
Saturday 19 March 2016

Mixed Craft Saturday

 Angela's Tissue Box Covers

 More of Angela's Tissue Box Covers

 Jess's Amazing  'Scrapbook Layout' Birthday Cake 

Amanda's handmade flower

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I am so happy to be able to squeeze in another Mixed Craft Saturday, I do love to be able to share your amazing crafts.

First up today we have Angela's fabulous Tissue Box Covers, such a range of colours and styles, each one is pretty and perfectly finished, there are Christmas ones, gorgeous girly ones, something for every style of room!  I hope Angela has time to pop in and tell us all about how she makes them.
Thank you so much so much for allowing me to share your lovely boxes xxxx

Jess, Wow your "Scrapbook Layout" 70th Birthday cake is just a genius idea and perfectly executed,
all the details are what makes it so special, the photographs of you at memoral events, the extra details too like the scissors, glue stick and ruler around the outside, the cute buttons and flowers framing the photos all build the perfect scrapbook page! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing birthday cake with us xxxx

Now onto our last item, created by our latest blog member, Amanda's gorgeous handmade flower,
Amanda has used a piece of lace, an Applique, a hand rolled ribbon rose, some silk leaves, lilies and a few pretty little resin flowers.  Amanda has a YouTube tutorial for this gorgeous flower, if you want to learn how to make one, there are many other beautiful handmade flowers on her channel too, but be warned you could lose and hour or too!! Thank you so much Amanda for taking part in your first Mixed Craft Saturday (first of many I Hope) xxxx

Well I hope you are feeling inspired ladies. I certainly am x

Don't forget your challenge cards ladies x

Cheryl just a quick message to say you are in our thoughts on your day of reflection xxxx

Hugs to our absent friends xxxx

Love and hugs to all of you,


Pretty Scrimpy shabby lace flower tutorial  


  1. Good morning everyone
    What a pleasure and delight met me this morning when I looked in via cyberspace. Our display board is crammed full of beautiful creations made by our Dear Friends.
    Angela - your tissue boxes are just wonderful and what a range you have suiting every occasion and every age range.
    Jess - oh your cake looks amazing and I'm sure whoever received it was more than delighted. It really looks far too good to cut into though.
    Amanda - Your flower is just a big WOW. I must have a look at your tutorial and see how it's done.

    Cheryl - You're in my thoughts and prayers today my Dearly Loved Friend. hugs xxxx

    Our trip to market yesterday was lovely. All the usual stalls there with a new one selling freshly ground coffee. Oh that smell in the fresh air was really something. The café was full to bursting and those of you who have experienced the French know just how noisy they can be believe me you could hardly think let alone talk but it was lovely to be back.
    We bought our pastries of course and had them with our meal last night (beef stew) and for our first week we decided to take is slowly and bought quite simple cakes.
    Jim had decided on a piece of Fruit Flan - similar to our custard tart but with prunes in the custard. (It really did look delicious and I was told it was through Hmms and HMMMS)
    I decided that I would go for a DIVORCE - this is made of choux pastry and cream. A ball of pastry is cut in half and each half is hollowed out one filled with coffee cream and the other chocolate cream. They are then stuck together (bottoms meeting) and the coffee half is iced with coffee icing and chocolate with chocolate icing and finished off with a thing line of white cream piped along the join. Scrummy or what!!

    It's that horrible word of 'housework' this morning. The floors need washing and everywhere needs a good dusting as you know how dust collects just after a two week break well just imagine a five week one!!
    Perhaps I can get a little crafting in this afternoon it just depends on how I am.

    I see Marigny Dobbi has done a good job again and everything looks lovely. I'll send some more teaspoons to replace those that the Huggles have used - I wonder if I can get some of those wooden stir thingywhats that Starbuks etc use or would those be even worse where the Huggles are concerned!!!! Norah you are really needed to come and sort out these little monsters. They need your stern lessons my Dear Friend.

    Hugs are on their way to all Dear Friends who are in a sad place at the moment. xxxx
    Breakfast has just arrived

    1. Hi Janet. The 'divorce'cake sounds fantastic. My mouth is watering at the sound of it. Bet it tasted so good.
      France is probably like Spain-such a dusty country. You polish one minute and the next you can write your name in it. It looks good when its first done though. Have a good day.
      val x

    2. Hi Janet, glad the market trip went well, cakes sound delicious

  2. Good morning eveyone
    Well i must say there is an abundance of talent here this morning.
    Angela your tissue boxes are gorgeous do you use a template.
    Jess the cake is too good to eat, it would be a shame to cut into it
    Amanda such a beautiful flower piece - gorgeous
    Well we pick Nic up this morning, John is off today so we may go further afield.
    I hope everyone is getting better and will start to feel the benefit of spring as it gets into full swing
    Cheryl thinking of you.
    Have topped up the basket with hugs, would hope they arent needed but help yourself if you do need one.
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean hope you had nice time with Nic where did you end up.xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Angela-what s fantastic collection of decorated tissue boxes, they look fabulous.

    Jess-WOW, that's one amazing cake.

    Amanda-beautiful project, I can see why Sandra is a fan already.

    I was shattered yesterday by the time I got home from work so all I did was read-apart from do the dishes & 3 lots of washing. No inspiration for the challenge card yet, maybe after my trip to Hobbycraft & the craft shop in Lady Green garden centre??!! Just need to go to the butchers & co-op first thing then I can set off to the craft shops-yeah!!


    1. Hope you find lots of inspiratiion at the craft shops Michele. I'm getting withdrawel symptems already.
      val x

    2. Hi MICHELE
      hope you got some lovely craft bargains & found your inspiration

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Angela, your tissue box covers are lovely, what a great selection, there is something for everyone. Please will you tell us how you make them, I remember you said they only take one A4 sheet.
    Jess, what a wonderful cake, it is so personal, down to the buttons. I bet it was hard to cut into it : )
    Amanda, thank you for sharing your beautiful flower. I hope we get to see many more of your lovely projects.
    Sandra, thank you for letting us enjoy these lovely crafts on this rather grey morning. I hope you get to spend lots of time losing yourself in your crafting my lovely. You have the perfect excuse to craft more now that you are on Amanda's dt : )
    Have a good day ladies. I hope upu rnjoy ehatever you do.
    We have Phoebe here until later so crafting time for us : )
    Cheryl, my thoughts are with you today, sending you hugs.
    Hugs to all in need. Love and huhs. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue hope you enjoyed your crafting with Phoebe. You will have to send Sandra some of her cards she has made love to see them.
      Hug's xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    What a wonderful assortment today.
    ANGELA your tissue box covers are so pretty. I'd love some tips on how you make them.
    JESS what can I say about your amazing cake. What a lot of love has gone into designing and making such a work of art. I bet whoever it was for was overjoyed. Bet it tasted good as well.
    AMANDA Your flower is exquisite. Such a pretty design

    SANDRA sorry, still havent made my card for this week. My mind seems to have gone a blank. I'll have an hour in my craft room this afternoon and try and get some inspiration.
    I have a decorator coming this morning to give me a quote for painting the living room come dining room, stairs and landing. It hasnt been done for a few years and its starting to look off white. Then Lynn, Paul and I are out for lunch. It was Pauls 44th birthday whilst I was away so I missed his celebration.
    Have a good Saturday everyone.
    Love Val x

    1. Hi Val hope you enjoyed your lunch with Lynn & Paul.
      Hope the decorating quote wasn't a shock. Have a good evening.xx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely alternative crafts today, Angela love your tissue box covers, they are very pretty.
    Amanda your flowers are amazing, really gorgeous.
    Janet your pastries sound scrumptious, I'm glad I don't live beside the market, I would want pastries every day!
    The cake was for my birthday, my youngest granddaughters friend made it, she will be about 20, it was delicious believe me.
    Today is our Golden Wedding Anniversary, so not much is getting done regarding housework etc, we are off out tonight for dinner, that will be good, I don't know where the last 50 years have gone, we are lucky in some respects to have reached this day.
    Anyway take care everyone, have a lovely day, xxx

    1. Hi Jess,
      Congratulations to you both on your Golden Wedding Anniversary hope you have a lovely day & meal.
      Your birthday cake is lovely, what a great idea.xx

    2. Many congratulations Jess to you and your husband on this milestone anniversary. 50 years, how wonderful. Enjoy your celebrations.

    3. Congratulations to both of you Jess in reaching this milestone. Yes in a few years it will be unheard off. Enjoy your meal. Xxx

    4. Congratulations on your Golden Wedding - enjoy your special day.
      Hugs xx

    5. Congratulations on your Golden Wedding Anniversary Jess, I hope you have a great day. Sorry that I wrote under my post about your card when it was actually a cake.

    6. Hi Jess congratulations on 50yrs, hope you both have a lovely day and meal tonight.

    7. Happy 50th Anniversary Jess and your lovely husband too!
      Hope you having a lovely day and an enjoyable meal tonight! Xxx

    8. Hi JESS your cake is amazing.
      Happy 50 th Wedding anniversary Jess & your husband too.
      Have a lovely evening & enjoy your meal

    9. Sorry I'm so late wishing you both a wonderful day and Happy 50th Anniversary ! Hope you have a lovely meal out xxx

    10. Congratulations Jess 50 years is an amazing acheivement! Hope you have both had a lovely day together. Xxxx

    11. Many congratulations Jess and your husband - sorry its late - only just seen this xx Jean xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing us mixed craft again, it is lovely to see everyone's work. Hope you enjoy your weekend.xx
    Angela your tissue boxes are great looking forward to how you do them.xx
    Amanda love your flower must have a look to see how you do them, thank you for sharing with us.xx
    Had a lovely day with Sue yesterday, finished my Challenge Card.
    Got a cake to ice for 80th birthday today & friends in for coffee this morning so must get a move on.
    Special hugs for you Cheryl, thinking of you with love xx.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone. A lovely selection of crafts today. Angela's tissue box covers are fab, love all the designs. Jess' cake looks yummy - great idea with the pictures. Love Amanda's flower, so pretty.
    Not much on today, have been suffering with this cold virus that's going around - don't even feel like crafting :-( I hope it soon goes.
    Hope everyone is well and has a good day. Thinking of you Cheryl.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hope your feeling better soon Sonia.

    2. Get well soon,it's a nasty virus,we had it earlier in the year.

    3. Thank you Pat and Lilian.
      Hugs xx

    4. Hi sonia
      Hope you feel better soon & it doesn't last as long as mind did.
      Take care keep warm. Xxx

    5. Hi Sonia, take it easy and hopefully you feeling a lot better soon, hugs xxx

    6. Thank you Lynda and Maria.
      Hugs xx

  10. Ladies at the very end of today's post I have added the link to AMANDA'S FLOWER TUTORIAL
    so you don't have to go searching for it. While there you may as well subscribe to her channel too.
    Hope that helps

    1. Thank you Sandra I have been trying to find it with out any luck.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I missed yesterday's post. Loved your heart when we saw it on Wednesday. Spent the morning in X-ray for my hip. The afternoon was spent at the care home, and yesterday we went up to Karen's as it was Ambers twelfth birthday and Keith cooked for 17. Children had theres first then the adults. Keith cooked 3 curries, chips and nana breads.
    Myra I could never compete with your talent.
    Jess congratulations on your Golden Wedding.

  12. Hi Ladies
    Sorry I forgot to add that I love Angela's tissue box covers. Jess's 70 birthday scrap book, and of course Amanda's work. What a multi talented crowd all the ladies are.

  13. Hello everyone, grey and very cold here.
    The Saturday crafts are all very lovely.
    Angela any chance of a short tutorial son how you make these,I had a go but they didn't turn out well, yours are spectacular.
    Jess the cake is very beautiful.
    Amanda love your rose.

    Cheryl , thoughts are with you today.

    Have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    A lovely selection of crafts today !! Something for everyone to admire .
    The tissue boxes are very pretty and what a lovely selection.
    The lace flower looks lovely also , really delicate.
    What a great idea for a Birthday Cake - not just a great idea but executed beautifully !
    Thank you ladies for sharing your lovely makes and Sandra for showing them to us. Xxx

  15. Hello SANDRA & ladies
    Very cold today sun came out for half an hour. Haven't done much today just watching OH doing the housework but he doesn't see what I see bless him lol.& he is cleaning S..t legs Freddy out.hihi.
    JESS your cake is lovely, ANGELA your tissue boxes are really lovely
    AMANDA wow your rose is beautiful love your lace too.xx
    MARIA hope your ok you haven't been in today miss you.xx
    CHERYL my thoughts have been with you today sweet lady Hug's xxx

  16. Sorry did it again published too soon,
    Just going to finish a birthday card so see you all later love Lynda xx

  17. ow its busy on here today , I love reading all the comments ... Beautiful tissue box and cake !!!! love the variety of crafts we can see on here .... hope you all have a fab weekend lots of crafting hugs x Amanda

  18. Hi Amanda I have looked at your YouTube & you have some beautiful lace & tutorials love your flower
    Hug's Lynda xx

  19. Good Evening Sandra and all, hope you all had a good day whatever you were up too.
    Cheryl- hope you are ok
    Lynda- hope your droopies are getting better. Lovely of Terry to do the house work for you and also cleaning out s--t legs cage hihi. How is Annie doing ?
    Sue- hope you had a fun day with Phoebe and made some nice art together.
    Angela- I love your tissue boxes, they are wonderful and you have made so many different ones.
    wow Jess- that is a great cake. The young lady did a marvellous job. It looks yummy.
    Amanda- love your flower. Will have another look on you tube, you have some great pieces with lace etc.
    Janet- glad you had a nice day with the market and those lovely cakes sound soooo good hihi. Have fun in Marigny.
    Jean- hope you have a nice weekend with Nic and manage to go out somewhere.
    We had a long sleep-in this morning and after shower and getting redy for the day, we went shopping. Couple of hours later, back home unpack and put it all away. Dishwasher was also done so time to unload that and fill the washing machine. By now it was dinner time and while that was cooking I finished writing the inside on a little card for sending. My mamma phoned and told me dad had fallen over while out with the dogs, thankfully he hasn't broken anything but will be sore for a while. Do you think it is something going on as we seem to have plenty of tumbles at the moment ?
    Got the washing to hang and then I'm going to sit down and watch a film so I wish you all a good night and see you tomorrow for the card exhibition. Pat and Myra- hope you managed to send some in this week, love to see them.
    Sending special hugs to our missing friends and hope you will come back soon, you are very much missed.
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  20. Can't sleep so have done some stamping and watching now Tv. Have another home alone day so can happily make a mess crafting. There are some techniques I like to try so we will see what happens. Have a nice Sunday xxx
