
Sunday 3 July 2016

Sketch Challenge cards

Anne's Challenge Card

Brenda L Challenge card

Janet's Challenge Card

Karen's Challenge Card

Lilian's Challenge Card

 Lynda's 1st challenge card

Lynda's 2nd challenge card

Margaret Challenge Card

Maria's challenge card

Michele's Challenge Card

Sonia Challenge Card

Val's Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies,

What's happened to our Summer??  I was so cold yesterday afternoon, Paul and I popped to the shops, I went on my scooter, all was well on the way there, but while we were in the shop the clouds moved in, we decided to make a break for it before the heaven's opened but we were too late and got soaked!  I was almost shivering when we got home!! May have to get my jumpers back out.

You have come up with another fantastic selection of cards again this week, 

Anne, how cute is the fish on your card, I have never seen a cute looking fish before! The colour theme you have used is gorgeous and I love the lace edging to your central border.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Brenda your card is so beautiful, the gorgeous punched heart border trimmed with ribbon is so pretty, the gorgeous pink roses finish the card perfectly, thank you so much for taking part Brenda xxx

Janet, is Mr Owl a die cut or an applique? whichever he is very cute, the colour theme you have used is fab too, looks like an owl out at night!. Thank you for taking part xxx

Karen's card has been made using Lidl Nativity Paper and Sue Wilson Pierced Tags die, with a free die from a magazine to finish the card off, lovely card Karen, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Lilian, beautiful papers on your card again this week, love the colours, that flower you have created is so pretty too.  Thank you for taking part xxx

Lynda, 2 fantastic cards from you this week, you have used my favourite tag on your first card (its hard to not use it isn't it?!) And those pretty bow appliques to finish your card along the bottom, so pretty Lynda.
Your 2nd card is a fabulous Christmas card, I love the Santa's Sleigh Die cut dashing across your card! Thanks so much for taking part xxx

Margaret, your card is just gorgeous, lovely polka dot papers with that pretty floral border, I love tag with the die cut butterfly, thank you Margaret xxx

Maria, lovely lilac and lemon yellow colour scheme on your card today, its so pretty, 
Your beautiful punched border, intricately decorated with those gorgeous flat back lilac gems works so well, the tag and accent piece finish your card perfectly, thank you so much for taking part xxx
Michele, its good to see how those new 'Tuck in' dies that you bought work and they work really well, I love the accent that they give to your card, they have created a fabulous border on either side of your 'rosette', that die in itself looks so versatile, as well as looking like a rosette, it looks like cogs too, I love the 'Happy Birthday' die cut too! Thanks for taking part xxx

Sonia, I really love the 'Thank you very much' stamp you have used on your card, the papers are stunning Sonia, the black punched border looks striking and works so well with the papers you have used, thank you so much for taking part xxx

Val, such a cute image, I just love it, the background papers are just so beautiful too,the frame die you have used is delicate, another stunning Christmas card, thank you so much xxx

You are all so amazing, thank you all so much for making time to take part in the challenge xxx

Thats all from me, I'm off to sort out tomorrows sketch card!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a glorious set of cards on the display board this morning and just the way to start the week. Each and everyone very different in both shape and colour ways and all so bright and cheerful.

    SANDRA- I hope you've managed to get warm after your soaking yesterday. It's horrible when you get so wet with rain that it goes through all your clothing and it takes an age to get dry and warm. At least here it's dry and the temps are between 20/22c even when it's dull. I'll definitely be getting my jumpers out when I get back.

    I had a lovely morning playing with fabric and lace yesterday and so I'm hoping to get a little further with my attempt of making a Pouch. The washer is already churning and there's another load waiting to go in when this comes out.

    I hope our two Birthday Girls had a really good day and perhaps they're still celebrating today making the most of their special days. Whatever you've all got planned I hope the weather is kind to you all. Hugs were despatched earlier so they should have arrived by now.

    Dobbie has everything set up and ready to please pop in and help yourselves. xxxx

  2. Hello All, Sandra so sorry you got soaked yesterday, we have the same weather here, really chilly.

    All the cards this week are GREAT, must get my Christmas stuff out and make a start, as some of you have done.

    Not much on today, was hoping to get out in the garden if the weather clears up.
    Everyone enjoy your Sunday, Hugs Lilian

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Another wonderful selection of cards, I love how we all interpret the challenge with different papers , styles and embellishments, always giving some great ideas to one another.
    We had a beautiful day here for the Highland Show, sunshine , warm with a very light breeze so no midges , it was perfect so everybody had a fun day, the sea is clear bright turquoise due to algae bloom at the moment so it looks tropical , absolutely stunning!
    But today it's raining !
    I think today I'll get started on Sandy's card ( something to do with Roblox? )
    We had quite a late night as we had family and friends in so a slow day in store lol!
    Sandra I hope you have recovered after your soaking and don't suffer any after effects.
    By this time next week our daughter, husband and two grandchildren will be here staying for a week and then leaving the children here until the 16th August so I better enjoy the peace and quiet this week while I can.
    Cafe is looking good so must pop in for some tea and toast with some lovely homemade marmalade , yummy!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    what a lovely way to start a Sunday. I had an oo and an ah at each beautiful card.. Thank you for giving me some great ideas.
    Oh Sandra, how horrible to get so wet. It's a real miserable summer over there at the moment isn't it? I must admit I was cold most of the time when I was in UK last weekend. I'll do my best to blow some sun over to you.
    My craft room is really getting me down and I've decided I've got too much. Too much anyway to fit on my shelves. As a result I have boxes all over the floor and balanced on the worktops which I'n always knocking off which causeS more mess. So today anything I haven't used for 1 year (except my die cutting stuff) is going in a large box that Lynn has brought me from the shop and its going to the local school. I think it will take longer than one day mind you but I'll see how I get on.
    Do hope both birthday girls had a lovely day yesterday and being the weekend hopefully the celebrations will pass on to today as well.

    Well have a lovely Sunday everyone whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

    1. What a lovely gesture-donating your excess stash. My craft room is very full with boxes piling up in the floor so maybe I should do the same.


    2. Hi Michele, I hate the idea of throwing anything away which is why I've got so much in the first place ha ha. Anyway I had a word with the school. They broke up for the summer hols last month but a lot of children still go every morning not for lessons as such but for activities so she was really happy to be getting the stuff.
      Sorry youre struggling for inspiration. Having a few days off usually helps me. Enjoy your gardening.

  5. Morning Ladies

    Lovely selection of card for the challenge-all so different. I was hoping to make a 2nd card but I just ran out of time. To be honest I'm struggling to find inspiration for making cards at the moment-I sat in the craft room yesterday afternoon & finished a few cards from printouts & diecuts that have been hanging around for ages.
    Once I've done the usual housework this morning, I'm planning on some garden-probably after lunch. It's still windy but it's dry so there's no excuse.


  6. Fantastic array of cards Just goes to show how different we all are It's a great reminder of what stash we may have and have overlooked ie I have a punch (somewhere) similar to the one Sonia has used
    Hope you've recovered after your soaking SANDRA
    Looks like my card has gone into that black hole Never mind, it happens At least I've got another Christmas card in my stash
    Beautiful sunshine here It's a Salsa venue's 3rd birthday today so a BBQ and Prosecco has been promised! Bring it on!

    1. Lovely card Karen. Have a great time at your barbecue.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow, look at all those lovely cards. All so beautiful :-)
    Hope you recovered quickly from being caught out in the rain Sandra. We had a couple of torrential downpours yesterday too, but have woken up this morning to glorious sunshine. Fingers crossed it lasts!
    Got a busy day today as its Luke's 17th Birthday. Mother in law has booked a (surprise) driving experience for him at Mercedes Benz World. So off to watch that, I hope he enjoys it! Long story, but I did say that I thought she should ask him first, but as usual my opinion was ignored and she just went ahead and booked it without even asking if we had anything planned for today! Oh well, I shall go along and watch with a smile painted on my!
    Looking forward to the new sketch challenge tomorrow :-)
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you are doing. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, I HOPE you all enjoy Luke's birthday treat, more importantly I hope Luke does!
      I love the backing paper you've used on your card, can you recall what it is?

    2. Happy Birthday to Luke ! Hope he enjoy the driving experience, nice birthday present. Hope the paint not crack hihi hugs xx

    3. Hi. Thank you for Luke's Birthday wishes. Pleased to report he enjoyed it, and myself and other son James were able to sit in too as passengers, so good time had after all :-)
      Brenda, the papers are from Prima Marketing - Rondelle Collection 6x6 paper stack.
      Hugs xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that's a lovely selection of cards on display this morning, thank you soo much for setting the challenges each week. I hope you have recovered from your
    I must get on & make a couple of cakes, a date loaf & lemon drizzle I think, at least I feel as if I have abit of energy back now the antibiotics are out of my system.
    I hope Ciara enjoys her party.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret, your cakes sound yummy. So glad you're feeling a bit better.
      Have a good Sunday.

  9. Thanks for email SANDRA and hopefully you've now received my card

  10. Good Afternoon ladies,
    I have now added Karen's Challenge card to the list above, so pleased refresh and take a look, its gorgeous!!
    A hectic day here as Matt has come to stay for the weekend with his new Border Collie puppy!!!

    1. Oh Sandra , please take a photo of Matt's new puppy. Have a lovely time.
      Love Valxxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Once again I am having problems with my blo**y phone, three comments have vanished half way through typing them! I will just say what another wonderful selection of C cards. It always amazes me at the amount of different styles colours etc. used.
    I hope that I can get more time to craft this week, but it's another busy one, so will just have to wait and see!
    Im pushing my luck with my phone now , this is the point when it played up just now so I am going to send my love and hugs to you all, with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Yes, it published : )!!! X

  13. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    What a lovely Sunday treat to look at all your gorgeous cards, I scroll down and looking at each card they are all so inspiring. I'm beginning to think I should have started a folder with all of Sandra's sketch ideas in. Then when my brain freezes, and it does - often! I would have a great resource to inspire me. Note to self .... Job to do when you are bored.!!!!

    Ciara had a lovely day yesterday, and asked me to thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes you sent to her.

    I have been out in the garden this morning, just doing odd jobs. I got some dianthus a Lidl and have been finding homes for them. It's quite frustrating as the builders working on next door still haven't done the new fence, we (the Royal we) have left the shrubs in, but of course I can not put ant bedding plants in the border as they will probably step on then. So for now I have my colour growing in pots between the shrubs.

    Sandra, sorry to hear you had such a soaking yesterday, I hope you're not paying the price today. Enjoy having Matt and his border collie home for the weekend. Isn't it lovely when you can have all your family together, hope big Becca pops in as well.

    Lunch break over I will go back to the garden.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  14. Thank you SANDRA Just thought I'd have a quick browse whilst I'm waiting for Alan to finish preening Men!

  15. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.
    Oh Sandra,not nice to be that wet and cold, hope you are ok today. still got my fleecy on :-) Aaaaaah a border collie puppy, they are just to cute. Good luck with the Nr 1 and Nr 2 hihi
    Lovely card on display again, I love them all. Thank you Sandra for telling me off tihi
    Anne- never heard of Roblox before, hope you get a card together. Love the cute fish on your card. The grandchildren will love staying with you for part of thier summer. It was my best memories to be staying with my grandparent,most over the summer holidays.
    Val, that's very nice giving your unused items to the school. They will love it. I too have probably to much but it's spread all over so until I get my own room I will just try to use up what I have or it will go to the school or nursery. Going to work shops and AP doesn't help Lol The sun and grey clouds are fighting for a spot outside but I have taken a chance and hanged some washing out. The sheets blowing nicely like big sails. I had an early walk, very quiet everywhere only the birds singing.
    Weigh-in was good and then coffee with a friend before coming home for a good fry-up brunch. Have some e-mails to do and then I will try to get hold of my mamma and dad, have not spoken to them for a while again. How can it already be July ?? Hope you all have a fabulous day whatever you are doing, sending special hugs if not feeling to good. Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

  16. Hi SANDRA & Friends
    Oh B....r just lost a long post it disconnected from Internet.
    Wasn't up to much today trying to sort emails out I get them on my computer IPad & phone but they don't all come off it I deleted off computer I have to do iPad & Phone dose my head in.i didn't play with my stamps. I made some backgrounds with brushes the colours a very vibrant.looks good.
    SANDRA all Todays CC are amazing well done everyone looking forward to tomorrow challeng. I will try a altered art too if I have time.
    Think I will go now incase I loose this post.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
