
Friday 22 July 2016

Oldie For Friday !

 Anne's Card

 Brenda L's Card

Sue's Card

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I thought I would change things up a little today, mainly because when I look back through some of our old Sketch Challenge Sundays cards its like opening a new album, I think it's because there are so many cards in one display. 
So I thought that I would share a few of the cards each week, the cards area all so beautiful they deserve another viewing.  

Today's cards have been made by Anne, Brenda & Sue, 
Anne's card has been made using Creative Expressions Diagonals Die and Gillian die for the frame around pretty floral image from Lilli of the Valley. A beautiful card Anne xx

Brenda's card has been made using Creative Expressions Beaded Fanfare Embossing Folder as the main feature, accented by the beautiful spray of flowers, Brenda your cards are always so exquisite xx

Sue's card was made using Creative Expressions Scandinavian Border Die and Daisy Cluster die, everything works so well together Sue, I remember you making this card at Pat's, a gorgeous card xx

Wishing you a speedy recovery  Pat xx

Our dear friend Pat is going into hospital to have Hip Surgery today, Pat you will be in my thoughts all day, I hope everything goes smoothly and that you are up on your feet and back crafting in no time, sending you lots of love and hugs xxxx

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone

    PAT- Good Luck today. You'll be with me all day Dear Friend. You should be feeling like a new women in no time and ready to conquer anything. Great Big Gentle Hugs.xxxx

    I love your choice of cards today Sandra. They bring back lovely memories of past Challenges.
    ANNE, BRENDA and SUE you display such a professional touch to all your cards and with each one you make someone feel very special.

    We had a much cooler day yesterday and we're definitely feeling better for it. The last piece of the fence was put in place and the gate has been started. When that's in place just the painting of it to do.

    It's quite dull at the moment and we have thunder storms forecast so we're off to Market early hoping to get back before they start.

    MARIA- you asked about our breakfast yesterday. We have fresh baked bread with jam and fruit. We are very very lucky in having the most fantastic baker in the next village (we don't have a shop in Marigny) and his bread and produce are to die for. As it happens I'm off now to have my breakfast.

    The Café has been sorted by Marigny Dobbie and so everything is open. I'll send some Pastries along this afternoon so please help yourselves.
    Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Good morning Janet,
      I hope the weather holds off until you have finished your shopping at the market! You must take a photo of J and his new fence, you should have done before and after, looking forward to hearing about yoiur pastries!

  2. Morning Ladies

    Pat-hope everything goes ok today & that you are up and about very soon(and that you're pain free).

    Lovely to see some older cards featured on the blog , I'm really struggling to do anything in this heat. I've been summoned to go to my Dads tomorrow morning to see what my brother bought him from their trip to France so I'll pop round after I've been to the shop in the village as he lives close by. After that, I really must think about my challenge cards....!!!


    1. Morning Michele,
      I hope you find your Dad in high spirits tomorrow, I hope you summon up some mojo for your cards tomorrow, i find pinterest a good mojo boost but beware, time just evaporates when you open it up !
      Hope you have a good day,
      Sandra x

  3. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Love ly to see some of the old challenge cards and Anne Brenda and Sue these are 3 lovely cards. All so very pretty.

    PAT thinking of you today and wishing you well for the op and a very speedy recovery. I'm sure you'll be up and about in no time at all.

    After standing in the queue for 45 minutes at the hospital yesterday I was told I need a document from the Town Hall which has to be ordered and takes anout a week to come through. So I'm off there this morning before craft class to order it. I don't know what it's like in France Pat but the Spanish make everything as complicated and long winded as they can.
    Well have a lovely Friday everyone. We had some rain over night and it brought with it the sahara sand so everything has a fine yellow coating on it this morning. Such a mess.
    Love Valxx

    1. Morning Val,
      His frustrating for you yesterday, I bet you felt like screaming after waiting that long, enjoy your craft class, remember to take a photo of your creations!

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Anne, Brenda and Sue your cards are all beautiful. Lovely to see some older cards Sandra, thank you for sharing :-)
    Pat, thinking of you today. Sending hugs and get well wishes through today and your recovery xxx
    Lilian, safe journey home. Hope the roads aren't too busy.
    Janet, enjoy your breakfast - sounds delicious :-) Looking forward to those pastries arriving ;-)
    Hope all are well and have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Morning Sonia, enjoy your Friday, are you on football duty this weekend? Ours is all finished now!
      Sandra x

    2. Hi Sandra. No football at the weekends now. Luke's pre season training started last night for the academy, every Tuesday and Thursday evening until September!
      Have a lovely day, and enjoy your weekend lie ins now that football finished :-) Hugs xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Pat, wish you the very best for today. You soon be running after Pete and hopefully in no more pain. hugs.
    Lovely to see some of the older cards from our Anne, Sue and Brenda, they are all three very,very nice !
    I feeling quite tired after a bad night, OH sneezing and coughing did not help so we not going far, just to Lidl for some fruit and some other bits.
    Thanks to Marigny Dobbie it is not much to do so hope for a minute this afternoon for a danish and coffee with anyone who are popping in and hopefully stop for a little chat.
    Wish you all a good day, love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria, it looks liked it will be just Sue Margaret and I that join you and Karen and maybe Brenda, so if you want to suggest some dates, looking forward to catching up!

    2. Sorry to hear you weren't able to sleep very well Can't wait to meet up Have we got a date yet? I'm so bad at checking my emails etc

    3. PLEASE let me know the date ....... Hopefully I will be able to join you all xxx

    4. THURSDAY 4 th of AUGUST 2016 ! In Watford,
      HOLIDAY INN, WATFORD JUNCTION. 65-67 CLARENDON ROAD, WD17 1DS. You are all most Welcome ! It's a bit away from the shops so if it to far maybe meet at old Harlequin, just thought they might have softer cushions to sit on :-) xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Yesterday's cars is so pretty Sandra, I didn't get in as I had a migraine! What a good idea to show us older cards again, Anne and Breandas card are beautiful.
    Pat, sending you my love and lots of gentle hugs as you get that hip done. Thank goodness you were on the cancellation list, Sandra and I were talking about it on Wednesday wondering how long you would have to wait! Good luck xx
    Lynda, I'm glad you got my card, Good luck with the new meds x
    Lilian, I hope you have a trouble free journey home x
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop today so had better get on. Sending love and hugs with extras for Lynda and Pat and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue have a lovely day with mum & pops give them a Hug from me. I loved your card sue the flower is beautiful is it a die.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Morning Sue,
      I couldn't believe it when I read Pat's email as we were only saying about her op being done before Madeira, we will have take a picnic in for our anniversary lunch,no hats required this time though as its NHS !! Haha xx

  7. Hi Sandra. I love the cards you have posted on your blog today. Just to say I have tried to contact you via your personal email address and I wrote you a long email and then for some reason it would not allow me to send it !!! I don't know what I have done wrong. I am not very technical minded, and my other half cannot figure out how to sort it either !!! I hope you and your family are all ok. I would like to email you but I don't know how. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Tres x x x. ( Teresa from Orpington) x x x

    1. Oh Tres, I can't tell you how excited I am that you have got in touch, my email address is

      Please try again as I would love to hear from you, I hope that you are both well

    2. Hi Sandra. I have tried sending the email again, twice !!! I hope it has worked as it did not say it had been sent, but then it did not say that it had not !!! So fingers crossed. I am going out right now to Gloria's house for some crafting, chatting and laughing !!! So if you write to me don't be fed up as I can only reply to you when I arrive back home again. Lots of love from Tres x x x (Teresa from Orpington.)

    3. Hi Tress
      lovely to see you popping in the cafe' how are you hope you come back again. Are you going to Ally Pally in September on the Saturday.take care Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    PAT, wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. I know you'll be pleased to get this operation done as you have been in such pain for a long time

    Sorry I've been absent for a couple of days I did looking up when I had a moment to see all your wonderful cards. As you know I was going to look after Kieron and her brother and sister. We had a slight problem at home because the builders next door had started all the adjoining fence to our garden, John suggested he stayed at home that came over to daughters in the evening just to keep an eye on events and the tortoise of course. he came over on Wednesday evening and said three men had managed to put up three panel sections in the whole day. So he would come home again on Thursday morning, as they still had another nine sections to go. Poor tortoise got locked in the shed for the night for safety, so he had to be let out. Anyway not to bore you any longer it's almost all done one more section to go. But with John coming home every day it meant I was the chauffeur for the children, a job he usually does, so I have been dropping children off at parties, the gym, the train station! Pretty hands-on and not much time to myself. I'm not moaning, I love being involved in all they do. I did look at the blog, But didn't have time to comment.

    SANDRA Love yesterday's card, thank you for reminding me how useful masking tape is, also for reminding me what a fantastic effect we can achieve with acetate. xx

    JANET, your vintage card is stunning, I love it. xx
    VAL, WOW what a fantastic card display you have, I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be so huge. It's lovely you're using the profits to help feed and control the feral cats. xx

    LYNDA, Ihope you are getting your medication sorted out. Sorry to hear about poor Annie, I know you and Terry are going to miss her so much, I'm sure she was a very special pet. xx

    Well what a surprise I got when I opened up the blog today, I know you were thinking of showing us some cards that had previously been on display, I never expected to see one of mine though. ANNE I love your card so bright and cheerful and beautifully coordinated. SUE Your card is gorgeous so feminine, and what a beautifully balanced designed you have created.

    Will dear friends it's time to get a move on, I think I've caught up with everyone, I'll just have to go back through the past few days and check.

    Sending love and hugs all round, love Brenda XXX

    1. Predictive text wind again ......... you do know I meant CIARA her brother and sister !!!!!

    2. And again .... WINS !!!!!'

    3. Oh B...ger my comments just poped it's clogs & Gone who knows where again Grrrr.
      Hello Sandra & Friends sorry for the temper tantrum what with yesterdays comment going Awol now the one before this one .
      ANNE BRENDA &SUE your cards look stunning now as they did when SANDRA first posted them. Lovely seeing old ones again.
      PAT I hope your opperation went well.& your soon feel like a new women take care sending you some healing Hug's my friend love Lynda xx
      LILIAN sounds like you had a lovey holiday safe journey home.
      Thank you BRENDA we miss Annie so much but keep telling ourselves we did the best for her. I picked my medication up today so I can sart now on Saturday & Sunday. I had a letter this morning form the Hospital for my Angeogram to be done on 13th September Ooo that's 4 days before Ally Pally that's lucky.
      Well I'm going to finish my mini challenge card now
      See you all later love Lynda xx

  9. Hello All , well after 7.5 hrs journey we are home, we had a lovely holiday, really didn't want to come home.

    PAT hope the operation went well and you will soon be right as rain.

    Lovely to see the cards from a while back ,all three are really lovely, it seems the lace and metal trims that I ordered from the craft channel should have been delivered today, but we were not home and it needs signing for so I have to wait until Monday.
    Will catch up with you all later,
    Have a lovely weekend all, hugs Lilian

  10. Margaret Palmer22 July 2016 at 20:40

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing Anne, Brenda & Sue's cards again they are all
    Pat hope the op went well & you will spon be on your feet again. Sending gentle
    Lilian glad you are home safe & sound, Sounds as if you had a lovely
    Maris hope you feel better today take care xxx
    Val what a palaver hoe you get sorted
    I have had a lovely day with Sue we went to visit my 90yr old friend this afternoon which was lovely, she loves to see Sue.
    Lynda thank you for your hugs, good luck with your new
    Sending higs to all who need them especially Lynda & Pat love Margaret

  11. Just popped in to see how you all are.
    PAT Hope all is well with you. Have been thinking about you all day. Sending Love and Big Hugs,
    Sleep well dear friends, love Brenda xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Thanks ladies for all the good wishes. I didn't get in the Internet yesterday. Didn't come back from surgery until 7.30. I had to wait from 7.00 in the morning. I was put last apparently because I was the youngest and the fittest. Not to sure how I kept myself from laughing. Not to sure when I'll be home. I got up for a very short walk, 3 steps away from my bed a 3 back. I will see the physio tomorrow and see what the next step will be.
    Lovely picture of Karen and Alan, lovely dressing up. Love seeing the cards that has previously shown. But great to look back. That's it for today as I still feel pretty groggy, but not as bad as when I was in before.
    Hope all those who are unwell are feeling better today.
