
Saturday 30 July 2016

Mixed Crafts Saturday and we get to meet Tollie

Anne's new puppy 'Tollie'

Janet's beautiful box

Front View

side view

Lynda's latest tag

Cheryl's Festive Candles

Good Morning Ladies,

Can you believe how very cute Anne's adorable new puppy 'Tollie' is? he is adorable, he looks like he could do no wrong at all! It's hard to get an idea of how tiny he is but I am guessing that the paving stones are a foot square which makes him tiny, his toy beside him looks too big for him to carry bless him.  We have a new puppy too (well my son does) he is a Border Collie puppy, my goodness he has some energy, he likes pulling up plants in the garden and emptying planters!  
You have all that excitement to come Anne, he looks like he will keep you busy, thank you so much for sharing a photo of him, it will be lovely to watch him grow xxx

We have the last of Janet's altered keepsake boxes up next, I think you saved the best until last Janet, I beleive that the paper you have used is a 'LemonCraft' floral paper, (i have them too, but don't want to use them).  You have added some doillies to create some focal points upon which You have placed a little resin fairy inside that pretty frame (both from Crafting Insomniac on fb), you have embellished the frame with some pretty daisies and a little key. A lovely metal peacock sits next to the frame in all his glory.  On the opposite side you have created a lovely spray of flowers, with some pearlised leaves and a floral/pearl strand trim.  The sides of the box have been expertly covered with he most beautiful laces, a ribbon threaded lace around the top and a stunning tassel lace around the bottom part of the box, a row of pearls finished the lid.  Janet, this box is absolutely stunning, you have really inspired me to have a go at altering a box myself, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Lynda, a pretty. altered tag from you this week, I love that stamped girl you have used, she is very pretty, you have used Creative Expressions Beaded Flourish die cuts to add some texture and interest in the background along with some lovely Metal charms and stunning flowers, also a little vintage seem binding, the background looks really pretty and colourful too Lynda, how have you acheived that effect?  A totally amazing tag from you again Lynda, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Cheryl's gorgeous Christmas Candle trio is the last of our Crafts for this week, 3 lovely candles placed in a pretty dish and decorated with pine cones, dried berries and nuts, fir sprigs,cinnamon sticks, pot pourri and small Christmas decorations, a quick burst of spray snow gives them a real Christmassy look, I will share some others next week, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Another gallery of gorgeous goodies this week, Tollie wins the Cute factor though, thank you so much ladies for sending in your mixed crafts for me to share xxx

Please keep them coming, it can be photos of something you have made or baked etc or something that your grandchildren have made, I look forward to seeing them.

I hope you all have a lovely Saturday,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    TOLLIE- a gorgeous puppy name just fits the most gorgeously cute puppy. He may look so so innocent but oh watch out I bet he can get up to so many tricks and he's so small I bet he can get into places no-one else can. He is just one beautiful puppy.

    LYNDA- I love love your tags. They are always so beautifully created and so interesting so much so that every time I look at one I see something I have previously missed. I particularly love that bronze rose which just gives the final touch at the bottom of your tag. More please!

    CHERYL- your works of art are always a delight to see and this one is no exception. A dining table would just be the perfect place for this piece. I can imagine sat around having dinner in candle light. Just perfect. More please Cheryl.

    Sandra has done my last box more than justice in her description. It is an MDF box from Fernli Crafts (this company is the best find and I cannot wait to get back to the UK to see my latest purchases which are waiting for me there). Once I had papered the pieces and put the box together everything just fell into place and there wasn't any 'if I put this there' or 'perhaps this might fit' it was so easy to do. This box along with the other three smaller ones and my lace caddy you have seen recently are staying here at Marigny. This one is holding off cuts of material and lace; the lace caddy is full and the smaller boxes are full of blingy bits etc. The go so well on the shelves at the side of my craft cupboard.

    Well it's packing day today so it's going to be busy busy and all the usual comments from the 'car packer'. It's also going to be hot so temperatures may just rise and I don't mean the climate one either. We'll wait and see lol.
    I cannot believe we have been here six weeks as the time has just flown by.

    SANDRA- I'd love to see a pic of Matth's new puppy please. As you know Christina has two rescue collies and so we know just how much energy they have and still have when fully grown. Of course we don't know exactly how old they are being rescue- one came from a Rescue Centre for Collies in the Midlands (Cuinn came from Ireland)and Mollie just appeared one Sunday morning in their courtyard and they have never found out where she came from despite all the searching and advertising they did. She is still just a mad mad bouncy collie. Cuinn is still very wary of strangers and noise (they have had him now for nine years). He really must have been very badly used.
    I hope Matt is feeling better every day and that the meds are working well for him.
    PAT- have a good week-end and be careful on those crutches.
    MARIA- hope you're feeling much better now.

    Our Pastries last night came from a different shop this week. We called at the Chocolate Shop in Corbigny where they make their own chocolate on the premises so all their produce is truly 'made on the premises'.
    Jim chose a small cake called 'Ecu' (now I have no idea what it means). This was a square delight-the base was a thin layer of choclate sponge with chocolate mousse laced with Cassis sat on top. On top of this were milk choc swirls and then glazed. The whole cake was surrounded by the most thinnest squares of dark choc.

    I had a cake shaped like a snowball. This was sat on a thin layer of a chocolate sponge. The ball shape was milk chocolate mousse with a centre of raspberry liquid. The whole ball was glazed and again this was sat in a wall of the thinnest dark chocolate.
    This was called 'Mirroir' again I haven't a clue on the name.

    It was definitely an evening of 'Death by Chocolate'.
    Now you can imagine we don't visit this shop very often!!

    Everything looks good in the Café this morning and all ready for business. I've sent some pastries for later today and there's home made jam for the scones. Have a good day everyone. Hugs should arrive very shortly. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Your altered box is so beautiful. Love the pretty papers and the lace - the pearl trim around the edge finishes it off perfectly. Each time I see one of your gorgeous creations I think to myself that I really must have a go. I purchased some mdf boxes a while back which are still sitting in the bag waiting to be decorated!
      Your chocolate cakes sound absolutely delicious yesterday - what a wonderful treat. Looking forward to your pastries arriving later, and the home made jam. Naughty I know, but I may just have to try both ;-)
      Hope the temperatures don't rise too much with the packing today!
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Your cakes sounded divine! That's one thing the French do so well, exquisite patisserie!!
      I hope the packing goes smoothly, do you sail on Monday?? I will be interested to hear your report on Calais, hopefully the madness has all calmed down, we had the same worries last year, after the closure of 'my ferry' the sea France staff were all protesting!! Then we had the 1,200 tractors protesting on the way home!!
      I have everything crossed that your journey is smooth and trouble free!!
      The pastries look delightful, I can see that Sonia is drooling though, best get mine quick!! Haha
      Sandra xxx

    3. Hi Janet, just love your box. You have such a wonderful way with your decorations. Really so pretty.
      Your pastries again sound so delicious. I suppose it's a good thing that you only visit them once a week. Ha ha.
      Good luck with the packing-never a nice job.
      Enjoy your last couple of days.
      Love Valxx

    4. Margaret Palmer30 July 2016 at 14:59

      Hi Janet,
      Your box is beautiful this one is my favourite, well done. Thanks for makibg me dropl over your chocolate cakes & the goodies in cafe will have one in a while. Good luck with the packing don't envy you that job.

    5. Hi Janet thank you so muc for your kind words on my tag.
      I love your beautiful box you have mastered the art in altered art.
      Hope your all packed up ready for home Safe journey to you & Jim & hope no problems with the ferries.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful mixed crafts today but the star of the day is Tollie...sorry Ladies. What a gorgeous, cute puppy. Looks like s real bundle of mischief.

    I'm off to the hairdressers at 9.30 for a cut & colour then will attempt my challenge card. I went into my craft room last night, faffed about then gave up and went downstairs to read my book. Not sure what's the problem but I've not been this disinterested in card making for a long time. Wish I could get some inspiration & soon as I have some special cards to make for August.


    1. Hi Michelle. Enjoy your cut and colour - a little bit of pampering is always nice :-)
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Michele,
      Sit and relax while you are pampered at the hairdressers!
      Your enthusiasm will come back, you have had a lot on your mind recently and work has been stressful, I think we allgo through this at some point, then something reignites your passion and you will be off again, maybe your die that you won will give you a boost, or why not try a new technique, buy a nice stamp set and try that?,
      Sending huge hugs

    3. Hope you enjoyed your pampering morning.
      Hopefully your
      Mojo will return soon.
      Love Vailxx

  3. Hello Sandra, dull but dry here.

    Sandra how was the trip to Brixham, if you went hope you had a good time.

    Fabulous crafts today, Janet your box is beautiful, Lynda, your tag is great, do you keep these for your self ? Don't think I could part with them . Cheryl your C decoration is just a perfect centre piece for Christmas.

    Well the star of the show has to be Tollie, lovely little ball of fluff, looks as though butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

    Have a good day all, gardening for me hopefully, I have done my c card for Sandra, so I'm on time this week.

    Have a lovely day all , hugs Lilian

    PS Janet hope the packing goes well, L

    1. Hi Lilian. Enjoy your day gardening :-) Dull here too and rain forecast, so crafting for me as I still need to do challenge card!
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Lilian,
      We are leaving this afternoon, hopefully we'll miss the worst of the traffic! Its a longer journey than going to mums (165 miles each way) so I am a little worried about that, and if I'm honest I am in a panic about how I am going to manage when we get there, I haven't been able to manage stairs since my operation cock up in 2009!! I am hoping that as the stairs are really wide (more than double width of normal stairs) and in groups of five I will be OK!
      All of that on top of my normal agrophobic tendencies are making for a miserable Saturday morning! I keep telling myself that Paul will be with me so it will be fine!
      Have fun in the garden,
      Love and hugs

    3. Hi Lilian
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my tag.. I have them in my craft room. I like doing them. Not sure if anyone would want one as a gift though
      Love Lynda xx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    So happy you all like the photo of Tollie, he is about 10"x 5" in size , but it's mostly fur! He gets so excited and wants to bite with his little needle like teeth so Marsaili and Archie are a bit wary of him this morning, he does sleep for 8 hours at night which is good but still has wee accidents ( excuse the pun) .
    We have an auction in the village today ( for funding for a new museum) and there is a spinning wheel I would like to bid for so we will see how it goes.
    Janet , your box is very decorative and a beautiful box to keep your lace in, I'm sure you will have lots of pleasure from it, those mouthwatering cakes sound like works of art!
    Lynda , another beautiful ornate tag , I also would like to know what you do with them?
    Cheryl , I love your Christmas table decoration! but I'm afraid I don't want to think about Christmas in any shape or form yet I just want some more Summer! I do enjoy all the preparations after our holiday in October and enjoy making a table centrepiece ( which usually has to put off the table for space when it comes to Christmas dinner) lol!
    Sandra, I hope your day to Brixham went well and you enjoyed it without too much pain.
    Well I better go and attend to the children's breakfast, hope you all have a good weekend.
    Love and hugs xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Tollie looks absolutely adorable, a lovely little bundle of fluff :-))
      Good luck with the bidding for the spinning wheel.
      Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Anne,
      We are having the same 'wee' problems, its just catching them at the right moment!!
      8 hours is quite a good sleep, although if anything like 'Harley' once he's awake we all are!!
      I think they just get too excited and bouncy which is probably why Marsali and Archie are a little wary, its hard explaining that the puppies don't understand that they are hurting, I hope he doesn't turn his teething to your furniture!
      I know Amanda's Shih tzu's have wrecked her kitchen table etc!
      Good luck with your Spinning Wheel bidding ! Come back and let us know how you get on (if you have time)!
      Have a lovely day,

    3. Hi Anne, little Tollie is even more cute than I imag
      ined. I bet he gives so much pleasure. Lovely to see his photo.
      Hope you've won the spinning wheel.
      Love Valxx

    4. Margaret Palmer30 July 2016 at 15:09

      Hi Anne,
      Tollie looks adorable, how big does she get? Good luck at the

    5. Hi Anne
      Oh wow Tollie is adorable he would fit in one of my altered boxes haha. Thank you for your kind words on my tag.
      I usually paint it with White gesso first then I use chalk paint till I get or like the colour.& put some mica powder on top. Then put textur past in parts & put coloured micro beads on top let it dry. Once dry I start to decorate.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Lovely selection of crafts today, and of course the adorable photo of Tollie :-)
    Lynda, your tag is beautiful - love all the detail :-)
    Cheryl, your candle centre piece is stunning :-) I can imagine it smells lovely.
    Dull day here today, so going to try and get my challenge card done. Tried to make a start last night, but like Michele I couldn't get inspired and gave up :-(
    Hope everyone has a lovely day. Sandra, I hope you're enjoying Brixham :-)
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra, just looked back and it's tonight you're travelling down to Brixham! Getting ahead of myself! Have a safe journey, and enjoy your time there :-) Hugs xxx

    2. Hi Sonia,
      I hope you enjoy your crafting time, its rare tobget the chance to do that band nothing else!
      Your challenge cards are ALWAYS stunning, I love opening your emails and seeing your latest make!
      Have a lovely weekend,
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Thank you Sandra :-) Have just sent my card to you. I expect you're on your way now to Brixham, hope the journey isn't too bad.
      Did you manage to pop into the cafe for one of Janet's yummy pastries and scone with jam?? I didn't eat them all, promise! ;-))
      Hugs xxx

    4. Thank you Sonia for you kind words on my tag.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  6. Another flying visit TOLLIE looks so cute and your mixed media is fantastic I'm off to London (at mo) to Saatchi museum to see the a Rolling Stones exhibition Will read later

    1. Have a lovely time at the Saatchi museum, I hope you get 'some sastisfaction' ! Hehe xxx

    2. Hi Karen. Hope you're enjoying your day in London :-)
      Hugs xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Thanks for the good wishes ladies. Did I forget to mention Lynda that I am at home. Still feeling odd at times. Mind you, as The ladies will tell you I am a bit odd anyway.
    Anne lovely to see your puppy Tollie, what breed is he please?. You might have said in a previous post but I haven't got around to reading them yet.
    Janet as usual your box is stunning.
    Lynda love your altered art tag. Such a shame about your friends Todo. But surely it must still be under guarantee and could go back. Hope your keeping better than you were.
    Cheryl, I just love your candle decoration. I could try to do something like this but mine would just look a mess.
    Sandra, how on earth is Matt going to manage a puppy?. I wonder if it will be the same people who look after the cats. Collies are so boisterous all the time, not just when they are puppies. They also need a lot of walking.
    Hope you have a lovely time at Pauls parents. Apart from the pain of travelling it'll be a nice break for you both.

    1. Hello my lovely,
      Hope you are feeling brighter and finding it easier to move about! You would need a lot more patience to be relying on Pete for more than a week ! Haha
      We leave for Brixham later this afternoon, it will be nice to have a bit of time to ourselves!
      As I said above though I am a little anxious about the whole thing, you know how stressed I get!
      The puppy thing has been poorly timed, but he seems to be managing!!
      Will catch up later,
      Lots of love

    2. Hi Pat, lovely to see you here akgain. Glad to hear you're home and hope you're managing to get about ok.
      Take care.
      Love Valxx

    3. Hi Pat
      Lovely to have you back home. I hope your resting as much as possible I bet your glad to be back with Pete is he looking after you.
      Thank you for your kind words on my Tag.
      Take care love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Anne, Tollie looks absolutely adorable. A great little bundle of fun.

    Janet, What a beautiful box.

    Lynda, love your tag.

    Cheryl, what a beautiful Christmas centrepiece you have created.

    Sandra and Paul enjoy your trip down to Brixham, hope the roads are not too busy.

    I'm sorry I haven't made a challenge card, but try and get one made later but not making any promises, have to pop to Carphone Warehouse as my mobile seems to have died and I haven't had it a year. Will pick up a little extra shopping while I'm out and daughter SIL and two of the boys are coming over tomorrow, those boys love their food!

    Will try looking again later, take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Good morning my lovely,
      Hope all goes smoothly at Carphone Warehouse, its ridiculous that that something as expensive as they are don't last a year! What did we do before them?
      10 years ago we would have never imagined having a phone at hand wherever you are 24\7 would we?
      I used to think people were crazy, but now I'm just as bad, checking every now and them that the children haven't messaged me! I hope they get you sorted!
      Sounds like a busy day cooking for you tomorrow, I have noticed a huge difference in the cupboard contents with Sophie and Lucy being home all day, the mistake boredom for hunger! Or they go and experiment with some recipes and leave the kitchen like we have been 'blitzed' !!
      Enjoy your family day,
      Sandra xxxxxc
      PS hope you can make it next Thursday xxxx

    2. hi BRENDA I hope you got your phone sorted.
      Thank you for your kind comment on my Tag.
      Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Well, what a gorgeous tiny bundle of fluff Tollie is, having seen just how tiny he is I bet he gets into all sorts of little spaces, it's all good fun though I'm sure Anne. Here's hoping that you don't get too many "Wee" accidents : ) x
    Lynda, what a beautiful altered tag. As always you have created a lovely tag. Is this one for anyone or will you be keeping it? I hope Bambi is ok after your four legged lodger goes home x
    Janet, once again you have created a wonderful box to be enjoyed every time you see it. Leaving it at Marigny means you will get to enjoy it all over again when you return : ) Good luck with the packing and wishing you a safe and trouble free journey x
    Sandra, your pleated card on yesterdays post is gorgeous, you have shown off the pleats to perfection. By the way I sat at home on Wednesday evening and had a play to see how to make the pleats fit an 8 x 8 card. After lots of experiments I simply doubled the original size and hey fits a treat! I think that was just about the only measurement we didn't try on Wed afternoon, did we?
    I hope you manage to relax enough to enjoy seeing Paul's Mum and Dad. Just keep on telling yourself that Paul will be right beside you. I would love to see Paul giving you a firemans lift, I think you would both be laughing so hard that you wouldn't manage to get very far : ) Sending you big supportive hugs my lovelyxx
    Pat, it's so good to see you are starting to feel a little better. Your body is making you have a well deserved rest I think, you have been very busy for the last few months, what with one thing and another, so listen to it, please x
    I had better get on as I am hoping to get my challenge card finished in time for tomorrow.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank you for your kind words about my tag. I haven't made them for anyone in particular I just like making them they are all sitting on my craft room shelf. Well done doing a pleated card are we going to see your master piece ? Please. Enjoy the rest of your weekend
      Love Lynda xx

  10. Margaret Palmer30 July 2016 at 15:26

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope the journey is not too stressful & you do manage to cope with the stairs, going up on your bottom is a good idea, if Paul gives you a firemans lift we want to see photos please. Take care & enjoy hugs on way will wave as you go by on
    Lynda your tag is lovely you are clever. Hope Bambi is
    Cheryl your Christmas decoration is just what I love, as Anne said the trouble is there is not enough room on table with dinner etc. Are you making these for another sale/fair? xxx

    1. Margaret Palmerl30 July 2016 at 16:11

      Sorry published too soon.
      Pat good to see you take each day as it
      Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    2. Hi MARGARET thank you for your kind words on my Tag.
      Tickles has just been picked up sad to see her go. We took them both for a walk on the beach this afternoon & they were playing chasing each other Just hope Bambie will be ok now she is on her own.
      Love Lynda xx

  11. Hi everyone.
    Hope you're all enjoying your Saturday.
    Lynda just love the beautiful tag you've made. I couldn't bear to part with it if I'd made it which by the way I wouldn't have a clue about.
    Cheryl what a lovely Christmas arrangement. It would be a beautiful adornment for any dining table. Just love it.
    I really enjoyed the Indian meal yesterday. Well worth waiting for. I can only usually eat half as theres so much but I polished off the whole lot . It was delicious. Back to salads again today.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone.
    Love ValxXx

    1. Hi Val thank you for your kind words on my Tag. I have kept them all so far they are in my craft room I do enjoy doing them. I have one more box to do then I will stop for a while as they will take over. Not sure anyone would want them. Pleased you enjoyed your meal.
      Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & friends
    SANDRA hope you survived your long journey to Paul's mum & dad's & cope ok with the stairs enjoy your evening & day with them tomorrow.
    Well now just have Bambi as our last foster dog Tickles went home just a while ago so fingers crossed she dosn't start pining..
    I have just taken my second round of 4 tablets for my Rhumatoied Arthritis.
    I have my intensive CT chest scan tomorrow afternoon. That's for the RA as well.Monday I have Blood test up hospital for. Then in afternoon Jed clampit it's ( breast screening MARIA ) haha. Well after all that I hope I'm ok. Next appointment is next month for the Angeogram
    MARIA hope your ok my friend xx
    I hope everyone has a good evening & a lovely Sunday
    Love Lynda xx
