
Monday 25 April 2016

Monday Sketch Challenge

My Challenge Card

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,

We had a lovely time meeting with Paul's family for lunch yesterday, we just don't get time to meet up with family often enough, due to Paul's shift pattern and the girl's busy schedule, so its always a treat when we do!  I have to say though the roast lunch wasn't up to much, my children are huge roast potato fans, now we only use Beef dripping or goose fat to cook them in and Maris Pipers only!! My lot love them so much they leave them till last to eat !!  So they were a little disappointed when they tried the ones at the hotel their faces were a picture, they were hard on the outside and just dry in the middle, the meat was good though, as were the starter and dessert! Sadly we had to leave quite early as it's an hour and a half drive home and Paul had to get ready and be in work for 6:30pm, so it was a bit of a mad dash!

This weeks sketch is quite simple, the three boxes could have anything in them, three buttons or flowers, even words or birds/butterflies, that part is up to you.  I ended up having to put together super quick after we got back from Birmingham and I got the girls so food etc and packed Matt off for another week.  
But you can get the idea, after I published Brenda's tip yesterday about using Alcohol pens to colour ribbon I tried it out, I had nothing that really matched the Blue of the Floral Pavilion that I have under, so I got a promarker and coloured the flower trim blue to match, I like the results!!  That trim and the flower trim that I cut the three white flowers in the boxes both come from Amanda Charlesworth's store on fb,such good value and amazing quality, Janet, Cheryl & Lynda will all agree !
I added some tiny blue Acrylic Flowers for the centres, they are so cute! 
I hope that my card gives you a little inspiration.

Lilian, we are all thinking about you sweetheart, this next few days will be tough, we are all here for you my lovely xxx

Have a great day ladies,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.

    I can't believe it's 7.30 and I still haven't slept. I thought after having somevsleep last night I was getting back to normal. I've had a shower, got ready and had to shake Gracie awake to take out forcan early walk. She's not too happy as she's not an easy riser.
    I just love the sketch today and your card is very pretty Sandra. I'll enjoy making this one.
    Sandra, I just love good roasties as well. The're so easy to make yet it seems a real challenge for some restaurants. I was annoyed recently to find an up market place over here was using frozen roasties -yuk.
    Do hope everything goes as well as it can do today Lilian. You are in my thoughts.
    Hope the house isn't in too much of a mess today Michele. Keep telling yourself how good it's going to look.
    I'll pop by later and see what everyone is up to.
    Bye for now.
    Val x

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you sleep better tonight.

    2. Hi Val, sorry you didn't sleep again last night hope it's better tonight.
      Your Gracie is like my Bambie she is definitely not a morning dog think she would happily stay in bed till one o clock HeHe.
      Tack care Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Hi Val. I do hope that you have managed to get some sleep. How did the dentist visit go? What must they have thought of you with various ladies hanging onto your hands and legs : )
      Take care x

  2. Good morning Sandra and anyone visiting us today, do stay for a coffee and give a comment/chat.
    CC looks fine this week Sandra and I must say that even when you coming home late you always manage to put such a lovely card together. The Blue-ish colour is growing so will have a look in my stash what I can come up with. Thank you for making me make one card a week at least :-)
    Not sure if I'm first but the urn is on for hot water and I took some nice Danish out for later.
    Janet, hope you feeling better after your airing. It looks like rain here again and cold but will try to get a walk in this morning.
    Val, I'm with you too. While Sandra and Sue are holding your hand I hold your legs so you can't jump off the chair :-) good luck.
    Lynda, hope little Annie is doing better today.
    Lilian, you are in my thoughts today and I will be with you every step. We will be here for you, hugs to you and the family x
    OH off to see football and Son will be sleeping until 6pm, he working night 8pm-8am. I don't like it but he's happy, only wish he got more paid by doing it.
    Take care everyone and have a good day whatever you are doing. love and warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Hope you manage a walk today. It's pouring with rain here at the moment.

    2. Hi MARIA thank you Annie's breathing is a lot better on her new tablets.Your c c card yesterday I thought was lovely good luck with this week. Have you made any flip cards yet?.
      Looking forward to seeing you i SEPTEMBER ALLY PALLY..
      LOVE Lynda xx

    3. Hi Maria. I'm not sure if you will have got your walk in the dry or not. We had very heavy rain at times for most of the afternoon and evening. I hope you enjoyed the football. Does Rich watch it too? Thank you for the lovely Danish pastries yesterday, I had one after my dinner last night...yum : ) Take care x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & a nice "easy" sketch for this weeks challenge. I hope to get the challenge card sorted today. I just need to clean my teeth & bring my crafting kit downstairs and I'm all set. The bathroom fitter rang last night go introduce himself & check what time he could start today-if he keeps this up I might just relax!!

    I had a panic last night as I couldn't contact my Dad. He eventually rang me-there's a fault on the BT line & he'd left his mobile in his coat pocket after walking Casper (the dog). Phew-panic over.


    1. Hi Michelle
      Wow, a fitter that actually rings to see what time he can start. He's off to a flyer in my book.

    2. Hi Michele how's bathroom going, do you know how long it will take.

    3. Hi Michele. It sounds like the first day of builders wasn't too bad, I was worried when you said they have ripped out the loo, I had visions of you having to cross your legs for the next few days but then realised that you must have another look somewhere, well I do hope so!!! It sounds like you got your smaller dies well organised now and that your mad friends came in handy when she was able to lay her hands on some folders for you : ) I hope day two of the building work goes well. Take care x

  4. Love the sketch Mind is whirring already You certainly can't beat homemade rosaries and as Val has said they're not hard LILLIAN Take care xxx

    1. Karen-you've won a card on Julia Watts blog from Friday!! Congrats.


    2. Congrats Karen for winning on Julia's blog ! xxx

    3. Congratulations Karen. I haven't been on Julia's blig yet so have just read Michelle's comment.

    4. Karen, any sign of that baby yet? xxx

    5. Congratulations Karen on your win. Xx

    6. Hi Karen. Congratulations on your win on Julia's Watts. I hope THE call has come, for all of your sakes. If not, get your daughter to eat lots of fried onions, that's a tip from a midwife to get baby moving. Take care x

  5. Ecco of Sheffield25 April 2016 at 08:30

    Morning Everyone
    Thank you Maria for opening up. Everything looks lovely bright and cheerful and so inviting so come on in all Crafters you'll all get a lovely welcome.

    SANDRA- so pleased you had a lovely lunch with the exception of the roast potatoes.
    LILIAN - I'm with you every step today Dear Friend. Stay strong and we're all here when you want us.
    MICHELE - good luck with the bathroom this week. I hope everything goes well for you.

    The Challenge this week is good and so hopefully I can make a start on it very soon. I need to put one or two inserts into cards which need posting this week and then I can get to it.
    I've now got all my goodies for my first real adventure into 'altering' so my fingers are itching but I've a busy few days ahead. It's Knit and Natter tomorrow afternoon and it's my 'turn' so fortunately I did all the kits before I went away (I cannot tell you how relieved I was last week about this) and then on Wednesday I've the second half of my Annual MOT. I'm hoping I can get my Drs to try and hurry along my hospital appointment whether they will or not we'll see.

    We had a lovely day yesterday out in Derbyshire. Bakewell was heaving with tourists but we managed to get a table in the usual pub we go to for lunch. We decided to just call into one shop and then into the pub for coffee before ordering time and a good thing we did too. I've not seen so many tables with reserved on them for ages. It was dry but the wind was biting. They -the landlord- had lit the open fire so it was nice and toasty and then on to Christina's to find her in the barn cutting Scamp's toe nails (Sheep). I admit to being completely shattered when we got back last evening but I did enjoy the outing.

    It's Mr Tesco morning today first thing so I'm just going to sit there in the corner out of the way though I don't think I can pass this cold on now as all outward signs other than having a very croaky voice have gone and wait to see who pops in.

    Hugs are in the basket so please help yourselves.

    1. I'm so glad you managed to see Christina yesterday. You'd think it would be to early for tourists wouldn't you. Mind you it's the scenery they go to see isn't it.

    2. Pleased JANET youhad a nice day yesterday oooo the open fire in the pub sounded lovely,glad you managed to see Christina bet the sheeps toenails are hard to cut. Glade your feeling better take care.

    3. Hi Janet. I'm glad that you enjoyed your day out on Sunday, I hope you had a nice quiet day to recover yesterday. Don't forget to share your altered art when you get time to have a go please : ) I hope the last of gour cold has left you now. Take care x

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone. Such a beautiful array of cards and crafts displayed over the weekend, sorry I didn't get chance to pop in for a chat!
    Another fab challenge card for this week. I am hopeful that I shall be able to take part, and will definitely be making a non anniversary related card! My brothers sprang it on me last week that I could make another card for us all to sign (14 of us) to put the money in that we are giving to our parents for their anniversary. I'm still working on the memory album, but as I get near to finishing I am starting to struggle and finding it hard to add something a little bit different to each page. My head is spinning with everything anniversary, weddings and love, lol :-) So for my challenge card you may see my first Christmas card made of the year! I did manage to have a play with a couple of new Sue Wilson dies over the weekend and made both of my brothers birthday cards for May :-)
    Anyway, enough about me! I hope everyone is keeping well and had a good weekend, and a good week ahead of them.
    Thinking of Lilian today.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. I'm sure the memory album will be fantastic and your parents will treasure it so try and relax now, or at least after you make a card from you all. Take care x

    2. Thank you. I do tend to be a bit critical of my own work. Wanting to keep the album fairly simple I'm finding it more difficult, ironic really, lol.
      Hugs xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies, not a nice day here today, it has been raining a little bit, anyway housework calls today, I like doing It on a Monday, then I can have the rest of the week to plan other projects.
    Went to the garden centre yesterday and bought some plants for our window boxes and hanging baskets, so that could be a plan for later today, getting them potted up.
    Lillian thinking of you, take it easy, remember the good times.
    Maria the Danish pastry was lovely, coffe done, so off to tackle the kitchen.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

    1. It's been raining here as well Jess, but the suns just come out. I'm sat watching the snooker at the moment.

  8. Good morning. Sandra and ladies. I have been on the go since 6.30 and I don't seem to have got much done. Have a order for 2 pendants to get done so want other things out of the way so I can get started on them.
    Sandra, sorry your meal wasn't up to standard. We were very lucky with the afternoon tea, small crustless sandwiches with delicious fillings, scones that were yummy, three kinds of jam, cream that was not plastic, and such a vast array of little cakes. We had a separate celebration cake made by the girl that does all our cakes.
    Lilian. As I said last night I hope it all goes well today. (((((((Hugs)))))))
    Val. You will need to get the sleep thing sorted or you will end up unwell.
    Well must get on and then get on with my order.

  9. Margaret Palmer25 April 2016 at 11:45

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you enjoyed your meet up, shame about potatoes. I love the challenge this week, thank
    Lilian my thoughts & prayers
    Janet good to hear you feel
    Val sorry you didn't get any sleep
    Got to take Alan for xray on his foot so must get ready, it is looking very good will be a while before he can walk the dog though.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx.

    1. Hi Margaret
      I hope Alan's X-ray us ok.

    2. Hi MARGARET
      hope Alan's X Ray went well & they were pleased with his foot
      Hug's for you both love Lynda xxx

  10. Good afternoon ladies,
    Sandra , I love your card today it's so pretty and delicate, the ribbon and little flowers are gorgeous! I imagine we will all enjoy this challenge.
    Well , I got my card made and the oatcakes for the birthday boy but I was pretty tired before I went out ,so happy to have a relaxing afternoon ahead as I didn't feel like going to the Pilates class this morning after a late night but of course I managed it ( I think it's really the coffee and shortbread afterwards that is the attraction ha ha !)
    Sounds like you had a lovely time yesterday Sandra at the anniversary dinner ( apart from the roasties) although it was a shame you had to rush home afterwards.
    Thinking of you today Lillian and sending more big hugs xoxo
    Val, have you tried lavender on your pillow to help you sleep, it does help some people so maybe worth a try xo.
    Margaret, I hope Alan's X-ray goes well.
    Janet , glad to hear your feeling better xo
    Sonia, I'm sure your memory book is wonderful and will be treasured!
    Karen, congratulations on winning a card from Julia, ( that makes 2 wins this week , as things usually happen in threes I wonder who the third lucky person will be?)
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne. Well done onaking yourself ho to Pilate's even though you were tired, the Shortbread would have won me over too : ) Take care x

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Gorgeous card you have made to highlight this weeks challenge Sandra, hopefully this week will not run away at the speed recent weeks have, and I will have time to make my card, But I won't hold my breath.

    I'm pleased you managed to match your braid to the blue paper, it is such a subtle blue and brings the whole design together. I can't take the credit for suggesting alcohol markets to colour white ribbon. This tip was given to me a few years ago by Jayne from Stamposaurus, and has got me out of trouble on a few occasions. Mind you on one occasion our daughter wanted quite a lot of old gold ribbon, I only had the quantity she wanted in white so I coulured some by boiling it in onion skins, it was a perfect match for her project. I have my uses!!!

    MARGARET, Hope all goes well with Alan's X-ray xx
    LILLIAN, Thinking of you xx
    JANET. Hope you are taking it easy. xx

    Missing so many of our blog friends, Sheila, Norah to name but two, hope you are okay and will stop by soon, just remember old friends and those hovering by the door, this cafe is always open and ready to welcome you in. LOL

    Hope you are all having a good day, for those in pain or not feeling well, sending gentle hugs, take care, Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra, pleased you had a good time meeting up with the family, shame about the roast potatoes, home made are always the best. xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you had a lovely meet up with Pauls family, even if it was a bit rushed. The only place we like the roast potatoes is at the Toby Carvery. Other to that the roasties aren't up to much anywhere else. Like the look of this weeks challenge card. Mind you I said that about last weeks but didn't get around to making one. Must try harder will go on my report.

    1. HaHaPat Sandra will put you on the naughty step with 100 lines of
      I must do my Challenge Card this week !!!!
      We lik the Toby carvery too.
      Take care Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Pat. We will have to work on our CC when we meet this week. I hope your not rushing around too much. Take care x

  13. Thinking of you today Lilian.

  14. Afternoon Ladies

    Goodness-I'd forgotten what it's like having the chaos & mess of workmen in the house! Stupidly I hadn't thought there would be no washbasin or loo from today, he's left us a working shower. The bath comes out tomorrow (noisy & messy as its cast iron). Think I'll be glad to go to the dentist for a bit of light relief-ha ha.

    My Dad called round this morning & stayed a while then my crazy (cluttered house ) friend called after lunch. I'd asked her if she had any A5 folders and guess what...yes she did. Five of them so she brought them straight round. I've re-organised all my smaller dies & catalogued them which was a mammoth job. I've put a title on the side of the folder and in the plastic wallet at the front, I've listed the contents.

    I did plan to make the challenge card but have given up for today & am waiting for hubby to return from his long , one day trip to Ayr. The Sat Nav said he should be home just after 7pm.


  15. Hello Sandra & everyone
    So pleased you had a lovely day with Paul's family. Sorry the meal was not up to scratch well the roast potatoes anyway. It's a shame you had to rush home for Paul starting work.
    The sketch looks ok this week thanks Sandra your so good doing it for us & making a card as well. Hope your not to sore today.take it easy my lovely.
    I have commented on way down.
    Not been upto much it's been heavy rain all day & cold so depressing.
    Trying to organise my shelves in my craft room & sort draws out of what I never use any more.. Will do another hour befor dinner. Try pop back later
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Do you want to come and sort my stash out when you have finished yours, please : ) I was glad to hear that Annie's new tablets are helping her, what a relief : ) Take care x

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. LILIAN hope all went well today as well as it could your in my thoughts & prayers love Lynda xx

  18. Hi Lynda
    I'll get really stiff if I end up on the naughty step. I'll be on there a really long time. Isn't it a minute fir every year. You'll need a crane to get me up.
