
Wednesday 29 July 2015

Today's gift from Saba xx

A gift Beautifully wrapped

Such a Pretty gift inside!!!
Good Morning Lovely Ladies,
Today I want to share with you all this lovely gift that I received last week all the way from sunny Germany! It came in the pretties jiffy (padded) envelope I have ever seen! All flowery and beautiful.
Well it ended up being like a pass the parcel, I was actually that excited, but I was like the grumpy child at the party and was passing this parcel to nobody!!!!
The next layer of wrapping you can see above, a beautiful piece of card, delicately folded into an envelope, the card was really pretty and had texture too, it was all secured with a pretty pink tulle bow, with a lovely white flower to finish if off, I was eager to get inside but took the wrapping off so securely so as not to damage it, (( I really don't like throwing any part of such a gorgeous gift away)
I finally got inside the envelope and found the prettiest card inside, at first light I thought it was blue and white, but on closed inspection it was gorgeous shades of purple.
Saba has used Creative Expressions 8 x 8 embossing folder Scored Lines to create the textured background, I notice that you have got it to sit flat on your card Saba, what was your trick, mine seemed fine at first but I am still having issues with the card buckling in the folder?
The beautiful flowers that Saba has used are Creative Expressions Open and Complete Petal Camellia dies, designed by our lovely friend Sue Wilson, Saba has finished the flowers of beautifully with some flat back pearls, the different size and shape and position of the flowers make for a absolutely perfect composition, the card is totally gorgeous and the words inside were lovely too.
Do you know that there are only about 7 weeks (ish) until we get to see Sue again at Ally Pally, I hope that there will be plenty of you all going, so that we can have a pre= retreat meet up!
Thank you so very much Saba, you are so very kind, I have another gift card coming up maybe tomorrow too.
I want to thank you all also for your amazing responses to my post yesterday, I just wanted you all to know how very much I needed and appreciated all of your kind words of support over the past few weeks, it really has shown me how much you all enjoy coming in a catching up with each other, there is hardly ever a day goes by where someone has bought a smile to my face, whether it be Maureen's barrage balloon knickers or Saba tormenting the living daylights out of her long suffering husband.
But you are also there for the darker times when somebody needs some love and support, which has been proved over and over again, bringing this huge bond between us all, I can see that there will be some tears when it comes to saying goodbye after this retreat finishes in October, we may have to organise two next year, one in Spring and the other in Autumn, I only say this because I think that after meeting up that one weekend, saying 'see you in a years time' will sound devastating!
We will see how this one goes and go from there.
I have Pat and Sue coming over today for some crafting and laughter, I love my weekly highlight.
I will call in and catch up later ladies,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who step in today. Hope you are TicketyBoo and looking forward to what's on offer in here.
    SABA:- I just LOVE your presentation, colour choice and your amazing card design. Love, love, love, it all.
    SANDRA:- having read all yesterday's comments I do hope you realise how "devastated" so many people would be if you closed over those doors???
    You have to do the daily post, which takes time .... but my goodness I am sure you agree it's worth every moment.
    Have a fantastic day with Pat and Sue could you please give them and yourself one of these (((hugs)))
    All set up for the day. I brought in some Homemade Strawberry Jam it's delicious. My friend on neighbour Isobel makes the jam. We "forage" for the fruit together. We are surrounded my Berry Tunnels and are sure the Berries are never missed. We only forage in the Tunnels that had been picked that day. The fruit we get is what the "pickers" have missed. I buy ALL the sugar, Isobel makes the Jam she's better at Strawberry than me ... she gets it to set!!! I have tried all the methods, mine sets but not as good as hers.
    Right best get over to my table with my Tea & Toast to see who comes through the doors today. I know there are still people who "snoop" outside and really wish to come in. A few have popped in (watched that word) recently and glad they did. A couple came and went which is a pity. You can't please all of the people all of the time ... Hey! Ho! that's life.
    See you all later, possibly nearer lunch time. (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Have you noticed there are always a fair few left in there at the end of the day which is a sign ...... everyone's happy!!! It's those Group Hugs that are doing it. xxx

    1. Thank you for the lovely jam! It's my favourite - if it's homemade - otherwise it's apricot! I was confused at first - you know it doesn't take much - much all was clear at the end! No Maureen, not of the tunnel!! Xx

    2. Thank you Patricia, it was an easy card to make, but my daughter designed it so I can't take the credit for that.
      You are a monkey when it comes to helping yourself to your neighbours produce.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Chilly start to the day here-the heating actually came on this morning!!! Crazy.

    Saba-your card is gorgeous. Is the lilac card textured or have you embossed it? I might try to re-create this if you don't mind as I think it's just perfect.

    I managed to sleep through until 5am which is unheard of for me. Got up extra early so I would arrive at work all calm-ha ha! I'll just have to put my Big Girl knickers on and tackle the individual first thing.

    I'll try to pop back in later with an update, not sure when it will be as I'm off out for my tea.


    1. MICHELE:- you were off to work by the time I saw this.
      However I have sent you a BIG (((((hug))))) it was on your seat when you got in. Between it and your "big girl knickers" you will get through the trauma no problem. Thinking of you xxx

    2. Michele, so pleased you had a good night's sleep and that by now " the awkward squad" has been sorted out! I do like your uniform! Xxx

    3. They always say think of someone in their undies and they are less scary don't they! Big girl knickers - good chice. Hope you tackled the situation and had a good day xxx

    4. I remember going for a Job interview and my dad telling me to think of the person behind the desk with their PJs on. Told me they would not be so scary. Worked well, I got the job, I never did like that man as my boss though!! xxx

    5. Michele, glad you liked it, thank you for your lovely comment. The cardstock is a linen textured one from First Edition Paper. You are more than welcome to copy it.
      Hope today went well and you didn't lose your knickers!

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today. Oh I see Sandra has been a lucky girl again receiving this stunning card from Saba. Love the colours and design, and how gorgeous is that package it came in. To think if it wasn't for Sandra opening up her blog to share with others we would never have seen what Saba and the others make. I have a wedding card to make up for Roberta to give to the happy couple. She was going to buy one? Then she saw the LOTV images for brides and grooms and asked if I would make one. So will get that done today while she is away in Edinburgh with Christopher . He is coming 9 so it's bacon rolls before they leave, it will keep them going for a while.
    Once they leave it will be Mr Dyson out to get the dog hairs up. I think I need a fresh cup of tea, and I will go and sit and see who else comes in, Michele marched out of here on her way to work, those big girl knickers were well pulled up, good for her, she will sort that the member of staff out. xxx

    1. Hazel, only a Nanny would check the knickers!
      Have a lovely day and please don't do too much .xxx

    2. Hazel, PLEASE Relax, I'm sure everything possible has been done by now.
      I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow, will pray for good weather - although that might be pushing it with the weather you have had lately! I'll pray for a dry day. LOL xxx

    3. Brenda, it's the little things like the other Canadian visitors are now at the hotel, our friends who are also staying their have introduce themselves, they phoned telling us they have arrived and asking if we were coming up to join them? Told Charlie for him to go as I have to have an hour to myself or I will scream. He wasn't happy, but as I explained the lady who looks after Harris ( dog) for us was coming to collect him, I still had his bed to strip and make up, get his food sorted. Then I have tea to organise and tonight I am along doing the chair covers trying bows. It's the little things. So I have my feet up and chilling for an hour. Thank you for having words with the weather everyone, we have had a lovely day so far. xxx

    4. Hazel, hope you really did put your feet up for an hour! It's so exciting. You really make us feel we are enjoying it with you all. I'm still praying for a dry day LOL xxx

    5. Thank you Hazel, I hope you have a fabulous day tomorrow, fingers crossed for some sunshine.

  4. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Internet problems yesterday held me back from posting, luckily Jamie sorted it out for me so I'm now back to leave the post I wanted to write.

    Saba, what a lovely gift you sent Sandra. So very pretty and delicate. I lurve it.

    I hope you now realize Sandra just how much we enjoy your blog which has turned into this great big circle of friendship and love between like minds. You have been the link that has tied us all together. Do not doubt yourself any longer. Forget all that has happened, that is now firmly in the past and should stay there. Embrace and enjoy life my dear, it is too short and has no place for doubts or recriminations. 'Nuff said.

    From the first stages of Pete and I choosing the hotel for our Reunion, to the final plans made, our weekend has been a resounding success. Family flew in from the USA and Germany, although unfortunately no-one from Australia could make it. 32 + 4 children on Friday, 48 + 5 children on Saturday and 28 + 2 children on the Sunday for the Farewell meal meant a good time was had by all.
    I cannot fault the Bristol Hotel or the staff who all went far beyond all expectations in the smooth running of the events to make it so successful. I did breathe a sigh of relief though on the Sunday that my job was now done and it was up to everyone to enjoy their weekend too. Our next one in 2020 will be held in Houston Texas and hosted by my cousin Ruth and her husband Eric. Saving already.
    I did have a very pleasant surprize at the end of the Farewell meal. I was the last to get to the tills to pay for my immediate family's meal and found that Tim, an American cousin, had already settled my bill. What a thoughtful thing for him and his wife to do for me. I haven't had something that nice done for me for a long time and it brought quite a few tears to my eyes.
    I can thoroughly recommend the Bristol Hotel, it is part of the Doyle Collection and Pete & I had previously stayed in their Dublin Hotel on a visit to Ireland a few years ago now. 4 stars and deserving every one of them, privately I think they should have 5.
    Situated on the Waterfront in the vey heart of Bristol, the hotel is very close to several attractions, SS Great Britain, @Bristol and the Aquarium all within an easy stroll. It is a very vibrant part of Bristol with its rich history of commerce, exploration and slave trading. Did you know that Somerset was the first area to ban slave trading when it was first mooted in the Parliament at that time?
    A replica of the Matthew which took pilgrims to America is moored near the hotel and warehouse for the slavers & traders are also lining the Waterfront, which have been up cycled into shops, cafes and restaurants.
    Ship and boat building refurbishing is still a part of Bristol's work force with many small chandler premises to be seen.

    All for now, my teapot is calling me and the alarm for my first inhaler of the day is bleeping, so I'll catch up later. I'm still reading the last few days comments as last night I went with friends to our lovely Rose's house for an evening in. She is 70 tomorrow but will be away in Lyme Regis with Colin for a couple of days celebrations.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- your re-union sounds AMAZING.
      Lots of lovely people to share great times with.
      Good luck with the saving. Have you booked "extra" baggage??
      I feel you might have some stow aways!! I know, I know it's a few years yet but could I please have first refusal of a place in your bag?? Enjoy your tea, sorry I had to dash, I am off to Tesco Blaigowrie to re-stock!!, xxx

    2. Cheryl, I must admit I thought you'd fallen asleep typing yesterday after your busy weekend! I'm so glad everything went without a hitch and everyone had a happy time together. It's a really lovely idea and no housewife gets worn out in the process!!! Yes , you had the organisation beforehand but on the weekend you could enjoy it with everyone else. Lovely too to have your Bill paid. What a lovely touch. Thanks for sharing! Xxx

    3. Cheryl your family reunion sounds absolutely wonderful. So so pleased you enjoyed it after all the organisation etc. It's difficult sometimes isn't it to do that -enjoy-when you're in the hot seat so to speak.
      Have an R&R day today you deserve it.

    4. Cheryl, So pleased the weekend was a success, and everyone had a lovely time. I hope you have lots of lovely photographs to look back on and remind you of this wonderful reunion.
      It sounds as though the Hotel went that extra mile to make things perfect. It must have been so lovely for you family, I'm sure the hotels staff had great satisfaction knowing it was a job well done.
      Sit, Relax and enjoy all the wonderful memories xxx

    5. Cheryl sounds as if the weekend was a complete success well done to you. Just take some time out now to recover. Take care love Margaret xx

    6. Cheryl what a fantastic weekend and what a lovely gesture for your hard work having your bill paid. It sounds a lovely event and how great to all get together because you can. Too often you meet family at sad events but don't meet for as many happy ones so I like your reunion idea. What lovely memories to have too. Have a good rest this week. Xxx

    7. Cheryl, so glad you had a wonderful weekend. And that lovely gesture of having your billed paid, how nice was that? xxx

    8. Cheryl, thank you for sharing with us your wonderful weekend. Must have been so much work to do to set it all together but what lovely to see your family this way.There are so many of you . It won't just be Patricia with you 2020 , extra large bag for me xxx

    9. Thank you Cheryl, and thank you for telling us a little about your reunion. How very kind of Tim, maybe we should invite him to come to the retreat! I'm quite small, perhaps I could fit in your hand luggage in 2020

    10. Hi Cheryl
      Sorry I'm a bit late I know. However you reunion sounds absolutely fabulous. A lovely jesture for your Bill to paid for you. The hotel sounds lovely as well. Must write it down for future reference. Can you find room for me in your suitcase as well as Patricia.

  5. Morning! Hooray it's allowing me to comment I echo everything that was said about the blog yesterday I wish I was cleverer with words and describe how it helps me
    Thank you ladies for sending me hugs yesterday They were greatly appreciated There was 14 of us plus 4 children out for lunch to celebrate my son's birthday
    SABA I love your card I keep changing my Need List Do I get the Camelia or Pronies or one Christine E shows? Or do I go for Pointsettias because I make more Christmas cards than anything else...?
    Is it Wednesday? Wise Words? Use the outer edge of a die that has no cutting edge as a border as per SW on her C&C show Must get ready for work now Good Lyck Michele

    1. KAREN:- so glad it all went well yesterday. I your son had a good time as well ... he was there and always will be.
      Remember just by "preparing" your flowers a Poinsettia Die can be used all year round. Will show you some tricks at the Retreat.
      (((hugs))) xxx

    2. Karen, so pleased yesterday went well. Patricia is the flower queen and I'm looking forward to learning some tips in October too. Mind you, Sheila makes beautiful flowers too! Xxx

    3. Karen it sounds like a lovely way to celebrate your sons life and so nice the family joined you too xxx

    4. Thank you Karen,
      So glad you were surrounded by your family/friends yesterday to celebrate your son's birthday. Hope there were some happy memories.

  6. Morning Sandra and to all the lovely ladies that visit such a wonderful place,
    Sandra you already know what your blog means to me and all yesterday's post were full of love too so I do hope you are truly reassured now how much you and the cafe means to us all.
    SABA what a beautiful gift you sent Sandra, the colours are just so very pretty and the envelope was a lovely finishing touch with the matching tulle wrapped around it.
    Michele I'm send you a big hug along with the others and hope it goes okay at work today.
    CHERYL sounds like the reunion went perfectly and I sure Pete was there feeling very proud of you and what a lovely surprise that the cousin from America had already paid the bill....I so pleased it went so well and there must have been so many happy Memories to chat about.
    Karen I'm so pleased all went well for you too when you had a celebration lunch for your dear son's birthday, hope you felt all the hugs from us surround you.
    Patricia I remember seeing all the fruit growers as we were were coming into Blairgowrie, the coach driver was amazing and so informative about the area and most of Scotland.
    Well I must get on as I have to do some ironing....not a thing I love to do....and then start packing. Sandra have a lovely crafty day with Pat and Sue, much laughter and chatter too.
    Will pop in later
    Love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Forgot to say I missed Lynda yesterday and was a bit worried about her but just called back on yesterday's post post and she called in after I left....I'm just happy to know that you are fine Lynda. xxx

    2. SHEILA:- I love to hear those words "packing" especially for a trip away. Have great fun and enjoy every minute. xxx

    3. Enjoy your packing Sheila, maybe not the ironing - but at least it's for something nice! I do hope you have a lovely time.
      I wonder how Jean is getting on. I was thinking of her yesterday. I hope she is having a lovely holiday too. Xxx

    4. SHEILA:- got my package. Thank you very much xxx

    5. Sheila, enjoy your trip. Hazel,x

    6. Thank you Sheila, have a wonderful trip, hope you get better weather than at home.

    7. Have a nice break Sheila, hugs Maria xxx

    8. Thank you Sheila yes I'm ok have a lovely holiday & enjoy yourself
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Rats, and double Rats,
    I've just posted a long comment, and it's disappeared.
    In short:-
    Three Graces have a nice day.
    Saba - love the card, the camelia are my favourite flowers and Saba you are a lucky lavender lady.
    Karen, glad you had a nice day and plenty company.
    Cheryl, sounds like a great weekend. Give your cousin my name and address and date of our retreat in case he wants to settle my bill.
    Hazel, take it easy - I know it's all right for me to say, but try to anyway.
    Patricia, strawberry jam was lovely.
    Maria, you just stay here with us.
    Michele, I hope you have got your colleague sorted!!!
    Sheila, ironing's good for you ha ha.
    Rain stopped, sun out, clouds back.
    Keep your fingers crossed.
    Love Muriel xxx

    1. Sandra is a lucky lavender lady - not Saba - DOH.
      Well, all right, Saba is as well!!!!

    2. Maureen - Snap! No No - not like a crocodile!
      Rain gone, sun out , clouds back! Xxx

    3. Maureen is a lavender lady a polite term for someone who smells or a bag lady? Just curious ;) xxxxtee hee xxx

    4. Thank you Maureen, but I bet you didn't say rats, I bet it was much worse than that!

  8. Morning Sandra and friends,
    Sandra I hope all the love sent to you yesterday convinced you that this is the best place ever, what would we all do without you.
    Saba your card is gorgeous, love how you wrapped it up.
    Michele, I hope you manage to put the horrible person in their place, nothing worse than a know-it-all, we had someone similar at work before I retired, couldn't tell her anything, she knew it all, but what a mess she made of her job and we all had to clear up her mess, she left before she was sacked.
    Cheryl great that your reunion went well, how lovely that your bill was paid for you, shows how much you were appreciated for organising it, roll on 2020.
    Think I will have some toast today with some of the jam Patricia left, it sounds delicious.
    Off to catch up on some ironing.
    The sun has finally found its way through the cloud today, some blue skies, hope it lasts. Take care ((((()))))

    1. Jess, I can see it's going to be an ironing day! That's my main task today too. That's what happens when I go gallivanting. Haven't used that word in years - it was a favourite of my Grandma's and she used it in such a way that it implied you should have been doing something better with your time!

    2. JESS, MYRA, My Grandma used that word to - except she would say 'gallervanering' and if we got up to mischief she would say youaresomewretch (yes one word) isn't it funny when one word can open up the grey matter!!!! xxx

    3. The only gallivanting I did today was to the local tip. X

    4. Oooh Jess, you go to all the best places!!!

    5. Thank you Jess, seems to me everybody is ironing today. I'm not.

  9. Good Morning Sandra,
    Helloooo friends and partners in fun!
    I hope The Three Graces have a lovely day! Have a group hug for everyone, please!
    Saba- what a lovely card! What a lovely gift! Do you have Jiffy type bags in Germany that are patterned/ coloured or did you decorate it. It's a great idea . Love the colours you have used. That's why Peter has the lavender - he knows it's a favourite colour!
    Not much happening here today as I need to catch up on a few things in the house including the ironing!
    I commented on the way down . So I'll love you and leave you for now!
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Myra, Tick Tock, Tick Tock,
      Sun still out, quite cool, bluish skies and skin!!!!
      Enjoy your ironing, I know you love it.

    2. Ditto! Cricket good for the ironing! Xx

    3. Something funny like friends or a murder mystery/NCIS every time! Xxx

    4. I don't mind Ironing but could never watch "cricket" while doing it.
      I am with Diane ... NCIS would do me .... I like Gibbs!!! xxx

    5. Sorry ladies but I don't know what NCIS is! National Craft Information Service?. Xxx

    6. Thank you Myra, the Jiffy bags I bought a few weeks ago from Tschibo. I should have bought more they are so pretty.
      I don't know what NCIS is either, if I did ironing it would be cricket for me too.

    7. I'm with Diane and Patricia, I L O V E Gibbs, but unfortunately I'm old enough to be his mother!!! NCIS = Naval Criminal Investigative Service - it's great!!! (Sometimes it's very gory Saba, something you would enjoy) xxxx

    8. Myra, I prefer an iron to iron with rather than a cricket, poor Jiminy, I thought he hadn't been chirpy for a while! xxx

    9. You are really bugging me today! ha ha ! Xxx

    10. I know, but there's no flies on me lol xxx

    11. Wearing a skirt again, like me! Xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and all who pop into the coffee shop today,
    Sorry didn't leave a message yesterday was a very busy day running round, When I did go to leave a message at about 10:30pm it was a long one, iPad told me the Internet connection had been lost, I could not, however hard I tried to retrieve this message. At that point I was just too tired and gave up! Sorry dear friend.
    And today is another day, so will try earlier to post my message, Ciara has gone to a friends today. Other two are being teenagers and still in bed........ I can feel me time coming on!
    Sandra, hope you have a lovely day with Pat and Sue will be thinking about you all LOL
    I was trying to explain to you in my last message now I was reluctant to use blogs. It took me a long time to leave a message on Sues blog. Eventually I left a message.And through her blog you invited others to look at yours. My fear of blogs was that, so often people make statements that are not true and when they realise, they start making allegations, and it's everyone's fault but their own! One of our daughters had problems with Facebook (though she doesn't use it herself) in relation to her work. She had to refer it to the legal department of her employers. It was all so unplesent. Anyway I have always felt this Cafe to be a lovely place to visit, everyone cares about everyone, we can moan, laugh or cry there is always someone there to listen, give advice or a Hug ( loved yesterday's big hug) I am so pleased you have turned the corner and feel confidant to hold your head up high. And shout out loud THE CAFE STAYS OPEN, Did you notice all the banners we have hung outside? saying KEEP THE CAFE OPEN.
    I for one am very proud of you, for doing so.

    SABA your beautiful gift to Sandra deserves a round of applause, it gorgeous. I just Love it all.

    MYRA, Yesterday's card with the Tea Cup was so appropriate for the Cafe, it is gorgeous.

    KAREN, So pleased you got through yesterday, and lovely so many come to celebrate your sons birthday. As I was reading your post the song came to mind 'You'll Never Walk Alone' - It never fails to make me fill up! ((( extra Hugs ))) xxx
    Can't believe where the time has gone I started to post about 10:00 John had just taken Ciara to her friends house. He returned and SIL came home (his work plans changed, not in Southampton all week) we all had coffee, I hung washing out. Oh and one teenager managed to get out of bed, Now it getting near to
    lunch time.
    Hope everyone is having a good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry KAREN, So many came !!!!'

    2. Brenda, you are a lovely lady! I missed you yesterday but Life and grandchildren do take up our time occasionally and we wouldn't have it any other way!
      So many people have bad experiences of Facebook. I've never used it and can see no reason to change that. The Cafe is completely different - you are so right! Enjoy your lunch.

    3. Hello Brenda OB, it's always nice to see you.
      I think you are all lovely ladies, that is why I am so looking forward to October.

    4. Brenda I'm amazed how teenagers can stay in bed so long and still be tired when they finally come downstairs! Emma was up before 10 today and has managed to achieve so much, mainly getting mr to sit down so she can show me things so I've not achieved a lot! Xxx

    5. Yes Diane I think it's all the ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz filling their room every time they start to come to the ZZZzzzzzzzzz knock them out !!!!
      In her defence the 16 yr old is working as a life guard and Monday and Tuesday had to start at 6:00am. Until 2:00pm But one day Mum dropped her off the next Dad did the same. But then she has been coming home to have a nap.!!!!

    6. Thank you Brenda for your very kind words. I also took ages before I finally commented on Sue's blog, a couple of years actually. I am on Facebook but with full security settings. I can't understand these people who have an open Facebook page. I only use it to see what the girls are up to or to be more precise, to see what photos they have put on.
      Hugs Saba

  11. Afternoon one and all
    Saba your gift for Sandra is just beautiful and you have used some of my favourite dies and efolder too oh and the colours - can you tell we Yorkshire lasses always fit together don't we!! As much as I love coming here to Marigny I always love going home to Yorkshire. Our visitors tomorrow Robert is a born and bred Sheffield lad although as I've said now living in the Netherlands but he just cannot get enough of Yorkshire whenever he can.

    Sandra one lucky lady you are to receive such a beautiful gift.
    I hope the 3 Graces are having a really good day and hopefully getting in some crafting inbetween gossip and laughter.

    Have had a morning of making pastryless quiches because of the Gluten Free diet needed for the next few days. I've never made them before so I'm hoping they're OK. They look OK in their foil dishes so fingers crossed please.

    Hazel all the best for tomorrow - A request has been made for some lovely weather for you all.

    Right off now to go and make the bed up in the Annexe and take some clothes across so we don't have to parade back and forth. I'm sure there'll be something I haven't thought of. There always is.

    Hugs are on their way via cyber space so I only hope they arrive in the right place and today.
    Just in case they don't hugs to everyone who may and have been into the café today.

    1. Hi Janet, I bet your quiche are delicious. I hope the next few days go well, and don't worry about clothes, it doesn't seem to bother Patricia or Saba!!!! xxxx

    2. Janet thank you very much for your kind comment. You are right, us Yorkshire lasses think alike. It's because we are very special people and so lucky to have been born in God's own county.
      I watched a programme last evening, the pennine way and I just drank it in, especially when they showed Malham Cove, it's just up,the road from our cottage.

    3. Hi Janet,
      have a lovely time for the next few days with Robert and the family xxx
      love people from Yorkshire.

  12. Afternoon all, sounds a bit like Dixon of Dock Green, evening all ( who remembers him, only people of a certain age methinks!!)
    Well sun is still here, went to the local tip with a lot of rubbish that had been put in the greenhouse, cardboard boxes, old garden chair, some polystyrene which I hate touching, it gives me the willies.
    Going out this pm with friends for a quick coffee at the local garden centre, it is a Wednesday ritual we have been doing for a few years, catching up on gossip etc.,
    I'll be back (now I sound like Arnie) later.
    Take care xxx

    1. Oh I used to love Jack Warner, he must have been the oldest policeman in Christendom!!! I could never understand how he managed to be on the TV when that horrible Dirk Bogarde killed him in The Blue Lamp!!! By the way, I like Arnie too xxxx

    2. Oh yes Dixon of Dock Green I remember that...... No I mean I remember my mum telling me about it because of course I'm far too young!!! Xxx

    3. My mum told me about him as well!!! xxx

    4. My Grandma told me! Ouch my nose! Xxx

    5. Right! Myra you win. xxx

    6. Jess and Muriel, please don't mention Arnie, even typing his name makes me want to hide under the bed.

    7. O..k. Saba, my lips are sealed mmmmh hmmh mmm mmm xxx

    8. Phew! Peace at last! Xxx

    9. Only four minutes! Xxx
      Try Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue!
      Maybe duck tape would be better , Daffy!! Xxx

    10. I'm a bit like Neville Chamberlain and Peace in our Time, you know how that ended ha ha xx

    11. Yes! War - and then the EU! Xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all who call in.
    Hope you have a lovely day with Pat and Sue and get some crafting done.
    Saba your card is soo pretty and the jiffy bag what can I say, thank you for sharing it with us Sandra.
    Hazel hope you are trying to rest some of today hope all goes well and weather is at least dry for you tomorrow.
    Michelle hope you have sorted problem at work.
    Hugs on way to everybody.
    Love Margaretxx

    1. Hi Margaret, I am being very good today!!! xxx

    2. No fun in being good is there.xx

    3. Totally agree, life's too short to behave!!! xxx

    4. It's not just that - it's not something that comes easily to Maureen! Xxx

    5. Comes very easy to me as well. Maybe it's an "age" thing. We are young and silly .... anyone want to join us?? xxx

    6. Mum used to say " if you can't behave, then be good " sorry Mum I can't do either .............. it's much more fun.
      Think that's another reason why this blog 'works' xxx

    7. Thank you Margaret, I'm being good too, Peter is not coming home so I have no one to tease.
      I don't mean he has left me! He is gadding off after work for a drink with a friend.

    8. Ha, that's what he tell's you!!!! xxx

    9. Hi Margaret
      No it's no fun being good is it. Please just looks at me sometimes and just shakes his head. Like when we're out in the street and I start singing out loud, or even dancing. Just think Ally Pally Margaret, then we can be really naughty.

  14. I am being so lazy, I have lots I could do but I just can't be bothered.
    Made a couple of cards for friends birthdays in the next couple of weeks.
    They are done apart from the inserts and one will need a box. I really must move my Butt and go get it done.
    Oh! Maybe I will just sit for another 10mins. xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Well I was about to post this morning when Emma interrupted me for a music quiz! One of her favourite things to do using our Spotify music lists! Saba your card today is really pretty, love the lavender colour too. Was it wrapped in a box? It's very pretty and a great way to send it through the post. Thank you for letting Sandra share it with us xxx
    Well it's been a busy day here, I had a health check with the nurse this morning, I was getting worried it would all be doom and gloom but my cholesterol is below average which cheered me up no end, I need to carry on loosing weight and keep up the exercise. My blood pressure was sky high though, it doesn't seem to like the electronic machines so they usually get the old fashioned pump ones out and it's normal but she wasn't having any of that so I've got to go back on Friday and think calm thoughts , which instantly send BP up again! They also forgot to tell me to fast before my blood test so that's got to be redone too - what a waste of money! Had a chiropractor appointment this afternoon and she's had a good prod of my back and I just need to rest it now for a bit so that's what i 'm doing.
    Well ladies I've tried to leave comments on the way down , just got to say though Sandra I do hope you Sue and Pat have a great day nattering and crafting, have fun ladies xxx Hazel I've got my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow, I hope it's dry and you have a wonderful time xxx
    Right I'm going to sign off now, I'm off out to card club tonight so I doubt I will get a chance to pop in until it's really late. Oh bother, I nodded off for a few minutes and it's now pouring with rain - I've got too loads of washing out! Ho hum, no use rushing out now is it. See you all soon xxxx

    1. Hi Diane, thank you very much. Yes it was wrapped in a box. I use my envelope maker and a sheet of cardstock. No cutting involved and you can make the "envelope box" to whatever depth you need. I have a pin on Pinterest which when you click on it takes you to a programme which calculates where to score and punch for what ever size card you are making.
      Peter has high blood pressure but it always is sky high at the doctors. He takes (or rather I do) measurements at home for a few days before he goes now and the doctor uses those to assess it. Hope resting your back helps.

    2. Saba, I would have thought you taking his BP would send it off the scale, he should just think calming thoughts - like "how is my lavender growing"!!!! xxx

    3. SABA:- if I was clever I could find that "pin" unfortunately it's all still like a minefield to me. I do have the board just need the knowledge. Oh! had a thought i am sure to find something on YouTube. I sometime manage to get things on there. xxx

    4. Diane hi, think of a beach with palm trees and warmish sunshine next you go and take the BP, make sure to shut the eye's or you will not make it. Hope your back is not to sore after your treatment and that you enjoying this evenings card game. Do you play Bridge or ?
      hugs Maria xxx

  16. Hello Sandra and crew,
    Sorry I am so late in today, Val phoned quite early and nearly two hours later I had to tell her I needed to get ready to go out as I had an Appointment with the dental hygienist again. Then I nipped into the city to buy a few things to send to my daughter for her birthday next week and I have only just got back.
    Sandra, I am so pleased you like the card I sent you. I can't take the credit for the design, when I was home last, Joanne and I were playing and she designed it, albeit in different colours. The lilac card was from a First Edition Premium textured 12x12 cardstock pad. There are some gorgeous colours in it.
    Foolishly I didn't buy the scored lines EF when I was home so I created the background using my score board. It was really easy to replicate the effect of the folder. I scored the corners to corners first and then simply scored the vertical and horizontal lines. The box envelope was made using the We R Memory keepers envelope maker, you can adapt it for making boxes using a single sheet of cardstock. It's one of my favourite pieces of equipment. The patterned Jiffy bags I bought from Tschibo.
    Thank you all so very much for your kind comments.
    I am going to go back up now and read what you have all been up to.
    Love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Posh, that's what you are. Only you would buy and send patterned Jiffy bags. I just re-use the ones that come from C&C or somewhere else!!! Cheapskate, that's me!!!! I can see I'm going to have to pull my socks up. xxxxx

    2. Will you be needing suspenders? Xxx

    3. Hurry up - the suspense is killing me! Xxx

    4. No, I'll use elastic ,(the old fashioned way, you know where it cuts off the circulation!) xxxx

    5. I do indeed - especially where the stitching is! Or in my case when the stitching came undone - where the knot was! Xxx

  17. REUNION PART 2....

    On Saturday morning, the rain clouds disappeared and the sun finally broke out with a very warm smile. So we, Fiona, Joseph and myself, took ourselves off to do the Red Route of the Shaun the Sheep Trail. We covered the whole 5km and only missed one just because we could not find him where he was supposed to be. Nobody else found him either. It was quite good fun actually and I did enjoy it immensely. You are meant to take pictures of yourselves with each statue and post them on the Internet, but you just try to get past hordes of little uns!!!! No chance for grownups and some parents were quite snotty with me as all I wanted was a photo with no kids in. I lost count of the number of times I was impolitely told, "The queue is over there!"
    No, my dears I will take my photo where I want to, there are no set rules about it either.

    Then it was time for lunch in Za Za Bazaar's, an all you can eat establishment. So many cuisines to choose from, very busy bustling place, and 1 3/4 hours before you have to leave, so eat all you want for £10 per person, children included in that. Well, you should have seen the size of some of them. No wonder we have an obesity problem with our younger generations! My goodness me, what they ate would have lasted me a week! Good job I didn't have to take them home.
    A quiet afternoon then the evening proper...
    1 of my guests was 6 years old and her sister was 8 a few days previously. Their granddad had asked me if we could do something special for Marinella. Out came the thinking cap, I rang a friend of my son's and she made me the most glorious FROZEN themed cake. Unfortunately as I was leading the singing with the 2 sisters at the front of the room, I didn't get to take a photo, I did ask her Mum though and she said she would send me one.
    Teatime now, so see you later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, you've certainly had a great time. Shaun the Sheep!!! - brilliant. I bet the Frozen cake was for you really!!! Oh no, I'll be singing that song all night now. xxx

    2. Fabulous to read part 2 Cheryl, you had so much fun but who is the 'Shaun the sheep' ? The Frozen cake sound yummy. xxx

    3. Maria, Shaun the Sheep is a character from CBBC - he was created by the writers of Wallace and Gromit! He is a sheep with attitude! Hope this helps Maria! Xxx

  18. Afternoon Ladies

    Quick visit-update on my work situation....the person rang in sick!!!!!!! Only putting off the inevitable I say.

    Right-must get changed (yup-out of my big girl knickers & into my BIG knickers)!!!!!


    1. Michele, I hate that, all geared up for the confrontation and then it falls flat. Get those big girl knickers in the wash ready for tomorrow! xxx

    2. MICHELE:- smells of GUILTY to me. xxx

    3. Oh no Patricia, is that not Myra pooping off again!!! xx

    4. I told everyone it wouldn't last! You are just naturally a minx! Xxx

    5. Myra, how could you, have you seen my comment about ironing higher up. That's the only thing, we are up and down all the time more times than a """"""****!!! knickers!!! xxx

    6. MAUREEN:- please explane a'''''''' ****!!! knickers.
      I have heard of a p''''''*****s!! knickers. I have lead a sheltered life, I have a lot to learn xxx

    7. It's ok Patricia she means than the knickers belonging to someone with a tummy upset! I hope so anyway! Xxx

    8. Always something educational to learn on here isn't there??? xxx

    9. sorry to see Michele when you now was rearing to go, maybe tomorrow. xx
      Whose taken my knickers ?! xx

  19. Cheryl, oh how awful are some folk. I hate that at these sort of things. As for these places that you can eat all you want, well they eat and eat and eat. I look at them and think well you are getting your money's worth, I love these restaurants as you can little tastes of the different foods. But these folk empty the dishes on to their plates, then they have three or four puddings too. That's why now at the hospital here the chairs in the waiting rooms are doubles. xxx

  20. I'm like Patricia, I can't settle to anything. I've been in my craft room, moved things about, then moved them back again, and haven't made anything. COME ON GIRL, get a grip and DO SOMETHING.
    By the way, it's trying to rain again, but I'm going to do a sun dance for Gillian's wedding tomorrow, so don't worry Hazel, everything will be fine.
    Right, back upstairs to try to do some PhD's, but It'll probably end up BA's.
    Muriel xxxx (Miss Goody Two Shoes) lol

    1. Goody Two Shoes! You! I need to sit down. Xxx

    2. Makes a change from all the falling down you do!!! xxx

    3. Our dinner is ready! You may have the last word for now! Xxx

    4. MAUREEN:- you better watch out. I would be building a shelter if it was me!! MYRA:- will be plotting revenge over her dinner!!! xxx

  21. Hi everyone, what a day we have all had, busy, lazy, loud, quiet,mope you all enjoyed whatever you did.
    Watching the weather report for tomorrow, looks like it will be dry for tomorrow Hazel, have a great time at Gillian's wedding, here's wishing her every happiness. Xxx
    As some of you seem to have a celebrity crush on the guy in NCIS, who is everyone's celebrity crush, mine is Paul Martin from Flog It, I think he is lovely(shoosh) don't tell anyone he he! X

    1. JESS:- I will stick with Gibbs, from NCIS. I have always been a "one man" girl. xxx

    2. Jess, One man at a time is all I can deal with, I'll stick with Gibbs, I just hope he can handle Patricia and me!!! xxxx

    3. Ha Ha Ha! If only! Xxx

  22. BRENDA (littlelamb) we are missing you.
    Please pop in to let the girls know you are ok
    (((((Hugs))))) xxx

  23. Oh Gosh! I've got a visitor! Xxx

    1. Never for one minute thought Maureen would have visited your house this evening!! xxx

    2. Oh I wish it had been Muriel! Xxx

    3. Do you want to tell who,or what it was?? xxx

    4. I'm being a bit careful as its someone we know through marriage and find a bit trying to put it mildly! We nearly pretended to be out! Naughty or what! Xxx

    5. MYRA:- Sorry I thought a bird had flowen into the Consevertory and had left is "trademark" all over the place.
      Enough to said xxx

  24. MEN:- Aaaahhh!! I have asked John since Saturday to get out his Kilt stuff.
    It's kept in his wardrobe tucked right to one side in a Suit Carrier. His Shoes, Socks, Sock Flashes and Skean Dhu should all be in the Shoe Box ... wedding tomorrow, so gets things out 20mins ago!! All that is in the box are his Shoes!! Oh! by the way it's MY fault the other things are not there ..... why in heavens name would I have HIS socks and a lethal weapon. At this point in time it's a good job I dont actually have that weapon. Have come through to the kitchen to keep my cool.
    Tell you what I absolutely refuse to look for them, they are NOT mine.
    He will have to pop along to John Jnrs in the morning if he does not find them. Where the heck has he hidden them?? John Jnr has plenty spare socks and ancillary bits and pieces.
    Made myself a cuppa, this is when I think a stiff alcoholic drink would be a good thing. I don't drink!!! xxx

    1. Oh Patricia,
      I do sympathise with you! It's always me who has moved something if it goes missing! You and your tidying up! - is a common saying here. In the end it isn't my fault at all . I do hope he finds everything he needs and that no one uses the lethal weapon in anger!
      I just want to say that I hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow. I'm really praying for a good day for you. Hope you'll all be relaxed and enjoy it! Xxx

    2. Grrrrrrrrr, they are all the same. I just knew what you were going to say as I was reading your post.
      I'm with Myra (now there's a first) in saying that I'm praying for a good day, and hope that you and Hazel both relax and enjoy it. Now I'm praying that J Jnr has enough extra bits and pieces for John - otherwise John's bits and pieces might be in jeopardy!!! xxx

  25. Glad to announce that "peace" had retuned to the Ranch.
    "Right my socks must be with my Sporan and belt, do you remember where you put them. They are in a box" As soon as John said Sporan I remembered where the box was, it was in his wardrobe. Written on the box for all to see was .... Sporan, belt etc:-. I went straight to John's wardrobe opened the door and said "could that be it then"
    We just had to laugh although we had both got snippy with each other. We have kissed and made up, all is well.
    Weather forecast is good for tomorrow, I really am trying had to believe them. Of course it will be good weather it's our Gillian getting married. xxx

    1. Patricia, glad you found them. I'd have still punched him though, well maybe not xxxx

    2. Oh Happy day! Glad all is well! Xxx

    3. Oh I'm so pleased for you both, it is silly the things that cause upsets, Thank goodness you have kissed and made up. Tomorrow will be all the better for that. Wishing you all a lovely day tomorrow.
      Night, night xxx

    4. Oh I am glad you found the bits, not good when they disappear aaah nice you have made up. I wish you a fantastic day tomorrow and wish Gillian and her man all the best! The weather will be good, fingers crossed xxx

  26. Now then, who's a clever girl. I have made ONE card. All that time in my room this afternoon and evening and I've managed one card. I give up.
    I'm going to get into my nightie, and go to bed to read. It's still pouring here and George is thinking of making another Ark, in the meantime he's made me a coffee, so I'll away and see you all tomorrow.
    Have a good night ladies,
    Hazel you have a good night's sleep and a super duper day tomorrow with Charlie and all your family. I wish Gillian and her future husband every joy and good health.
    Patricia, have a lovely day with John and your family.
    Sandra, I hope you, Pat and Sue have had a great day.
    Night, night, sweet dreams to all.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Night Night Muriel!
      You have a good kind husband.
      Like Maureen , Hazel and family I hope you all have a truly memorable day tomorrow and that Gillian and her husband will be very happy in their new life together.
      Patricia , I'm so glad John and you are now speaking and in harmony once again! Enjoy tomorrow.
      Lots of love,
      Myra xxx

    2. Night and God bless Muriel,
      I'll second that, George is a sweetie. Except when a scarf is involved.

  27. Patricia, if you are still up, I have started following you on Pinterest so when you go on just look at followers and you will see me. Then if you click on my name you can see all my folders and pins and the envelope punch board has the pin with the box maker. It's brilliant. I use it such a lot. The same lady has also made a program for calculating the envelopes, useful if you have a really odd size card.
    I tried to send the pin to you but somehow it wouldn't work, but I'd did send you a message. Hope you find it useful.

    1. SABA:- thank you for that I was just about to close the cover on the iPad.
      Will have a look tomorrow ..... well maybe not tomorrow but soon anyway. xxx

  28. Goodnight folks, I am off to get my beauty sleep.
    Want to look good for tomorrow.
    See you all in the morning
    God Bless xxx

    1. Eeeek, looks like I missed you and I wanted to wish you a lovely day tomorrow. Had a look at the weather app and it's looking good. My Fingers will be well and truly crossed for you all.
      Night and God bless.

  29. Thank you all for your wishes for Gillian and Andrew, I will pass them on. Been along seeing to arranging the tables at the restaurant, its a local village one and the owner asked if they would like to arrange them how they wanted, so all done. Just had a call from Gillian, I had given her a card with the verse I got from Sandra's blog the day I found it, well she was in tears and so was Lynn her friend, I have to say it does bring tears. Weather meant to be good for tomorrow, so just all keep up the positve thoughts that it is going to be good.
    Tammy has sent me photos of the boys in there kilts, oh they look so sweet and handsome. Will get photos up over the week end. And will let you know how it all goes. Once again thank you. Xxx

  30. Hi Sandra
    Well what a lovely card Saba. Really really nice in the flesh though.
    Hazel I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow. Not to sure where today went to again, as I'm really late posting again. I was trying to print something in Word, do you think I could get it to work. So it was a phone call to my eldest Grand daughter Amy. We switched the computer right off in the end, then it printed what I wanted phew I said. So I asked her if before she went we could print a sentiment off for my friends 70th in Sept. Do you think the printer would work. First it was wrong paper size, it was correct. Paper jam was next, then printer not responding. Well we gave up after an hour. It printed a digi stamp I had saved ok. Just not from word. Will try again tomorrow as Amy saved it in word. Next resort will be Craig ( Petes son ) if and when he comes over.why can't things be straightforward. Whatever happened to the good old Typewriter. I always get the blame as well Patricia when something goes missing. It's usually found just where it should be. I always say if it was a dog it would bite you.

  31. Hazel and , Patricia and families have a brilliant day tomorrow, keep smiling x

  32. Hi Sandra
    Just thought I'd pull the soapbox out for peters brother in Australia. They've had a small swimming pool for 30 years, which their children and now the grandchildren really enjoy using when they go over. The jobsworth in the government now insist you have special fencing around swimming pools in case any 3 or 4 year old might climb over the outside fence and fall in. That's there reasoning for the new regulations anyway. Bryan sent us a picture if his vack fence today. It's 6ft high with a 2 ft hedge peeping over the top if it. So this child might clinb on a chair and get over, or climb up a ladder and get over. You couldnt make it up could you. Rant over, soapbox back in the corner.

  33. Pat, Petes brother needs to invite the person who wrote the letter to come over to the house give him a chair and ask him to climb over the fence? Charlie use to survey down at the ." Wash" twice a year, and then one year he was told he had to wear all this safety gear, which Charlie knew would be dangerous and in possible for him to wear and carry his equipment to. So he invited the clerk to come out on the marshes with him, Charlie would wear what he knew was safe and the clerk to wear what he thought, funnily enough he declind and cancelled the whole thing, and nothing else was said. xxx

    1. Hazel I thought you had gone to bed ages ago. Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow and the sun shines for Gillian and Andrew. Wishing them all the very best.
      I am turning in now, I can't keep my eyes open.
      Night God bless all

  34. Thank you Saba, I can't switch off at the moment, so have just had a hot chocolate,so hopefully I will start to feel like going to bed. xxx

  35. omg It happened again and I was just about to press publish and puff it went to cyber space grrrr! I wrote also earlier and went to put the oven on for dinner and my Acer descided to crash Aargh! how frustrating when thing like that happen . Luckily my son is a computer wiss so after dinner he halped me to get it going again so I can Tell Saba that your card is lovely and I love the colour. Very cleaver to make your own scoring, it looks great. The packet /box is great too and I know I got the enveloper somewhere ,still in it's wrapper. so bad hihi
    I wish you Hazel, your daughter and her Husband all the best for a wonderful day with family and friends. I have everything crossed for you to have at least a dry day and not to cold ! Are they going commando or do they wear big knickers to hold their whiskey ? We have been with you all the way and only wished I lived closer so could jave given you a hand. Have a Fabulous day !
    My day started bad so no Aqua this morning. Managed just to go with OH and do the shopping and when back home after some more pills and some toast (with some homemade strawberry jam,thanks to Patricia) I did two machines and hanged it out when the clouds became very black and the sky opened it's doors once again so had to take it all in and hanged it on the stand in the bath and over some doors around the house
    I hope the three graces had a nice day with some crafting and talks about 'anything'
    Karen I'm glad you had a nice time with some of his friends and the rest of the family, hugs x
    It's getting late, again, and I'm going out with a friend tomorrow who are moving soon so we going for a luncheon to say 'Farewell' I will miss her, she is the one who can drive and she can take me places ( the Range, the Works, Hobbycraft, Ikea and to the three garden centres we have nearby) now it's back on the bike, bus or I have to ask 'grumpy' if he can take me.I will miss her even if she is my OH ex,
    Lynda did you sneak in while I'm writing ? will have a look in a minute.
    Everyone have a good night and if you are in pain or have a hubby who moving around I hope everything will be ok in the morning. Good night and don't let the bugs bite (make sure to have extra protection girls / Saba)
    Love and many hugs, Maria XxXx

    1. Pat- when my Acer crashed this evening I lost all my downloads ! I only waited for us to get a new printer which can take card for printing and now it's all gone. I hate all this technology which meant to be so good and they never work !! I hope yours behaved in the end xxx

  36. GRRRR GRRR I have lost three posts I started at 21 45 PM
    SABA your card is gorgeous love the colours,flowers,& designe.
    HAZEL have a lovely day at Gillian's & future husband wedding tomorrow
    Enjoy every minuet & all your hard work will be appreciated. You & Charley will be so proud of your daughter tak plenty tissues. I wish them all the happiness in the world for the future. PATRICIA you John & family have a lovely time at the wedding too.Take some pictures & send them to Sandra i would love to see them. I know MARIA I'm late again but went round my friends Terry jet washed her decking,because he would take any money she took us out for dinner.i stayed did some die cutting with her die's.
    I'm saying good night God bless as don't trust loosing this again.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Good you had a nice day pressure washing hihi. Know how you feel about these wonderful machines, they can make you crazy. Have a good night my friend and hugs to you and Terry. xxx

    2. Pumpkin time ..............

  37. Good night everyone I am off to see if I can get some sleep, I have my hair getting done at 9.15 so I have to be up bright and early. No dog here to wake us up? He is off to his hotel until tomorrow evening when they will bring him home. He is having a pampering sessions while he is there, his little treat. xxx

  38. You crease me up ladies! Don't ever change What with your stories about knickers Tena and Baileys You are all so kind and friendly I just wish I could spend more time replying and commenting
