
Monday 12 October 2015

I Just loved the sentiment

Good Morning Dear Friends,
I am sharing with you today the amazing card that I received from Brenda (LL) for my birthday
I just love the sentiment, maybe today will be the today, I could use one right now!
Brenda has used many different stamping techniques on this card, It appears as though there are two layers of decorative papers but in fact it is an illusion, It looks to me like Brenda has masked off the edge of the card and stamped and blending different colour inks to create that stunning background, then stamped the silhouette grasses in the foreground, then it looks as though Brenda has removed the tape and inked the leaf pattern around the edges of the card with the same colour inks, just a stronger Hue, up close it looks amazing! The topper has been inked again in same colours and then the sentiment has been stamped on top, this has been matted onto dark card, to match the matt layers in the background.
The Butterfly looks real, it has been stamped and coloured so perfectly, one thing that hasn't been picked up is the sparkle, just here and there on the card, just the right amount.
Brenda the card is stunning and I love it, thank you so very much xxxx

Thank you to each and everyone of you, you are an amazing bunch of friends, without whom my life would not be complete!
Love and hugs to all of you,
Sandra x


  1. Beautiful card Sandra, Brenda's sentiment is gorgeous.Belated Happy Birthday wishes.Love & hUgs

    Jacquie J xxx

  2. Good morning lovely Sandra and ladies,
    I've the put the heating on in here this morning and turned on all the little lamps to make it cosy. There are some fresh croissants all ready and some homemade lemon curd to go with them. It's Margarets recipe and its scrummy.
    I'll just go and sit on the big fluffy cushion and wait for you all to come in.
    I am waiting for the plasterer to arrive. Bed moved AGAIN. Will be so glad when this window is finally finished.
    I am going to make some more c cards today, have now decided on a different theme but think I am happier with this one.
    Brenda, your card is fabulous. I love the sentiment and your stamping and colouring is brilliant. Your beautiful butterfly looks so realistic, Lynda will be wanting it! Hope you are feeling a little bit brighter today, sorry we had all gone to bed when you came in last evening and were feeling a bit lonely. Massive great hugs for you today.
    Love and for now.
    Saba xxxxx

    1. SABA:- great to see you so early .... bet your not quite so happy about it though!! Have come to join you and have a good old chat about meeting up soon. Have you got your evening dress and tiara ready for the Saturday evening?? I decided against it, do have a nice top and trousers hanging up, ready to go in my bag.
      Mmmm!! your Lemon Curd is delicious might need to get that recipe as well. Margaret has some cracking recipes, the Butter Biscuit one is brilliant and they so moreish. xxx

    2. Morning Saba, hope all goes well today and the plaster is tidier.

    3. Morning Saba
      Good luck for today with the plasterers. The extension at Christinas' is 3/4 finished. It's a two storey one (utility room downstairs and the bathroom being enlarged upstairs). They have a complete roof on now but all the inside work needs doing and the windows glazing etc etc. (I feel as though I'm in The King and I with the etcs) anyway the biggest problem is that they're having to use the bathroom/toilet while the builders are extending it as it's the only one they have and most importantly the one and only toilet they are left with is in there having had to have the downstairs one taken out right at the beginning of the build as it was in the old utility room. It's a good job she's used to 'roughing it' eg no central heating etc (there I go again).
      It will be lovely when finished but it's getting there isn't it. Robert has carved one stone which has already been fitted into the outside wall and is on with carving a date stone but has told the builders he is waiting for the last number to put in!!!!
      Calming hugs for you today. xxxx

    4. Good Morning Saba, I hope the plasters don't take all day to make your bedroom walls good. Enjoy your day making C cards - AND coffee !!! xxx

    5. Morning Saba hope all goes well with the plastering today and enjoy doing your C cards, wish i could decide what theme to go by my mind seems all over the place at the moment. xxx

    6. Hello - you are up with the lark this morning! Hope there are no tears today! Be good Herr Plasterer! Enjoy making your cards. Xxx

    7. Good morning SABA everyone is tormenting me with all the lovely butterflys Haha.
      Hope all goes well for you with the plastering. Enjoy your C card crafting I must start soon too. Xxx

    8. Hi Saba. Hope your day isn't as bad as when the window was put in and they leave the room cleaner this time.

    9. Hi Saba
      I don't know - plastered this early in the morning!!! Hahaha . Hope they don't make too much mess! Xxxx

    10. Hi Saba, Hope the plastering is now almost finished. Don't forget to put the empties in the bin! xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and the Café gang. Wow!! our BIG meet up is getting nearer. Could not sleep for ages last night thinking about it ... exciting times!!!
    WOW!! BRENDA:- your card is absolutely brilliant, love it. The sentiment is amazing, think we might all be looking for that today!! Monday's can be a busy day for most of us.
    Everything looking great, lots of goodies on offer for the day ahead. Got my Tea & Toast and am over at the corner table to see who pops in or who's a bit nosey and just looks in the window.
    See you all later. xxx

    1. ' morning Patricia! Has the rain stopped! Hope so! Xxx

    2. Thank you Patricia. It's a lovely sentiment isn't it. Think it was on a sheet of other stamps from Chocolate Baroque. Will check.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Brenda- your card is gorgeous & I love the sentiment.

    I managed to type up my list of dies & will email it out this evening. If anyone isn't on the email list & wants a copy please pass on your address to Sandra (hope that's OK Sandra?!). If anyone wants anything cutting out then please ask- just specify the colour & quantity and I'll get cutting.

    Sandra-have a nice relaxing day with your Big Shot in your craft room!
    Right-busy day ahead so I'll have to get ready for work. Will pop in later.


    1. Oh Michele , you make me feel ashamed! Well done you! Xxx

    2. Oh Michele, I wish you hadn't. Goodness knows when I'll get mine done xxxx

  5. Good morning ladies,
    Oh it's looks so cosy in here this morning, that's the part I like about autumn/winter is the cosines of lamps and candles.
    Brenda your card is gorgeous, must have taken some time to do, was it relaxing to colour. Let's hope we all find the butterfly today,
    Sandra I hope you are enjoying playing with your big shot,(I'm not jealous really)
    Hope the rain stays away Patricia, but did you have a relaxing day yesterday instead of shopping.
    We went to Fleetwood yesterday, took the dogs as well,
    I did a lot of clothes shopping for Nic on Saturday as the weather is turning, she chose a cream quilted coat, that will have to be for best, so we wanted a darker one for everyday wear, she was so good and relaxed, trying different coats on, found a burgundy one which we all liked so we had a smashing weekend,
    She was so excited when strictly came on, loved it when Len gave a seven, but I think I got her excited when Jay got ten, her arms were up and she was shouting hooray .
    Will be painting the hallway today, so may pop back later,
    Hugs in the usual place,
    Take care everyone,

    1. Jean, she wasn't the only one shouting hooray. They were fab.
      Plasterers are here, seem a friendly pair so I have put the coffee machine on. Be glad when they have gone though, I can never relax when there are workmen in the house. Xxxx

    2. Saba, I know what you mean, stair and hall carpet being fitted tomorrow, I hope they are finished before John goes to work at 1.30.
      They have been here before and are nice men but I still rather John be here. Silly isn't it

    3. Hi Jean sounds like you had a lovely weekend with Nic so pleased you manage to the right coat that you and Nic both liked. Our girls do pick up our excitement so quickly and always love to join in don't they and always make me smile.Hope the painting goes

    4. Jean! I thought of you and Nic too when they were giving the scores and I wanted them to give sevens - just for Nic! I'm afraid I record the show and fast forward the bits I don't want . Xxx

    5. Hi Jean soo pleased Nic had a good day shopping & managed to get not one but two coats. I hope the carpets get fitted before John goes to work,I know what you mean. Xx

    6. Thank you for your kind comments about my card. Glad you had a good weekend. No what you mean about having workmen in the house but unfortunately I have no choice but don't like it at all. Put some jobs off because of that. Hope they finish before John goes to work.

    7. Hi Jean, lovely to read Nic enjoyed her shopping with you.
      I have to admit I'm not a Strictly fan, I preferred Dancing on Ice.

    8. Hi Jean, I don't like being in the house with workmen. Unless of course they are tall, dark and handsome!!! (Seriously, I know exactly what you mean). Glad Nic had such a lovely day with you, and Strictly being the great finish to a lovely day. xxxx

  6. Good morning Ladies,

    Another dampish start this week, let's hope we can get out of our village for our Monday walk. Maureen & I do have a master plan should this not be forthcoming. Over the years, our PC has had leaflets printed out with all the footpaths in our parish highlighted and Cannington Walks have developed along these paths, so if we find ourselves stranded again, we are going to do these.

    Brenda, I do adore your beautiful card. The inking is superb, mine always tend to look like a splodge! Like Lynda, I do occasionally use flutterbys on my cards and the most amazing thing happened when Nathan (Pete's only born son) came to visit him in the Garden of Rest. An orb appeared at Nathan's left shoulder and a Red Admiral flutterby hovered around us. We all felt there was a sense of completeness and peace that morning.

    Still trying to work out what I need to bring with for the retreat. Has anyone used Pan Pastels? I went to an Indigo Blu make and take just after Pete had left us, and for the life of me don't remember half of what Kay said about them only that I thought I might get on better with these than distressing inks. Needless to say, they are still in the box and despite a half hearted attempt to have another go, I think I might be a bit heavy handed with them. I have a handled storage box slowly filling up with goofies to bring, I might just go and add them now.
    Clock's ticking so I'm off to get ready for walking, see you all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl I use the Pan pastels now and again just the way Sue W uses distress inks to a die but other than that I haven't used them for anything else. Enjoy your walk. xxx

    2. Cheryl I tried them years ago but I was never really satisfied with my results as they always seemed to smudge! Like Sheila I tried using them around sentiments etc but gave up and gave them away! Xxx

    3. Good morning CHERYL I'v never used pan pastels but did use chalkes way back but never got on with them & gave them away.
      Enjoy your walk. Xxx

    4. Sorry CHERYL I ment to say what lovely & amazing thing about the butterfly hovering round you when you went to see Pete.Xx

    5. Goofies should have been goodies. x

    6. Cheryl, I thought Goofies must be a saying in your part of the World!!! How lovely about the Red Admiral, I got goosepimples reading about it. I hope you are feeling a lot better today, and hope you managed to get out for your walk. xxxx

  7. Oh my good morning Saba! Your in bright and early? I see you and Patricia and chatting, so will get my tea and come and join you.
    Brenda, your card is truely stunning, I can't stamp for peanuts, so I am in awe of those who can stamp.
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling a bit brighter this morning.
    Oh I need to go back and read yesterday's comments if I am to answer everything so instead I hope everyone is ok and if not ((((( hugs)))))
    Off to chat with Patricia and Saba who looks like she could be doing to go back to bed, but seeing it's in bits and the plaster is hopefully busy working she can just sit and chat to all who calls in. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel! You are all toooo early for me! Xxx

  8. Morning/afternoon to all who may pop in today.
    I've just managed to read through yesterday's notes. Thank you all for your lovely comments about Sandra's bday card. They are really appreciated. They are so special coming from crafters who know what the cards entail.

    Brenda - your card for Sandra is just wonderful. I'm always in great awe of crafters who produce such wonderful creations by stamping and colour. I try and try but am never successful and so I always return to what I know. So Sandra is one very lucky lady to receive such a beautiful creation.

    We have a lovely day yesterday; lunch in Bakewell though it was packed with people and nothing special happening but the weather was reasonable so I suppose people were just making the best of it and then on to Christina and Robert and their building site. I've left a description on Saba's comment if you wish to read it. We saw her latest Willow Weaving creations finished and in the making. She really has a talent for crafting in all areas. We had a lovely afternoon and tea with them and then got home around 20.30hrs both of us exhausted. Jim in particular as these days he doesn't take to night driving and of course until we get back to the Sheffield boundary the roads are tight and winding. Needless to say we were not late in bed last night and he's still there. Today is the start of him sorting the car ready for packing it.

    Tomorrow it's my Knit and Natter and my turn for the demo card so I've got to make sure I've got everything in the packs for that.
    I'm half looking forward to a few weeks over in Marigny but I have to confess I really do wish I was joining you all at the Retreat. I've fingers, toes and anything else I can cross that I can join you next year perhaps in the Spring.

    Anyway I'm off now to sit a little while and then go and make a start in the Kitchen sorting the freezer. I'll see you all later.
    xxxx Oh the hugs should be in their usual place. Please use them all as they're easily replaced.

    1. Glad you had a lovely , if tiring day yesterday Janet! As for the packing - keeeep smiling! Hope your prep for knit and natter goes well. Xx

    2. Good morning JANET gosh Christina has a lot of building work going on,the end result will be worth all the mess.Enjoy your knit & Natter.Xxx

    3. Hello Janet, I hope the Knit and Natter was good. xxx

    4. By, time goes by so fast, it's tomorrow already xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    So much for John leaving me to rest when he went off to do the school run, I couldn't go back to sleep. Anyway I thought I'd pop in and see what everyone is up to.
    Brenda, I love the card you made for Sandra, the sentiment is great, and would work for so many occasions. I like how know you have created the illusion of layers, must try this, it works so well with the dies you have used. Thank you for the inspiration XX
    Cheryl, I hope you manage to get out on your Monday walk also hope the weather keeps fine for you. Love the story about the butterflies (even Flutterbyes) Yes I'm sure you felt feeling of peace and completeness. LOL
    Sandra what are you up to today? I hope you will be taking things easy, or is it the Monday morning thing, where the family have created havoc over the weekend and mum is left to sort it all out? Has the pain in your hip eased at all?
    Well I think I'll just take a latte and sit by the window for a while.
    Hope everybody has a good day, Thinking of you all, love and hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well we were told the weather was to be fine today but now I know why it's raining, Saba has been in and was first in too ! Have fun with your plasterers hope they enjoy the coffee. I always find that if you give workmen a cuppa and some snack they work so much better and are much more helpful too!
    Brenda your card is so beautiful I love everything about it and the sentiment is wonderful.
    Monday again so cleaning and windows are on the menu today, will call in later to see if the plasterers have finished!
    Have a lovely day everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret C, I cannot believe that you are not baking!!! xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all in this grey ? day, well it's not raining but very heavy clouds around.
    Love the card you got from our Brenda LL Sandra. The colours and stamping is perfect and I like to do more of stamping but I need to get rid of all decoupage I still got before I start on something new, I think.
    Good luck Saba with your plasterer, hope he makes a tidy work. Mind that back of yours moving the bed again.
    Janet, your daughters place sound like a building site but how wonderful it must be when finished. Good luck with your packing up for Marigny.
    Cheryl- have a nice walk if you get out and enjoy getting the cobwebs blown away :-) Lovely thing happened with the butterfly .
    Step-son off back home to Bournemouth so we take him to the station soon and then we go for some shopping, food, the cupboards and fridge once again empty. Costly to have two strapping lads in the house :-)
    See you later, love and hugs to all Maria x

    1. MARIA have a lovely day & more food shopping it will definitely last longer now Step-son has gone home.Xxx

    2. Maria, I'd be a millionaire if George had a smaller appetite xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Sorry I went awol yesterday, I just had one of those days when I just didn't feel like doing anything even chatting so had PJ day and just a very lazy day.
    Brenda I love your card, you colouring is beautiful, I wish it was one of the things I could do but no matter how much I try my effort still looks flat and awful and I'm sure a five year old would do better so I'll stick to my dies and the odd stamp. I love butterflies I've always thought of them as being quite spiritual and if there is room on my card I'll add one.
    Well It would have been our 47th wedding anniversary today so instead of mopeing around the house I'm going to get myself ready and go in to town. I can still remember the day so clearly even my wedding dress is still in the loft.
    Must get a move on see you later. Have left extra hugs in the basket so pleas help yourself.
    Lots of love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Oh Sheila, another first for you, we'll done for going out. Treat yourself to something in town. Hoping your happy memories of your special day will help you through it.
      Lots of love to you
      Saba xxxx

    2. Sheila, just put those wonderful memories in your mind and heart and it will help,get you through the day. (((((hugs))))))

    3. Sheila, thinking of you today and I hope it turns out to be a better day than you dared hope! Thankfully you have happy memories to blunt the sadness! Sending lots of love. Xxx

    4. Sheila thinking of you today I am so pleased you are having a day out hoping you enjoy yourself and are able to remember and hang on to those wonderful happy memories.
      Lots of love

    5. SHEILA my lovely thinking of you today so pleased your going out just think of all the lovely happy memories you shared with your dear Clive & hope you enjoy your day. Lots of Love Lynda xxxx

    6. Hi Sheila,
      Well done you for going out today treat yourself and remember all the memories, my wedding dress is still in loft came out when Sue wore it for her wedding Gemma did say that she wanted when or if she got married but I think it will be too small shame really. Love Margaret xx

    7. Hi Sheila
      Good on you going out today, I hope you treated yourself to something lovely and perhaps a little treat for dinner tonight. Sending you a big hug xxx

    8. Sheila,
      Good on you for going out to enjoy your 47th Anniversary and your memories will never fade. And I am still there at your shoulder helping you put one foot forward at a time.
      I found these few words I'd like to share with you....
      'Let me come in- I would only breathe a prayer and hold your hand. For I have known a sorrow such as yours and I understand'
      Special hugs and love for you today. xxx

    9. Hi Sheila, I hope you had a nice day out and had some lovely memories of your wedding day to think back to. Have a nice evening and if you like to talk do pop in later tonight, always someone in
      hugs Xxx

    10. Hello Sheila, so glad you made the decision to out today. I hope you treated your self to something nice.
      I just LOVE those words Cheryl has shared with you.
      (((((hugs))))) xxx

    11. Hello Sheila,
      I wish I could take some of your pain, and then I read Cheryl's words and the tears came. I hope today has passed quickly for you and that is another milestone that you have overcome. Love and prayers. xxx

    12. Sheila, did you have a lovely trip out and did you treat yourself? Clive will have been there with you. Cheryl your words brought tears to my eyes, they are besutiful. xxx

    13. Wow Cheryl that's lovely! So poignant but yet so true! Xxxx

    14. Cheryl your words are quite simply wonderful and so very true, xxx

  13. Hi Shelia. Clive will be so proud and happy looking down on you getting out and about on this very special day. Treat yourself something to something special, then let us know what it is, please. Sending you a special hug. Take care x

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Brenda littlelamb, this beautiful card has such depth to it " in the flesh" you are so clever. It is simply gorgeous. I hope you feel up to having a play with your new toy today. Take care x

  15. Oops, got muddled then!
    Sandra, I hope you are playing with your new toy today. Have you sorted the embossing mat out yet? I can't wait to see what it is like. Have a relaxing day my lovely xx
    Saba, I hope the builders can get their work done quickly and as cleanly as possible. Please don't go moving that bed and mattress on your own this time. We don't want any more bad backs now do we?
    Jean, its lovely to hear you had a great time with Nic on Saturday. I hope the painting goes well.
    Maria, enjoy restocking the cupboards after your step sons visit. At least he has a healthy appetite, rather than being a lucky eater.
    Janet, you will see a big difference at your daughters when you get back from Marigny, well, I hope you do!
    Brenda Lello, have a nice relax in the Cafe as you couldn't get back to sleep earlier.
    I hope everyone has a good day, it is bright and sunny here at the moment, hope it stays so the washing dries well! Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue,
      Hope yesterday's Church with the Beavers went well. Xxx

    2. Good morning Sue hope your feeling better today have a good day xxx

    3. Hi Sue, hope you are well today xxxx

  16. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Hate to rub your noses in it but we have wall to wall sunshine just now, don't know what the afternoon will bring, but what a lovely morning.
    Brenda your card is love, what a patience you have for colouring in, your butterfly is amazing.
    Saba hope the plasterers get finishes quickly and don't make too much of a mess.
    Jean good luck with your painting, we have just finished ours and waiting for the carpet fitter to give us a date for fitting the stair carpet, not funny walking on bare boards!. Glad Nic managed to get something nice for the winter.
    Enjoy your walk Cheryl,mkeep,going out as long as you can n this good weather, we don't know what to expect soon.
    Shiela hope you have a lovely day, buy something nice for yourself as a treat.
    Not much on today except for housework, and then must have to make cards.
    Take care everyone, Jess xx

    1. Hello Jess! I'm glad you've got some sunshine! Long may it last! It's dry here and bright but that's about it! Xx

    2. It's dry bright but chilly here. Xxxx

    3. Jess, it is so easy to go off people. We have had regular downpours here and it's freezing. xxxx

  17. Hello Sandra,
    A question first - why could I leave comments all the way down until I reached Sheila and then it wouldn't let me?
    So I need to go back and do three more I think!
    You are all up and about early today! I thought I was doing quite well to find I was nearly last AGAIN ! I'll get a complex you know!
    Brenda - your card for Sandra is quite lovely. I wish I could stamp as well as that! I only introduce a bit of stamping - your card is a masterpiece of stamping!
    The butterfly is beautiful. Thanks for showing us your lovely cards Sandra!
    I am not going to school today. I told them on Friday . I mixed up hair appointments as I normally go on a Tuesday but have to go today as my hairdresser goes on holiday tomorrow! Someone else can have the abuse today and maybe a lesson will be learned - I don't think they will craft! They will just do games and puzzles. I feel guilty but I am just a volunteer.
    Well everyone have a good day!
    Sandra - enjoy your lovely new machine! Brenda - you too!
    Lots of love
    Myra xxx

    1. You do perfectly right Myra perhaps they will realise what a treasure you are and behaviour will improve, well you can but hope! Enjoy your trip to the hairdressers. xxx

    2. Good for you MYRA let someone else deal with the naughty child
      Enjoy your pampering at the hairdressers.Xxx

    3. Good for you Myra I am awarding you a "gold star"
      Enjoy your pampering.
      I need my hair cut but just can't get anyone to cut the way my Turkish Hairdresser does it. Might just take the scissors to it myself ... I am quite good with scissors!! xxx

    4. Oh Patricia !! Hope you don't need the Cosmic Shimmer dries clear glue! Ha ha !! Xxx

    5. Myra, when we had our hairs cut on holiday it was cut really, really short and she panic a little bit, I told it will grow and before you know it you will be wanting it cut again. Now on thursaday she was saying" oh I need it cut" we have been back a month? Says all! Yes it's needs a trim but with Patricia's hair by the end of this week it will need cutting it grows is quickly. Xxx

    6. Myra
      No I'm last I think! But my excuse is I've been out rushing about. Must get in before you tomorrow so I can hide and say Boo! Haha. Xxxx

    7. Don't you know it's dangerous to scare old ladies!! Ha ha! Xxx

    8. Well, look at the time I am posting. If certain people hadn't kept me on the phone when I kept trying to get away, I'd have been in very early. (Well, sooner than this!!!) xxx

    9. I'm sure you said not one word! If anyone believes that they are more gullible than I thought! Xxx

    10. Didn't believe a word Myra tihi xx

  18. Oh what a morning can I please have a strong coffee with something stronger in it. I had just started cleaning in the lounge when the phone rang it was my friend over the way, she was unable to speak so I went over right away she was struggling to breath, she does suffer from asthma but I have never seen her as bad as this morning. She was able to tell me the doctor was ringing in an hour! I rang and spoke to a doctor right away who told me to call 999! The emergency services were brilliant they stay on the line until the ambulance arrived with it's blue light on! I do so hate seeing a blue light but this morning I was so pleased to see it. The paramedics were wonderful got her onto oxygen right away and some medication, I collected her things up including her knitting and all her medication and off she went with the blue lights etc going! I am sitting now calming myself down it was awful seeing her gasping for breath. I do hope they get her sorted really quickly as she is going to Australia in three weeks time to see her family there and her new granddaughter.
    Well Saba things must be going well, as the sun has just come out here!
    Cheryl I do hope you are having a lovely walk today, you really are getting good at getting organised planning some alternatives too.
    Sheila thinking of you today, by the way my wedding dress is still in our loft too!
    Sandra I do hope you are enjoying playing with your new toy, oh lucky girl.
    My coffee was lovely it really has done the trick thank you, must go as the windows need cleaning, Derek took over when I rushed out, so I cannot re do it, I hope he got into all the corners with the Dyson!
    I will be making some damson jam this afternoon all being well.
    Margaret xxx

    1. MARGARET;- thank goodness she has a good and effectiant neighbour like you. Poor soul, hopefully she will now be getting the attention her problem needs and things all sorted out for going away.
      My Windows need cleaning as well after all that blooming rain.
      I am sure Derek did a grand job. John always does the kitchen and I have to say it's looking really good!!
      Now I might just be making some Lemon Curd this afternoon, thank you for the recipe. xxx

    2. Oh Margaret! I'm so very glad you were at home and no longer in plaster either! Our Emergency Services are the best . What a shock for you though! I do hope she makes a quick recovery. I'm sure she will now that she is in hospital . Now don't you go checking up on Derek's vacuuming skills! At least he did it!! Xxxx. Sending some ducky hugs too!

    3. Margaret thank goodness you were there, it does unsettle you though doesn't it. No I think you should just trust that the cleaning has been done and revisit next week. The sun was shining ( sorry!) on our kitchen window this morning and it really does need a clean. I've dropped a big hint but think I will have to climb on the work top first before I get told to leave it for him to do! Don't worry I will climb up there really carefully as I hear him coming down stairs! :) xxx

    4. Hope your friend is now ok Margaret, thank goodness you were able to help her. xx

    5. oh Margaret it must have been so scary for your neighbour and yourself. She is very lucky you were still at home and could help. Hope she will get better so she can travel in a few weeks time.

    6. Margaret,,what a day for you, I hope your friend is ok, you deserve that gold star from Patricia. X

    7. Hello Margaret C,
      I'm going to sew you a Superstar outfit to wear. It's a good job you were there and could take over. I hope she's soon home, Asthma can be life threatening and I think some people don't realise this. I see you are going to make jam today. I've posted below questioning why you aren't baking today. I was too quick off the mark!!!! xxx

  19. Oh Margaret, thank goodness you were there for her! I know how scary it is, as Charlie was like that two years ago then again last year. You feel helpless just waiting for the paramedics to turn up. Your lounge will still be there but your neighbour might not be going to see that new baby if you didn't drop everything and go to her aid. Glad the coffee worked. xxx

  20. Ladies, those who of you who are coming at the end of the month and would like me to show you how to do up one of the little baskets that I have in my blog photo, could I be really cheeky and ask if you can bring say 3 little mini products with you I have a basket and flannel for every one but on checking I don't have enough mini products, and you can make it up and take it away with you and use it as a wee gift. I have the cellophane all cut and ribbon just got tags to do. It's up to youselves. xxx

    1. No problem , Hazel! That way we spread the load too! Something else for my box! Xxx

    2. Lovely Hazel will get organised. Thank you xxxx

    3. No problems on that score Hazel, I have a little travel pack of Dove products that my guests did not use this summer. xxx

    4. Just perfect Cheryl. And also ref, the sellotape. xxx

    5. That would be lovely, Hazel, thank you x

    6. Hazel you are a treasure. That's one Christmas present sorted!
      Thank you xxxxx

    7. Hazel, you are fabulous. Let me know how much I will owe you for all the things you are supplying and I will also bring that in cash. Will we be putting them in a little basket - do we supply the basket - or some other container? I'm away when I've finished on here to sort the things out. xxxxxx

    8. No I am giving you the baskets I just need you to bring the mini products, I am down sizing as they say and it's stock that I have so much of, I would rather they were used than waste. You think you are in B&Ms , Home bargains, mother care or boots when you go into my spare room. So I have decided to just keep the basic and move the other stuff on. So everyone is welcome to the little basket and face cloth that I use in them. X

    9. This is very kind of you Hazel and I will bring something to put in the basket but it will be something I like as we don't do presents, a present for ME ! Lol xxx

    10. That's it maria why not x

  21. Good morning SANDRA & lovely ladies
    SANDRA I hope you had a good weekend & got to play with your new toy,& got your craft room sorted out for your machine to fit in the right place for you.
    We have sun this morning & one lot of washing on the line. Not upto much today just go for another walk. Hopefully I can get my birthday cards finished I did manage one yesterday & just the inside to other three then I can start Chrismas ones started. Will pop in later hope you all enjoy your day. Xxxx

  22. So sorry BRENDA your card for SANDRA is stunning I love the colours & your stamping & clolouring is beautiful & a wow for the butterfly lovely. Xxx

  23. Sat down for five minutes about 20 minutes ago. Been messaging back and forth with Hazel and Brenda LL
    Poor Hazel is running round in circles getting nowhere fast!! She been on to the Hotel confirming all the rooms and arrangements. Bet that man is REALLY looking forward to us arriving!!!
    Hazel is also getting the baskets and goodies for them all sorted out.
    She is a fantastic organiser it will all be spot on, what would we do without her??

    1. You don't have to tell me how good Hazel is at organising things !! xxx

    2. Still in our own homes on the 30th!! Xxxx

  24. Hi Sandra and all in café,

    Sandra hope you are relaxing & making good use of your new toy take care xx
    Brenda LL I love your card the colours are beautiful and the butterfly perfect touch xx
    Margaret so pleased you were on hand to help your neighbour as you say the paramedics are brilliant a special kind of person must be to do the job they do.
    Sun shining here hope Cheryl enjoyed her walk. Saba hope builders don't make too much mess.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Oh Margaret P, it's still raining here, although fair weather was forecast! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Craft room cost is now £12.50 each. As when you get the latest up date from Sandra you will know why. So I must remember and give big sister her £1 back. Remember ladies it's to be paid in cash. Thank you xxx

  26. Oh. Just thought after rereading Sandras e-mail I need to put sellotape in so off to find my spare supply, I go through rolls of it. x

    1. Don't worry about that Hazel, I bought reels of it for Christmas wrapping then decided I was going to use boxes instead this year, I'll pop some in my box for you. x

    2. Oh Hazel! I'm sure Patricia would love you to have that £1. Don't spend it all at once!!! Xxx

  27. Hello everyone,
    Windows 10 up and running. Well, I've had a lovely day so far. Been on the phone for over 3 1/2 hours to a friend. She did try to cut me off twice but hey, I'm made of sterner stuff than that!!!!
    I've just realised that I've got to go to the Supermarket, George wants pie, mushy peas and chips again for tea, he usually has it Sat lunch and Wed dinner so he's getting out of his rut ha ha. I need a fresh pie for him, quite a good exchange when you think about it, a pie for George!!!
    Must go and get changed, go to the Super and back in time for school bus.
    I'll read all the comments later when E & Z go home.
    Love and hugs, Muriel xxxx
    Ooh I've just seen that the craft room is £1 less. Now how many Baileys will that buy? lol

    1. Oh, how very rude of me,
      Brenda LL, I love your card. It is absolutely beautiful xxxxxx

    2. Hope George enjoy his pie, peas and chips.
      I have had Saturday most of the day so maybe it's the same for him, don't change your lovely George Xxx

  28. That's me sitting down again for another 10 mins. As my late MIL would say "I am full of wee rests today"
    Meat loaf and a chicken in the oven. Is cold outside but my kitchen is nice and cosy.
    RETREAT:- if any of the ladies want to do flowers with me (I have some cut out and ready) could you bring a Ball Tool with a LARGE head please, only if you have one ... don't go buying. I have a few which I will bring anyway it is just in case I don't have enough. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia you and me both are on the "wee rests" today. I think the ladies need their comic shimmer glue too? Oh sticky don't do sticky. Xxx

    2. Oh! YES!! Cosmic Shimmer a MUST for making flowers ladies.
      If you have "pricking mat" .... same mat Sue Wilson uses with the ruler and pokey tool to do her pierced borders. Please bring it you need that to shape the flowers. xxx

    3. Will do! Isn't it exciting!!!
      I've been looking at the Hotel again and there are tea and coffee making facilities in each room. Xxx

    4. Ooh, I wish you'd all stop it. I'm getting all excited. Myra, I'll e-mail you for the site of the hotel. I can never find anything about it. I know, don't say it, I'm useless xxxxx

    5. We are going to be neighbours! Shall we chat over the fence? Xxxx

  29. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late, been dashing around today from the start. I had to do an airport run this morning, Julian's mum and her hubby are having a few days in Edinburgh rather than their week on a canal boat so plans changed at the last moment. I stopped off at the shops on the way back but got a phone all from Julian, he needed his car back and my keys were in my bag! Whoops! He's poorly today , full of a snotty cold so was working from home but had to go out to do a site visit. Good thing he was working and not tucked up in bed asleep!
    Brenda what a beautiful card, love your stamping and blending, you are clever. The butterfly is beautiful too. Thank you so much for sharing. Xxx
    Right I must get on, I should be doing some searching on the internet for something but it's very easy to get sidetracked :) see you later xxxxx

    1. Hello Dainty, I am going upward with my replies instead of down, but I'm getting a headache, I think it must be the altitude, so after you I'm going to the top. Work that out if you can. I hope Julian soon recovers, there's only one thing worse than a poorly man, and that's two poorly men!!! xxxx

    2. That made me laugh! Xxx

  30. Hello Sandra and Ladies, gosh I really am late today, Monday always busy, tidying up before cleaner comes,( making sure everything put away and surfaces clear ) o/h always complains, but don't want to pay her to put away his paper work.
    Brenda your card is beautiful, I love stamping, it's my favourite way of doing my cards, although at the moment am using up decoupage,which scanncut cuts out so well.
    Ladies your retreat sounds fabulous,hope you have a lovely time and please take photos for those of us who can't be with you,does the hotel know what to expect!!!!!!!!
    I'll pop back later and catch up previous comments, been a lovely sunny day here.
    Have a little more sewing to do so I'd better shift myself.
    Hope everything goes as planned for everyone.

    1. Hi Lilian, stamping is my favourite too. Wish you were coming, any chance you could get away? xxx

    2. LILILAN:- I am sure there are still a few room available.
      If your interested just shout. xxx

    3. I would love to come but I would feel I would I would be gate crashing your party, maybe next time if I'm allowed.
      I'm sure you'll all have a whale of a time, not sure how much crafting is going to be done with all that wine and rum !!!!!!
      Manny thanks for asking me you have no idea how good that makes me feel.

  31. SABA:- how are you???
    I hope the "plasterers" did not make a mess and your cleaning!!! xxx

    1. Patricia you are a witch! I was just about to reply when your comment came through! Xxxx

    2. Been told that a few times!!! xxx

    3. But you only look a little bit like a witch Patricia, I think it's the black cat on your shoulder and the long flowing cape that does it!!! (hard hat) xxxx

    4. MAUREEN:- did you have to tell everyone!!! xxx

    5. No - she's just helpful like that! Xxxx

  32. Good evening all,
    Well I am pleased to say my plasterers were two very nice men who made very little mess. Just the odd white footprint and a tiny bit of dust. They did a nice tidy job too so I was a happy bunny. So much so I took my courage in both hands and phoned a lovely lady with whom I have never before spoken. 3 1\2 hours later and I know it was the right decision. And if you haven't guessed by now who it was, it was our lovely Muriel.
    Muriel it was so very lovely speaking to you and I strongly suspect that if there had not been a call of nature we would still be on the phone. I did offer to go with her to the ladies but she declined! I am a former nurse, I have heard people tinkle before!!!
    Anyway after that I sat and made one c card and felt a bit sleepy, laid on the sofa and that is where I have been ever since, in the land of nod. I woke up just before Peter arrived home.
    Margaret, I do hope your neighbour is recovering well. It must have been very frightening for you all. I once spent a few days on ICU following a bad asthma attack and it was terrifying to say the least.
    Well I am going to start writing a list of what we need to bring with us. I can borrow most of it from Joanne, except for the wine, I think I shall just buy mine at the hotel as and when I fancy a glass, I only really drink white and I dont think we are likely to have a refrigerator in our rooms. The excitement is really building up now but I feel so sorry for those of you who aren't coming, we must be driving you potty.
    Off to make a start on dinner now, be back later

    1. SABA:- glad it was a happier outcome this week. Makes it so much easier to cope with when you get good workmen.
      Wow! oh! Wow! that was some phone call. Maureen is an absolute darling, I am not surprised you talked for such a long time. Maureen is one of these people you meet/chat to and you have known her for ever!!! I am really looking forward to meeting up with her again in a few weeks. I am of course looking forward to meeting "everyone" It is getting rather exciting and yes! it must be a bit of a bind for those not comeing. If it all goes as we expect we can arrange another for next year. Not too soon though, I would need time to save.
      I beleive we have Tea & Coffee facilities in our rooms but don't know about the fridge. Your right a few glasses of wine won't break the bank. xxx

    2. Patricia, you are too kind. Saba did try to hang up twice, but I wouldn't let her go. You know how I am ha ha. I told her what you and Hazel were like, but she refused to believe me!!!! xxxx

    3. Oh wow! You are such a rascal! I couldn't possibly ring you now as after about ten minutes I just dry up! I'll just enjoy listening to you all and yes - I too shall buy the wine! I don't drink much so it won't break the bank. Xxx

    4. Saba you could bring your won wine and do what students in halls of residence do, put it in a carrier bag and hang it outside your bedroom window!

    5. Margaret don't give her ideas x

  33. My goodness, I'm going to need a bigger case. X

    1. Oh good Jess, make it big enough and I can fit in xxxx

    2. MAUREEN:- how are you going to get from Newcastle to Birmingham???. It's only then you would get into Jess's case!! xxx

    3. Does Jess live in Birmingham? xx

    4. No but Jess is on the train with us and ours goes from Edinburgh to Birmingham where we are meeting up you!! xxx

    5. Well, she has no consideration. She should have booked to Newcastle, then on to Birmingham. That's one Christmas Card less I'll be taking ha ha xxxx

  34. I have put away the cabin sized case and I am now taking the next one in the set, not full of my clothes or crafty things not even drink! Don't drink and will just buys any bottles of water or a can of juice if I want. I saw I am on the ground floor. I can pop along and make a tea if I need one, No my case has raffle goodies, etc. just back in from taking 40 minutes to do a 15 minute round journey taking niece and nephew home, all because a quarter of a mile of riad works ahhhhhh xxx

    1. Just checked, my room is no where near yours. That's a right bummer.
      Can't believe that short journey took so long.
      That's them fed again, mum & dad will be home again soon. xxx

    2. Are you talking about the Retreat, how did you find out where your rooms are. Oh why can I never find out things. Hazel, have a wee rest after the nightmare journey. xxxx

    3. Is it near mine? Please don't have bellows for 7 am!!! Xxx

    4. How did you find out which room you were in then Hazel and Patricia. I always thought you had to wait until you got they're.

    5. I'm in a Patricia - Diane sandwich! With Saba two doors away! It'll be the quiet end - I can see that! Xxx

    6. No I'm not - I can't read!!! I'm next door to Muriel! Well they've the two quietest ones together! Peace in Our Time!! Xxx

    7. God help you, she can talk the hind leg off a donkey. Hard hat on.
      Kettle calling the pan black here.

    8. Well it's ok ! I don't talk much! Xxxx

  35. Hello ladies,
    I have been commenting on all your posts, first I went up, then I went down. I'm going to try to find the Hotel, only one problem, I can't remember the name!!! xxx

    1. Ok maureen my friend you are near me in room 4. Only the good ones get in that floor, the not so good are up in the gods. Xxx

    2. Hillscourt Conference Centre
      When you get in look at the example of the menus.
      Food looks really good xxx

    3. No! Hazel the good get nearer to Heaven!!

    4. Me neither! Ooh I need to know where my room is. I just bet they have put me up in the attic!

    5. I hasten to add I put that before I saw your reply Patricia xxx

    6. I looked at the menus the other night! Alastair was impressed with the quality of the facilities for the price we are paying! Xxx

    7. Ooh, don't, I can't stand the excitement. I'm getting the tanker out now, anyone for a drink?!!! xxxx

    8. How about a Cherry Brandy??? Or a Rum and Coke? Xxx

    9. Or even rum and blackcurrant urgggggggggggghhhhhhhhh xxxx

    10. Myra, I think we are getting a brilliant deal, and the food looks good, they did tell me if you have the breakfast you won't be hungry that's for sure. x I have been to loads of conferences with Lesley and the girls and the good has always been good. X

  36. Hi Sandra
    Well what a stunning card Brenda made, did I see this one as I don't remember it. Mind you my memory isn't what it was.
    Also with so much going on in the house yesterday I forgot until just now I didn't see yesterday's blog. Janet thanks for reminding us about Paris. A truly wonderful city.
    I see that Patricia and Hazel know there room numbers, I didn't think hotels knew that information until the last minute.
    I'm still waiting on a reply from Spellbinders re my machine. I emailed again at tea time, as I couldn't find a receipt for it. Well I bought it online, but it's a longish story to go into here.
    Fantastic news that Brenda LL is coming to the retreat isn't it.
    Just read Hazels post that Maureen's in room four. Did you have a list from them then Hazel to let you know everyone's room number and what floor they are on?.

    1. Pat Matthew sent it to me this morning so I could check everyone was book who should be, don't worry you are in 6 just along from Sandra and Sue, SABA you are 12 Jess is 10 any one else want to know? Xx

  37. Oh my word I can feel all this excitement can someone tell me what's happening please!!!! Haha xxx

    1. LYNDA:- it is the room booking for the Retreat.
      Why are you not coming??? xxx

    2. You've got to come next time! Please! Lynda xxx

    3. Lynda, I'll even make a butterfly for you. Xxxx

    4. I'll promise not to sing if you come Lynda!!! xxx

    5. Ooh! Please come!!! Xxxx

  38. I'm just popping out - so glad I checket that - I was pooping out for a moment-
    Anyway I am going to watch Eastenders. I know I know it's a load of tosh but I like it. Will call back in and let you know what's happening!!
    Bye for now

    1. That's a German word I've never heard before - checket !!! (duck quick and get the rum and blackcurrant ready!!!!) xxxxx

    2. Like it Maureen!!! Now ladies you are all going on about drink at the retreat, I will bring some Maltesser cake and another tray bake that has crunchie and salted peanuts in it is any one got an allergy to them? If we all bring some thing even a tube of Pringles we will have plenty. X

    3. Hazel has reminded me I told Sandra away back when!!!? I would bring some Tablet and Ballieys Truffles and I will I promise. I am sure if a few of us bring a little something we will have more than enough. xxx

    4. Oh sausages. I should be more careful. But I'm still glad I checket it!
      Pooping out would have been worse. Eastenders was thrilling. Tosh, but thrilling. Well actually it was a load of rubbish.
      Hazel, forget the crafting, I will just sit in a corner and eat your tray bakes.
      Muriel I've got the rum, just need the black current, will Ribena do?

    5. SABA:- one quick question ... do YOU honestly think much Crafting will get done on this weekend??? xxx

  39. Right folks I am going to get ready for bed.
    Goodnight, God Bless see you all in the morning xxx

  40. Right I am going to have to go put iPad on charge it's been busy all day and running out of power, night night.x

  41. Ok, I'll bring myself, that should be enough to finish the lot of you off!!!
    Night, night Patricia, I'm looking forward to the Tablet, but will give the Baileys a miss (that's if I'm offered any). Now what can I bring? Oh, why do you make it so hard for me!!! xxxx
    Right, Margaret bags ready, George is away up, and I can hear him chuntering away, so I'll go and see what he wants. I know what he'll get, got the rubber mallet behind my back ha ha.
    Up until now Windows 10 is behaving itself, but I can't print anything, or get into some parts. So I'll have to see my friendly neighbour again. Better leave it a week or two though.
    Sweet dreams, God bless and see you tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxxx

    1. MAUREEN:- the Truffles will just have a little Baileys in them. I am sure
      you would not even know it was in them!!
      Ok! Ok! I will keep some extra Tablet for you my dear friend. xxx

    2. Maureen you could take some bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale! That would get everyone to sleep that's for sure! xxx

  42. That's better, I pad was being naughty and wouldn't let me comment!
    I wish you lot would stop it, I am so peckish and need a truffle. Will just have to make do with a bag of haribo.
    I am going too. Despite my afternoon snooze, my eyes are refusing to stay open.
    See you all tomorrow, night God bless all.
    Ps I have got the plumber coming tomorrow. I'm not making it up. He is coming to check the gas fire and fix a leaky tap!!!

    1. Whew! You'll be glad to come to England for a break from tradesmen!
      Nightie night - sleep well everyone!
      God Bless xxxxx

  43. Oh dea looks as if everyone is going to bed and I have only just got here. Been a busy day. Sandra. Thank you for showing the card I sent you. I think they were all Chocolate Baroque stamps except the little leave around the edge. Sandra was right about how it was made. I used Distress Inks for the blending. Line using those and also coloured the butterfly with them with a wet paintbrush. Did the sparkle with a Wink of Stella brush which was a clear one. You can get different colours. Thank you all for your lovely comments.
    Margaret. I was so sorry to hear about your neighbour. Asthma is a frightening thing. Scarlett had a bad one one time and I had to rush her to hospital. She had another spell in hospital last year but that attack wasn't quite so bad. Hope your neighbour manages to go, to Australia to see her new granddaughter.
    Sheila. Hope you managed to enjoy your day. It would have been my 49th anniversary a few weeks ago and I still have my wedding dress in the loft so you are not the only one. Well have to go for my mammogram tomorrow. Not looking forward to it but it needs to be done before I go back to the Cancer unit. Hope you all have a good nights sleep.

    1. Brenda, I'm so glad I checked back! I do hope all goes well tomorrow! I'll be thinking about you. Do let me know how you get on!
      Night Night, Slerp well. God Bless! Xxx

    2. Brenda I do so hope all goes really well tomorrow for you be sure to remember Myra and I will be thinking of you so you will not exactly be alone dear lady do let us nosey ones know how it goes please. xxx

    3. Take care for tomorrow Brenda, . You wan't walk alone.
      See you ! Xxx

  44. Getting excited everyone, I'm definitely going to need a bigger case.
    How about some shortbread as well.
    Off to bed now been out most of the day, went to Dobbies Garden Centre at Stirling,nhad lunch and a walk around, their Christmas stuff is gorgeous.
    Will catch up tomorrow, take care xxx

    1. Jess I've been afraid to look at anything yet! Xxx night Night! God Bless xxx

    2. We are not talking about Christmas in our house yet, because I still have not started my Christmas cards, but all the cakes, puddings and mincemeat for the mince pies are all made. Good night and God Bless xxx

  45. Oh wow you are some chatterboxes in here today, much better then reading a book any day Lol I hope you all had a good day, sorry about sniffling husband or the once that not listening to us today, mine included, sight.
    I don't normally drink so wont bring any bottles but might have a glass of red just because, it will hopefully make me less shy. A bit scared to meet some of you, 3 1/2 hour on the phone geee. I have phone phobia but getting a little better. oh I forgot, not sure if you saw them Patricia but they had some lovely coloured duct tape in Hobbycraft, nearly bought some rolls but changed my mind ooops Lol. Oh dear it's gone late again and a lot of you have fallen, sorry the pun D. I sat here to 3am this morning, not funny, Hope Mr Sandman coming earlier today. Karen missing you ! Lynda , hope you had a nice walk. It got better after 10am so we had a little walk too and of course it had to have a coffee shop at the end hihi. Fridge back to narmal but forgot a few things, don't make a list. so will go to Asda in the morning and then home for some looking through my stuff and hopefully make some more cards, panic slowly setting in. Hope you had a good day Sandra and that your hip is better.
    see you tomorrow, have a good night everyone and sweet dreams, hugs XxX
