
Saturday 4 July 2015

Mixed Craft saturday

Michele's advent calendar box frame!

Box from frame
Janet's Beautiful boxes!

Good Saturday morning ladies,
Some lovely crafts once again as it's Saturday, just a couple this week.
First up we have Michele's Amazing Advent Box Frame, such a fantastic idea, something that can
be used year after year to hide little gifts in for the 24 days of Advent, the good thing with this 
Is that you can have the numbers running consecutively or mix them up, just like the
Advent calendars that you can buy, but without the cheap tasting chocolate!
I think a nice idea would be to have all of the figures that make up the people and animals of
The nativity, then placing the most important part on Christmas Eve, a go if way to explain the story 
To your children, alternatively you can pop in chocolates or small gifts.
The boxes look like they are made with Spellbinders Bracket  Edge a Box die, 
I know Christine Emberson was selling the frames in her Hope Chances online shop.
That one is made to fit that particular box die too. 
You can also change the card on the boxes to make them look brighter and cleaner.
Thank you so very Michele for sharing your fantastic crafts for us to share.
Next we have Janet's beautiful boxes, so pretty Janet, you have used such gorgeous papers/fabric to cover the boxes and the lace trim and pearls make the boxes so feminine,  the heart shaped one looks like a little sewing box, the flowers on top of the bobbin just finish the box perfectly.
The square box looks special with it's brass looking closure and the trim and decoration you have used on it, work so well, not sure if you are giving these boxes as gifts or not but oh boy, they would make somebody's day.
Thank you so much for sharing them with us Janet xxx
Today we have another very special meeting going on, our Maureen is travelling up to meet 
Patricia and Hazel, I hope you all have an amazing get together, I know you will, remember to make you have a very comfy chair, those hours just fly by once you start talking, I think there will be plenty of laughter too, make sure you a "prepared" ! I am so looking forward to hearing all about it.
I am spending the days with lovely ladies too, Sue, Pat, Paul & I are off to Newbury Racecourse to a Craft Show, it doesn't look like there are too many Exhibitors, Jenny Mayes is demonstrating, so that will be good. I will update you later on.
I hope you all gave a lovely day, whatever you are doing,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Gang.
    WOW!! amazing goodies to drool over once again.
    MICHELE:- your box frame and boxes are brilliant. I have that frame and made the Spellbinder Boxes. Never thought of using it throughout the year. Wish I seen that idea before the boys got to the age they are.
    JANET:- I just LOVE your boxes. The Brass Catch looks amazing will need to find out about that. Such pretty papers and embellishments. Your little heart box is stunning a beautiful little sewing Box.
    Sandra, and all going to the Craft Show have a great time. If the show is not that good I am sure you will have fun anyway.
    ME:- could not sleep, far to excited. Went to bed about 11pm woke at 12.30 felt I had slept the whole night!!! Did manage to fall over till 4.30am. Anyway had my shower, dried my hair, off to have my breakfast. Will dress later ..... had a summer outfit ready, dress, shoes and bag all laid out, the lot ...... that will have to be changed. After a summer day yesterday we have a day that looks like winter today.
    Tables all set for the day, fresh flowers as well. Off over to the corner with my Tea & Toast to see who pops in. I notice Sam has deserted us. I do hope it is nothing we have said that has caused that. Oh! well that's life, we will just have to hope she is OK and comes back if she needs us.
    Will be back in the evening with all the gossip......I will then be able to tell you if Maureen really is an Angel!!
    Hugs by the door as usual, by for now xxx

    1. I hope you have a lovely day Patricia!!!! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hope you are enjoying your day, I'm sure Maureen is an angel,
      Jean x

  2. Well I would say good morning, but to be honest that would be a lie, especially here as the weather is atrocious to say the least. It has bucketed down with rain all night, it's dark and not exactly that warm at the moment. Now my mum use to say " rain before 7 dry by 11". So I am hoping that will be the case today.
    More beautiful crafts this Saturday morning, I see.
    Michele your advent calendar frame with its little boxes is lovely, I much prefer these type of calendars from the chocolate ones that have pictures on them that has nothing to do with Christmas. With your little boxes you can put little gifts in or as Sandra says a nativity pieces to make up a scene.
    Janet, you are little Brenda is there no end to your talent? Your boxes are beautiful - I do like boxes for gifts and these two are lovely.
    Well I am now undecided on what to wear today? Has to something that I can wear proper shoes with, no open toe or summery ones that's for sure? When I say proper shoes that means flat ones no 6 in heels for me. Which then leads to what bag, you know what I mean, it goes on and on. Oh here's hoping by 8.30 the weather might make up,it's mind and turn our a lovely day. Meeting up with Maureen will be wonderful, what ever the weather throws at us.
    Charlie has just informed me it will brighten up by lunch time, I hope he's right?
    I see from last night comment that Maureen will be flying between Edinburgh and Newbury today? She will be trying out her new angel powers then? And oh yes the cafe will be very quiet, folk looking in will think it has shut, thank goodness we all know the reason - 6 good friends meeting up, 4 on holiday sorry in a away that's 5 on holiday as our Janet is at her little retreat, yes she can still pop in that's if she has Internet, Janice will be busy, if it wet her guest won't be rushing out. Oh I know who hasn't been in again for a while that's Wendy?? Do you think she has got on a plane and gone in search of the sun?
    I hope Margaret will call in, I am a bit worried that she is in pain and isn't feeling good at all. So ladies who ever is having a day at home I hope you will take some time out and pop in and keep the coffee shop going. I most go and get myself sorted. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, I hope you have a lovely day !!!! xxxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hope it's brightened up for you all,
      Enjoy your day
      Jean x

  3. Lovely projects. And thank you for the mention regarding the frames - they will be back in stock soon...sending Dad back into his workshop! :) xx

    1. Christine Good old Dad bless him. Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your projects are stunning! The detail on them is amazing.

    My advent calendar was made after seeing Christines wonderful one on her blog. My purple living, cat mad friend has one of these with the boxes/lids in pearlised white & purple . I made the alternative boxes for her birthday-12 pre birthday gifts, one for the big day & 12 post birthday gifts. Its challenge to find gifts that git in the boxes that aren't all edible! I have a flattened box that I carry round when looking for such items.

    We had lots of thunder & heavy rain last night, its a bit cloudy this morning & very breezy . I'm off to a friends for a coffee & chat and we were hoping to sit in the garden . Fingers crossed we can.


    1. Ooopps-that should say "fit" in the box!! Many apologies Ladies.


    2. Michele, enjoy yourselves, I hope you get into the garden!!! xxx

    3. Michele, what a fantastic birthday gift and a little build up each day to someone's big birthday. Yes I can see the problem reference the gifts, the amount of times I have picked up an item thinking it would fit in a particular sized box and it was to big. xxx

    4. MICHELE:- I like that idea of the build up to a birthday with these boxes. I could use that for the boys. Might have to make more boxes mine are all Christmas. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all special friends!
    We are all having a busy day today!
    Michelle, your box is really lovely and a super idea. Thanks for sharing it with us. Also great idea to carry a flattened box with you!
    Janet - your boxes are really pretty . Either of them would make a lovely gift . I do like all the different things we can see from lace to flowers and stick pins. Thank you.
    The four going to Newbury - have a great day. Hope you find some bargains.
    The three going to Edinburgh - don't forget the throat lozenges and cushions!
    Have a lovely time - I know you will. Safe travel there and back!
    Love Myra xxx

  6. Morning! I do hope the weather brightens up for the three musketeers. We know you'll have a great time
    MICHELE I love your advent calender and what a great idea as a birthday present too. When/if I get to be a granny I'll definitely be making one
    JANET Your boxes are beautiful, the colours, embellishments, just everything
    SANDRA and gang Enjoy Newbury
    Yesterday was tough. She was/is an amazing lady. June is now over, bring on July! OH at work, so I need to get some housework done. I need to get to PO too before it closes and then....craft. Tomorrow we'll probably go Salsa dancing. Our friend holds a Salsa afternoon once a month - it's a bit like a tea dance. There is a cafe that sells soft drinks etc and amazing cakes (not as good as the ones here mind you) have a great week end everyone

    1. Enjoy your Salsa dancing Karen have a lovely time xxx

  7. Hello All,
    Michele, love your boxes, I'll have to check out Christine after she's had her dad slaving away!
    Janet, how lovely are your boxes, and all the gorgeous pins etc that are on them. So pretty.
    Well, it should really be Hell all!!!! The lightening first, then the thunder - which seemed to be right over our house, then the rain. No, I can't call it rain. Someone was emptying all the baths in Newcastle right over my roof!!!
    Still, it's going to be a fantastic day. I've ditched the nice, pretty clothes that I was going to wear (they didn't go with the old face anyway!), and it will have to be trousers.
    I've been on the whatever you call it (e-mail thingy) to Patricia and told her it was clearing up here. Oh, I shouldn't have said it. Wonder if I can walk around in wellies!!! ha ha.
    Brenda, Pat, Sandra and Sue (done in alphabetical order so as not to offend) have a great day in Newbury.
    Myra, whatever mayhem you are causing over there - enjoy it !!! lol
    Saba, did you find a hotel, or are you still looking.
    Margaret, I hope you are easier today.
    Everyone, I'll have to go and get this dressing gown off and my top clothes on.
    Have a good day - I will (don't know about Hazel and Patricia though !!!!)
    Love from an excited Fickle xxxxx

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Enjoy your day Maureen
      Hugs Jean x

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies, Michele your advert box calendar is gorgeous, such a clever idea, much better than shop bought ones.
    Janet love your little boxes, they are so cute.
    Have a great day Sandra and friends at the craft show, I think there will be more talking than shopping.
    Patricia, Hazel and Maureen have a fabulous day in Edinburgh. I know when I met Patricia, Hazel and Norah we had a lovely time, the day passed so quickly.
    What a morning we have had, early hours thunder and lightening and heavy heavy rain.
    I'm going to start painting my craft room today, wish me luck so much stuff to move first, hopefully will be back in at lunchtime.
    Take care everyone, enjoy your day whatever you are up to.
    Jess xx

    1. Hello JESS good luck with the painting your craft room,hope your pleased with your efforts,I'm sure it will look lovely. What colour scheme are you doing.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    2. Jess, I hope that craft room is looking good, what colour did you choose? Then again will you see much of the wall space? You can only see the length of the bed bit of wall plus above the head board in my room. It will feel and look good.

    3. Hi ladies, I'm just doing white, a lot of the walls will be covered with shelves and boxes so it will look ok, first coat on does need a second one to cover the original colour which was a dark sand.

  9. Morning everyone
    We are still baking here in Marigny and I don't mean cakes. There isn't a sign of rain anywhere.

    Michele I adore your Advent box. Making one like this is just so much better than those horrible choc ones. These can be handed down the family as such treasures.

    These two boxes were my bargain buy from 'The Works' book shop in Meadow Hall. They were £1 each and I just couldn't leave them at that price even though I hadn't anything in mind for them at the time. The covering on both boxes are strips of sticky backed ribbon I bought when I really got into paper crafting when I retired and as you do put them away and then forget about them. They had the pearls already stuck on them with some tiny flowers etc. Tale little bobbin on the heart and the big wooden button on top of the square box were bought on my trip last year to Holland. The lace was bought from the Range the stick pins are of course Sue's and the flowers are frm my stash.
    Thank you for your very kind comments. They are so appreciated.

    I know the gang of four will enjoy the craft show and that the trio will set Edinburgh alight. Hoping everyone has a really good day.

    1. JANET:- I love the brass catch you have used on your box. Do you remember where you got it??. xxx

  10. SAD NEWS!!! Maureen unable to meet up, her brother died a hour ago from a heart attack. So you know and don't ask how we enjoyed ourselves. This is a time when we have to put things in prospective. Hazel and Patricia.

    1. Thank you Hazel. My thoughts and prayers are with Maureen and her family.

    2. Hazel so very sory about maureen's brother my thoughts & Prayers are with her & her family. Love Lynda xx

    3. Oh I've just popped back in and saw this very sad news about Maureen's brother must have come up while I was still writing my post ....I do apolgise. My thoughts and prayers go out to Maureen and her family. Thank you Hazel for letting us know..

      Special hus to Maureen
      Love Sheila xxx

    4. Just popped back for catch up, so sorry to hear about Maureen's brother, will be back later.
      Jess x

    5. Sorry to hear this, I have been commenting on my way down and have only just seen this about Maureen's brother. My deepest condolences to all .
      Hugs in abundance
      Jean x

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely cafe crew,
    Well I can feel all the excitement in the air this morning with so many of you meeting up especially Maureen meeting Patricia and Hazel...I hope you have a fantastic day....Edinburgh really won't know what's hit it!! Lol!! Seriously though have a great day and I hope the sun shines on the 3 of you.
    Sandra, Brenda,Sue and Pat(oops and not forgetting Paul!) also have a great day, can't wait to hear what you have bought when you get back....not that I'm nosey!!!

    Oh what wonderful projects Janet and Michele are sharing with us today....I have never made an Advent Calendar before and I love this one so must seriously think about making one. I haven't got the box die but saw Anne-Marie from Hunkydory on C&C making a folded one yesterday which looked easy to do.
    Janet your boxes are so very beautiful, the colours, the flowers, the pins are just gorgeous and what wonderful gifts they would make, thank you so much for sharing them with us.
    Well I actually slept in this morning and I'm running late so must finnish my cuppa and go and get showered.
    Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing even if it's just relaxing...I'll be watching Mr. Murray!
    Myra hope you are having a wonderful time!
    Lynda I do hope Annie is feeling better I know you will be worrying yourself silly over her even though she has been to the vets and has meds.
    Margaret I do hope your leg isn't causing you too much pain and stress as I know you like to be up and about doing things yourself...hope the healing process goes very quickly for you.
    Saba did you find a hotel...hope you did.
    Must really make a move now, see you later when I know the cafe will still be bursting with excitement with the ladies telling us about their meet-ups.
    Have left plenty of hugs in the basket before Norah's naughty ones get in!!Lol!!
    Love Sheila xxxx

    1. PS. Didn't realise I had so much to say!!!! xxx

    2. Sheila, it was lovely to see you write so much, you seem in better spirits today which is lovely. As for the lie in - good, you must have needed it. xxx

  12. Good morning Sandra & ladies
    We had a terrific Thunder storm last night the lighting seemed that it was right outside my bedroom window as did the thunder it was so loud.gladly the sun is out now & so warm again.
    MICHELE your advent calendar is wonderful such a brilliant idea,must try this for Harry thank you for sharingxx
    JANET your boxes are Gorgeous you've put so much detail on them they are beautiful thank you for sharing them xx
    Sandra Sue Pat Brenda & of cause Paul have a brilliant time at your craft fair,hope you all find some crafty goodies please share what you have bought,& hope you have some sun.
    Hopefully going to play with my birthday die's later after lunch.
    SHEILA thank you for asking Annie seems a lot better today more calm,even in last night's storm,she normally freaks out with them but she just barked a couple of times & just went to sleep. So it was worth the £159 pluss £35 a month for heart tablets. If I say it quick haha.
    Once again my thoughts & prayers are with Maureen & her family after the sad loss of her brother sending her love & Hug's xxxx
    Will call in later love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in cafe.
    Firstly my thoughts and prayers are with Maureen and her family on the sudden loss of her brother.
    Michelle your advent is lovely and Janet your boxes very pretty.
    Hope Sandra, Pat and Sue have a lovely day it is very warm again after terrific thunder storm during the night at least will not have to water garden tonight.
    Love to all
    Margaret xx

  14. Condolences to Maureen and family - so sorry.michelle your advent calendar is gorgeous.
    Janet your boxes are beautiful - well done ladies - so clever.
    Sandra and Co, hope you enjoy your day at the craft show no use saying don't spend too much eh?

    Has brightened up nicely and is so warm after early morning storms.
    NIc is home today so will s
    Try to catch up later, if not hugs to all who need them
    Jean x

  15. Just popped in briefly to offer my sincere sympathy to Maureen. What a shock for Maureen and the whole family.
    I was thinking of Patricia, Hazel and Maureen having a lovely time when I got Maureen's text.
    Life can be very cruel sometimes.
    Sending love to everyone, with special hugs for Maureen.
    Love Myra xxx

  16. Maureen, I am so very sorry to hear your devastating news, Both Paul and I offer our most sincere sympathy, I can't imagine the shock, sending you
    Huge hugs and lots of love
    Sandra xxxxxx

  17. Maureen and family, sending you my deepest sympathy. I am so sorry to hear the sad news about your brother, What a dreadful shock for you all.
    Sending love and prayers. Brenda xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra, Pat, Sue! Brenda and Paul, I hope you have had a fantastic day and the weather has been good. After the dreadful thunder storms last night, today has been glorious sunshine.

    Michele, I love your Advent Calender. I would have great fun finding items small enough to fit into the boxes.
    Janet, Your boxes are really lovely. Like you I would have had to buy them ......... Just because I might need them!!!!!!!!!
    Will drop in later, enjoyed my cuppa after being out in the garden almost all of the day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  19. Hi Sandra
    I didn't have time to comment on your card yesterday. But it was lovely and certainly different for a girl whose not girly.
    Michele I love your advent calendar box. The amount of work that's gone into making it. Janet your little boxes are gorgeous. Like the Advent calendar a lot of love and hard work went into making these. Back from Newbury, it was smaller then last year but also in a smaller hall, so it was a bit crowded. Hopefully more exhibitors will go next year and it can once again be in the bigger stand.

  20. Maureen, honey, my deepest sympathy to you.
    Love and a huge cudddle

  21. First of all Maureen I was so sorry to hear about your brother. Sandra told us when we were at Newbury. Please accept my deepest sympathy to you and your family.


  22. Maureen- I'm so sorry to hear about your brother ,my deepest condolences and hugs to you and the family xx

    Hi Sandra and all,
    Michele- your advents calendar is great. I love how you made all the little boxes with look like buttons and it would be like a treasure hunt to find little trinkets to put inside.
    Janet- the boxes are so pretty. I can understand it was a must buy. Hope you are coping with the heat.
    Jess- good luck with your painting, maybe you already finished?
    Lynda- glad Annie is better but oh those vet bills.
    Margaret- how you doing in this heat ? hot and frustrating not to be able to do what you want. Wish you speedy recovery.
    Sandra and girls tell us the truth, how much did you buy from the show ? Is it different from NEC and AP? Hope you had a lovely day.
    Saba- on your way back home, take care.
    Sam- I hope you are ok. Love hearing how your day been sitting in Sandra's cafe' ,hope you come back soon.
    Have not been well over a few days, no food or liquid has passed my lips until today so feeling a bit weak, heyho tomorrow is another day
    Sending my love and hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

    1. Maria, did say to Patricia you hadn't been in and did wonder if you were ok, not good that you have been so ill, do you think you had the bug that Margaret's family had the other week? Make sure you drink, if you can't stomach the fluids get yourself some ice lollies they are a good way of getting small amounts of liquid into your system. What I do is have a glass that the lolly fits in ( stick end up) then I just keep having a few sticks then put it back in the glass that I keep in the fridge. Ok you waste some but it gets those fluids in you. xxx

    2. That's stucks not sticks

    3. Hi MARIA sorry you have been unwell, was it the gastric enteritis thingy.
      Hope your on the mend. YOU SHOULD DRINK WATER naughty girl x
      Sending you lots of healing ((((((((((Hug's)))))))))) love Lynda xxxx

    4. Hello Maria, Hazel and I were talking about you today. We did wonder if you were ill. Hazel's idea with the Ice Lolly works and you do get a little fluid in till you can actually "drink"
      Hopeing you keep feeling better ((((hugs)))) xxx

    5. Hello Maria so sorry to hear you have been poorly, hope you feel much better very soon and as everyone has said...plenty of fluids. Take it easy until you're feeling a lot stronger.
      Hugs Sheila xxx

  23. Good evening all,
    As you now know the day for Hazel, Maureen and I did not go as planed. We were on our way into Edinburgh when Hazel's phone "dinged". It was Maureen giving us the devastating news about her brother. Thank goodness she had not left her house and was there with the family. Thank goodness for Mobile Phones as well. We would have been worried sick if she had not stepped off the train when we thought she would. Hazel and I had a cuppa to get our heads round the news. We then got back on the bus, collected our cars and headed home.
    Still trying to get our heads round what has happened. Our hearts go out to Maureen and her whole family. Sending (((((hugs))))) so wishing we could be there to give them in person. xxx

  24. Well after the sad news we got this morning from Maureen about her brother. As I said it puts life into prospective, we should live life to the full, do the things we have always wanted to do but never got round to it. Forget the silly things that we think is the end of the world, when it's nothing really. We don't know what in store of us. My heart goes out to Maureen and her family and to her brothers wife and family at this time. We will rearrange another day.
    Hazel x

    1. Hi Hazel,I left some comments this morning on the way down too Patricia you & Maureen but I deleted them after reaching your sad message about Maureens brother I didn't think I should leave them on .under the circumstance's.
      Lynda xx

    2. LYNDA:- Hazel and I commented on that ... Thank you for being so thoughtful and respectful xxx

    3. As Patricia has said " thank you for your thoughtfulness and respect"
      Hazel x

  25. Ladies did you have a good day at the show? And are we going to get told what you bought??? I am glad Brenda that you managed to go, I asked Sandra if Scarlett was with you, but she said no. Is she ok? I am looking forward to next week and the arrival of my die from Sue. Can't see me making any Christmas cards straight away, but will have a little play, just to see how it cuts.
    Cheryl, Jess and any one else that are glue to the TV watching the tennis, I hope you are enjoying it. I have to say I am not a tennis fan, Charlie is watching, and I can't be bothered doing anything.
    Margaret, again are you ok, has anyone heard from her?
    Saba, are you home yet? I bet that washing machine hasn't been off if you are,
    Daine, are we still eating Key Lime pie?
    Hazel x

  26. Good evening Sandra and everyone
    So sorry to have been missing for a few days but I have been told to have my leg and foot raised to reduce the swelling and the best place for me is bed laying flat so no laptop but lots of reading. The trouble is everything is taking me so long to do, I really could do with 48 hours in the day!
    Maureen sweetheart my thought are with you and all your family I was so sad to get your email along with one from Patricia telling me your devastating news, sending you soft hugs to help the hurt you are feeling. You and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers, do remember, there is a reason for everything, although we may never get to know the reason why, hang on to that thought and it will get you through. xxxxx
    Saba I do hope you have a safe journey home.
    Take care everyone sending you all comforting hugs and my sincere thanks for all your good wishes and messages of support, they mean so much.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  27. Margaret, thank goodness you are ok, oh it must be terribly frustrating not being able to get things done without it taking you an age? But I am sorry you will just have to take things at that pace for the next few weeks. Says me that was getting frustrated yesterday as I couldn't do what I wanted to get done as the body just couldn't do it. (((((( hugs))))) Hazel x

  28. Margaret, hope you are feeling better, it is rotten having to lie flat for such a while.
    Sending lots of love to Maureen and her family, desvastating news, at least when my brother died a couple of years ago we were expecting it, but it was still
    a blow when he died, then six weeks later my sisters husband died, they both had brain tumours. That was a rotten year.
    Craft room has had its first coat of emulsion, needs a second coat but I am knackered, it will have to wait till tomorrow.
    Hope the day at the craft fair went well for Sandra and friends.
    Logging off for tonight, catch up with you all tomorrow. ((((())))) for Maureen xx

  29. Hi Ladies,MARGARET so sorry you have to stay on the bed with foot up, it must be so frustrating for you. Not being able to craft as well. Wish I was nearer so could help you.i was frustrated last week when I couldn't do things I surpose we should just shut our eyes. Please take care gental (((Hug's ))) love Lynda xx.
    Sandra how was the craft fair hope you Pat Sue & Brenda managed to buy some nice goodies please let us know what you brought. Did Paul have a nice time as well lol.😃 xx
    Well OH is snoring im going to kick him in a's so loud even without my ears in haha.
    SABA hope your home safe & sound hope you sleep well in your own bed tonight xxx

    Maureen sending you more (((((Hug's))))) Sweetheart love Lynda xx

  30. SANDRA, PAT, SUE, BRENDA:- hope you all had a good day at the show. Maybe we will get to see any goodies bought durning the week.
    Today did not go quite as expected. I am off to bed, I am tired, my mind is still buzzing, I need to chill and hope to sleep.
    See you all in the morning
    Goodnight and God Bless especially dear Maureen and all her family. xxx

  31. Hi Ladies
    Just a quick message for Maureen. So sorry to hear of your loss, what a shock for you. Sending you a huge hug and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Xxxx
    Michele lovely advent cal lender and Janet lovey boxes. Must go just boarding xxxxx

  32. Hi everyone it's been a very sad day for Maureen and her family so I shall say night, night now.
    Love and hugs to all
    Sheila xxxx

  33. Margaret, I could do with a 48 hour day also. I never have enough time to complete all the things I have planned. Then maybe I try to cram to much into my day!!! Sorry you have to lay in bed and rest your foot ... I know you haven't time for this !!! BUT it is the best you can do just now. Things can only get better. LOL XXX


  34. Hello ladies,
    We arrived home a little while ago and I am so saddened to hear of Maureen's loss. I have had emails from Patricia ( thank you ) and from Maureen herself and I am just so terribly sorry. I am sorry for Hazel and Patricia but my heart goes outo Maureen.
    Michele and Janet, your advent calendar and boxes are lovely,
    Maria, hope you feel better soon.
    Margaret, hope you can cope with the bed rest.
    Sandra, Sue, Pat, and Brenda, hope you enjoyed your day.
    Lynda, glad Annie is a bit better, sorry about the vets bill!!
    I hope I haven't missed anyone,
    My love, thoughts and prayers are with Maureen, Joan and their families and of course with Raymond, may he rest in peace.
    Goodnight God bless all
    Saba xxx
