
Wednesday 14 October 2015

a Pretty Janet Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Today we wish 'Bon Voyage' to our Janet, I do hope you have a quiet, safe journey to Marigny, I look forward to hearing from you when you get to the hotel, have an amazing few weeks there.
2 Weeks, 2 Days to go!
Today's card has been designed and Created by Janet, using Sue Wilson Striplet Die amd a Gemini die for the edge.
I love the colours you have used here Janet the purple isn't too bright, just perfect, and works perfectly  with the white card.
I love the heart in the centre Janet, it's  embellishments are exquisite, I love the flowers in the center of the background, so prescise and pretty.
The Gemini die gives a lovely lacey edge to the card too.
Janet has finished the card with some pretty pearls and pearl string too,
Janet, thank you for sharing your gorgeous card with us xxxx
Sue is coming to play today, eeeek, I can't wait!
Thank you all for stopping by.
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Café Crew. Hope you all have a great day, I know I will.
    JANET:- Wow! oh! Wow! another of your stunning creations. Love, love, love it, the use of all those wonderful Dies, colours and design.
    Wishing you and Jim a save and happy journey to your little corner of Paradise. Will we hear about the beautiful pastries on Saturday??
    John and I are popping over to Hazel & Charlie's this morning. We are having lunch with them. Hazel and I are going to get all the things sorted out for the Saturday evening Retreat Raffle. Norah gave Hazel some Crafty goodies to Raffle which more things have been added too. Hazel will be giving out tickets for the Raffle when you pay her for the Craft Room Hire. You will all have a chance to win Crafty Goodies, good fun. Oooo!! it's getting nearer, getting exciting!!!
    Right I am off to iron a few things and press John's Lambswool sweaters I washed yesterday. Had my Tea & Toast, topped up the (((((hugs))))) basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Hi Patricia and Hazel,
      Enjoy your get together and hope you both manage to get things sorted for the Retreat.....Love Sheila xx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Oh it's so dark and very foggy here this morning. I hope it wasn't like this for Janet and Jim setting off? We will hope they have an easy journey with no hold ups.
    Janet, I love your card. I love using striplet and that border die is my favourite I just love everything about this card.
    Saba, what work man is meant to be arriving today?
    Cheryl, I are you feeling any better? Same with you Diane? But as some one said you will just have a cold, Julian will tell you he had man flu!!! It's funny how we have a pain but men have had pain like you have never known! Yeh right.
    Sandra, how did the new machine do? I take Sue will be putting it through its paces? Sheila have you played with yours yet? I will have to wait till Patricia and I have finished all these things for the retreat today before I can get a wedding card done, my GC is on the window ledge as normal but surrounded by everything else so that I could make room to spread out all these great goodies.
    Oh it's like when the children were little and I would lay everything out then start wrapping their gifts. But I will know where these lot are and not be finding them months later, oh I found the frames - they were right under my nose, well down the side of the chest of drawers in the spare room.
    Well Id better go get my ironing done, then get Mr Dyson out oh wish Harris would like to have the Hoover nozzle run over him, he is casting like no ones business it's coming out in chunks. We are using the comb brush thing that looks a bit like a rake, doesn't help. WHere he goes to stay and get pampered can't take him for a pamper as the daughter is still plastered up after the dog ran in to her, her dad is doing her share of the dog walking etc. where he normally does that only when she is grooming. I will just have to bear with it.
    Right will pop in to see how everyone is later. Xxx

    1. Morning Hazel & Patricia,
      I too have a couple of small items for the raffle.
      This is as good as having a Secret Santa! On countdown days now.
      And yes, whatever the tummy bug was, I am so much brighter today.

    2. Hi Hazel
      I've got some things too . Yes cold is still there today but after a mopey day yesterday I'm going to get going today then have a rest this afternoon if I need it. Bit of fresh air will do me good I think. Xxx

    3. Thank you Cheryl, this raffle will be better than even that I hope? I won't have room for a ball gown in that case of mine, the tiera maybe!!! Thank goodness we are coming by train, but on reflection the car might have been better. If I thought my body would have been ok after 6 hours of being in it I would have done that. Glad you are feeling better. Enjoy doing your cards. xxx

    4. Hi Patricia and Hazel, have a brilliant day together sorting out the raffle things, I also have a coule of dies to be included.
      I used to love when I was working, at Christmas we used to have a children's party for the staff, and a couple of us used to wrap up all the presents, it was like being a child again, loved it! X

    5. Oh Hazel I can sympathise about Harris both of our two are casting I am blaming the drops we put on every so often to stop ticks and things, they have a lay down and when they get up you can see their outline shape on the carpet! We have one of those combs too xxx

    6. Hi Hazel - I have a couple of dies to be included, will pop them in the post to you, bet your enjoying all this excitement

    7. I was thinking as I read this Hazel you could really do with a train with the old - fashioned goods wagon at the back! You could have commandeered that!! Xxxx

    8. We might have to get the hot air balloon out! Xxx

    9. Jean send them to Sandra. Please as I have said down at the bottom. We were just helping her do the ones that we had up here. Sandra's the boss so to her address , we haven't got much room in our cases anyway . But thank you xxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, this is gorgeous, I love the shade of purple and the heart and flowers are so pretty. Wishing you and Jim a safe and trouble free journey. I think we are all looking forward to hearing about what pastries you both chose, you make my mouth water each week : )
    Sandra, can't wait to see you. I will be with you about 11am.
    I can't believe how long it takes to read and comment each day. I am not complaining, just the opposite in fact. It is so good to hear what you are all up to.
    I didn't get as much done as I wanted yesterday but still managed to tick lots of those little things off my to do list so can't complain.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Enjoy your day with Sandra, Pat! Hope you approve of the new machine! Xxx

    2. That should be Sue!!!! Oh Dear! Xxxx

    3. Have a lovely day on your usual craft time with Sandra...I'm looking forward to what you all think of the new machine. xxxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a beautiful card, so pretty.

    Well, I bought another set of plastic drawers last night and set to re-arranging my craft room only to find the outer case of the drawers are now a different style so I couldn't just add another layer to each of my old sets! After sitting looking at the mess I'd made for a while, I got organised and have somehow managed to fit the new set in the room. There's very little on the floor now but I'm still not completely happy with what I've done but am stuck with it now as the room is jam packed.

    My friend (crazy cluttered house one) is expecting more craft stash from the same lady at the knit & natter night tonight. She was given some stash just after I went on holiday so I've arranged to collect it all tomorrow after work-am looking forward to seeing what in the bags. Anything I won't use will be going to my in laws in Saturday evening.

    Best get ready for work & make my lunch.


    1. Michele, put the old sets of drawers on top of each other then you will free up space for the new ones, I found the same thing they look the same but aren't. I am still trying to work out better ways to use my soare I have. X

    2. I think craft stuff breeds when we aren't looking!!! Xxx

    3. Hi Michele, I agree with Myra craft stuff definitely breeds when we ar not looking....more so than bunnies!! xxxx

    4. I agree with Myra & Sheila "crafty goods" breed like Rabbits!!!

  5. Good Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies,
    Janet, safe journey, will be thinking of you. Your card today is stunning. I love your central element of heart and little crochet flowers.
    Sandra and Sue have a fun day, sorry Pat won't be with you. Looking forward to hearing what you make of the Big Shot.
    Hazel and Patricia, have a lovely day together sorting out your things for the retreat. How exciting. I said earlier but don't know whether you saw the post, that I had two things for the raffle and I hope that is alright.
    Michele, at least you have a clear space on the floor now!
    Right I'll just have a coffee to go please, I need to go to the Doctors, only for a blood test so will be back soon and then I shall be ringing that Plummer and giving him what for.
    Love for now,
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Saba, that's fine ref raffle. So he better have a good excuse then??? Oh hope your blood test goes ok. Xxx

    2. SABA:- are you going for a Blood Test to find out why you are getting up so early in the morning??? Joking apart hope you are not one of those nurses who "hates" having injections. Some nurses love giving them especially those sore "Heprin" one but hate having them!!
      I would not like to be that Plumber on the other end of the phone!! Quite right though, that was ridiculous they could at least have phoned you.
      Hazel will be delighted with your goodies, she will sort them out when she gets there.
      See you later. xxx

    3. Hello lovely sisters, no I have no problem with needles. I used to let the junior doctors practice taking blood from me before I let them loose on real patients. Blood gasses were the worst, they were always terrified of getting that wrong.
      Blinking Plummer is not answering his phone, hope he hasn't been rushed to hospital and here's me sticking pins in his effigy!!

    4. Saba good thing it's not your blood pressure their taking! There's me thinking the Germans were the perfect example of efficiency! Whoops tin hat time! Xxxx

    5. Oh Saba I hope he answers soon for his sake haha xxx

    6. If he does have a good excuse - what about making a phone call? He's a naughty boy! Xxxx

    7. Hi Saba
      Definitely give that plumber what for and tell him that you hope his ballcock drops off!!!!! xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and Friends, not so nice here today, really cold and very dark first thing.
    Janet your card is superb,you are all so clever with your die cuts, hope you have a save and trouble free journey.
    Sandra and Sue have lovely day crafting together,crafting with friends what more could you want? Cake maybe.
    Hazel and Patricia, have a lovely time sorting out those prizes, reminded me of when we were little of the lucky did bran tubs (real bran) used to get so exited, usually a lovely ball made of saw dust covered with pretty foil on elastic, gosh showing my age now.
    Saba sorry you're Plumber has let you down, hope you don't take a chill waiting in the cold.
    Michele, I am taking a leaf out of your book and going to try to clear floor, although with two very large industrial sewing machines, there isn't much room to alter things. O/H has a much bigger room for a study, which would be better for my work/craft ,but he doesn't agree.
    Well Ladies Mr Tesco will be here soon, so I will have a coffe and wish all who come by a good day.
    See you later, Lilian

    1. Lilian, threaten him with giving your craft room a full makeover, new shelves, expensive ones, new crafting station etc. he might decide to swop then. Failing that stop making him any food until he agrees.
      Good luck xxxx

    2. Lilian I hope the sun comes out eventually, I'm embarrassed to say we have sunshine again today but it is getting quite chilly. When my friend popped in yesterday she said it was cold in school but warmer outside! Makes it difficult to know what to wear! I hope your machine gets fixed soon, that's not good to have to wait but at least you are ahead of the game and not up against a tight deadline. Have a good day xxxx

    3. Hello Lilian, when you mentioned Mr Tesco it reminded me that I had to place my Christmas Order last week - I may add things or subtract as necessary but had to reserve the slot. It's not Tesco and I don't know how they operate. Regulars choose their slots before they open it to everyone else! It's great not having to queue on 23rd December!! I never choose Christmas Eve - like to have a day extra in case of a problem. Also 24th is busy enough! Xxx

    4. Oh yes Lillian I would really threaten with a newly fitted out craft room, men really don't need as much space as us crafters.......oh unless you have a hubby who loved buying at bootsales as my did!! xx

    5. LILIAN:- I hope your OH has better hearing than mine!!! xxx

  7. Good morning,
    Child minding today as Zoe is unwell. If she gives it to me (freezing cold, red hot and shivering) I will thump her (only kidding).
    Janet, safe journey to your little paradise and your card is beautiful. Really different and pretty.
    Saba, I cannot believe the Plumber didn't turn up. Give him what for.
    Hazel and Patricia, I can see and hear you now, getting all excited sorting out for the Retreat.
    Oops, got to go as George is champing at the bit to get up there.
    I'll take my laptop up and see if I can get on there.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, put a big plug of Vaseline up each nostril, tie a scarf around your mouth and only breathe in when absolutely necessary.
      Lots of Granny cuddles though and hope she feels better soon.

    2. SABA:- Ha! Ha! Ha! you are the limit!! I do agree with the Vasaline ... but the scarf......!!!
      You should know by now Maureen has problems with scarves or is that just when George is around xxx

    3. Muriel make sure George doesn't get it or it will be another case of man flu! I hope she feels better soon, with granny huggles she will soon feel better xxxx

    4. Maureen hope Zoe feels better soon - and you stay clear of any bugs xxx

    5. Poor Zoe I hope she is soon better bless her. xxx

    6. Oh I hope Zoe feels better soon! I have a lovely picture in my head of you with the stuffed nose and wearing the scarf! Hope you don't sneeze!!! Xxx

    7. Hi Maureen do hope Zoe feels better soon, these colds are really doing the rounds this year. |Take care and I hope you stay bug free, xxx

    8. MAUREEN:- hope Zoe has improved as the day has gone on. I am sure all the Granny Cuddles will have helped. xxx

  8. Morning Sandra & Ladies,

    Tummy problems over, don't know if it was IBS flaring up or a slight tummy bug, now 100% better.
    The cards over the last couple of days have been stupendous (see I must be better, I've been eating the dictionary again)!
    And Janet's card today is so pretty and adorable.
    Sue definitely brought out a winner with her striplets and Gemini dies.

    Still cutting out elements for my batch Christmas postal cards, have simplified them down to a Tee and will be finishing them off at the retreat.

    For the first time in a few days, I have enjoyed my hot buttered crumpets and cuppa, so I will bid Janet Adieu and safe travels and carry on getting my box ready, not packing till the last moment as haven't made up my mind what I want to wear. Sorry ladies, I do not possess ballgowns and tiaras, comfy clothes will have to suffice.
    Whatever you are doing today, I hope your day will be kind to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Pleased to see you are feeling better Cheryl
      take care xx

    2. Cheryl just take things easy so pleased you are feeling much better xxx

    3. Cheryl it's so good to hear you are feeling better and I hope the dictionary tasted good!! Haha! xxx

    4. Well first of all I'm so glad you feel lots better but I'm disappointed with regard to the ball gown! That's How I will readily pick Saba out at Knutsford Services! Ball gown and long white gloves! We decided she'd look strange in the tiara though! Note to self - remind Saba not to wear Trainers!

    5. Cheryl so glad you are feeling better, hope the dictionary doesn't give you indigestion.
      Myra, no need to remind me about the trainers, my wellies look lovely with the ball gown, but look stunning with the cocktail dress.

    6. Oh I going to feel like Cinderella! Xxx

    7. MAUREEN:- If you are going as Cinderella i will just have to be one of the Ugly Sisters ... Ooooooopss!! better get the hard hat in case Hazel thinks she will have to be the other one!!! xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all my friends who coming through the door today.
    Wish you Janet and Jim a safe trip across the waters and like I said yesterday, really hope the outside don't look to bad. Love the card ! Purple is one of my favourite colours so this card is perfect with its striplet, heart and flower.
    Sue and Sandra have a wonderful day together (crafting) !
    Hazel and Patricia have a nice day together.
    Lilian, you were up late last night. Good luck with your clearing for floor space.
    Saba, hope he will turn up today with his tail between his legs ! Plumbers.
    I hope you all feeling alright today and Brenda,that your fixing stays in place.
    Off to Aqua,Asda and Ikea so I be back this pm. until then wrap up warm and have a nice day everyone, Love and hugs Maria Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Janet what a beautiful card, I've got this striplet and use it loads but hadn't thought to add an edge die with it, it really changes it doesn't it. The colour is lovely too. Safe journey today, I hope the seas aren't too rough. Xxxx
    Sandra I hope you and sue have a fun day playing and Pat have a lovely day with your friends xxxx
    Well I've woken up with a headache today down one side of my face and a dry nose that whistles ( so attractive!), but I'm going to go out and get some fresh air today as that will probably make me feel better. Although I went to bed early I struggled to sleep but didn't want to get my arms cold holding my iPad! Terrible aren't i, so watched TV instead. Some very odd detective thing replaced the lovely new tricks, but I watched it anyway then had a good chuckle at Dave Gorman. The sun is out here today ( sorry) so I must get my washing in so I will say Cheerio for now. See you later xxxx

    1. Oh Diane, sorry you are not up to par ! Sun is out here too. It's been a lovely week so far - just a bit chilly. Still I don't mind that! Sorry! Xxx

    2. Diane I hope you get to feel much better as the day goes on. Take care and stay warm. xxx

    3. Sounds like it could be a touch of sinusitis Diane, have yo tried the Vicks sinus spray? works wonders for me. xxx

    4. DIANE:- hope you are feeling better having been out in the fresh air.
      It was THICK fog from here all the way over to Hazel's. The sun was came out in the afternoon and it was a beautiful drive back. xxx

    5. Hello my friend,
      hope you are feeling better tonight and get in a sound sleep,hugs xxx

  11. Good morning ladies,
    Janet I hope you have a safe and pleasant journey.
    Your card here is beautiful, just the kind I like as I love dies, especially Sue Wilsons,
    Hazel and Patricia I just know you will enjoy your catch up, can feel the buzzing from here.
    Sandra you also sound as if you are buzzing with excitement - enjoy your crafting and tell us what you think of your new machine.
    Saba I hope the plumber turns up for you - its not right to clean through only for them not to turn up xx
    Stair carpet looks nice and they arrived about 11 o clock yesterday, I had cleaned up and the mess when they left was awful, all the bedrooms covered in carpet fluff, needn't have cleaned my craft room floor as that was covered.

    "Sorry" they said we don't clean up -- we don't take rubbish - all the offcuts were outside the front door. The airing cupboard door is a bit tight now and again "sorry" we don't do doors - good job they laid the carpet ok.
    Was making a card for my grand daughters friend last night (Anniversary - 2 yrs they have been together) Gothic - out of my comfort zone although I have done it - just hope she likes it - have included all she has asked for - red?black, hearts and BATS..
    Will pop back later - have a pile of ironing waiting for me
    hugs in the basket as usual
    Take care xxxx

    1. Ooooh Jean, please take a photo and send it to Sandra, it sounds amazing. Workmen are the absolute Pitts. Sorry they left you in a mess but glad you are pleased with your new carpet though.

    2. Hi Jean,
      So pleased your new carpet has been fitted and you're happy with it...such a pity left a big mess would have thought that they would have at least taken the off-cuts as they must have a better way of disposing these things than we have.
      Your Gothic card sounds amazing and I would also love to see a picture of it. Enjoy the rest of your day. Hugs Sheila xxx

    3. Poor you Jean,
      What kind of workmen do not clean up after themselves? After experiencing Carpet Right's fitters I soon found that is easier to use a local firm. Biddiscombes have been in Bridgwater for many many many years, and their flooring fitters ae so courteous and clean. Apart from the larger pieces which I was advised to use as car mats, good idea, they cleared up every morsel of fluff and bits and pieces. will certainly not go back to 'odd jobbers' xxx

    4. Ooh Jean, Workmen! Some are so very good and others are awful! I had a firm in Chorley called Dickinsons! They brought their own Hoover . Everything was removed including my old carpet. Xxx

    5. Myra hope you got a "real deal!"

    6. I think workmen not clearing up after they have finished a job is dreadful, after all they made the mess. We had a friend who was a carpet fitter and later had his own carpet shop. He was a absolute diamond. He had his own cleaner. Every job he did he would always clean up after himself, it's called Job satisfaction. Workmen today do not have the same standards. OMG am I showing my age again. Someone/Anyone HIDE THE SOAPBOX!!! xxx

    7. Very good! Saba! You know it took me a minute or two to work that one out! I'm getting a bit slow! Xxx

    8. I've decoupaged it Brenda, covered it with Glossy Accents and a few roses , leaves and pearls! Xxx

    9. JEAN:- that's shocking the men not taking all the off its away. They have to pay to dispose of it these days but they should have removed it. Glad it looks good, that's the up side of it all.

    10. Im actually surprised John made a comment about how much mess there was - he doesn't usually say anything, just gets on with it. all done now though

    11. Not nice you got left with such a mess Jean ,hope you will enjoy the new carpet anyhow for many years xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, wow Janet your card is gorgeous, I wouldn't have thought about using the die as an edge, another first. Have a safe journey, looking forward to the pastry saga once again.
    Sandra have a brilliant day with Sue and get that machine out the box!!!
    Saba hope you manage to get the plumber today.
    Well it is very foggy here today, right October weather.,this is our Wednesday meet up at the garden centre, I really must get some ironing done before then, I wish someone would invent an ironing machine like a washing machine, put your clothes in and when it is finished they come out all ironed and folded!!!
    Anyway will pop back later, take care everyone xxx

    1. Oh Jess if you hear of that machine before me - please let me know!, I'm always saying that! Mind you my new steam pressed has speeded things up a lot! Thanks ladies for pushing me in that direction! I ironed for ages last night! Xxx

    2. Oh Jess an ironing machine would be perfect I'm surprised Mr Dyson has invented that one....ironing is the bane of my life!! xxx

    3. I quite enjoy ironing (I know I am odd) I would still be in the queue to buy one of those irons when they are invented. xxx

    4. I too love ironing - never bother how much I have to do - feels like Im smoothing out all the worries and problems of the day haha

    5. I want one that washes iris and outs it away. X

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Well another sunny day here sorry if you are not enjoying the same.
    Sandra and Sue have a great day today I hope it is very productive and positive.
    Saba when your darling of a plumber does arrive ask the dear man for a reduction on the bill as he has wasted your time yesterday.
    Guess what? I got some sorting out done in my craft room last night, miracles I can perform the impossible takes a little longer!
    Janet your card is so beautiful I love everything about it, it really is so very elegant too. Have a good journey, stay safe as you journey to your little part of French heaven!
    Well I have got the bathrooms cleaned and the kitchen too so I am off to get some baking done, Hope you are happy Muriel I'm cooking! Then I will pop over to check on my friend.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing take care.
    My hugs are over in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx
    P.S. Forgot to tell you Muriel the Damson Jam I made on Monday tastes lovely! xxx

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Enjoy your baking and I hope your friend is still improving. I do envy you your baking skills...baking and cooking were never my forte but I did make a mean roast dinner...thankfully Clive loved them and he was a good cook. Enjoy your day. xxx

    2. Margaret my Friend, I forgot to tell you I love damson jam!! My Grandma used to make it then Mum all from bushes in their own garden! I do miss it - I know I should make it myself but I'd be the only one to eat it! Other half not keen as he says it's too sour for him! Men!
      You knew what season it was by Mum's jams , jellies and chutneys! I can still see that jelly bag hanging over a big pan / bowl between two back to front chairs. You stirred a memory or two there!! Xxx

    3. My favourite jam was my Nan's Bramble Jelly and her apple (from her own garden) slices which she stored in Kilner jars. \every Easter I used to visit her during school hols and waiting for me was a bag of Cadbury Crème Eggs. She didn't want to go into service like her older sisters so walked into the Bourneville Factory and gasket for a job! She worked there until she retired and with her pension she got 5 shillings worth of chocolates every month. Doesn't sound much now but 5s in the 50's was a vast amount. xxxx

    4. How on earth does predictive spelling get gasket from asked? x

    5. Myra the damsons were from my daughter's garden where she has just moved
      Cheryl there are some apple trees too xxx

    6. That's great Margaret! Our neighbour is having a real struggle this year with her fruit trees/ bushes. Something attacked them early on in the year and they never really recovered. Xxx

    7. MARGARET:- Hazel had made Scones and some of your wonderful Butter Biscuits for the Morning Coffee. They were delicious. xxx

    8. Never had Damson Jam, what kind of fruit is that ?
      Got some apples from our neighbour and we made some stewed apples with cinnamon, oh they were yummy. xxx

    9. Damsons are like a small plum Maria, I don't think supermarkets sell them but farm shops and green grocers sometimes do. Xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Firstly Sandra, I must apologise, sent you an email earlier and said have a nice day with Pat. Whoops! that should've been have a nice day with Sue . Put it down to my ageing brain cells sorry girls.

    Janet your card is lovely, love how you use the striplets and the Gemini die. This is a really elegant card, you really are a very gifted lady. Hope you have a good trip to your lovely holiday home. Also I hope Yvette behaves herself, just talk to her gently. LOL xx

    Saba, I hope your plumber shows up today and has a very good excuse for letting you down yesterday. I hate waiting in for people to come and do jobs. Especially as you didn't have any heat, I really felt guilty reading that because we had the central heating on, so every room was lovely and warm. Sorry that wasn't meant to sound as if I was rubbing it in. XXX

    Patricia and Hazel, you both sound so organised, I really am impressed. Hope you have all have a lovely lunch today. xxx

    Hope everyone is having a good day, I can feel the excitement from all those going on the retreat. I think the shy/awkwardness will pass very quickly once you all have introduced yourself, after that it will be like you have known each other for ever.
    Take care my lovely friends, love and hugs, Brenda XXX


    1. Hello Brenda!
      It's organised chaos here today! Trying to do too many things at once.
      Hope I'm nearly at the bottom of this page! Have a good day. Xxx

    2. BRENDA:- we are quite an organised pair. We have done so many events in the past, we work very well together. However we did create utter chaos in the process. You should have seen the state Hazel's Craft Room and Kitchen when we had finished. We did tidy up, well almost tidy up!! Think she will still have a lot to do yet.
      Hope you have had a good day .... do you think I am near the not to of the page yet??? xxx

  15. Whew! I made it!
    Sandra I hope Sue and you are having a lovely time! Enjoy test driving the new machine!
    Janet - your card is beautiful ! I love how you have used the die cuts and I think your leaves may be felt - am I right?
    The crocheted flowers bring more lovely texture. The whole thing is lovely. Safe journey and I hope Yvette behaves impeccably.
    I've got my Ladies Group today - it's just a talk - not by me I hasten to add!
    I will pop back later.
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- I saw you leaving the house with that "stick" .....!!! xxx

    2. I'm ignoring that - I hope you noticed! Ha ha ! Xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and all you lovelies,
    Janet what an absolutely gorgeous card, love how you have used the striplet dies and the one on the border of the pretty.
    It's a beautiful day here once more wish it would stay like this right through the winter but I very much doubt it as apparently the first Bewick swan has arrived at Slimbridge Wetlands a month earlier than usual and they always come just before the really cold weather sets in in Siberia!! Ooh I can be a fountain of knowledge at times! TeeeHeee!!
    I have commented on the posts on my way down and hope fully I have covered everything.
    Sandra have a lovely crafty time with Sue and please let us know how you get on with your new machine. I don't know whether it's just me but I'm not having a happy time with my machines. Yesterday I was making Christmas decorations out of diecuts (not up to doing my C cards yet and I'm so late with them.) anyway I was using my GC cutting out SW's 2014 Christmas tree when spots of oil appeared on my's the teal one and was just so shocked....and I know you will say get in touch with Spellbinders but I hate doing this as it's just so annoying and I thought I was safe with the Teal one. Than I thought I would try my new Platinum and quite honestly I'm not that impressed. I followed the sandwich instructions and was only using the coconut white card and I struggled to get it through and The die is slightly bet after using it for 5 times and have never had that problem before. Tried it in the middle too and you still don't get a good cut as you do at the I have got some of the Tattered Lace Hotspot thingy so will try that later. Sorry to be a bit of a whinge but I will definitely be steering away from Spellbinders if I ever by another one which won't be for a long time. Why do these machines work so well when you see them on the TV?
    Rant over
    Enjoy the rest of the day ladies.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Ouch Sheila, mine is perfectly fine.
      Until a loud thunk sounded and the rollers dropped one side in my pink GC, I occasionally got spots of oil. x

    2. Sheila - I wonder if it's got anything to do with the size of the plates ? I don't know . Only the small ones came with the machine I think! It should work with big and small though! So sorry about the teal GC too. That's very annoying. I think I would definitely contact them - you've scarcely had it any time at all! It's all so irritating . Xxxx

    3. Oh! Sheila, that's not a good first impression of your new machine.
      I would getting in contact with them. Xxx

    4. Sheila I would contact Spellbinders - they are really good as you know but its time a manufacturer built a machine with all the good points of the machines and none of the bad - then we would be happy


    5. Sheila what a pain! I saw the news about the swan too! Better get the thermals ready! Xxxx

    6. Sheila, I hope you contacted the Spellbinders to find out what to do with the machine. So far I'm mostly happy with the GC Teal but not happy hearing so many faults cropping up with them all.hugs xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you & Sue have had fun playing with your new machine.
    Janet your card is lovely hope you are well on your way now safe journey.
    Cheryl pleased you feel better & Diane hope the fresh air has helped your cold it was lovely playing boule this morning but clouded over now.
    Hazel & Patricia enjoy your time together & hope you get raffle sorted.
    My mind has gone blank now so will send hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. Hellooooooooooooo
    Peter connected me this morning to his hub, or some technical thing, but this is the first time I've had a chance to get into the blog. Zoe is up and down. She's been wrapped in two blankets on the settee but has just asked for some fruit, so I've managed to pop in to the Cafe. She's wanted lots of cuddles today.
    Jean, I hope you didn't give your carpet men a cup of tea or anything. They were not very accommodating.
    Margaret C, I think you are my personal tormentor!!! You are always making things I like, and now Damson Jam. You certainly know how to get me going!!!!
    Saba, has your plumber turned up? Have you given him what for? Accidentally drop his hammer off the balcony and he'll have to go down and back up all those stairs.
    Sheila, I thought the Teal Grand Calibur would be safe. I'm sorry that you are having more problems. I think if mine goes the same way, I'll stick to my Cuttlebug and Big Shot. I have the E-Bosser, but rarely use it. In case you ladies think I'm rich, no I have a well heeled friend whooften buys machines and then updates, so I get the old ones, clears her room and is brilliant for me!!!! Mind you, I don't just take and not give.
    Janet, I did say how lovely your card is, when I popped into the cafe earlier, just in case you think I'm ignoring.
    Sandra, I hope you're having a lovely craft time with Sue.
    The sniffly, snuffly ladies, I hope you are all cleared up and dried up for the Retreat.
    Cheryl, you rest up and get yourself fit as well.
    Myra, what are you doing - going to a LADIES group. Hmm, they let anyone in these days (hard hat, nissan hut and camouflage) xxxxx
    Jean, that Goth card sounds great. In fact I always make Halloween cards for loads of friends' children, grandchildren and my two granddaughters, and I love doing them.
    Maria, is that a code for something special? "Aqua Asda and Ikea"
    Brenda, I am so worried about the Retreat. I am hoping Hazel and Patricia will look after me because I just won't know what to talk about. In fact, I bet I hardly open my mouth the whole weekend!!!! By the way, Peter has been having a chap to point the Bungalow. He had to grind the old cement out between the bricks, which took him a few days. He went to Peter's neighbours and washed their window frames and windows for them when he'd finished!!! They are few and far between like that. Peter is going to buy them all a gift when he is finished, for putting up with all the work.
    Margaret P - hugs to you.
    Oh, my little sweetheart is calling for me, so I'll pop on my nurse's uniform and tend to her.
    See you later, Muriel xxxx

    1. Sorry, meant to say Hazel and Patricia, I hope you've had a lovely day, wish I could have been with you xxxx

    2. Camouflage!!! That won't save your bacon!
      I've been going for years and haven't been blackballed once! So there! Xxx

    3. MAUREEN:- we could have done with a little help. Well actually if you'd have been there we would have been doing more "laughing" rather that. "Wrapping" It was better you stayed with Zoe. Thanks for the offer though. xxx

    4. I think Patricia is far too polite - what she really means is - you would have been more of a hindrance than a help! Xxxx
      My turn for tin hat and camouflage! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- you said it NOT me. xxx

    6. Myra, how could you? That's not nice . Xxx

    7. I know that! Muriel is my friend - she knows it too! Xxxx

  19. I need a cuppa and something sweet and sticky!! I will put my feet up as well all the standing is not good for the old back. Poor Hazel had to resort to attaching her TENS Machine.
    Wow! it was rather hectic at Hazels, now I know why she wanted me over!! Norah gave Hazel lots of goodies for a Raffle at the Retreat which she has been storing. All sorted out and wrapped. Hazel and I bought a few things to make up enough parcels so that there is at least one prize for everyone. We also made up parcels for the Lucky Dip these are things that have been "pre loved" or things Hazel and I had excess of. Took us between 2&1/2 to 3 hours to do all this work. We have a nice lunch, the men got time to chat and were saying to each other how crazy we were. They have known that for a long time so nothing new in that discussion!!!
    WhenI finish this cuppa I will go back to the top to see what you have all been up to.
    Sandra & Sue hope you have had a fantastic day and got lots of Big Shotting done. xxx

    1. May I just say Thank You! You are a couple of real stars! That's a lot of work and I'm sure everything looks just lovely. Hazel rest your back now, please!! Xxxx

    2. I need a second cuppa, it has taken me ages to get here? xxx

    3. I bet you both derserve a well earned rest now. xxx

    4. Patricia, hope it was a big cup of tea. You have both gone the extra mile to help make our time at the retreat special. Thank you so very much. I feel guilty I haven't been able to do much to help Sandra in the way you two have being doing.
      Have well deserved rest now.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxxx

    5. oh wow you two are amazing, please say if it's anything I could help you with and Sandra too if it's anything ...

    6. Thank you ladies you are stars xxxx

  20. Hello gang, had a lovely afternoon with my Wednesday friends at the garden centre. Saw lots of stuff for Christmas.
    Now it is time to get ready for my card class, wonder what is on offer tonight.
    Patricia and Hazel what a brilliant day you must have had sorting out the raffle prizes.
    It has turned a bit chilly now, after the fog this morning it actually was a lovely day.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  21. Well ladies, I don't know if I will be in this evening, as Patricia has said I had to put my tens machine on, but it's not working. I now have 2 Margarets heat bags at my back and I have had to take 2 30/500gms Co-Codamol. I can't see me going upstairs to bed, thank goodness we cleared the spare bed ok I have got Charlie to take off the few things that were at the back. Can't stretch that much. That was after he told me off. I have to keep moving but oh boy it's hard to do it.
    Can I just say if you have things for the raffle can you bring it to the retreat or if you are t coming send it to her so she can get them wrapped up. Thank you. Patricia and I were only dealing with the wonderful goodies Norah,gave us and Patricia and I have bought and donated. We were doing this raffle in exchange for you having to pay the £12.50 ea. for us having the craft room, so if you want to help Sandra you could wrap it up for her. That way we can't see what's in there it makes it more fun. Well that's what I think. Xxx

    1. Sorry I meant to say send things to Sandra and sorry I said '" her" I think the tables taking effect xx

    2. Just call me awkward - I've been called that before! I will hand over my goodies to you as arranged as you have something to go with them. They are raffle gifts! If they aren't required I don't need to bring them. Will leave more room for my tiaras! Thank you for all your hard work - booking , liaising, sorting and wrapping - I do appreciate it.
      Love Myra xxx. Please please take care of your back! Xx

    3. Hazel, so sorry to hear you've now a very sore back, I hope tomorrow it's a good deal easier. Can I apologise, I've just read your comments about raffle prizes but I've already sent a little something to you. To know you are in pain too, I am sorry.
      Take care xxxx

    4. Please Hazel take care of that back of yours, hope you are better in the morning and the tablets makes you have a painfree night,xxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    We've had a lovely day today in London
    Been on the Clipper down yo the O2. Did the Monorail and toured round the O2.
    Returned yo the hotel and will soon be going down to dinner.
    Janet I love today's card. This die is gorgeous and the colours are my favourite.
    Sorry Anne I missed your card yesterday. It was all yo down at the hospital with Zpetes story. I love this image and wish I had few to colour in for friends. As Sandra said I'm the only drinker of the three graces. Now I like a glass if wine or Baileys, but my boozy days gave long gone. Haven't got the stamina for a start.

  23. Ladies, we were only doing things to help Sandra, remember it's her dream! Xxx

    1. Hazel I am sure Sandra is very grateful to have you two on her team to help make this a fabulous weekend. I love a raffle, it's the excitement of not knowing. I'll wrap my couple of things before I give them to you so at least there will be a couple of surprises for you too.
      Thank you for all the hard work you have put into it, I am just so sorry that you are now suffering for it. Hope the painkillers soon take effect.
      Love and massive hugs
      Saba xxxx

    2. Hazel I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and the painkillers take the edge off the pain. Make sure you rest tomorrow xxxx

    3. Night Night Hazel!
      Sleep well.
      Hope you feel better in the morning - sending hugs! Xxx

  24. hello everyone
    This will have to be short as the internet up on this floor is hit and miss. Thank you all for your lovely comments. This was made for Jim's nephew and his wife's wedding anniversary at the beginning of the month. I'll let you know what I used later.
    Will talk to you all tomorrow evening from Marigny.
    Love to you all xxxx

    1. So pleased to know things going well thus far Janet! Take care. Love Myra xxx

  25. Having to use my phone as easier to hold lying down

    1. Hazel get some well earned rest now as you and Patricia deserve it, I hope you are feeling much better in the morning dear are such stars all three of you. Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  26. Good afternoon SANDRA & lovely excited ladies. I hope you have all packed some Tenna ladies as the nerves when you all meet up then all the laughing well say know more.hihi. Hope you had a good day with Sue & how was your Sandra machine hope your pleased with it. SHEILA so sorry your not impressed with you cutting machine, I got one of those hotspot things but didn't think it made any difference on the E Bosser,so hope it's better for you.
    JANET hope your journey has been ok so far. Your card is gorgeous love the design with the Striplets heart & flowers.
    CHERYL so pleased your now 100% well.i posted your die cuts.
    SABA did your plumber turn up today hope you gave him what for.
    We have had rain all day so dark & cold heating on.
    MYRA hope you enjoyed the talk at your ladies group.
    DIANE hope your headache is better sounds like sinusitis gentle hug's.
    MARIA hope you enjoyed your Aqua this morning & feel better for it,your a little water baby HIHI. I made 3 Christmas cards this morning & 2 birthday ones.
    Well got to dish dinner up now so call in later. Love Lynda xx

    1. All little/big (me) hippo likes to be in the pond hihi
      Sound like you found the mojo, well done you xxx

  27. Good evening everyone hope you all had a good day.
    Sandra and Sue come on now do tell how much crafting did you really get done and how was that super new machine? We are all waiting for your report!
    I got all my baking done 6 loaves of bread also rolls, French sticks, and fruit scones and of course some cake for Derek as he cannot have a cuppa without a little something to nibble. also made some pies.
    Popped over to see my friend and took her some scones and bread together with a pot of damson jam. She is breathing better but feeling really tired today but I think that may have something to do with all the drugs she was given at the hospital and the extra ones she is now taking. We will have to wait and see but I have suggested if there is no improvement before the weekend we will call the doctor.
    Our grandson stayed for tea today as he goes to Cubs tonight and his mum is usually late home but today she was on a course with her head teacher. Her verdict on the course rubbish, but worse than that no tea or coffee on arrival, a very poor buffet lunch and only melon or grapes for pudding(she hates melon)! She looks forward to a lovely buffet and a proper pudding, so as well as having a dreadful cough and cold this was the final straw I think!
    It does seem very quiet tonight am I missing something on TV or are you all busy beavering away with Christmas cards? I hope to start soon!
    Hazel please do take things easy, I hope the rice bags are of some comfort for you. sending you some gentle hugs.
    Sheila I would get in touch with either Spellbinders or perhaps Christine at Hope and Chances for some advice at least, such a disappointment, but really don't just put up with it you have paid a lot of money for the machine and deserve better. Have you checked if you could possibly return it to the TV channel for a refund as you are not happy and really the legal bit is this, the machine is not fit for the purpose for which you have bought it and they should give you a refund.
    Where is Saba has she run the plumber out of town yet I wonder, or can she still not find himl?
    Have a lovely evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret C,
      If you look out of your window, you'll see a red bloomer ballon hovering above your house. Just put in a few fruit scones, a loaf of bread and a jar of Damson jam, and send it back in my direction PLEASE!! xxxx

    2. Oh Maureen, that made me laugh out loud!!
      You are crackers! Xxx

    3. Ah Myra, but you are quackers! xxx

    4. Margaret, SIX loaves of bread! Give one away, buy two fish and you will be able to feed us all.
      Your neighbour will feel tired after an asthma attack. It takes so much energy just to carry on breathing during one. But it would be wise to speak to the doctor if she doesn't feel better in the next couple of days.

    5. Talking of scones, Hazel made some beautiful scones and some of Maragrets Butter Biscuits for our Morning Coffee they were delicious.
      We even got some of the scones home with us .... all gone xxx

    6. Wish she was my sister!!! Xxx
      As for Saba - she is feeding the five thousand! Xxx

    7. PS - she can give Hzel the twelve baskets afterwards! Xxx

  28. Ooh, I need a Tena lady on now. It's one day nearer and the thrill of winning a Raffle prize will just be the finishing touch. What a great idea.
    And what a great idea Sandra had to think of the Retreat, will you be cutting the red ribbon to open the Craft Room at the Hotel. Now that's an idea. I'm sure I've got a load of red ribbon from a house opening when I worked in the Advertising Industry. I'll have to see if I can find it. I don't have any Golden Scissors, but I'm sure a pair of Fiskars or Tim Holtz's will be just as good!!!
    I'm sorry you've done your back in Hazel, but hopefully the painkillers and Tens Machine will do the trick. I bet Patricia just sat and let you get on with it (oops tin hat).
    Myra, how could you say that I'd be a hindrance, did they tell you that I got the time of the train home wrong by 30 minutes? No, they were too nice to do that but they stayed with me all that time. Mind you, I think it was to make sure that I left the city ha ha.
    Pat, glad you had a lovely day in London. How silly am I - no, don't answer - when you talked about the Clipper, I assumed it was a boat. I know, it's time I got out more!!!
    Sandra, how was the new cutting machine, how is your hip - did you see the Doctor, and have you heard about Paul's deployment? Question, questions, questions!!!!
    Got to go, will be back later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel I'm disappointed , you didn't respond to my - just call me awkward! I thought I would have been given a more suitable name my your lovely self! Xxx
      Hope Zoe has a good night! Xx

    2. Muriel how's the Vaseline up your nose doing? Never thought when I suggested you tied a scarf around your mouth. Hope George stays well away from you if you do.
      Diane's got a whistling nose! How cool is that.

    3. Myra, I'm trying to be good(ish) tonight.
      Saba, I know what you had in mind when you suggested a scarf!!! George's eyes lit up when I told him lol.
      Dainty's got a whistling nose? Well what do you knows!!!!

    4. We haven't had a song for a while! "I've got a whistling rabbit - it whistles when you grab it! " sorry! Xxxx

    5. Haven't heard of that one - I do remember a chap that used to whistle songs when I was little, can't think of his name. He used to whistle out of the corner of his mouth and not pucker up like I have to! Now my dad could whistle a treat, he had a special family whistle that you could hear if you were out and about and you knew he wanted you! I can do it too but it doesn't have the same effect! Nose has gone drippy tonight instead of dry so whistling has stopped! Xxx

    6. Too much information Diane!!!
      I hope you sleep well and are less drippy tomorrow! Xxxx

  29. Had a lovely tea tonight and for the first time I enjoyed it....Birds Eye haddock in lemon and chives sauce steamed in a bag and then I steamed mixed veggies. I'm not a fish lover but I really enjoyed this. I probably won't be back on tonight so I will say night, night and sweet dreams ladies.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Night God bless Sheila, thanlyou for your e mail. Glad you enjoyed your tea. We had liver and onions, I love liver, could eat it raw!

    2. Night, night Sheila, sweet dreams, your meal sounds lovely, I think I'll have something like that tomorrow evening. Got some fish in the freezer.
      Saba, do you have a bottle of Chianti with your liver!!! xxxx

    3. SHEILA:- you are sounding so much more positive, I love it.
      Glad you enjoyed your Tea.
      Goodnight, see you in the morning xxx

    4. Lovely Sheila! Sounds good!
      Maureen - why Chianti?? Xxx

    5. Silence of the lambs Myra! Very scary. Sheila your fish sounded lovely, we had salmon ginger and chilli fish cakes tonight, they were yummy, do like a bit of liver too. Night night sleep tight xxx

    6. You are right Diane - just hope Muriel realises Saba isn't having Chianti with her " personal" liver!!! Xxx

  30. Well ladies,
    I have finally heard from the Plummer. I haven't spoken to him - he should count his blessings - rather Peter managed to get through to him. He was dealing with a gas leak apparently and didn't have our phone no. with him. Don't know what his excuse was for not replying to the answer machine message which had our number on. Anyway he is coming next Tuesday at 12. Woe betide him if he is not there on the dot. I have things to do on Tuesday! I can be scary when I get angry. It's a rare event but when it happens, look out.
    I've had a few calls from Joanne today. Yesterday she had a bad attack of vertigo, her first ever. I have had it on and off for years so know exactly what she was going through. She saw her GP and was prescribed some tablets. Anyway today she woke up and had a very stiff and extremely painful neck. So much so she couldn't move it and seeing as her head was turned sideways told me she was having to walk sideways like a crab so she could see where she was going. I am ashamed to say I cried. Not from upset, rather from laughing. What kind of mother am I for goodness sake. Poor little soul couldnt go to work and had to ring Mark to come home and take Oliver to school. She is now on a multitude of various painkillers and has been told it could be like that for up to a week. I told her best not have soup for tea seeing as her head is on one side as she'd get it all down her neck. That'll teach her to have a nurse for a mother.
    Before you all go thinking bad of me, Joanne has my humour and also laughed. She then said she hoped she wouldn't sneeze as that could be painful and then proceeded to start hiccuping. Well I laughed, she laughed and we had to,say goodbye before she did herself some serious injury.
    That been my fun for today.

    1. Oh! SABA:- poor Joanne, that must be so painful and you laugh!!
      Mind you I suppose if you laughed together it will have helped you both.
      You did make me laugh but I do feel sorry for Joanne.
      Hazel & I both LOVE liver ... don't think we could eat it raw though. Our friend in Turkey makes the most wonderful Liver & Onions Mmmmm!!! it's delicious. We have at least twice in the week we are there. When we cook it at home it tastes good but just not as good as hers. I have to go to Tesco tomorrow, I am off to add Liver to the shopping list. xxx

    2. Ugh, Saba and you both are not normal. My mother used to do liver every week and everyone in the house ate it except me. I just could not swallow it. The texture in my mouth used to make me gag. Thankfully, she never made me eat it.
      Right, I'm sooo tired, you'd think I'd been busy helping the pair of you do the raffle. George is busy doing two Margaret bags, but I'm going to have a third tonight.
      See you all in the morning, have a good night's sleep if you can. Sweet dreams, God bless.
      love Muriel xxxx

    3. Saba, you have made me laugh reading this, especially about the soup

    4. Saba, I'm so sorry, I would like to say that if Joanne would like to have a lovely mother, who would not laugh at her misfortune, she'd better not look to me!!! ha ha xxxxx (I hope she soon recovers really)

    5. Oh Wow! Poor Joanne! It is funny though! I've always found medical households are a bit crazy. I do hope Joanne is back to looking ahead very soon! Xxxx

    6. Poor Joanna, what a lovely sympathetic mum she has! Oh dear I'm sorry I did laugh too I'm afraid. I hope she's better soon. The soup reminded me of a teacher I worked with, ex army who broke his spine in a car accident - when he was in hospital lying on his back they used to give him his meals and they always gave him peas! He was a cheeky chap and he thinks the nurses did it for revenge, his mum used to come to visit and find peas everywhere! Xxx

  31. Well folks I will love you and leave you.
    Had a very busy day having fun packing and wrapping.
    Goodnight, God Bless see you in the morning. xxx

    1. Night God bless Patricia, I hope Hazel will be alright in the morning, hate to think of her being in pain. Xxxxx

  32. Sheila, I have only just noticed you reply to me from this morning and I had a genuine tenna moment. I spluttered my wine. Of course it took me moment to realise you had written Ballcock and not what I thought you had written.
    Thank you for making me laugh.

    1. I noticed that remark but since it was the day for our Ladies group I said nothing! Xxx

  33. Ladies I am going to sign out too for tonight,
    I think I just saw Muriel's red bloomers pass by my window full of Margaret's goodies, but then again it could have been the effects of the wine.
    Good night and God bless you all,
    Saba xxxx

    1. Definitely the wine!
      Bloomers over Pennines I can believe - bloomers over North Sea and beyond - stretching it a bit - not the bloomers either!! Xxx

  34. Good evening ladies, well I just started to sort my room with all in piles on the when who should arrive but the mechanic to mend my machine, well I have never moved so fast. All sorted just needed two new springs so then managed to finish 103 hoods, they were pleased at work.
    So now I'll say goodnight and hope those not too good feel better in the morning.Lil

    1. Well done Lilian! That's a fair number of hoods! Xxxxq

    2. Good heavens Lillian there must have been smoke coming off the machine at that speed! Glad you managed to get them done though. Night night sleep tight xxx

  35. I think everyone has gone to bed! We had a visitor tonight - a HUGE spider! Good thing Julian was here! I went dashing out tonight to card club and found out I was a day early! Whoops. Came home and watched apprentice - they are annoying me already. I'm off to bed too so I will say night night sleep tight see you tomorrow xxxx
