
Saturday 3 October 2015

Mixed craft Saturday

Brenda's Latest Pottery Project

Michele's Christmas Mini  Book
Janet's Luxurious Cushions
Good Saturday Morning Ladies,
Another lovely selection of crafts to share with all of you today, my you are a talented bunch of girls!

First up today is Brenda's latest pottery project, a gorgeous Sun Plaque, Brenda it is fabulous, I am guessing you have used some new techniques in this latest project, the face looks quite cute and cheeky, the suns rays look perfectly carved and the embossed circles round the outside finish it off perfectly, thank you once again for sending me the photo to share with everyone xxxx

Next up we have Michele's cute little Christmas Mini book, Michele explained that each page is
covered in Christmas Fabric, I am not sure but when I look closely it looks as though those scrummy
looking Christmas cookies hanging from that tree look almost embossed.  Michele did tell me that she didn't remember when or why she made the mini book! Thank you so much Michele xxxx

Now up next are Janet's luxurious looking cushions, I think that Janet has knitted these with a special
bobbly type of wool, but I may be wrong, I love the colours of the cushions and they look almost velour, so soft and comfy, just the perfect thing to snuggle with on a chilly night, oh Janet imagine a throw knitted in the same yarn, oh yes please! I wonder if these are here or at Marigny??
Thank you so much Janet for sending the photo in for me to share with our friends xxxx

That's it for today ladies, we are off to watch the girls play football this morning though, but we kind of feel surplus to requirements as Sophie has her boyfriend (although apparently that's not what you call it these days) they are just 'together'! It's all been very hush hush, so we won't be the only one's shouting for the girls this morning. I think that's it for this weekend, nice that there is nothing else planned, we can just chill! 
I hope that you all have an amazing weekend!
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and a the Cafe Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the weekend. Oooo!! Sandra sounds interesting, Sophie has someone else to cheer her on ... NOT a boyfriend !!! they are just together. Bad enough for you and Paul to understand ... what about us "oldies" gosh we have a lot to learn!!!

    1. Oooopps! pressed the wrong button!
      Well, Oh! Well another array of wonderful goodies.
      BRENDA:- that plate looks amazing it would look great hanging in a Conserverory making one smile every time they looked at it.
      MICHELE:- love you beautiful Christmas Book that's a great idea. Have a great flight home, will be thinking about you.
      JANET:- love, love, love, your cushions. I have seen that yarn but never stopped to think what could be made using it. Will think more about it next time I see it.
      Everything set up for the day, lots of nice goodies in stock so many beautiful cakes.
      MARGARET P:- made your Lemon Drizzel Cake, Oh! Wow! it is beautiful will definitely be made again and in double lots!!!
      Made my Tea & Toast, off over to the corner table to see who is coming in or who passes by.
      (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual. See you all later xxx

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
      Three great projects today.
      Brenda littlelamb, what a cheeky face this sun plaque has, it is lovely.
      Michele, what a beautiful Christmas book. Is the front embroidered? It must have taken you ages to make, I love it.
      Janet, these cushions look so soft and snuggly, just the sort that I like. The wool you used is the funny one that has the pompoms on it, isn't! Is it easy to knit with?
      Sandra, I am so relieved that you had a positive result from the docs. I hope that you, and Paul, managed to sleep much better last night. I hope the girls have a good match and Sophie isn't put off being watched by this boy. It's funny how they use different words to us, isn't it. Once you get back from football you can have one of those lovely lazy weekends where you can stay in your pj's and just slop around enjoying each others company without having to look at the time. Enjoy it my lovely : )
      I haven't had time to see what went on yesterday but hope you are all OK. Have a good day. Take care xx

  2. Good morning. Looks like we might just get another nice day today. Again a slight frost here. But hey ho if it means we get a nice day we can put up with that.
    Brenda, another beautiful piece of pottery from you, I could see this on a patio wall.
    Michele love your little Christmas book, now that's something I could think about doing.
    Janet, love these funky cushions, they look so soft and cuddly .
    SABA, where are you? Does that posh hotel not have Internet, or are you still at sea battling with those winds?
    Sheila, I hope you are ok? And just having fun with that new machine.
    Janice, are you ok and hopefully just busy?
    Norah, enjoy your wedding look forward to seeing Rory in his out fit.
    Gosh the list is endless so I will just hope and wish everyone is in good health if not I have put plenty of (((( hugs))))) in the basket.
    Sandra good luck for the girls match today I wonder if they will play them on the same side this week? Oh I am glad you can understand this new " not a boyfriend" thing? So much easier in our days. Oh showing my age again!!!
    Off to sit and have a cup of tea and I think two crumpets and jam they look yummy. xxx

    1. We've lost the sunshine today Hazel! It was beautiful yesterday but today is a bit chilly and rather grey. Alastair is washing the cars - that should bring the rain on!! Xxx

  3. Good Morning,

    Brenda's plate made me smile, it's that lovely cheeky grin form the sun that did it.
    Michele's cute little fabric book is divine. I wonder if you made it for a baby/toddler? The fabric cover looks as though it could have come from Joanna Sheen, I bought some a kit from her years ago with cards, boxes and a large piece of Christmas squares fabric that you cut for fronts of the cards.

    Janet's scrumptious looking cushions are just waiting to jump into my arms for a gurt big squeeze!

    A big clear up today in my craft room (I don't know how it happened but everything seems to have gravitated to the floor!).
    Mum & Dad are coming tomorrow to take me out for a belated birthday lunch. From someone who couldn't go out anywhere after Pete died, I seem to be hardly at home now. But isn't it preferable to meet up with someone over lunch for a leisurely natter?
    Even though I have certainly tried to knock this accursed agoraphobia on it's a**e, the panic attacks are very real & horrible, they strike at any time, for no particular reason and seem to be lasting longer.

    Finished my crumpets and tea, so whatever your plans are for the weekend, I wish you well.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl enjoy your lunch my sweet, I'm really impressed that you are getting out and about so much, if you hadn't said about agrifobia before, I wouldn't have known. You are doing really well and you are making the effort which is fantastic too, now we just need to put those pesky panic attacks in one of Janet's squishy cushions and sit on them! Seriously though, they are not nice but you are and amazing woman. Have a lovely weekend xxxx

    2. CHERYL:- have a wonderful day, enjoy every minute.
      As Diane has said ... you are one amazing lady. I did not not know about your horrible problem till Hazel mentioned it while we were on holiday. Well done you, keep up the great work xxx

    3. Hi CHERYL your amazing would never had known about your agoraphobia well done you give yourself a big pat on the back lovely lady.Have a lovely birthday lunch with you mum & dad tomorrow.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Have a lovely day Cheryl ! I do remember hearing about the agoraphobia and you have been amazing! Let's hope and pray the panic attacks go away . Not nice at all. Xxx

    5. Cheryl my lovely Friend - Good on you managing to get out and about. I've read about that horrible fear but you are just fantastic. Keep it up. Hugs xxxx

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Keep up the good work Cheryl. You are doing great.

    8. Hi Cheryl what an amazing lady you are. Didn't know about your agrifobia but what a star you are to keep going out. All you need now is for the panic attacks to disappear.

    9. Hi Cheryl,
      Well done to you for conquering the agrofobia Alan had it earlier and found out by trial and error that he was desperately short of vitamin D since taking higher dose he is fine now. Take care hugs on way xx

    10. Thank you all for your lovely comments. I am a work in progress, even my nut nurse (Pete's words) Debbie is really chuffed how well I am getting on. Only thing is, if they sign me off I won't be certified anymore! And I'll miss my lovely home visits with Debbie. We have been seeing each other since my first big melt down in 2008 and have become kind of friends. She gives me leeway when I need it and encouragement too. A true ally to have. I am so blessed that I have her. xxx

    11. Hi Cheryl. It is great to hear where you are off to next. It shows just how well you are doing at beating the agrophobia. Take care x

  4. Morning Sandra and all visiting this lovely cafe' today.
    Like I said before I do love our Saturday in here and today's crafts are absolutely fab.!
    Brenda LL - the Sun Plaque is lovely and I love it's little face, it makes you happy just looking at it. Loved to have one on my garden fence.
    Michele - can't seem to find the right word for you Christmas book other than Wonderful ! I love how you made it and yes all the little items hanging on the tree looks like the are free/3D oh you know what I mean.
    Janet - love your cushions too. love the colours and they look so comfortable.
    Well done ladies.
    I wish everyone a nice Saturday and hope the girls have a good football.
    A bit nippy outside but hope to tidy the garden up infor the winter later today. Mr Sandman did come back around 2 am so had some sleep but woke at 7 and couldn't go back so I'm up. Tea and toast finished so I will go and do something, probably another cuppa hihi See you later Love and hugs Maria Xxx

    1. Maria I was late last night ( nearly 1 am ) but didn't leave a message because I thought everyone was in bed! We could have had a chat! Mind you I did nod off quite quickly afterwards still reading comments ( because I was tired!). Enjoy your garden tidying xxxx

    2. MARIA:- 5 hours sleep plus a little nap during the day is a good amount of sleep. Well it is for me, I find I don't get a move on quite so well if I sleep too long. However everyone is different. John "needs" his 8 hours ... mind you he's older than me!!!!! xxx

    3. Hi MARIA glad you managed 5hours sleep. Now young lady don't get over doing it in the garden please. Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Maria. It was good to hear you got that amount of sleep, likethe others I would be more than happy with 5 hours : ) I hope you didn't overdo it in the garden. Take care x

    5. Hi Maria. It was good to hear you got that amount of sleep, likethe others I would be more than happy with 5 hours : ) I hope you didn't overdo it in the garden. Take care x

  5. Maria, 5 hours sleep is a good amount I wish some nights I could get that! I fell asleep at the back of 10 woke up at 12.20 and was awake on and off till 4.30 then awake again at 6.20. You might fine that if you keep going you will have an early night. Enjoy your gardening, hate it so leave that to Charlie. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I love mixed craft Saturday, it's lovely to see what people do. Brenda yet again another wonderful piece of pottery, you are talented thank you for sharing xxx
    Michel what a cute book, love the Christmas fabrics, aren't they scrummy. Thanks for sharing and safe journey home xxx
    Janet what gorgeous pillows. I've knitted scarves with this wool, isn't it fun. It does look great as a cushion ( I ask you who put pillows! I'm not going back to change it it will freeze and do silly things!). Thank you for sharing xxx
    Sandra I hope the girls have a good match today and they score lots of goals. Are you allowed to talk to this boy or would that just be 'sooooooo embarrassing and not cool!'. I hope Paul has been practising his stern look too! Haha I think you are in for a fun time. Xxx
    Well I went out for a meal last night with some friends, tried a different pub which was ok but the waitress was new and got so many things wrong! We ordered a bottle of wine ( yes bought the wrong one!) and then realised there was only two of us drinking. Oh well. It's just occurred to me one of the ladies was probably doing Stoptober - I had thought of doing it too but I've just failed miserably! There's not a lot on the cards today, I must get some food shopping and the rugby is on, other than that it's gardening - guess I will be busy whilst Julian watches rugby! Haha.
    Right I must get a wriggle on - have a fun day everyone, lots of hugs and cuddles flying your way. Ooooh Muriel what's George having for lunch today I wonder? Poor man, he's such a sweetie we shouldn't tease him.
    See you soon xxxxxx

  7. Well folks, I will not get any more "free" potatoes!!
    Just come through to the kitchen ... guess what!! They are ploughing the field, can you believe it, already.
    Oh well that's this mornings plan right out of the window. xxx

    1. Sorry to hear that Patricia. Hope you got plenty yesterday of was it only enough off dinner and was getting more today?

    2. I expect they are making good use of the fine weather - what a pain for you though! Xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and Ladies,
    Not so nice here today, clouded over, bit it might clear up.
    Brenda your sun plaque is lovely, makes me smile just looking at it.
    Michele love your mini book so cute.
    Janet your cusions look so comfy just want to snuggle into them.
    Sandra hope the girls have a good day at football, even if there is a boy on the go, he will cheer them on as well as you, might even make them play better!
    have a great day everyone, I need to go and read yesterdays comments, I bet a lot has happened that I have missed, so will catch up later.
    take care, xxxx

  9. Good morning SANDRA & all coffee shop ladies.
    Well we had thick mist earlier but it's just clearing but not sure if we are getting sunshine very it's chilly boo. Is MYRA stll zzzzzzzzzzzz Wake up haha.
    What a great mixed craft Saturday we have BRENDA I love your smilling sun piece of pottery your so talented. MICHELE your Christmas book is lovely.
    Wow JANET your cushion are gorgeous how clever are you.
    SANDRA hope you had a better night without a nightmare. Good luck for the girl's football this morning hope they get a good score.
    Haha my youngest step Grandaughter always tells us we are not in the loop,so perhaps that's what Sophie meant about her "together" boy. My mum used to say are you courting, that's so not cool is it.
    Just chilling today craft room I think. I'm just catching up on Sue's recorded show's got some inspiration when I start my Christmas cards.
    Hope you all have a good Saturday Hug's left in the basket & money in the pot. See you later XXXX

    1. There was no need to SHOUT I was up !! Ha ha! Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    I'm so sorry I'm a bit later today! I did warn you it wouldn't last but I have been up for a while as I've been washing and dealing with emails . I had to deal with the emails first - there were rather a lot of them!
    Today is going to be fairly quiet but we have the family coming tomorrow so I will prepare for that! The children have favourites - don't they all - and so since I've been away had better make a lot of favourites . Some are really simple - like carrot and swede mash!! They don't like their Mum's as she buys it ready made! Another one - you will think I'm mad - is what they call chocolate trifle!! I make it in a bowl and it has similarities with trifle but that's all. Chocolate Swiss roll slices on the bottom. Soaked in fruit juice from pears. Pear slices come next topped of with chocolate blancmange! I don't put cream on top - decorate the top with more pears and grated choc - only a little - serve with cream! They love it! It's quite embarrassing really as its so ordinary.
    Well - it's Saturday - you see I'm keeping up with things!
    We have mother selection of lovely things today.
    Oh Brenda - I love your sunflower plaque - it's beautiful and the face is just so cute. It would look lovely inside or outside!
    Michele - love your little book. I need to try things like that - have made simple ones with children but yours looks so lovely!
    Janet - just love your swishy, bobbly cushions. Comfort and texture really good!
    Like the colours too.
    Thank you all for sharing your work and thanks Sandra for showing it.
    Hope the football goes well and the 'beau' is nice! Ha ha!
    Be good!
    See you later, all being well,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra, it's a simple trife but well loved what more do you do! To me feed them the favourites and it's clean plates at the end. Like tonight little Andrew is here for his tea and sleep over and he wants fish, so it's fish. Hannah and Shaun coming for their teas too, and they are happy to have fish and I will do some jacket potatoes then make them into wedges and put them in the oven, make a big salad and that's tea. All will be happy. Took Hannah shopping this morning and was proud to see healthy things in the trolley. For only being 16 she had her list and what she was planning on them having this coming week to eat. I think she could put some older ones to shame.
      Our day hasnt turned out as nice as yesterday either, but it's dry and that's what counts. Just had the gas boiler service, nice young lad who has spent a lot of time doing it. So hopefully that's us for the winter, he is the first one that hasn't tried to get us to upgrade our boiler. Our answer is you fitted it you service it so it should last longer than 15 years. And are these AAA. Ones any better, the cars are proving they are not? Well of to get things out ready for baking with wee man this afternoon. Xxx

    2. MYRA:- it is always the simple things that please the most ... well I think so anyway. Carrot & Turnip Mash a BIG favourites this house as well. Audrey makes it from scratch but the boys say her's is lumpy!! Granny's is nice and smooth and has a different taste!! To me that's the addition of freshly grated nutmeg. Granny's Sticky Toffee Pudding is the best ever ... I am so glad I am good at something.
      As Hazel says if the plates are cleared that's the best bit of having them all here for meals.
      My goodness it is so quite here this weekend ... no boys!! Just John and I looking at each other wondering what we will do next. I am off to finish off some of my Christmas Cards. I have about 1/3 of them finished, addressed and stamped ready for posting. All the American ones done ready to take to the Post Office when we know the Posting Dates. I fell I am doing well so far, I am sure I will fall somewhere near the final fence!!
      Another stunning day here, however it is very slightly cooler than it has been over the past few days. There are also a few clouds in the sky, something we have not seen for well over a week. Certainly NOT complaining, long may it last. xxx

    3. It's so funny isn't it how children - even big grown up ones - have favourites! I make pavlova and it's usually very successful but to my sons my Mum's was the best ever . She used to bring one in the car down the Motorway from Scotland! She even brought her own hand mixer for the cream as she didn't like mine!! I guess these are all the things that make memories! Xxx

    4. Yes Myra, it's these little things that mean so much and stay with us all our life's? Money can't buys these memories they are made. Well I got everything out ready to bake, what did wee man say " granny can we do it later please " So it looks like that's what is happening later, he is sitting next to me on his I pad. According to him? all 7 years " he is enjoying the peace from his big brother" xxx

    5. Oh that's so funny! Xxx

    6. When Emma was very little, we went for Sunday lunch with my Dad to my sisters. My BIL does all the cooking in their house and he had slaved over the roast dinner. He bought out the carrot and swede mash and Emma cried - 'uncle Roger you've killed the carrots! Poor Roger his face was a picture! We did laugh but he's never done it again, or if he does there are proper carrots as well! Children are funny xxxx

    7. Oh Disne that's so sweet, I can just see his face. xxx

    8. My favourite comfort food is fish fingers, peas and boiled potatoes with lashings of parsley sauce. Mmmmm salivating already just writing about it. xxxx

    9. Hi Myra. I love how all of the children have favourite foods, more often than not good plain everyday dishes. Gem loves my Mums Cottage Pie and I love her Trifle. No matter how we try to copy that favourite dish it is never quite right. I think it is that great big dollop of love that adds that something special to it : ) Have a lovely time with the family today. Take care x

  11. Morning Ladies

    Brenda- beautiful piece of pottery, I'd be keeping that piece on show all the time.

    Janet- lovely cushion covers, you're very clever.

    My mini book had 2 squares of thick card, covered with material. It opens out to a folded/ concertina page. I really don't remember making this or what you were meant to do with the inside of it!

    We just have to do the dreaded "packing of the suitcases " soon then I'll have no internet access until we return to the UK, unless I can find free wifi at Orlando airport so I won't be able to check in again until some time tomorrow.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope your journey is going well. Are you looking forward to that first cupp of tea when you get home? Take care x

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Brenda, your pottery is lovely, love the cute face, this would look gorgeous in all out of doors. I have some similar faces, terracotta tiles dotted in the flower beds. Yours looks so much more interesting. Thank you for showing this to us.

    Michelle, your Christmas book is lovely, it would make a lovely gift from anyone, photographs for an adult, or a story for a child. The ideas I just keep coming.....Love it.

    Janet, your cushions are lovely, I would just want to hug these thay looks so
    soft and snuggly..

    I hope the football match has gone well, and it was dry and warm where you are. Did the 'friend' say hello or are you not allowed to talk to him yet?

    Not a lot happening here today, I had a lazy start have been looking at the ChanddNot a lot happening here today, I had a lazy start have been watchng Hochanda, now turned TV off, it's just too distracting, I will never achieve anything if I leave the telly on. Later on we will be babysitting at daughters she has tickets for O2, to see Michele McIntyre in concert. Ciara is on the rota for alter serving tonight, it will be interesting to see how well she does ! After church we will pick up some fish and chips for supper, (a treat for the children) It will be a late night for us, we could stay the night, but it's just as easy to come home. We will be seeing them again on Monday anyway when we do the school run.

    Well I had better think about making some lunch OH is working down the garden relaying a path that had lifted slightly, I'm sure he'll be pleased of a break.

    Back sometime later, love and hugs to all, Brenda XXX

    1. Another Oops ..... I thought I had deleted ChanddNot bit. Predictive text triumphs .......AGAIN !!!! xxx

    2. Hi Brenda. How did Ciara get on with her turn alter serving last night? And did you all enjoy the fish and chips. Hope you're not too tired today. Take care x

  13. Afternoon to all who pops in today
    Sorry I'm so much later today than I have been all week but it is the week-end we meet Jim's Niece and her two littlies so it's all go first thing getting to meet them at 09.00. Both of us now completely exhausted! I've just done my Tesco order so hopefully it will be a quiet afternoon.

    Brenda - I love love love your beautiful plaque. Who cannot smile when they see that beautiful face looking at them. Please keep your pottery coming I enjoy every little piece you make.

    Michele - what a fantastic gift for any age - just change the inside for each individual and the books looks so elegant and so expensive. Would love to see the inside please.

    My two cushions are knitted with the special wool which has an lozenge fluffy piece and then a thread piece before the next lozenge so you knit the thread pieces (of course you know that don't you). I also knitted a long scarf in the same colours but unfortunately I've lost it. I must have taken it off somewhere and then forgotten to pick it up an I cannot for the life of me remember where I might have done this.
    The wool I bought off the internet from the company Deramores Wools. These days if I want knitting wool that's where I get it from. They have a fantastic range of materials; good on price and delivery next day if ordered before a certain time. I don't think you can go wrong with this company.

    Sandra - I hope the match went well and that the 'significant one' is approved of...... I too cannot keep up with new terms or expressions and don't even try these days. Perhaps I'm just getting too lazy.
    I've fingers crossed that you had a much better night last night after your visit yesterday and that things will start moving. Have a really good week-end.

    Feet up time and perhaps a snooze? No better not or I'll not sleep tonight.
    Hugs for all in the basket. Enjoy the afternoon whatever you're all doing.

    1. Janet's that's intersting you use deramores - I've seen them advertised but haven't used them - it's quite hard to find wool shops these days. We are going to the knitting and stitching show next week and I usually get inspired and buy wool there, but like to feel the wool before I buy. I'm hopeless at adapting patterns though - I have to gave pattern and wool together! The bobble wool is fun though - have you knitted with the ribbon yarn? You just knit along the edge and it makes a wriggly scarf. Xxxx

    2. I use Deramores a lot, great selection and great service. xxx

    3. I must check them out. Thank you, it's good to have a recommendation xxxx

  14. Cheryl I have tried to comment under your post but no it's not allowing that. I have admired you for as long, when I read on Sue's blog how you coped with things after Pete died, going through your chemo etc. and also coping with live in general. Now I even admired you more when you said you were coming to the retreat, as its a long journey by car and you are going to do it. That to me is fantastic, you have come on leaps and bounds and as you say you are never in. I can understand you still getting panic attacks, but oh boy you are doing so well. I think we will all be giving you the biggest hugs when you arrive at the hotel at the end of the month. Not only for doing the road trip but meeting all of us, thankfully we are not scary, ( well not the ones I have meet so far?) no we are all fine. Sandras blog has a lot to answer for its brought so many of us together, and I think has helped us all in some way and another. So Cheryl, enjoy your day and weekend, Yes I think we all clean up our craft space but it goes back to the same state quickly. xxx

  15. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    It is decidedly chilly here today and was very foggy this morning so no sunshine.
    Another wonderful collection of crafts today Brenda your plate looks so lovely and cheerful, Michele what a delightful book so well thought out. Janet I love your cushions I can just imagine snuggling up with them on a chilly winters night. Thank you ladies for sharing all your lovely exhibits for craft Saturday.
    Sandra hope the football match went well with the extra 'guest', like a lot of others I am obviously out of touch with the modern expressions!
    My Christmas mincemeat is made and the plum puddings are mixed and soaking and another Christmas cake ready for the oven but no Christmas cards made yet, but I am thinking about them!
    Our grandson is coming to stay tonight as his mum and dad are going to an evening wedding, so doubt I will be calling in this evening.
    Is this the weekend for Norah's wedding, do we know if she has been able to get Rory his jacket? I do hope she is going to send a picture of him to Sandra.
    A local family here that have been involved in a dreadful accident,as the father was driving with his two year old daughter in the rear of the car she was sick, he turned to check she was alright and hit a tanker. The father was air lifted to Newcastle and the little one was air lifted to Manchester Children's Hospital, both are in a very serious condition. The Firemen who attended were telling my farmer friend they thought they had lost them both, but the medical team who attended worked long and hard in one of his fields before they were airlifted to hospital.
    Have a lovely weekend however you are spending it.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret! How awful! It's so easily done! I do hope they will both be alright. Poor Mum - with one in Newcastle and one in Manchester!
      Well done you though on all your Christmas preparations! I can almost smell them from here! Have a lovely time with your grandson. Xx

    2. Margaret that's so awful for the family, I hope they both make a good recovery - the paramedics are amazing aren't they. Mmmmmm I can smell your Christmas cake down here :). Hold onto your hats ladies - Sainsburys had mince pies in store today! Xxxx

    3. Oh! My! Word! Margaret that is so tragic. Shows how easily things can happen. Thoughts and prayers are with the family. xxx

    4. Oh Margaret, that is awful. You need your eyes on the road all the time but very difficult when you have children in the back of the car.

    5. Margaret- that's awful, poor family. Hope it will be fine in the end.

      Had problems for a long time to understand why you put mincemeat in your Christmas cakes, thought it was the beef version hihi xxx

    6. Maria, you have made me laugh with that. Yes very confusing is t it? Xxx

    7. MARGARET how awful the poor mum / wife both being in different hospitals I pray they will be ok.
      Oh MARIA your so funny you made me smile.thank you.XXX

    8. Hi Margaret. What awful news, and that poor wife/M won't know which way to turn, bless her.
      You are organised. Mum/ Margaret P makes hers with the grandchildren at the end of October every year. Take care x

  16. Hi Ladies,
    Another win this week, 1-0 so smiling faces all round ! The girls who are usually far too tired to walk home, miraculously in the presence of 'boyfriend' were only to willing to walk home! Funny that! Haha

    1. Hi Sandra
      Congratulation to the girls on their win. Well done to them both.

    2. Congratulations to the girls on their win.

    3. Well done girls winning today ! xx

    4. Well done girls, good win. xxx

    5. Well done Sophie Lucy on your win

    6. Hi Sandra. Great to hear that the girls team had another win. Yes, funny that they weren't tired after the match : )

  17. Yes Sandra, amazing, did you approve of the "boyfriend" or did you not really get a chance to see him. Thank you for showing my pottery. I made this to go on an outside wall but it would also look good in a conservatory. I had been looking for one every time I went to a garden centre and couldn't see one I liked. Then I saw one in Home Bargains and bought it and made a mould for it. I added the circles around the edge with a wooden tool. It us glazed with a glaze calked Hearthstone. It then looks more like stone which was what I wanted. The original was black with gold. I like this one better.
    Michele. Love your little book. Would do for anyone.
    Janet. Your cushions are lovely. Look so soft and cuddly. Pity you lost the scarf. I am sure the finder was delighted with it.
    Well it is still sunny here. Have had my flu jab. Was easy today. Was empty. Straight in and out. No waiting at all. Decided to then get the Park and Ride bus into town. Bus came straight away and coming home was the same so no waiting around at all. Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs in the basket.

  18. So sorry. Forgot to thank everyone for their kind comments about my plaque. Glad you all like it.

    1. Hi Brenda. You are so clever. It's good to hear you were pleased with the finished piece. It sounds like you had a good day with no hold ups at all. It's good when that happens isn't it : ) Take care x

  19. Oh Margaret, how awful, but it just takes that moment of distraction for it to happen. I always would say to the girls, that can happen even if it's just the two of them disagreeing with each other, and I turned to tell them off. Heard of it to many times. We will pray there is a good out come. enjoy having your grandson stay, ours is here already. xxx

  20. Hello Ladies
    Well it's a quiet day today. We have been to Sainsburys had lunch and gave hot involved in the rugby! The Japan Samoa match was good and Scotland South Africa has just started - I'm keeping an eye out for our Maureen chasing those hunky men around!!!!!! Julian has gone to his garage to talk cars with them, he was only popping out because he wants to see this game - oh dear I shall gave to watch it for him! I think the gardening can wait until tomorrow! Glad the football went well Sandra. It sounds like grandchildren evening tonight so enjoy your family time ladies. Right time for a cupper before this match gets too exciting. See you soon xxxxx

    1. Mental in town ,roads closed around and sooo many more people.
      This has put Milton Keynes on the map and not only for Bletchley Park.
      No gardening today for us either, tomorrow maybe..... xxx

    2. Hi Maria. Roadworks seem to be everywhere at the moment don't they. And I don't just mean one bit but on so many roads all at the same time! You would think the council would plan the repairs better wouldn't you, but I suppose that would be too easy! Take care x

  21. Hi Sandra
    Well,once again the ladies have excelled. Love your sun plaque Brenda, also Michelle's mini Cgristmas book and Janets cushions. What a versatile collection today. Congratulations to the girls Sandra on their win.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope you are having a nice weekend. Are you seeing the family at all? Love and hugs. Take care x

  22. Hi everyone, I am so knackered just finished the first coat of emulsion on the staircase, washed out rollers, brushes and trays, will see if a second coat is needed in the morning, one thing I won't need rocked to sleep tonight.
    Just checked the rugby, we are getting beat at the moment but forever hopeful, we don't have a good record against SA, my youngest son and he wife are down in Newcastle for the match, we call them Scotland rugby groupies!!! They follow the team a lot.
    Taken a couple of painkillers and settled down to watch Strictly, that is if I don't nod off.
    Hope everyone has had a good day, take care xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Well done on getting the first coat on. Fingers crossed you won't need a second coat : ) Best not talk about the rugby, we didn't exactly shine did we! Take care x

  23. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Sandra well done to the girls, I wonder how Lucy feels now Sophie is "together" will she feel left out?
    Brenda as ever your plaque is lovely.
    Michele love the book what a great idea.
    Janet the cushions are lovely is the wool easy to work with?
    Margaret sorry to hear about that terrible accident pray they will be alright that poor Mum.
    Michele hope you have a safe trip.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  24. Just had a story read to me by wee grandson, wait for it do any of you remember the garden gang stories??? Well yesterday I found a couple of these little ladybird books in the box seat in our bedroom and put them on the shelve where the books that Andrew reads when he is here are kept,well of coarse he spotted them and asked where they came from and I told him they had belong to his auntie Gillian , uncle Christopher and his mummy when they were little,then said " naughty them" why I asked " well granny it's very, very naughty to draw or that on books". I had to then explain the book was bought with those drawings like that, well then the book people arent very good at colouring are they! Well what can you say? Any way he has just loved every minute of reading Sheila Shallotte and Benny broad bean, And wants to read more of them the next time he comes!!! Now I know we have more but where??? Is the question are they in the loft. But it took me back years hearing him read and only a couple of words had to be sounded out. So his mum. xxx

    1. We only had a couple of the garden gang books but I hope you can find the rest of yours for Andrew to enjoy, bless him : )

  25. Hello Everyone,
    I know, I know, I'm very late. I've had a lovely day in the town. I've never seen so many hunks in kilts, and they were all very nice to me. Of course, I'm no threat - it's amazing what you can get away with when you're old!!!!
    Brenda LL, I love the sun dial plaque. It's really effective, and if it's not a sun dial, well you can make me one next time lol.
    Michele, your book is gorgeous, it's so Christmassy. Now isn't that silly, of course it is, it's a Christmas book!!!
    Janet, Now if I had one of these cushions to snuggle with when using my Margaret bags, that would be the finishing touch. ha ha.
    I'm so sorry ladies that I am very tired, I have had a very quick scan through the comments and can remember to say that I think Cheryl is amazing how she handles her problems.
    Margaret C, I'll remember the daddy and his daughter in my prayers.
    Sandra, congratulations to the girls on their win.
    The brain is seizing up, I have to say goodnight, God Bless, sweet dreams and I'll see you tomorrow. I'm off to dream of hairy knees, sporrans and kilts!!!
    Muriel xxxx
    Has anyone seen Saba? Is Norah at the wedding?

    1. You are a one Maureen! Sweet dreams - try not. To peek under those kilts!!!!! Xxxxx

    2. Hi Maureen. It's no surprise you are tired. Its after chasing all if those young men in their kilts! I hope you had lovely dreams : ) Take care x

  26. Hello everyone,
    Baby sitting going well, Ciara in bed, brother playing for time (he is on a count down!) Ciara carried out her Altar serving duty very well. There were five altar servers, she was the only girl, but that didn't bother her, she is quite a Tomboy in lots of ways.
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    MARGARET the young Father and Daughter are in my prayers . I have been thinking, that accident could have happened to anyone of us. xx

    Sleep well dear friends, Love and hugs , Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda OB,
      Just a quickie to say that we call the girl servers at Mass as Serviettes!!!! (meaning it in a loving, caring, affectionate way) xxx

  27. Hellooooooo has everyone gone to bed
    Good night everyone sleep tight don't let the bed bug's bite.
    Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda, did you have a nice Saturday ?

  28. Hi all, just come by to say sweet dreams and hope we all have a good night.
    OH had problems today so we didn't do any gardening in the end and I was quite glad for I can feel the Aqua in my arms and bum today. We had a walk again instead in the sunshine ,so nice still. Thought of calling my parents but know they was going to my sisters and then out for early dinner so call them tomorrow instead. It was mum's birthday today.
    So sweet reading of Emma and the carrots, bless her tihi
    I hope you all who had your grand kids around is not to exhausted for tomorrow is another day if they having a sleepover. Have fun.
    Hope our missing friends are alright and the newcomers who popped in will come for a coffee soon again. Hugs Maria x

  29. It is quiet tonight, I think everyone is worn out with grandchildren or from the dreadful rugby result. Maria I hadn't twigged the match was near you, hope you didn't get caught in the traffic. Happy birthday to your mum. Xxx I'm off to bed now - football is now on - although Southampton won today against Chelsea , thers only so much sport I can watch! Sweet dreams everyone xxxxx

  30. Thank you all for your wonderful comments about my pottery today. Much appreciated. Some little girls at the pottery thought it was 'very cool'f. Must go to bed. Am really tired. Looks like I am the last one up. No Saba. Hope she's ok. Probably no internet.

  31. Night Night Everyone,
    So sorry not been in tonight but getting ready for tomorrow and I needed to watch Bake Off as I missed it last week . Also Downton Abbey!
    Sleep well, God Bless,

  32. Sorry Ladies just lost long post, this silly iPad is driving me nutty.
    Loved the crafts today.
    Hope everyone has a good night

    1. Hi Lilian.It us so annoying when that happwns isnt it! I hope you are well today. Take care x
