
Friday 1 July 2016

Brenda's Challenge card, Craft Stash and Maria's Kitchen

Brenda's Challenge Card

 Val's Craft Shopping 

More of Val's Craft Shopping

Karen's Craft Shopping

 More of Karen's Craft Shopping

Michele's Craft shopping

Anne's Craft Shopping

Brenda L's Craft Shopping

The Following photos are all of Maria's 
Gorgeous New Kitchen

Good to see you have moved your craft stuff back in!

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Pinch, Punch first of the month, I can't believe its July already !!  we have a jam packed blog post today, so we best get straight to it.......

First up we have Brenda L's Challenge card, This card that Brenda made was for her Son In Law,
I love the 'Taxi Stamp' Stamp, one of Brenda's new purchases along with London Bus Stamp, two great Crafters Companion 'Men' Embossing Folders, Clocks and the Happy Birthday folders, I think that the 'Happy Birthday' folder would work for either ladies or men though! Brenda also bought a Star Die set, so very versatile, there are so many fabulous cards with stars on on Pinterest.
I love what you did with the London Taxi stamp on your card Brenda, tying the stamp colours in with ribbon that you used, all it needed was the Sentiment stamp to finish the card, thank you Brenda for sharing your card and craft shopping with all of us.  I would love to have seen Ciara's card for her Daddy too.  xxx

Val, wow you did some fabulous shopping while you were over here at the weekend, what a fantastic selection of goodies you bought, some glitter card and adhesive gems, I love that rose embossing folder, the card toppers from Hobby House and the Disney Tigger ones too, a Die sire die and that lovely Sue Die too, craft mat, cutting mat, Ribbon, Cotton, Sewing Pattern (can't wait to see your dressmaking skills), Colour clouds and Washi Tape, wow what an amazing Haul, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Karen you have the most exciting shopping this week with your new Die Cutting machine, I love my Platinum Machine, like you one of the biggest bonus's of this machine was that you could use your Grand Calibur plates, which are so much better than the perspex ones that it comes with! You also said that the other plus point for you was the fact that they are bringing out the Motor part for it at a later date, so no more cranking the handle, this machine is quite hard to turn too!  I will warn you though that it did crack my junior pink plate, not sure why as I was just embossing a regular die.
The other fab point is that there are no confusing plate combinations, you use your base plate as the blue plate of the grand calibur, or the clear plates that it comes with.  I think that you are going to love your new machine, it takes a little bit of gettting used to but only a couple of go's and you will be in the swing of it.  You also bought the Memory Box Number dies, you will use these loads, they are so versatile and add that extra personalisation to a card, you never find a '28th' birthday card for instance, do you?!  I can't wait for your feed back on the machine Karen, thank you so much for sharing your purchases with all of us xxx

Michele you have bought some more CD rom's, so fabulous ones too, where they from Kraftyhands close down sale?  I hope so because that means you got bargains too! You are after all the queen of bargain hunting! And amazing at making fantastic cards with CD roms, I can't wait to see the cards you make with your new buys, thank you so much for sharing xxx

Anne, I love all of your new buys, I was watching the Bee Crafty lady (Bev i think) use the Brusho's at Ally Pally and they were amazing, you could use them in so many ways it was incredible, they can take the place of inks, spritz's, paints, pens and the new pixie powders too! The Inkyliscious stamps are gorgeous, I loved what you did with the Dream stamp, the water droplet one used with the clear and white Sakura Gel Pens looks incredibly realistic.  The Honeydoo stamp is gorgeous too, lace and ribbon and some fab card stock complete your amazing haul, I am so excited to see the cards that you make with all of these new goodies Anne, thank you for sharing xxx

How fantastic is Maria's New Kitchen????? Oh Maria it is so amazing I love everything, it all looks so sleek and streamlined, I love the white units with the dark work surface and your wall colour looks very much like all of our favourite Periwinkle Blue!!
The sink looks so amazing in white, very classy! I am literally so excited for you, I bet you can't wait to get in and unpacked and start using all that extra space.  I love that you have started moving your craft things back in already, hey you should have had one of those fancy craft cupboards intergrated into the kitchen too (Rick didn't need to know), then when they were all out you could pull open the doors and have all of your craft stuff in one place, oh I wish I had given you the idea sooner! hahahaha
Thank you so very much for sharing your fabulous new kitchen with us, we have all been so excited to see your finished kitchen xxx

I am so sorry for this huge post ladies, I didn't want to leave anything or anyone out xx

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    Well where do I start today.....
    It has to be Brenda L's card. what a lovely idea and yet it's so simple but so effective.
    SHOPPING-what a fantastic haul of shopping this week you all have had a fab time searching and then choosing. I'm looking forward to all creations.

    MARIA- now I said yesterday that we would be wanting to come and try out your new Kitchen and after this morning's pics it's a definite!!!! I love everything you have had done and do I see two sets of taps on your sink? OK beware of knocks on your door Dear Friend hehehe
    SANDRA- Have the girls got over their fab night out or are they still on cloud nine? How did their Induction Day go for 6th Form. Wasn't it on the same day as the Prom? I hope they were happy with everything they were told.

    We have a dull start but if it follows as this week has we may have some sun by lunchtime although the temps have been in the high teens (low for this time of year here) it has been dry and we can cope with that.

    I have just one more August bday card to make and then I can relax a little with those cards and I want to make a start on a couple of ideas I have for 'altering'. I'll get my Challenge Card for this week sent off today so then I can relax on that front too.

    As it's Friday of course it's Market Day in Corbigny this morning so that's where we're off to first thing after breakfast which is due to arrive any moment.

    All looks bright and OK in the Café so have a good day everyone. I hope you're all receiving my Hugs and that they've not got lost over the Channel. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

    2. Hi Janet ,you are very welcome anytime you are passing but do not touch anything, hihihi
      Hope you day been nice and Jim is alright, hugs xxx

    3. Hi Janet hope you had a lovely day at the market,any good bargains
      Hug's for you & Jim xx

  2. Morning Ladies from a very windy & dull Southport.

    Brenda-fantastic card, love it.

    Maria-WOW, your kitchen looks stunning, well worth the wait I'd say.

    Love everyone's crafty shopping.
    Karen-being able to get a motor for the Platinum machine is the only reading I bought mine. Christine Emberson (Spellbinders ambassador) reckons it will be available towards the end of the year-hurrah!!!


    1. Hi Michele
      Let's hope the motor doesn't cost the earth to purchase Michele.

    2. Hi Michele. thanks, know you have some work done too, what is your next project to have done. Have you decided for part of the world you go for your holiday ? I like your craft shopping xx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't comment yesterday, had a very busy day and when I sat down at 8.30 to comment I fell asleep, woke up with my phone still in my hand two hours later!
    Brenda, what a great card, I love how you have used the ribbons and stamps, definitely one to remember.
    Michele, Val, Anne and Karen, what a wonderful selection of goodies you have bought this week. Don't forget to let us see what you all make using them all, please.
    Karen, please let us know why you think of your new mangle (as Chris calls the die cutting machines!) : )
    Maria, wow, your new kitchen looks fabulous. And you know that blue is my favourite colour. Did you take a bit of the CE periwinkle blue with you to the paint shop, ha ha. Thank you for sharing, I bet you can't wait to get everything put away in the cupboards, it can take a while to work out what goes where. I must ask why you have two sets of taps. I know we have one extra one which is the filtered water one, but two???? I see that Janet noticed them too so please let us know about them. Most of all, ENJOY : )) x
    Another busy day for me, got to take Chris to pick up his car from the MOT garage then seeing Mum and Pop and out this evening with Gem her boyfriend and his parents for a meal. Guess I won't be crafting today!
    Wishing you all a good day. Sending love and hugs with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue slow down my friend your so busy busy. Hope Chris car passed MOT . Have a lovely evening with Gem her boyfriend & parents enjoy your meal.Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Sue, have a great time and a lovely meal tonight with everyone. I tell you about the taps further down hihi xx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Love all your goodies today.
    Karen, the Cutting Machine sounds really good. Using the GC plates is a definite bonus.
    Michele I love the look of your cd's. They look really interesting and I've never seen them before.
    Anne love all your stamps and all that fantastic card.
    Brenda what great embossing folders and that star die will be so handy for Christmas. I love your card. The London bus stamp is so cute.
    Marie, last but not least, what a fantastic kitchen. I bet your so delighted with it. Love the white units, so clean fresh and bright.The dark worktops look amazing and the floor is such a lovely colour. Well worth all the mess.

    Lynda my email address is

    Off to Craft class later on for a good old natter and play. Wendy showed me how to plait ribbon last week so I've thought of a card to make with it. If it turns out ok I'll send in a photo.

    Have a wonderful Friday everyone, whatever you're up to.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val just sent you email
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Val, yes it is finally finished, nearly six weeks it took in the end. So nice to be back standing in there crafting, much better for the old back. Love all your shopping back from the UK, where did you get it all from ? Hope you had a nice tome at craft club, take care xx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Love your male card Brenda! I also love all the goodies ( great haul Val!)
    but the " Star of the Show" goes to Maria's beautiful kitchen , all gleaming and new! I wonder what delights you are going to whip up in there? Definitely worth the waiting for ,Maria, I hope you thoroughly enjoy cooking and creating ( crafty
    wise) in it.
    I have been so busy I made another eight cards yesterday so today I must put the inserts in and get them in their cello bags , ( have to admit they were mainly LOTV art pad toppers ) so miss them not making them anymore, I wonder if it was because crafters bought the pads rather than the stamps?
    Janet, I hope you manage to treat yourselves to more delicious pastries today, our little local shop called " Crumbs" makes fresh cream cakes on a Friday and their huge merangues are to die for!
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne
      Wish I'd seen the art pads. I have bought stamps but really didn't look to closely at these. However, Sandra let me have a few of the toppers that she had.

    2. Hi Anne,so glad you like my kitchen. You must been bored after I spoken about it so long time.
      Love your stamps and the Brusho, I had a look at them, do tell how they work. I'm sad too that LOTV not making their toppers anymore, never bought many myself but they would be so useful for some cards. Wish they brought them back. take care xx

    3. Hi Maria,
      Oh my what a beautiful kitchen you have. It must be a dream to work in it now it's installed. xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    My word what a great selection of goodies everyone has bought. Look forward to seeing what's on Michele's CD Roms. I wonder if anyone has bought any of Sue's new Christmad Dies this time round?. Love the stamps that Brenda has used on her card as well.
    Maria what a lovely kitchen you have now. A good idea of Sandra's to use a draw for all crafty goodies.

    1. Oh ,I have more than a draw my friend hihi
      Hope your day been good. Love to hear about your holiday, hugs to you and Pete xx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Sorry I missed coffee this morning so I'll have a pot of tea and some lemon drizzle cake, would anyone like to join me?
    I haven't been out today, I've just had most of the day trying to get hold of our younger daughter, who on Friday's works from home, the house phone kept going to answer machine, and I left messages on her mobile, when I did get hold of her this afternoon she has had conference back to back calls the whole day. Does life get frustrating at times. Anyway that's my moan over.

    Maria your kitchen is beautiful and well worth waiting for, I'm sure you're over the moon with it. Love the hob and the splashback, in fact I love it all, as I'm sure you do. Thank you for letting us have a peep. LOL
    Love everyone is crafty purchases, Val you did some Serious shopping. My card was for son-in-law's birthday, he drives a black taxi in London. So I did an Internet search for stamps with a taxi on them. Ciara used the little Stamp, she folded an A4 piece of card in half and covered it with rows and rows of taxis using 2nd and 3rd generation ink. It's actually looked very good. And of course daddy was thrilled to bits. Mine was intended for the male challenge card but I didn't finish it in time. As I said to Sandra what's new!

    Right dear friends I have enjoyed my cup of tea and lovely cake, thank you for joining me. Have a lovely evening and enjoy your weekend.
    Sending hugs to all who need them, love Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda, thanks for liking my new craft room hihi
      it's not bad, the hob is great but you have to keep an eagle eye out because it cook up pretty quick.
      Love your card and the EF's and stamps. Hope you have had a nice day, hugs xx

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely lot of goodies on show today, Anne, Brenda, Karen, Michele & Val have fun with them. Brenda your taxi card is brilliant simple but effective, thank you for showing
    It was lovely to see Sue today we sat & had a good natter. Hopefully I am almost back to normal so hope to have a go at CC tomorrow afternoon, I just haven't felt like it.
    Maria your kitchen is lovely I love the white units with the blue, well worth waiting
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, glad you starting to feel better and you had a good natter with Sue. eeeek I haven't made the CC either ,oh best put something on my head and see what I can come up with, hugs xx

  9. Hi SANDRA & friends
    Wow what a lot of lovely crafty things on show today sorry I didn get mine in on time well it's the old grey brain matter you know.hehe.
    Darren has phoned & he Sam & Harry are on there way down yay cuddles.
    MARIA WOw your kitchen is lovely I love everything about it & tell OH I think you should have one or two cupboards for your craft enjoy.
    Not up to much Today went Teso & then terry had to buy new brake pad for back & front tyres.he is still out side doing them.
    Well my friends I will pop back later as Harry has just turned up
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda, hope you had enough cuddles from Harry to last a few days :-) Don't worry, I have some place for a few bits and pieces tihi Hugs to you both xxx

  10. Evening all,
    Just popped back in to see how you all are and...........Grrr, typed out a long comment this morning and where has it published? Heaven knows where??

    So to recap, thank so much for all your lovely comments re my door seller. I feel so much better now. I haven't heard back from the Police so I'm assuming it's all been dealt with and we won't be seeing him in this neighbourhood again.
    Jamie is back from his week's training in Doncaster and is moving in this weekend. Looking forward to it so much.

    Late tea tonight
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone who have been in the cafe' today.
    I like all the shopping that have been done over the week. Great card from our Brenda.
    Love to hear Karen what you think of your new Machine and hopefully with a motor it will be easier to work.
    Val- forgot to say, I love Tigger! hihi they are all great characters.
    Thank you all for liking my kitchen :-) Now then to the taps, the one on the right is a normal one but the little one is a hot and cold tap with filtered water so now we haven't got any kettle anymore.The temp is
    98 Deg.C so hot enough for tea and coffee's. Burnt my tongue this morning. No radiator either, there is underfloor heating but can't really test it out until it gets cold, saying that. I'm still in my fleecy ! Haven't been able to hang it away yet this year. It good to be back crafting in there too, don't mind standing up. Just put some music on and give a wiggle so not get stiff.
    Cheryl- have a good time with Jamie moving in with you. Hope he's well. We have to hope the police caught the man and wan't be around again. Maybe have a rolling pin near the front door so you could club them nice :-)
    We have been shopping in Tesco's today and not sure how but the bill was nearly £50 more then usual, oops! It didn't look that much. The kitchen director came around with flowers, wine and chocolates to see how it all look and get a feel what we thought of the workers they have. Oh I haven't toughed the chocolates,they last to January!
    Have a good evening all, hope to see more people popping in and leave a comment and have a chat. Take care,
    love and hugs Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi everyone Harry mum & dad have just left they were only staying for an hour but ended staying for dinner.My little man HARRY made my day. He is so lovely i could eat him. just going to clear up now so see you all tomorrow. GOOD NIGHT
      Love Lynda xxx
