
Friday 6 May 2016

Dies of Old Challenge

Karen's Old Die card

Lilian's Old Die Card

Maria's Old Die Carc

Michele's Old Die Card

Michele's 2nd Old Die Card

Val's Old Card

Anne's Old Die Card

Janet's old Die Card 
Sonia's Old die card

My Old Die card

My second Old die card

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Another week has flown, doesn't seem  5 minutes since Christmas/New Year and here we are almost half way through the year!!

I have really enjoyed seeing the cards you have made using your older dies, I hope it has inspired you to get some of them out and use them again.  Val's friend Wendy told me that last year she set herself a challenge of using all of the dies in her collection, one every day, how amazing is that? It would take me about 2 years atleast!  
Now tell me, would you like more "mini challenges" ? I would love to hear any suggestions that you have for the challenges too.

We have had such a good range of dies used, Val's and Karen's were very similar Tree dies,  but cards are different. 
Anne went back to the basic Square and Round dies that are must have dies, perfect for making card bases and matting and layering, as well as cutting apertures in cards too!
Janet has used the Spellbinder Gate die to create a really lovely background, such a good way of getting more out of our dies!
Maria's card is cute, using The Austrian Background die from Creative Expressions, with a cute little bear holding a "The cafe" sign !! So cute x
Lilian's card is so pretty, I couldn't find the die online though so hopefully Lilian will pop in and enlighten us later , such a realistic looking Hydrangea though, was it an Impression Obsession Die Lilian ??
Michele has used a combination of dies to create these gorgeous pop up cards, with the cutest owls, butterflies, dragonflies etc, I am looking forward to Michele telling us exactly what was used to make both of these gorgeous cards.
Sonia has used the Joy Craft Celtic Circles dies to make this gorgeous card x

My cards used some really old dies, the fleur de lys border die was one of the first dies I ever bought when Sue used to demo Spellbinders on Create and Craft, I got that Square Spellbinder die at the same time, I still love them both soi am going to leave them out!  The other card is one already made using one of the many Birdcage Dies I have, this one is as Marianne Die I believe, it cuts a really pretty birdcage !

I will put all of you that have taken part into a draw for 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize later today, just in Case we get any last minute entries.

Had Lucy back to doctors yesterday as she has continued to deteriorate health wise, it looks like she has Glandular Fever, bought on by stress of exams with the addition of her double vision to deal with and her immune system being weakened by a recent week long virus, she is incredibly lethargic which is so unusual as my girls are both very sporty! With her GCSE's a week away this is the most frustrating situation, lots of TLC was prescribed by GP as well as a few different pills and potions to alleviate her symptoms.

Ladies we all need to send our dear friend Lynda lots of love and hugs as she too had a horrible GP visit yesterday!  Lots of love and hugs to you Lynda xxxx

I will pop in later to check all is well, until I am off to get my nurses hat on !!!

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great collection of cards. I'd love a mini challenge of using old dies again-like you..I'm not sure I could manage to achieve what Wendy did, would take merino long!!! Ha ha

    Sad news-my hedgehog died yesterday. He seemed to have picked up when I went up to see him but after we'd voted I went up again to where I'd left home & he was unresponsive. Left it another hour and there was definitely no signs of life....very sad. On the plus we were walking to school to vote was saw a squirrel (red squirrels round here) then last night the other hedgehog appeared at the usual time of 10pm!
    Hopefully today won't be too busy at work as I have quite a bit of paperwork to do.


    1. Not sure where "merino" came from..should say"take me too long"!!!! It's still early & I didn't check before I pressed publish.


    2. So happy to hear the other hedgehog is ok, we had one appeared one night here but haven't seen it since but we do have a weasel such a beautiful little animal. I love your box cards they are so cute!

    3. Oh that a little bit sad but glad you got another visitor. Love your box cards, must give them a go.
      Have a good day xx

    4. Sorry about your little Hedgoog Michele but pleased the other one is ok. Hope your day at work is going

    5. Oh poor lttle hedgehog Michele. How sad but happy the other little one is ok.
      Love Valx

  2. Good morning Ladies, I'm sorry I meant to call back and comment yesterday but just forgot ( serious senior moment ha ha ) I even took a photo of my stash to send in but that can wait till next week, belated birthday wishes to Hazel glad to hear you had a lovely lunch with Norah and the girls, we are due some good weather to pick us all up We really need it!
    Lynda sorry to hear you had bad news yesterday at the doctors but know they know they can control it and help you to feel better ((( big hugs ))) xo
    Sandra , poor Lucy she really is having a horrible spell at such a crucial time, I hope your nursing and loving care helps her through, sending her great big hugs! xo
    Today's cards are exceptional ! just goes to show we really don't need new dies when we have such wonderful underused old ones, but we always want to try something new , such is the crave of crafting lol!
    The weather forecast is good for today and the next week , it will be wonderful to see the sun and get out to the garden, so much needing attended to.
    Time for tea and toast and see who's about, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. That should read now ( not know ).

    2. Hope you have a good day and the weather getting warmer and sunnier for you up North too, we suddenly will have +20 plus down here. Enjoy the golf, well done on winning last time xx

    3. Thanks Maria, the weather is lovely and warm / sunny now , we have been working in the garden all morning, hope you are also enjoying it. xo

    4. Tank you ANNE for your conserns & Hug's.
      Enjoy your golf Congratlations on winning last time. Xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's lovely to see some of the old dies come out into the sunshine. I also bought that border die Sandra used from Creative Expressions in fact it was one of the first I bought. I love each and every one of the designs and I'm holding my hands up to say that I don't recognise most of them so it would be wonderful to know whose and what about them please.
    MICHELE - Hedgehogs are very difficult to keep alive when they're poorly. Christina as you know is a member of 'The Hedgehog Association' and takes in/looks after them when injured or poorly so we know just how low the survival rate is. So pleased your other visitor arrived as usual last night.
    LYNDA- I'm so sorry that your GP visit wasn't good news but at least you now know what's what and you have the necessary meds to help as well as your Drs can keep an eye on you. Please take some 'me' time and try and take things easy making sure that your BP is OK for when you have the ECG.
    Extra hugs have been despatched and should arrive any moment now Dear Friend.

    We have a dull start to the day this morning but at least it's dry and so much warmer. Yesterday was lovely. I managed to get two bday cards made yesterday morning (not any that I'd planned)my youngest Daughter Nicky arrived and before leaving said could I please make her a couple of cards both needed for this week-end. So Mum to the rescue as usual. We are needed sometimes aren't we!

    SANDRA- I'm so sorry that Lucy is still poorly. Glandular Fever is horrible and so draining and a virus on top she must feel awful bless her. The stress of Exams these days doesn't help anyone and these coming ones are so important for their futures. Gentle hugs from me hoping that they might help just a little.

    Well it's Friday again and yes another week has flown by so housework is calling and I'm afraid that today I cannot ignore it so no crafting for me today.

    Everything is open in the Cafe. The display board is looking particularly good with all the Challenge Cards and it may be that we need another board so do we have a Carpenter in the Family? Or has anyone got any ideas re display boards? I'm off now to the corner to finish this Latte before tackling Mr Hoover and Mr Duster. Hope to see you all later.
    hugs are in their usual place so please help yourselves as you come through the door. xxxx

    1. Hello JANET thank you for your lovely words they mean so much
      My friend
      I hope Mr Hoover & Mr Duster are back in the cupboard now.
      Enjoy the rest of the day. Love Lynda xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone. Wow some fantastic cards in the challenge :-) Great selection of dies. I too have the Spellbinders Fleur de Lys border, and did debate whether to use that on my card. Perhaps you didn't receive my card Sandra - I sent it on the same email as my album? I will resend it to you now :-)
    Have a busy day ahead! Picking the cake up this afternoon - can't wait to see it.
    Have a lovely day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Sent you another email Sandra with my card.
      Sorry, I forgot to say that I hope Lucy gets better soon. Xx

    2. I got all of the album photos but don't remember seeing your card, its all uploaded now,thanks for taking part xxx

    3. Thank you Sandra :-)
      Don't know what happened to it on the original email - probably me forgetting to tick the box to send it in the email from photos, lol.
      Hugs xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all in "the cafe'" today, hope you all have a nice day and the sun is shining wherever you are.
    Love the cards in this Challenge too and I like to continue making some ( one die, old die, only circle die, only square die etc.) It makes my brain and mojo flowing for making up some cards and that's only a good thing.
    Sending more and bigger hugs to Lynda, wish you better x
    Also sending hugs to Lucy, bless her. Hope her meds. will help soon and she getting better.
    OH at the doctors right now (nothing serious but you would think so) hihi Walk around one side of Caldecotte's lake and then Tesco shopping on the agenda this morning. Hope to do some gardening this afternoon but that can always change to something else, who knows.
    Have a good day everyone. Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. MARIA thank you for sending me big Hug's & best wishes
      Hope OH got on ok at doctors. Your card is so cute love the cafe signe your so clever. Love & Hug's Lyndaxxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies, what a wonderful selection of card using older dies, they are all amazing, I'm sorry I didn't get any done as this week I have been so busy, It has felt like as if I was back working full time. Anyway next time I will try harder.
    Poor Lucy, my youngest son had glandular fever when he was young, and he was totally washed out, I hope she gets better soon.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day, take care xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and All, no sun today, athough reasonably warm.

    Firstly very sorry Lucy is so poorly, my Son had glandular fever when he was at university, and had to redo a year, so plenty of rest.

    Lynda sorry your Dr visit didn't go well, I get the same thing from my GP about my weight, I managed to loose some last year, but still need to loose more. Hope you soon feel a bit better.

    Lovely selection of cards using older dies, keep the challenges comming.
    My dies are spell binders decorative label 4 , and the hydrangea is a memory box, think I thought it would be easy, but there are 72 little flowers, which are cut in sets of 8.
    Well I'd better go and do some work, had extra sent as one of the new ladies made a bit of a mess of 100 hoods, they rush them to earn more money, they still need us oldies!!!!!
    Hugs to all especially Lynda and Lucy. Lilian

    1. Lillian thank you so much for welcomed Hug's much appreciated.
      Why is it some people can eat anything & not put an ounce of weight on & some like me that only looks at sweets & cakes & on go the pounds. It's so hard. But I have got to do it.
      Hug's Lynda

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies. Love all the entrants today. I have some of the dies other ladies have used so thanks for giving me more ideas. Really like these different challenges Sandra. Keep them coming.
    So sorry Lucy isn't so well. I'm sure she's getting lots of tlc from her mum. Hope she's soon on the mend.
    I'm sorry your doctor had not so good news for you Lynda. I'm sure you're ingood hands, getting the right medication for your condition and do hope you'll soon be feeling better. Lots of cuddles are flying to you from all the ladies on Sandra's blog and hope they arrive soon.
    Just got back from Craft Club. Had a great time as usual Gotca lot of die cutting done all ready to start on more cards.
    Enjoy the rest of the day and evening ladies.

    bye Val x

    1. Hi Val thank you so much for your kind words much appreciated.
      Enjoy your craft club.

    2. Hi Sandra we have a lovely sunny day washing all dry will iron it tomorrow.Thank you so much for your emails SANDRA & PAT. Your both so kind. Thank you all for your kind wishes & Hug's I have commented on way down
      What a lovely show of cards this morning they are all stunning well done everyone. SANDRA I hope you keep this challenge going & sorry I mised this one but will be doing the next one that's if there is one. I have had a spray just now but don't like the feeling of it stings & feels hot. I'm more aware of the symptoms now before Dr said Angina I just put it down too geting out of breath. By HayHo I woke up this morning HaHa . We have to go & pick Annie up from dog parlour. Will pop back later.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. Hi Lynda. Sorry to hear about your appointment yesterday (just read your comment from yesterday) Take it easy. Sending hugs xxx

  9. Quick visit - weather here is horrible wet and cold! LYNDA - take care
    SANDRA Hope Lucy gets better soon Must go OH waiting

  10. Hi Sandra
    Well I did a big post but forgot to republish so it got lost in cyber space.
    I hope that Lucy is feeling a bit better today, hopefully the meds will klick in and she'll start to feel better soon.
    A lovely array of cards ladies. I fully intended to sent a card in this week. However a cancellation at the Nuffield meant I now had an appointment. A house assessment for Doreen and appointments at the Drs put paid to all that. To cap it all in between locking our front door and assuming I took the keys out of the door. Helping Doreen into the car, climbing into the back seat and getting out at the Drs I've list my car keys which have the front door key on it. I retraced my steps, gone to the police station and no sign of then. Plus, Witney this morning was completely gridlocked due to a car fire on one of the main roads in and out Witney. Fire engines plus the police controlling traffic in bridge street at the mini roundabout at our end. We passed the car on the side of the road, little knowing that it was Petes sons car. He was able to get out, but the car is a writeoff. So all in all a very bad day. Can I start again please.

    1. What a horrid day you have had today Pat, always worrying when you loose your keys etc. Think you had all three so tomorrow all will be well.Sorry to hear about Pete son's car, glad he is unhurt. Good at least you got the appointment for hospital. Take care and hugs xxx

  11. Evening ladies,

    Another busy, busy week for me. Apart from quick PM's to Sandra, I've not had much time to do anything except get up, showered & dressed, then out.
    Not bad for somebody who couldn't get outside the house in the last few years with this infernal agoraphobia! I think going to the Retreat last October has given me a new burst in trying other things out. I now belong to 2 retirement groups with spin-off interests that keep me quite occupied as well as rediscovering my love of gardening. I'm hardly in the house now, just to eat and sleep basically.
    Today I have been to The Engine Room, affiliated to Somerset Skills & Learning in IT. Our Photography Group was there to learn all about Photoshop, a very expensive programme but I was amazed at how much I can change my photos to make them look better and more professional. Luckily, they have a free drop in day every Tuesday so I won't need to buy the programme, thank goodness for that, as from what I saw of it, it is mostly used by professionals and design teams.

    Beautiful cards ladies, really took my fancy to try and use my older SB dies. I believe it would take me over 4 years to fully use each and every one.

    I now need advice on a new glue gun with a long nozzle and a smaller opening to do delicate work. My 'Old Trusty' has a squat nozzle and larger opening so is not that good for the finer runs of hot glue I need.
    What do you use? And the best buy? Please

    Microwave has pinged for my jacket potato so I'm off now for a late tea.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Nice to see you in Cheryl. yes the retreat changed a lot of us, life have not been the same since hihi
      I'm glad you keeping yourself busy but also remember to have some rest and ME time. Photography sound right up your alley and something you be good at ,hope to see some photos one day. Did the move for your son's go all right and have you got one of the grandson's living with you now ?
      Hope you enjoyed the jacket potato, hugs xxx

  12. Oh Pat, what an awful day you've had. What a relief that Pete's son is ok. What a fright he must have had. So glad you managed to gat a cancelled appointment for yourself. How awful that you have lost your keys. Do hope you've traced them now. Thank goodness tomorrow is a new day and you can start again.
    Hope you have a quiet evening. Love Val x

  13. Evening all. Had a good day today, yay feeling so much better in myself with the sun shining and hearing the little birds singing in the trees. Did the walk this morning (hot) Tesco for good shopping, not one goodie fell in the trolley because I too want to loose some (a lot) of weight ,just have to look at a pastry to put on :-(. It was gone 2pm by the time when we were back home so my energy for any gardening was over hihi so I sat on the patio instead,had lunch and phoned my mum and dad first and then an old friend I haven't spoken to for ages, then it was time to prep for dinner. Soon we will watch 'Game of Thrones' not sure if you know it, have me very confused I must say but have seen it from day one so like to see an ending but apparently the books aren't finished written yet !
    Have a good evening and even better night to you all,
    hugs xxx
