.
      Have a a good trip into town.

    3. Good for you Maria Hope the wait for Physio etc isn't too long

    4. Hi Maria so glad you got a appointment at last, on line is the way to go. Hope your wait isn't to long. Hope you had good trip in town.
      I lost another pound so back on track.
      Hug's my friend xx.

    5. Hi Maria. I'm so glad that you have finally seen the doc, hope you don't have long to wait before you get x-rays and physio. Well done on losing another lb, you are doing so well, naughty son tempting you with cake last night : ) I used to have various warning signs of migraine so had got good at catching most of them early enough to stop them turning into a full blown one, but just lately I don't get the warnings. I haven't had any for a couple of weeks now so we will see. The doc was ill last week when I was meant to see her so have a new appointment for beginning of Sept. I coulkd see another doc but I get on so well with mine so am happy to wait. I hope you manage to get some decent sleep tonight. Take care x

  7. Hi Sandra,
    Sandra love the Cc this week hope to have a go later. Hope the sun is shining & you are all nicely relaxed.x xx
    Michele shame about the jellyfish, we found a big one when Sue was about 5 on a beach in N.Devon, she was fascinated with it, I agree they are rather
    Janet thankyou for setting up again please don't worry about the cafe while you are out of action one of us will open up each day & take care of it. Hope all goes well for you will be thinking of
    Lunch time so will send hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Mum. I do remember that jellyfish, we have a photo of it somewhere, don't we? : ) I hope your joints aren't too bad, blooming rain isn't good for them is it! Love to you both xx

  8. Hello All, this my second comment, this mornings has disappeared!!!!
    Dull windy but dry here.

    Sandra hope you are still having a fab holiday.

    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, was very tired last night,after a day with the g/children, then the journey home.

    Yesterday's c/ cards were all lovely, very well done ,hope do one this week.
    Sandra your example is very lovely, sorry not to join in last week.

    Hope those not well, will soon be on the mend, and pain free. Healing hugs to you.

    Have a good rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi LILIAN hope you had a good sleep & feel rested after your late night yesterday. Enjoy your day Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lilian. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday, and that you aren't feeling so tired today. Take care x

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Yes very interesting challenge, sinking going on right now. Sometimes I look at a challenge and think that shouldn't be too difficult, but when it comes down to it and obviously I don't want to copy yours Sandra, I really do have to think. I will get hopefully will get Ciara on this one and see what she can come up with.

    I hope everyone is well and the sun is shining where you are. Will try and pop in later.
    Love and hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS i'm not sinking - that should say thinking Going on right now XX

    2. I'm so pleased your not Sinking BRENDA haha. Predicated text is so funny sometimes isn't it. Hope you & Ciara get the CC finished have a good evening
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Brenda. I'm glad you're not sinking either : )I am the same about the challenges, at the moment I haven't got a clue what to do (who else is singing the rest of that song now, haha : ) I hope Ciara can join in the challenge this week, her cards are always gorgeous. Take care x

  10. Lovely sketch Will try harder this week I left a comment earlier up VAL about rice bags
    Hope the pain from the jelly fish sting had eased MICHELE
    Thank you LORRAINE re the personalised stamps
    I saw your comment on the sewing machine CHERYL my machine would have been thrown out of the window
    I can't remember who was talking about having to shorten clothes I understand your probs as sometimes you can't just chop the bottom off because you then it then loses its shape Us tall ladies have similar problems Quite often daughter and ai check the length of something before we even look at the style and colour M&S, Next, Topshop do a longer length but they're not long enough LTS are fine but don't do size 10/12 very often
    Salsa was great fun yesterday and hopefully West Coast Swing tonight

    1. Ooooo Karen how I wish I was a size 10/12 not much hope of that now at my age.😱 lol. Xx

    2. Hi Karen. We are never happy, no matter what or size, height etc, are we? Is West Coast Swing different to swing? Whatever it is I hope you enjoyed yourself again tonight: ) Take care x

  11. Hello SANDRA hope your all still enjoying your holiday. Have you managed to get in the sea yet. Lovely CC for this week well hope it is when I get started with it. We have a beautiful sunny day again & another lovely walk. I'm going round Margarets tomorrow so won't be walking & Terry is meeting up with two of his nieces & nephew at Margate they are down from London for the day.
    I had a little chat with HARRY on the phone last night he said Nannie I'm a pickle i said have you been naughty then he said no just a Pickle then he was gone haha. Sam has been taking him down the beach which is only 5/10 minutes away he loves it but wants to go every day. Oh is that the time better get something for Dinner. So who pinched my afternoon.
    Love Lynda xx


    1. Hi Lynda. I'm glad you had a lovely day, it has been overcast but so humid here so not too good. How lovely to have a chat with young Harry, bless him. How lovely that he can get to the beach so often : ) Have a good time at Margaret's tomorrow. Take care x

  12. Good evening ladies,
    I am having a sneaky 5 minutes in the shade, we have had two lovely days on the beach, i managed to get in the sea both yesterday and today, which I love, that feeling of weightlessness, so therapeutic! The waves were quite rough too which meant Paul and the girls had great fun on body boards etc!
    We are having a simple dinner this evening, a few picky bits with some nice fresh baguette, along with some board games, the girls always sleep well after a few hours in sea!

    I am pleased you like this weeks sketch, it looks a bit like a handbag, you could add some ribbon, twine or pearl string as a handle too.
    I can't wait to see what you all come up with.

    Love and hugs all round,
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. I'm so glad that you have managed to get into the sea, you really enjoy it don't you, and your evening sounds like a perfect way to end the day : ) This weeks sketch has got me thinking, not so what I will end up doing but it will be fun anyway, thank you for doing them each week x
      I had another late start to the day, not good as we had a dental check up this morning so had to rush around! Luckily the check up went well and I don't need any thing doing so that was good : ) Then we had to go shopping so by the time we finally got home I ate then fell asleep for a couple of hours, and that's today done with! Never mind, every thing that I meant to do at home today will still be there tomorrow won't it.
      Sending love and hugs with extras for Maria, Lynda, Lorraine and all others in need. Take care xx
