
Saturday 16 July 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

Amanda's Lace Flower

Cheryl's Trio of Boxes

Janet's Flower topped box (close up)

Janet's Lily and Frame topped box (close up)

Cheryl's Hair Accessories

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Another Saturday packed with beautiful craft projects to inspire you!  

Amanda's flower is first up, I really wanted to share this stunning new lace flower that Amanda did a YT tutorial for yesterday because it is one of the nicest I have seen, maybe because of that stunning Guipure Lace that Amanda used or it maybe the unusual centre, either way the tutorial is super easy to follow and fun.  I would love to see some of you Lace loving ladies have a go at this. Thank you Amanda for allowing me to share your beautiful lace flower xxx

Janet has made some more of her stunning altered boxes, I think that 'altered box' as a description doesn't do Janet's boxes justice, they are absolutely gorgeous!
My favourite of the two that I have shown is the one with the Lilies and Resin Frame on, I love the antique doilly under the frame, the unusual addition of the tassel too, just everything about it is perfect.  I do like the one with the Gerbera Daisy on too.  I think that these boxes would make beautiful Keepsake boxes, of even Jewellery boxes, I would also like them to keep some of my favourite lace and Appliques in! I have saved the best one of all until next week!  Thank you so much Janet for sharing your boxes with us, I can't wait to see what your next project is xxx

Cheryl's hair accessories are so pretty, I can just see the pink feather one on Milly May,  Cheryl has made all of these different hair bands and Clips, the detail that you have put into them is incredible Cheryl, the bows are so perfect with the beautiful lace flower in the centre, I know we aren't supposed to have favourites but the first hair band on the second row (right side), with flowers and pearls wound around them, it is just exquisite! You should make these to sell on ebay Cheryl, you really do have an for detail, I think that these would make perfect Bridesmail/flower girl hair accessories. 
Thank you so much for allowing me to show your beautiful hair accessories. xxx

That's all for this week ladies, please feel free to send me any craft projects that you have made ladies, I would love to share them with our friends here on the blog. 

Don't forget your Challenge cards ladies x

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL- Oh what beautiful and gorgeous hair accessories you have created. I love each and everyone of them. I can just see my two eldest Great Granddaughters wearing the headbands and if you are will to sell please let me know and the price. You really could sell each and everyone over and over again without any problems and just think the extra money would buy more lace etc lol. I'm really serious Cheryl about buying please let me know.

    I've finished all the boxes I brought with me so now apart from having to start on Seasonal Cards when I get back I've got to find another project or two to keep my mind of hospitals and ops. (The time is going so quickly and although I want everything over and done with I'm getting more jittery. Silly isn't it but I'm sure you all know what I mean.) My bits and pieces for lace and pearls etc will be stored in these boxes.

    We had a disastrous day yesterday re the market. We cannot remember seeing it so busy and we just could not find anywhere to park. All the designated parking areas were full and even places you wouldn't think anyone could get a car. Usually after the monthly market the Friday is quite slow and quiet but Summer Holidays and Tourists seem to have landed in their hundreds. Very good for the economy but not so good for us. As a result we didn't stop and so the Friday Pastries were missed. We'll try and make up for it perhaps one day in the coming week lol.

    I hope you've arrived safe and sound in Derbyshire LILIAN or are well on your way. Have a really good holiday. You deserve a good rest.

    LYNDA- hope you're feeling better today.
    Thank you for your mail re your bronze bits and pieces.

    The fence is coming on and we're (the royal we of course) are at the stage where the gate has been taken off and the longest piece is under construction. We have a glorious morning with the sun shining through the trees in the garden and so......sorry just had to go and switch the coffee pot on- it looks a good day for fence work.

    The Café is looking good and Dobbie has done another good week on duty so come on in and have a chat. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Sorry It's ne again.
      AMANDA- I'm so sorry I forgot your beautiful lace flower/embellishment. It's absolutely gorgeous and I shall be looking on your UTube channel as normal to see you make it. Hugs xxxx

    2. Sorry ladies, this is the 3rd time I've left a comment and it's disappeared.
      Love all the projects.
      will hope this goes through and will try again later.
      Love Valxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a stunning collection of crafty projects-they're all beautiful.
    Late start for me so now I'm stressing about getting things done. I'm meeting a friend at 10am at Dobbies for coffee and i have a couple of things to sort out before I meet her.


  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I have been missing but I have had a nasty flare up along a couple of migraines, making me feel very sorry for myself! The worst thing was having to miss our meet up again this week : (
    I am on the up at last so have caught up, again! it is lovely to see the gorgeous cards, lace flowers, boxes and hair bands and bows. the guilty goodies are lovely, the fact that some of you have brought the same items shows what good taste you have : )
    I did manage to start this weeks challenge card so will get it finished and send it to you my lovely.
    Must end now as my hands still are not happy with me typing so will wish you all a good weekend, enjoy the warmer temperatures which are set to rise from tomorrow, at last. Sending my love and hugs with extras to Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue I'm glad your feeling better but take it easy for at least a couple of days

  4. Lovely mixed media I must have a go at this I need to do a box frame Your hair bands are pretty CHERYL and the boxes are lovely JANET Shame about the market
    Sorry I've not been commenting much but my diabetes is a bit hit and miss at the mo and making me very tired Mojo is very flat this week so I probably won't get to make a CC which I'm disappointed about because I really like to have a go

    1. You must look after yourself Karen and watch that sugar. Hope you had fun last night hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Amanda- the lace flower is very pretty.
    Cheryl- love the hair accessorises.
    Janet- gorgeous boxes. Lovely to keep your bit and bobs in. Glad you feeling better Sue and Lynda.
    Have a nice day everyone.

    Before I go ,just have a look at the dates I gave last night for a get together asap :-)
    love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

  6. Thank you Maria 😃 its so good to feel well enough to come in. I hope you are ok today. Love and hugs xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lovely lot of mixed craft on show today, thank you for showing them. Hope you have a relaxing
    Amanda your flower is beautiful, thank you for letting Sandra show us.xx
    Janet as usual your boxes are very pretty & useful. Sorry you were unable to visit the market & even more that you missed out on pastries. Hope the fence etc is coming on fine. I know how you feel about the time waiting for your op, in the last 12 years I have had an operation on my back, 2 hips replaced, prolapse & 2 minor ops on each hand, the waiting I think is the worse part. Take care xxx
    Cheryl what can I say about your boxes & your hair clips they are lovely. Hope you managed to sort your craft
    Sue lovely to see you in again don't go mad will talk
    Must go & put washing out now the sun is shining.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Lynda love Margaret xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone who pops in today,

    AMANDA I love you Lace flower it really is so pretty.

    CHERYL Beautiful boxes, what trasures they will become. And your hair accessories are gorgeous.

    JANET love your boxes great to know you're going to put them to good use.

    I'm just about to go out and I'll try and pop in later this evening to see what everyone has been up to.
    Take care, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  9. Hello Sandra & all you lovely ladies
    Well as usual my day has disappeared again I think the borrowers have been round & taken at leased half of my day.
    AMANDA your flower is stunning I watched your YT video this morning with your easy to follow tutorial thank you for sharing. CHERYL your hair accessories are gorgeous
    JANET your three boxes are amazing I love all three of them. Your very welcome hope it helped with the bronze bit's. Well I haven't done very much toy apart from usual washing/housework & trying to do my cc think I'm almost there it was a virtually easy Sketch so why am I making it so hard !!!Any way Sandra I will post to you soon.
    I still haven't got very far with tiding my craft room as I got fed up Cheryl I think you should come & do it for me HAHA :0))
    Well I'm going to finish this card before dinner. Will try & pop in later.
    love & Hug's Lynda xx

  10. Hello All, well we're here in this lovely little cottage, had a terrible journey traffic jams all the way, we stayed in a very nice Premier Hotel at Portishead Bristol on the Thusday night to make the journey easier.. when we arrived we couldn't get to the cottage as the road was closed, so we had to wait for an hour before we could bring our things in. Luckily the wifi works well , so read emails straight away, first one I read was from trip advisor telling me they had given me a full refund, well you can imagine the panic I felt, I sent a word to the owner and she new all about it, any way to cut a long story short , I had full refund from t/a for£554.91and the actual owners charge is £455 shows how much profit they make.

    Been to Bakewell today, very commercial, quite changed since we were here about 25yrs ago.

    Today's crafts are beautiful, love them all.

    Best Wishes Lilian

  11. Well ladies, where are all, out on the town or have gone to bed early?

    Lillian so please you made it to Derbyshire, and your holiday home is fine. I love Derbyshire, it such an interesting county. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.

    Sandra hope my CC arrived, sorry I didn't get it to you sooner. Yesterday I put the die sentiment I wanted to use on my desk. WELL I think the gremlins are on the loose. Because when I went to cut it out on my die cutting machine, it had disappeared. I have checked all my die boxes and checked all of my workspace in the end I selected another die - but not such a fancy font. Anyway I managed to send you a completed card.
    Sorry ladies I'm waffling. Hope you all have a good night, love Brenda xxx
