
Monday 18 July 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

This weeks Sketch 

Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to the start of another week, do you know that there are only 23 weeks until Christmas!!
or 160 days! Thats quite shocking isn't it? Maybe you had better get started on those Christmas cards!

Now onto this weeks Sketch, I decided on this card because I thought it could be used with Sue's Striplet dies as the background.  You can use ANY shape you like on the top, it doesn't have to be a circle. You could also just use strips of decorative paper in the background if you don't have striplets.  I have gone for a Christmas card for my challenge card this week, I will share it with you all tomorrow. (I will explain why tomorrow) xx

So because I haven't got a sketch card to show you today I have another treat for you instead......

This beautiful card was made for me by our Margaret, I was absolutely blown away when I opened it, I can't believe how far your card making has come in such a short period of time Margaret, your cards are on a par with anyone else on this blog.  It took my a very long time to get to the point at which I was happy to share my cards with anyone, I think that any card maker or crafter in general feels the same way, I takes a while to find your 'style' and you have definitely found yours. 
Thank you so much for this stunning card my lovely xx

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for a bit of inspiration for this weeks Challenge.

Have an amazing day ladies, its set to be a scorcher I believe!!

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET -WOW what a beautiful card. Simple but oh so effective and such gentle and calming colours. It definitely goes into my class of 'less is more' and I would love to see it fall onto my door mat anytime.

    LILIAN- I'm so pleased you loved Hardwick Hall. Bess of Hardwick and holds a very prominent place in our history. We both love this house. I'm also pleased that the weather is being kind to you. Cannot wait to here about your travels today.

    BRENDA- I hope you're going to have a restful day today after your gruelling journey yesterday. You both must have been exhausted when you arrived home.

    We have yet another glorious start to the day. Jim only managed until lunchtime outside yesterday and then just had to come inside as it was so hot.

    SANDRA- thank you for this week's Challenge. I love the look of it and hopefully I can do a much better job this week. I cannot remember who said they liked the 'twirly' bits on my flower. They are the cut away from the border of Creative Expressions 'Astoria' die. I never throw these away as I can always find a use for them. They also make lovely little flowers too.

    Have a lovely day everyone and if going out into the heat of the sun please remember to wear hats and sun cream. I don't want Michele being called out as our emergency 'first aider' as she has enough on at work. lol.

    The Café is looking good as usual and clean and fresh for the start of another week. I've despatched hugs for you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I just had to read up on Bess of Hardwick after your mentioning her. What an interesting lady and an interesting like she had. The tapestries must be wonderful to see.
      Enjoy your time in the sun and have a lovely day.
      Love Valxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for your kind words about my card, I love that particular paper it is thanks to Sandra that I got it, she gave the tip that it was on special offer from Anne Marie designs, they are all such lovely colours. Thank you for setting cafe up. Take care xxx.

    3. Thank you Janet, yes we did sleep very well and are taking it very easy today. XX

    4. Hi Janet, I hope you have a nice day when we at last got summer it comes with a vengeance so I brought some fans into the cafe' for the ones who need some cooling down. Cool hug xx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    First of all let me say the crafts on Saturday were absolutely beautiful !
    Yesterday's cards were stunning, what a wonderful mixture of styles and ideas!
    I just don't have much me time at the moment I have our grandchildren staying and my brother and his wife with 2 dogs and the 3 puppies are arriving tonight, it was meant to be Tuesday or Wednesday they were due but because the weather forecast is to be hot they thought travelling in the heat in the car with 5 dogs would be a bit much, and I think they are wise!
    So yesterday Marsaili and Abi made cards for Sandy's 7th birthday today, they are really good and they enjoyed doing them ( it was a horrible wet day here , so it was perfect for crafting) .
    Sorry I probably won't manage on the blog much but you know the reason why .
    Sandra this week's cc looks really good ! I will try to take part if I can.
    I'm so excited our little puppy "Tollie" is arriving, I'll send a photo soon.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  3. Meant to say Margaret your card is really lovely and I love the colours!

    1. Hi Anne,
      Thank you for your comment on my card. My goodness it sounds as if you are going to have a house full today, Good luck with Tollie, hope she settles quickly how

    2. Hi Anne, have a lovely time with the grandchildren. Happy Birthday to Sandy !
      Can't wait to see little Tollie, sweet name. xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful card, no wonder Sandra wanted to show it on her blog.

    My mind is already mulling over ideas for this weeks sketch challenge. Isn't it strange how a different sketch makes all the difference or at least it does to me.

    I'm hoping today isn't too busy (or hot) as I'm going to give blood tonight at 5.55pm. I've got a parcel to take to the Post Office then will go to my appointment. My brother & wife are calling to take Dad out for a meal. They've been traveling round Brittany in their camper van and are on their way home (Glasgow). They're getting off the ferry at Southampton this morning and driving home via Southport.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you for your kind words it was a surprise to see it this morning.
      Sounds as if you are as busy as ever, well done for donating blood hope it goes

    2. Hi Michele, Sorry but it is another if not hotter day so I hope you are ok at work. The blood should flow alright, good luck. Thank you so much for the cutouts and instructions ! I will have a play tomorrow hopefully after food shopping,again xx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all.

    Margaret, what a lovely card. I gather you haven't been card making for long so all the more amazing that you can produce something so good. I'd love to receive this one.

    Sandra love the challenge this week. I was playing with a striplet die borrowed from Wendy just last night.

    Just off to the vets with Gracie. Nothing serious. She has to go every once in a while to have her anul glands squeezed. It makes my eyes water to think of it. She also needs flea and worm stuff and have to get some flea stuff for the cats as well so an expensive morning out.

    Anne it sounds as though you're going to have a house full of people and dogs. How lovely. You're soon getting your puppy Tollie as well. Very exciting. Bet you can't wait. You have to show us some photos.

    Enjoy your day ladies. Hope the lovely sunshine reaches you all today.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      I have been card making for about 7 months, all down to going to Ally Pally with Sue, Sandra & Pat & not forgetting Paul who drove us. I started going with Sue to craft shows just to give us a day together, at Ally Pally met Maria, Brenda L, Lynda & Brenda Little Lamb, & after a while got hooked as you do. I know wish I had more time to devote to it.
      Good luck at the vets I know what you mean by expensive, they are worth every penny

    2. Hi Margaret. Well I would never have guessed it was only 7 months. You've obviously got a great flair for it.
      How lovely to have met so many ladies. I really will try to get to Ally pally one of these shows to meet up with yo all.
      love Valxxx

    3. Hi Val. you have certainly blown over the sun and blue sky for us down south and it is wonderful. My Fibromyalgia always feels better and the mood is up when the sun is shining. Give Gracie and the others a cuddle from me.:-) Hope to meet you at Ally Pally, if not this time, maybe next Spring ?
      hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Margaret your card is beautiful. Love the rose and pretty paper. I'm not surprised Sandra was blown away with it, such a lovely surprise :-)
    Love the sketch challenge and looking forward to seeing your card tomorrow Sandra :-)
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia,
      Thank you for your kind comment. Have a good

    2. Hi Sonia, hope you are alright and work is good. The boy's on holiday's yet ? Hope they have a nice summer break. hugs xx

    3. Thank you Margaret and Maria :-)
      Luke finished a few weeks ago and James finishes Friday - he can't wait! Although they're older now and I don't need to be here with them I'm hoping that I don't have to come home from work and start tidying up after them, but boys will be boys! ;-)
      Hugs xxx

  7. Love your card MARGARET I think it's Devine Well done you
    The sketch looks interesting I will try this week to make the deadline!
    So Salsa was very hot and sticky yesterday especially as I was wearing a wig as part of my costume! Fortunately I took a change of clothes! We went Salsa dancing Friday, Saturday, yesterday and tonight we're hopefully going to try Weat Coast Swing! Something new to learn
    Try and stay cool today ladies it's going to be a scorcher!

    1. Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your kind comment.
      My goodness you must have been hot yesterday I shouldn't think you need to diet when you do

    2. Hi Karen. oh jeez you must have been boiling in the costume,shame not more people did it for fun.Have a good time tonight. See you soon,hug xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Mum, your card is beautiful, you have come so far so quickly in just a few months. Speak later, love you xx
    Sandra, I love the sketch this week, I hope to make a start on it later as I'm having a quite day after just walking around Tesco left me feeling shattered!
    I hope you all enjoy the sun today, it is just breaking through the clouds as I type.
    Lilian, it sounds like you had a wonderful time yesterday, I hope today is as good x
    Anne, enjoy having the grandchildren around. You are going to have a full house once the dogs and puppies arrive, aren't you. Will your pup be staying G with you when the others leave, I can't remember how old they are now x
    Lynda, I'm so glad that your cough is finally getting better and I hope the docs are able to give you some help with your painful legs and feet, I've got my fingers crossed that they don't just tell you it's because of your age. I will be watching the news later on to see if you are in it 😂 x
    Brenda, goodness me, what a journey, I hope you have both recovered after a good nights sleep x
    Have a good day everyone, make sure you all have plenty of drinks and wear your suncream if you go out, please. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, we did very good night sleep, nothing much on the cards for today, so will take things as they come. Pleased you're back with us after the horrendous week you had last week.
      Take care LOL xx

    2. Hi Sue, glad you better but take it slowly in the heat we at last got. Your mum have so much talent, her card making is the way I wish I could do it. She did take it like a duck to the water tihi hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra that was a surprise to see my card this morning, as I have said it is all down to the help you have given me, thank you soo much I love it!!
    I love the look of the challenge this week hope to have a go later.xxxx
    Brenda hope you had a good sleep after your horrendous journey yesterday, rest up today xxxx
    Lynda pleased your cough is going. Hope your appointment goes well today xxx
    Maria hope you had a lovely
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, your card is brilliant and it's the way I wish I could do mine but my brain don't work that way hihi Hope you can come with the others up/down/sideways to Watford ? It seem ages since last, fingers crossed. hugs to you and pop xx

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra, I actually made a card similar to this sketch for one of our girls birthdays. But I will do another one as we have so many birthdays coming up it will be put to good use. Anyway have my thinking cap on, let's see what I can make.

    Margaret, I love your card, love the subtle an elegant background paper you have used is just perfect everything blends so well. You certainly have taken to this card making - like a duck to water! But that is no surprise as you have so many other artistic talents. Thank you for sharing this with us. LOL

    Karen, you must be exhausted after all that salsa dancing, it did sound as if you had good fun with the fancy dress one . I bet you are pleased you took that change of cloths. xx

    Hope everyone is having a good day, be careful if you go out in the sun.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, what a horrid journey you had going back, no fun to be stuck for hours but sad for the people in the accident. Just relax today and think what to do next, like CC and when you free coming to Watford and meet us girls again hihi Have a nice evening hugs xx

    2. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind words, I have had a good teacher in Sue. Pleased you had a good night, not sure any of us will be able to sleep in this heat tonight though. Take care love

  11. Hello Sandra & friends
    Well my day didn't start at all well we had to say goodbye to Annie our Shitsu she gave up her fight for life. the last two days she wouldn't take her tablets. When I got up this morning she was really struglingto breath So Terry took her to the vet at 8am & didn't come home with her. We are both very sad but Terry is really upset she used to follow him everywhere.
    Then I had to go hospital as soon as he got home.
    The doctor was really nice & she was very shocked that I wasen't sent to see a Rumatoligy Dr before. She told me I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had blood tests 6 files & X-rays on feet hands & chest. Then I have to have bloods done every month for the next 6 months. I have a prescription for Methotrexate but have to ring her nurse first for test results. The only thing is it might raise my sugar levels as I'm diabetic. Diet controlled it could meen medication for that.
    Sorry for rambling on & on.
    MARGARET your card is beautiful love the papers & your Rose is lovely is that a stamp.
    Sandra the C card is a nice one. I made two lace flowers yesterday I will send pictures for Saturday. Sorry I haven't read any comments yet but will go & read them soon.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hello Lynda- You really could have had better news Dear Friend but I'm sure that between them your Drs will get something sorted re meds and you can get on an even keel. Gentle Hugs xxxx

    2. Oh Lynda, how awful about you shi tsu. It's so sad but the awful decision has to be taken when your lovely pet is in pain or distress as she obviously was. My heart goes out to you.
      what an awful day and then to be told about your health probs. Do hope they get you on the right meds and you start to feel better soon.
      with love Valxxx

    3. Lynda, I'm so sorry to hear about Annie. Sending you and Terry many ,many hugs. I hope with you problems they can help you soon, Take care my friend, love Maria xxx

    4. Oh Lynda what can I say I really feel for you & Terry. At least you have an answer to your pain, not a good one but hope the meds help, the trouble is they give you tablet for one thing & it upsets another. Alan had to go on tabs for his diabetes which he had always controlled with diet, he does get on well with them though. Sending you both some gentle hugs love Margaret xxx

    5. Lynda yes the rose is a stamp, it's one that Sue gave me would you like some stamped for you?xxx

    6. So sorry to hear about Annie, sending you and Terry hugs.
      Sorry to hear about your health problems too. Take care.
      Hugs xxx

  12. HelloAll, very hot here, missing our sea breeze.
    Sandra cc card looks great will try and get one made when I get home, having withdrawal symptoms already, no craft !!!!!

    Margaret your card is delightful, love cards with flowers on.

    Today we went to Matlock and Matlock bath, I've never seen so many fish and chip shops in such a short stretch on road, think I counted 6 in about half a mile.
    We then went on to the Denby pottery to get some new everyday plates, got six with pale blue rims , dinner plates for £3.99 each and pasta dishes for £5.99
    Very pleased with my bargains. They have a lovely farm shop there now, so bought some nice goodies to buy, shame nowhere sells locally made cheeses, which we like to try when we are on holiday.

    Tomorrow we are going to Chatsworth, so that will be a full day.

    We drop in when we are home tomorrow, hugs Lilian

    1. Hello Lilian - If you can get to Hartington you will be able to get cheese there - they do a wonderful selection of their own cheeses. Enjoy Chatsworth. Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Lilian, your holiday sound so nice and touring around and see different places is quite exciting. There are some pretty places in England. Enjoy Chatsworth ,hugs xx

    3. Hi Lilian,
      So pleased you are enjoying your holiday lovely area as well. Thank you for your comment on my card. Enjoy Chatsworth at least it should be cooler in the house.xx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone. I wrote a comment about 7am this morning but the wi-fi at the hotel was dreadful and I lost the connection so I have comment on the way down.
    The Sunday CC's were all fabulous and so many different ones. Ciara's was lovely and well done. Sorry Sue but the papers came with a magazine so don't know it origin. The poinsettia die is lovely but I have so difficult to cut it out still so not using it very often.
    Beautiful card from our Margaret today !
    Have had the most wonderful time in Colchester (the scales will tell in half an hour hihi) Have not been there for years so everything looked so different. Found this lovely court yard for a cold drink yesterday and not far, Tindalls arts and craft :-) so spent a good time and £10 as you just have to do. Today my step-son came down to our hotel for breakfast before walking up a pretty steep hill into town for some little more look around and I got myself a long summer dress, down from £30 to £9 ! It's nothing I wear normally but I thought just to have around the house in this wonderful warm summer we at last have got. No moaning how hot it is now girls, hihi
    Might pop in later to see who else coming in, you are all very welcome to join this lovely group of crafter's.
    love and hugs, Maria xxx

  14. Hi Maria,
    Thank you for your kind words, I do not know why you say your cards are no good you make some lovely ones. Good to hear you had a lovely weekend, you got a bargain with your dress, I must admit long or loose dresses do keep you cooler. Take care hugs & love Margaret xxx

    1. If Sue is going to meet up with you I hope to come as well, must check with

    2. Good night to all night owls, sleep well xx
