
Monday 29 June 2015

More Male Cards as its Monday!

Brenda (Lello)'s Card Anniversary Card for her Husband
Margaret's Budgie Birthday Card

Patricia's Cog Card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,
I hope you are all well and have had a good weekend, the weather wasn't so bad after all, you have all been really busy doing  many different things from Hen Nights to Church Fete's and Scarecrow hunting to Sheep Racing, you can't say we are a boring crowd can you?
Its so lovely to be able to share all of these lovely events with all of our friends here in the café!
I also see that Spellbinders have copied our Virtual Café idea, I am shocked, maybe we should flattered, theirs will no where near as friendly as ours, I bet they won't have such a broad spectrum of topics covered in their posts!
Right onto todays fabulous selection of cards, first up we have an amazing card by Brenda (lello)
Its made using the Creative Expressions (CE) Noble Die 'Ornate Pierced Squares' designed by Sue Wilson, for the frame, the centre part of the card has been made using (CE) Weaving Dies both Classic and Striped, Brenda has layered the two colours and weaved them together perfectly,
the sentiment has been die cut with (CE) Pierced Flag dies , Brenda has finished the card with
some seam binding ribbon and some wooden hearts.
Brenda this is an amazing card, made to your usual very high standard, every element of the card is crafted perfectly, thank you for sharing your Anniversary card with us xxxx
The second card in the line up today is Margaret's Card with the Hilarious image of Budgies at the Beach, I think we should have a mini competition today for the funniest phrase to accompany this image!!!!
Margaret has framed this image with (CE) Noble Die, Ornate Pierced Rectangles, the background has been embossed with the (CE) Beaded Fanfare A4 Embossing Folder, I believe the 'Happy Birthday' Sentiment is a Spellbinders Die, Margaret has used the gorgeous Blue foiled card to cut this sentiment and as a matt to tie the colour in.
Margaret I love this card it really did bring a smile to my face, I am sure it did Alan's too, thank you
very much for sharing your card with us xxxx
The Final card today has been created by Patricia, it is a fantastic Cog themed card with a double ended flag for the sentiment, I am not to sure if the cogs have been created with the Spellbinders Cog dies or another brand, I know that Patricia has used the amazing Score-Pal, Score Buddy to add the pierced effect to the edges of the card.  I can totally recommend this fabulous little tool, it only costs about £3 -£4 and is so easy to use, I just place the edge of the card over my Hougie Board and make sure there is a score line where you want the line to be and then run the little Score Buddy down the card, you kind of have to have the crossover at the corners though as it is a bit difficult to stop in an exact spot, but it gives you a perfect spot for a pearl or brad.
Thank you so much Patricia for sharing your fabulous card our blog xxxxx
I hope that you have a great Monday,
I will call in later to catch up with all of you,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    Up early today for our visit to Bristol, and found out last night we shall be taking Milly-May with us to meet her Great-Great grandparents. what a surprize that is going to be for my Mum & Dad.

    A lovely array of male cards for today. I keep forgetting our themed days. Note to self. Write on Calendar.
    Brenda your weaving is superb and a lovely Anniversary card for you husband. I'm taking it the colours and bronze & cream?

    Margaret's sunbathing budgies is so 'tweet'. They brought a smile to my lips. Gorgeous composition.

    Patricia's buckle cog card is certainly different with bright contrasting colours. I love my cog set from X cut and have used them on most of my male cards this year.
    I've had a quick cuppa and crumpets, money in pot, off for a shower and quick change. The sun is shining and flooding the rooms with early morning warmth.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. CHERYL:- what a great surprise for you, a day with Milly-May. You will have to share her but you will still get lots of extra hugs & cuddles....enjoy!! xxx

    2. Cheryl have a wonderful day with Milly-May and such a lovely surprise for your Mum and Dad to meet the little one. Such a happy day for all of you to have too Enjoy your cuddles as I'm sure Milly-May will enjoy having them. xxx

    3. Cheryl have a brilliant day, what an opportunity for a family photo, enjoy all you cuddles.
      Jess x

    4. Cheryl, have a wonderful day, your mam and dad will be so excited when they see Milly-May. Photo's please!!! xxx

    5. Oh Cheryl sweethear, WOW please take pictures with your Mum and Dad you lucky, lucky angel. What an amazing thing that is for that wee tot to have 4 generations behind her and what an amazing picture that could be if all 5 of you girls could be in that picture from the oldest holding the youngest, beautiful. Have a fantastic day Cheryl and yes i am jealous but i am sending you all a bunch of huggles with it.
      Lots of love
      Norah xx

    6. How lovely Four generations all together, a magical moment. Have a lovely day

    7. Oh Cheryl, how lovely. Four generations. The most we have ever managed is three. Your Mum and Dad will be thrilled. Have a super day! Xxx

    8. Hi Cheryl, have a magical day. Make sure to take lot's of photos Xxx

    9. Hi Cheryl,
      Hope you had a lovely day and took lots of photos. 5 generations must be quite rare, bet the local newspaper would love to see a photo too. Xxx

    10. Cheryl, Have a lovely day, Four generations - that is certainly a picture for the family album xxx

    11. Hi CHERYL hope you had a brilliant day with Milly May & your Mum & Dad. Four generations how amazing. love Lynda xx

    12. That's lovely Cheryl. 4 generations together. We nearly made 5. My dad, me, my som, his son and his daughter. My dad died a few weeks before my GtGrandaughter was born. It would have been wonderful to have had 5 generations but as it is we still have 4. Hope you enjoyed your day with Millie-May.

    13. Cheryl, my brain wasn't working earlier! Maureen , shush!
      We did have 4 generations for about 6 months. Xxx

    14. Cheryl - I hope you have enjoyed your lovely day, and took lots of photos
      Hugs Jean x

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Gang. Hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    Wow! The cards for today are really great.
    BRENDA:- love your card,great use of the weaving dies. Love the Bow & Heart embellishment, really like that idea.
    MARGARET:- how "tweet" is your brilliant card, certain to raise a smile. I would be leaving that on show just to keep me smiling!!!
    MINE:- all Spellbinders ..... embossing folder then just loads of Cogs cut out and randomly placed. Happy Birthday computer generated and banner hand cut.
    The sun is shining the sky is blue .... Hope it is the same for you.
    House almost done, just our bed to strip and the room and shower room to do once I tip John out of the bed. Better leave him just a little longer. Unlike me he is a late bedder and a later riser than me.
    We are off up to Perth (Scotland) John needs a haircut, I need a few bits and pieces.
    Off over to the corner with my Tea & Toast. Will see who pops in or who just passes by. Bet their off to see what goes on in the Spellbiner Cafe. Tell you what it will "never" be as good as in here. Next thing to look out for is when their "retreat" will be!!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. See you all later xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      flower that score buddy/score pal that you are using to make the pierced effect, is it like an old fashion pattern wheel tracer for tracing the pattern on to material as a score buddy is a small scoring board and the score pal is it's big brother so i am confused which doesn't take a lot as you all know, i seem to go around in a permanent state of confusion. Of course you do realise that what i see is a funny pair of glasses that you have put on the front of the card, but hey we all know my imagination as no bounds and works overtime on a frequent basis. It reminds me of Elton John's "Sprocket Man" sorry Rocket Man glasses that he wore when he was younger and dafter. A definite cracker of a card Patricia, real fun and ideal for quite a few of the poor men i know in my extended family as cousins and uncles were just like dad for being under car engines, motorbikes, you name it. thank you for giving me a giggle today at past memories Patricia.
      Norah x

    2. Great card for a man Patricia! It does look a bit like funky glasses - thanks Norah! I thought of an owl playing peek a boo!
      It's a great man card , anyhow and very useful for lots of men
      Myra xx

    3. Your both right with what you see now that I look at the card. Funny how others see different things. xxx

    4. Thank you Patricia, xxx

    5. That's what I thought Norah as I had one of those tools years ago. Must find it because even if it isn't exactly the same it will probably do a similar job. What do you think?

    6. PATRICIA love your card. I love putting cogs on male cards. I also have the Spellbinders ones.

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today, well I must say I just love the cards on display today, so perfectly aligned. The quality of handmade cards these days are in many ways superior to shop bought cards, in my opinion, coupled with the satisfaction of seeing your end product -
    We had a lovely day yesterday with family around for a barbecue, thought at one point it might rain but the clouds rolled by and everyone enjoyed themselves, it's lovely when we can all get together but with different shift patterns etc it's not always possible, the children were tired when they went home, after clearing away we took the dogs for a good walk, they couldn't wait to settle down for the night.
    I hope everyone is well, haven't caught up on yesterday's posts yet, I struggle to keep up most days, they are such a chatty group,
    No wonder Spellbinders have copied the cafe, it should come with a health warning that it is addictive hahaha x
    Basket is topped up,be back later,
    Jean xx

    1. Hi Jean,
      Glad you had a good day, and the barbecue was a success. I agree with you that this Cafe is quite addictive, but it's the people in it that make it that way. xxx

    2. Hi Jean,
      i am so glad flower that you had such a lovely day yesterday with your family as it times like that bring memories later on when you recall something that happened. And i see that all that fresh air was good for the wee ones as well as it got them nice and tired so down to sleep and peace and quiet for mum and dad. Crikey i can remember when you wouldn't have caught me indoors not caring what the weather was like as you always had made a den that you could hide in and play until it went off. Nowadays they think they are going to melt if a wee bit rain hits them. Oh i can see i am going to be having one of those kind of a days today girls sorry to inflict you all like this as i know that it is infectious when one of us starts thinking back in time.
      Norah x

    3. Jean, so glad weather was fine for your barbecue! It stayed dry here after one shower late morning so I was hopeful for you! Glad everything went well. Love Myra xxx

    4. Hi Jean, glad you all had a nice day and the rain kept away. Xxx

    5. Hello Jean, so pleased you were able to have your BBQ yesterday and everyone had a good time. xxx

    6. Hi Jean glad you had a lovely day & had a rain free BBQ yesterday
      Love Lynda xx

    7. Hello Jean, glad it all went well and the rain stayed off for you xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-stunning card. Absolutely gorgeous & perfect as an anniversary card. You've given me an idea for our anniversary so if it's OK, I might just copy this card.

    Margaret-lovely card& quite different. A special "one off" card.

    Patricia-brilliant card & just perfect for many occasions. Again-this has given me ideas and as I have this set of dies, I think I could recreate this card-hope thats OK?

    After such a crazy busy weekend, I'm almost glad to be going into work! At least I only have this week then I'm off work for a whole week & nothing planned except crafting. I'm sure hubby will soon change that but I know he wants to play some golf.


    1. MICHELE:- you are more than welcome to use my card.
      When you cut out lots of those Cogs it's amazing the designs you will see.
      Just keep thinking of your week off and everything will be much better at work xxx

    2. Michele, keep going one more week, and I'll pray for good golf weather so that you can get some crafting time!!! xxx

    3. Just the spirit, only one more week. You can do it ! and I think in the end you didn't have to do the extra work so that's good Xxx

    4. Michele, Please feel free. I used the same design for SIL birthday ( it is the same day as our anniversary ) his card i did in French Navy and Periwinkle Blue with Navy ribbon and put an owl on the ribbon (Wise Owl)would have liked a Taxi as he recently passed his Knowledge Test (London taxi driver) it's taken four years, he was also working full time while doing this. So thought wise owl fits the bill.

  5. Morning one and all
    What a weekend I 'be had. Saturday teatime the laptop decided to leave us and stopped working. Power is getting to it but that is it. Well we both have tablets so no problems really but Techy Dobbie decided that that wasn't enough and my tablet joined the laptop. OK now we were down to 1 tablet. I tried and tried and tried to post on this wonderful cafe blog and Sue's but the Robot man just wouldn't let me post and believe me I tried everything so no posts yesterday.
    This morning my reader needed charging and with no laptop no way of charging so I ordered a mains charger for that.
    Why oh why are we so techy minded these days!!
    I automatically picked up my tablet this morning and yes it's working. Don't ask why I just don't know.
    Brenda what a superb card and I'm sure it was appreciated.
    Margaret a wonderful and personal card.
    Patricia a definite MAN's card. I love it.

    OK. Fingers crossed here goes all is working this morning.

    So everything I have seen has just been gorgeous

    1. I had a day like that last week. Laptop power supply wouldn't play, so I ordered a new one...guess what, I now have 2 which work. Technology rules!

    2. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, bring back slates and chalk!!!! xxxxx

    3. In our situation carrier pigeons might serve us better! Mind you the slates might be too heavy for the pigeons to carry! Xxx

    4. My computer and Johns iPad are working fine but the broadband keeps going off as they say they are upgrading everyone in our area, I don't mind but would like a bit of warning, just in the middle of posting the other day and wam - no connection -
      Hugs Jean x

  6. Good morning Sandra and all who stop by, again we have a fantastic display of cards, Each one so different? It amazes me how so many of us have the same die sets yet can produce very different cards.
    Brenda, your anniversary card is brilliant, and right for the man in ones life, it's a great design and colour combo.
    Margaret, this is just an adorable imaged card, yes it brought a smile to my face too. I wonder if they were enjoying people watching???
    Patricia's one, well I have had the pleasure of seeing this one in the "flesh" as one would say, and it is fantastic and again perfect for those males in our lives.
    Yes your right? The new spellbinders cafe won't be a patch on here. Not being awful or anything but if they were to have a retreat? It would be more like a spellbinders workshop weekend? They wouldn't have the friendship connections like in here, plus it would be a hotel full of people not small and personal like we are having. No ours is a group of friend meeting up for a weekend of fun, chatter and a bit of crafting. We're there's would be totally different. On Saturday night I was telling some of the girls about it, they thought it was a great idea, a few of them are crafters and thought it was one arranged by the likes of Spellbinders or another big company, not just us putting ideas in and coming up with what we are doing. A lot of the girls use to meet up at new year some had boyfriends who would come they hired log cabins or a couple of cottages that were together, they would all spend 4-6 days there, bringing another friend with them so they meet new friends, this was how Gillian got to know at least 5 of the ones that were there on Saturday, it was her neighbour who invited Gillian the first year she went. Out of the group 3 of them are married to friends who had meet at one of the new year meet ups. Like our group they come from different parts of the country.
    Brenda ( littlelamb) did you enjoy yourself yesterday? I hope you did, and I bet the couple loved your card and box. I did check in late to see if you called in, but you must have been so tired you went straight to bed.
    Saba, I do hope you have had success getting gas and someone to fit the electrics.
    Diana, have you slowed down? You were running at high speed last night.
    Sandra. Did Sophie get her tile to work out? I open so.
    Oh I have to get going as I have to get Perth. Had my tea and toast, that homemade jam is lovely. Money in the pot and dishes in the diswasher. Hazel x

    1. Good morning Hazel. Yes I was very tired when I got back yesterday. It was a good day apart from the rain which spoilt it a bit as we were supposed to be outside part if the time. The food was lovely but there was about 6 courses and they were very rich so my stomach was protesting at the end. I am off to the hospital so don't know when I will be back. Sorry if I kept you up last night. Have a lovely day. Are you meeting Patricia as she says she is going to Perth. Son is on his way to give me a lift. Must go

    2. Hello Littlelamb Brenda, I'm glad you had a good - if stomach straining - evening, and I hope the hospital visit goes well. xxx

    3. Little Lamb Brenda,
      i hope you get on well at the hospital flower but i hope that yesterdays frolics are the cause of todays visit. A little rain doesn't hurt us as we come from sturdier stock than todays children and younger adults shall we say re earlier message reply to Jean. Be good and they just might give you a clean bill of health i am hoping with all my fingers and everything i can crossed for you.
      Norah x

    4. Brenda, good to know you are alright if a little full up after yesterday's feasting! Probably be more fasting today! Hope your hospital visit goes well. Myra xxx

    5. Hi Littlelamb, I'm glad you had a good day after all,we know you didn't really wanted to go so hope it was ok. Hope your hospital app. goes ok Xxx

    6. Hi Littlelamb BRENDA glad you had a good day yesterday hope your hospital appointment went ok.
      Love Lynda xx

    7. Thank you all for your comments. I did try to reply earlier but my comment just would not publish. Will reply at the end of the comments.

    8. BEENDA: so glad your day went well yesterday and you enjoyed it.
      Like you I have been trying to comment but none would publish xxx

  7. Hi Sandra And Friends
    Just Quickie, I Love All The Men Cards As I'm Rubbish At Making Them
    How Dare Spellbinders Take Your Cafe Idea, I'm Sure They'll Not Print
    All Comments Like How Bad There Machine Is When I Run My Dies Through I Get Dirty Oil On My Work And My Boards, So I Purchased The Junior Boards And Its Happened To Them Also,
    I've Sent An Email I've Had To Take A Photograph Now I'm Waiting For A Response I Get Very Tired Of These Machines That Cost A Fortune Going Wrong And The Companies Couldn't Careless.
    Well That's My Moan For Today
    Love And Hugs
    From Sam xxx
    I've Got A Full Day Today

    1. Hi Sam, a lady called Karen dealt with my complaint about the black marks and it was dealt with very smoothly. It took longer because the machine refused to do it again for a couple of weeks, but as soon as I sent the photos off to her, I had a reply within 2 days saying a new machine would be sent. Good luck. xxxx

    2. Hi Sam,sorry about all the trouble you are having with your GC
      Hope it's sorted very soon for you.
      Love Lynda xx

    3. SAM:- your right, Spellbinders will not be publishing to the world problems people are having. Sorry you are still having problems with your machine. Hopefully it will sorted out soon.
      At least in this wonderful Cafe we can chat about anything!!
      This is an open friendly place where we are all "friends" and help one another. xxx

  8. Good morning lovely ladies,
    I'll have a hot coffee and a toasted crumpet with just a little of our strawberry jam please,
    Sandra, you do realise that if we are your flock, you must be the shepherdess, that's of corse if we are sheep, or are you our lady vicar? Quite like that idea, we could have virtual blessings in OUR cafe! Beat that spellbinders!!
    Well, what a lovely selection of man cards today.
    Brenda, how lovey that after all those years of marriage you still give your hubby a card to celebrate the event. And such a beautifully made one. I can see the love shining out of it from here. Thought it was an unmarked lighthouse at first!
    Margaret, I love your budgies, they made me smile too. Once again you have made a perfect card, not a wobbly edge in sight. I am intrigued by the A in Alan,
    How did you get the silver edge to it. Is it a die cut?
    Patricia, what a brilliant man card. I think I need some cog dies. Love your focal element with the sentiment threaded through.
    Right ladies, must dash, coffee was lovely, much nicer than the ones on board.
    See you later,
    Love and hugs Saba xxx

    1. Hi Saba,
      How's your gas, wind, and electrics?
      What a good idea to have our cafe blessed. I think I've still got some holy water from Lourdes and Sandra could do the honours.
      I hope you manage to get everything sorted and then you'll be off into the wide blue yonder (or is that a flying idiom?) xxxx

    2. I like the idea of virtual blessings! We are truly blessed to have each other . Stay safe my friend, find some gas and get the electrics fixed !
      These are my Orders for the day xxx

    3. Hi Saba, hope all goes right today and you can sail on, to where ?
      Have a great day Xxx

  9. Morning everyone, Wow, this is a real mix of male cards today. Shows they don't need to be boring either.
    I love your precision on this card, Brenda. Perfect for the man with a mathematical type of mind. the budgies. How about...How come you have a tan, I'm still white.
    I know, I'm rubbish at funny lines, but it's a start.
    I know lots of guys who would be perfect recipients for the cog card, never happy till they have something in bits. Great colour scheme too.
    Saba, I hope you get your problems fixed today. It would be major meltdown for us with no hot coffee. Wow, skipper would be a quivering jelly by now. Do you have AIS on board? I would love to see where you are?
    Spellbinders have no idea how to run a cafe, I mean open on a Friday only!!! Where is everyone supposed to go for the rest of the week. Imagine if we could only chat once a week, some of us would be talking too fast to get it all out, the rest of us would have forgotten what we did. Nah, daily or nothing. They are just amateurs.
    Well I hope you are all having a good day, rain is chucking it down here, but what else can we expect, the schools are now on holiday.
    See you later (after my ironing!)

    1. Ahoy Janice,
      No love, we don't have AIS on board. Now are you a secret sailor? How do you know about AIS and what programme are you using to look for me?
      Our coordinates at the moment are-:
      44 degrees 32 minutes 52 seconds North
      14 degrees 49 minutes 16 seconds East.
      FIND ME ,!!!!

    2. Saba, I've got you, but oh I've had to look away as you are skinny dipping xxx

    3. JANICE:- I did not realise till I read your post that the Spellbinder Cafe was only open on a Friday .... how silly, The cakes will certainly NOT be fresh!!!
      SABA:- those coordinates could be to find you on the moon for me!! Our friend Alan had a boat which we travelled about on lots when we lived in Turkey but we left it all to Captain Alan!!! xxx

    4. Some Cafe that is! Xxx

    5. Janice, you hit the nail on the head, John has got a mathematical type of brain. xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and everyone that pops in today,
    Sorry I went awol yesterday I was just having a chill out day and decided for once not to go near my computer (which wasn't an easy thing to do!!) Did my little bit of washing, tidied up and relaxed and watched TV...even stayed in my PJs all day!!
    Well what 3 fabulous men cards today.
    Brenda I love your weave card and the way you have added a fold of ribbon rather than a bow (great idea for a man card) and then added the two hearts.
    Margaret I adore your lovely budgies sat on deckchairs that is soooooo cute...always loved budgies and we had a wonderful one when Nikki was young for he always chatted away and would bob up and down in time to 'Pop goes the weasel'!!! Such a fabulous card for an anniversary.
    Patricia your cog card is great and so macho just perfect for any man. Many thanks to our lovely ladies for allowing Sandra to share them with us and for the inspiration you all pass on with them.
    Saba I hope all your problems get fixed today and you are able to continue your sailing very soon.
    Margaret I do hope that your family is recovering and you haven't over done it by taking care of everything, hopefully life will soon get back to normal for you with everyone fighting fit.
    When I logged in to my PC this morning they were giving warnings out about the heatwave in the the next day or so especially for the very young and elderly who may have a chronic illness so beware everyone.
    Will just finish my latte off, the cafe looks wonderful as always and Spellbinders will never be as lovely, friendly and comforting as Sandra's is. Have popped extra hugs in the basket today as I missed yesterday. See you later.
    Love and hugs Sheila xxx

    1. Sheila, my dear, please don't apologise for having a day off! It's taken me all day today to get to you! Having Sue's lovely Christmas Die Launch hasn't helped ,but, I don't know where today has gone. I'm afraid one little girl , who is very vocal , got a tellingly off today! She looked a bit shocked but I won't be spoken to , by a child , the way she
      spoke to me. Thank goodness I've got next week off. I don't think I could teach today! Xxx

    2. Oh Myra, that's what I hate about the young ones, they have no respect at all for their elders. Then again it makes you wonder how they are spoken to at home? Yes the few times I have helped at school, I have told them off and got some looks, but I am sorry that's the trouble teachers now are frightened to tell them off, sorry they are the teacher after all so why can't they?? Off my soap box now. Oh of coarse your school don't finish yet. Xxx

    3. Sheila, you described your lazy day perfectly, I always think a pj day sound brill but then I get up next morning. shower and get dressed, so my dream goes out of the window - because I forgot to have a pj day -
      Hugs Jean x

    4. Sheila,wonderful day in pj's or that thing Sandra wearing and letting everything be loose and free, Bliss ! xx

  11. Now this can stop! My comment has disappeared along with Saba. I'm not a happy bunny, so here goes again.
    Sandra, thank you for showing us these great men's cards.
    Brenda OB, I really like this for a man. Great colours and design, the wooden hearts for an anniversary are a lovely finishing touch.
    Mar,garet, I had to smile as soon as I saw this. Uplifting and funny, it's super.
    Patricia, love this card. Which cog dies did you use? Think I'll have to get some, Cheryl has some I know.
    Well, apart from a bit of housework (just a quick flick and a vacuum), then an hour in the garden, and then a sandwich and it's in to year 3 to see the lovely children. I'm going to take heed of Sheila's heat warning and take a bottle of iced water into school. They do have water cooler things, but this will save me leaving the classroom.
    Sheila, I think I may have to have a PJ day, sounds like quite a good idea, only trouble is that I just know I'd have callers, visitors or delivery men wanting me to take in parcels for neighbours!!!
    I'd better get cracking, see you all later, try to be goodish!!!
    Fickle Muriel xxx

    1. Fickle, where have I disappeared to? I was here last time I looked!
      Enjoy year 3

    2. Saba, I didn't mean you'd disappeared, I just meant that you had gone off - not as in milk - but as in sailing ! xxx

    3. MAUREEN :- and all interested the Cogs are from Spellbinders. There are lots of sizes in the pack xxx

    4. Aha Patricia, i have them and never used them as i got it umpteen year ago but after my daddy decided to go on his flying mission with the angels and stars. It came in a set that i bought from C&C at the time but see you have brought it back to my memory, thank you flower as it is really hard to keep track of where my memory goes off to at times, where ever it is it doesn't take the rest of me with it miserable thing that it is.
      Norah xx

    5. Patricia - I have the cogs from Spellbinders and they have never been out of the packet - you have given me some ideas now - thank you for sharing -
      Hugs Jean x

    6. Maureen, Thank you. xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all who call into the coffee shop today,

    Sandra when I opened your blog this morning (I was still in bed) My comment was OMG! John asked me what was wrong? I turned the iPad for him to see, his comment was "is that the card downstairs" "............

    I used Foundations card Cream and Ginger (I love this colour) and SW dies.
    The weaving dies are a bit fiddly but worth persevering. The large die is from Classic Adorned Squares and two dies from the Pierced Flag set. Quite a simple card once you have done the weaving bit!!!
    MARGARET, I love your card with the budgies on. What could they be saying to each other? How about "if you think I'm going in there, think again"
    Your card really did make me smile.

    PATRICIA, You man card is great, love the Cogs, great for men's cards. This EF
    Is perfect for your card.

    Well must move, I am meeting some friends for lunch before picking up children from school.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Well Brenda OB, your card definitely made an impression on John because he remembered what it looked like.
      Remember, I've sent the same birthday, anniversary and christmas cards for years to George and he's never twigged. I just put them away until next year!!! xxx

    2. BRENDA I love your card. The colours are really good for a male card.

    3. BRENDA:- your card is stunning, lots work but worth it for your lovely Hubby.
      MAUREEN:- I do that with Johns Christmas Card ... done it for years and he has never said anything YET!!! xxx


    4. Patricia, I've just spoken to John, he knows now!! Kidding!
      Brenda - your Anniversary Card is beautiful! The weaving die makes a great man card! Well done you! Xxx

    5. I just love the weaving dies Brenda and you have chosen the colours so well together, Beautiful
      Hugs Jean x

    6. MYRA:- by the time this Christmas arrives he'll have forgotten. Well I hope he does!! xxx

  13. Another great selection of male cards and not a sport in sight
    BRENDA I'm amazed how you've managed to turn the weaving dies into a a fabulous card for males
    MARGARET Those budgies are very cheeky and made me smile
    PATRICIA Another stunner, I have to agree with Norah, they remind me of a funky pair of glasses! But it so, so works. I'm going to have to get a Scor Buddy!
    Just goes to show how successful your cafe is SANDRA and the SB one will only showcase SB stuff. We love the diversity on here
    I'm at home nursing a couple of small wounds (one on each arm) had to have some skin biopsies this a.m. Hadn't realised that although small they'd bleed like they did and would have sutures in each.
    I'm off to shop now!

    1. Karen,
      Ouch!! You ought to be resting not shopping my girl! Don't want you bleeding into your bags.
      Hope you are alright though, love Saba xxx

    2. Hi Karen, I hope the biopsies turn out ok. Rest those arms, don't be carrying heavy shopping. xxx

    3. Hope everything turns out ok Karen.

    4. KAREN:- sending some (((hugs))) take it easy xxx

    5. Sending lots of love, Karen! Sorry I'm late - it's been that kind of day! Xxx

    6. Karen flower, i hope that you left the bags to someone else to lift as you can't be putting weight on those stitches like that and especially the fact that you have just had them done, now i hope your listening to old Nanny McPhee here because she knows what she's talking about(well i'm telling myself that since i've grown old disgracefully overnight.) Hope your ok though wee lass and they have taken them for no reason other than we are all getting older.
      Norah x

    7. Karen, hope you are feeling ok after your day. Hazel x

    8. Karen, hope you are getting a little rest now, don't lift too much for a day or so, good excuse to take it easy
      Hugs Jean x

    9. Oh Karen do take care and take things easy brave girl. Hope the biopsies are alright.
      Margaret xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe today. What a trio of fabulous cards perfect for the men.
    Brenda Lello, your husband must have been delighted with this lovely woven card : )
    Margaret, Alan will have been thrilled at this wonderful card, I love it and the budgies are so sweet : )
    Patricia, I love your cog card. I have a load cut out and will be using them soon, is it ok if I "borrow" your layout? I am not good at them or colour matching (our lovely Sandra is brilliant at helping me, thank goodness) : )
    Brenda littlelamb, I am so glad that you had a good time yesterday, even if your stomach may not have quite so much!
    Cheryl, what a lovely surprise, you will all have a wonderful day. It is good that we have digital cameras these days so that you can get lots of precious family photos. : )
    My feeble stab at what the budgies are saying is the green one saying "How long did it take you to find a deckchair to match your outfit?" Sorry, I told you it was feeble! It is a lovely picture though : )
    I hope you all have good day, whether you are at home or out and about. I am busy making 2 cards, well, just got to do the inside of one and all of the second so that is my day sorted as they take me ages to do!
    Keep drinking, (no, not Baileys at this time of day) lots of water and don't get sunburnt anyone. actually it is not that clear and hot here at the moment as there is quite a thin cloud cover and a good breeze. It is fantastic drying weather so all of the pillows and quilts will be getting a wash this week.
    Sandra and Pat, I will see you both in the morning : ) Take care xx

    1. Thank you for warning to be drinking!! however I have my cardi on all day its NOT warm here!! Maybe tomorrow, maybe .... !!! xxx

  15. Good morning my wonderful coffee shop friends,
    Well today i am on the real computer thank goodness as that ipad thingy is ok but it is a bit of a control freak on what i can type and how much i can type. The real computer has been having issues of deciding that it wasn't going to work this weekend as a certain young party has been on it and downloaded all his rubbish and lovely viruses as well. Now because my wonderful son is such a smart alex at by passing things like firewalls and virus protection software to get what he wants he invites all sorts of unwanted visitors. I left a few comments on Sue's blog yesterday but the fact that i actually want to talk to my lovely companions here for more that two sentences ipad wasn't playing ball at all. I hate to think what these youngsters are like with theirs running all day long as mines keeps wanting the battery charged and i only got it at Christmas, it drives me nuts(well more so than normal). Brenda, i am glad that seeing your work of wonder up on screen today gave you a little boost as you deserve it as it is so lovely and you have made it just perfect for a man. Can i say how much i love how you made it to match your furniture or is that just a by product of it's beauty and charm? But most of all i am glad that your husband loved his wedding anniversary card and that it still means something to him after all these years. Stunning.x
    Margaret i thought it was Ian's card at first and then i seen the A all done fancy. Love the budgies on the deck loungers, nice old fashioned deck loungers before they brought in the modern things that you still manage to fall out of trying to get up. I hope that Alan loved his card and that he had a wonderful birthday, but he needs to remind the budgies that they need to lie on their backs to get the sunshine there as well :-D
    Can i just say that copying is the most sincerest form of flattery so the saying goes but its getting that winnign formula right that makes it work namely, the right dose of happiness, with a matching does of laughter, a pinch of putting the world to rights and an abundance of liked mindy nutty people that can only show their peculiar side to like mindy people as the rest of the world think you have gone off your trolly or lost your marbles. Me, my lift just doesn't go right to the top floor and hasn't for years but it's only really in this wonderful haven that i am allowed to be me, so thank you girls you make my days without a shadow of a doubt.
    Please can i have a latte and a piece of calorie free death by chocolate please as i can enjoy it in here with none of the constraints on me that there is out there in the "real" world. I have brought in some more of my little huggles as they are in just a fun mood today for you all.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah xx

    1. Norah - your huggles are trouble - but fun - a lot like you really! I'm a friend honest! You know that. Have a calmer week! Xxx

    2. Myra flower i don't take afence easily, now a gate, a wall then i might but not a fence. Hee heee heee
      Norah xx

    3. Oh Norah I just love reading the way you write (if that makes sense) it really makes me chuckle haha x
      Jean x

    4. Norah, Thank you, we have truly blessed. xxx

    5. Norah, I'm having a slow day! However , I may be slow but I appreciate your sense of humour ! Why - it's a bit like mine!
      It's Monday - I'm bad enough other days but Monday's are worse! We're not allowed a gate here! We have a fence and walls - gates no! Oh not strictly true - we're not allowed a gate at the end of the drive. You're the best! PS . Norah would you like to take bets on how many people on this blog know what a cowp is ! I do!! Am I smug of course not hi hi ! !! Xxx

    6. I know what cowp means, I've just googled it!!! ha ha xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe
    Thank you for your kind comments yesterday just shows what a caring lot of people you are, I am sure Sue will tell tales of me before long that would be her way of stopping me tell stories of her we love each other really.
    I love all 3 cards today always difficult to get cards for men
    Cheryl have a lovely family day we have 4 generations and it is great when we all get together how lucky we are?
    Sun shining lovely just finished a late coffee hope you all have a lovely day.
    Take care
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Hi Margaret, have a nice day too. Lovely now the summer at last has come but take care if we get the real heat later in the week. Are you making some cross stitch at the moment ? I have quite a big one and not sure where to start. The paper pattern is coloured in if you know what I mean so I find it hard to see so therefore it has been laying in a box for nearly ten years, maybe take it out one day. I also have one I started on for my sister's 40th, she is 46 this year and still haven't got it ! hihi hugsx

    2. Margaret, you wouldn't be normal if you didn't talk about Sue, and she wouldn't be normal if she didn't say "Oh, mam"!!
      Maria, when you look at the x stitch still in the box just say to yourself that it's the thought that counts!!

    3. Hi Margaret, that's what Mum's are for - isn't it? Xxx

  17. Hi everyone, what a bummer, did a long comment this morning and it has totally disappeared, don't know where it went.
    Anyway here goes.....the cards today are gorgeous, Brenda love your woven card, really exquisite
    Margaret, the budgies are cute, one is saying,...when did the seagull drop that!
    Patricia, love your clogs, very manly.
    I keep forgetting about men's cards on a Monday.
    I got a new iPad yesterday just a mini one, does me fine. We thought we were onto a good deal as Currys had an offer of £100 off an iPad when you traded in your old one, guess what...our old one did not apply as it was too old. You had to read the terms and conditions to find this out as it was not advertised on signs in the shop. We never seem to get any bargains!
    Hubby was going crackers, the manager pointed out about the terms and conditions saying that customers should read them on line. Be careful everyone when you think you see a bargain, remember to read the terms and conditions!!!
    Off the soapbox now.
    Has anyone been in the Spellbinders cafe yet I don't think it will be a patch on ours Sandra, this one is so friendly, we can spout all we want about things and feel a lot better, I bet they don't have calorie free cakes either!!,
    Watching the tennis weather looks good in London.
    Hope to catch up later and hoping this publishes this time
    Take care, Jess x

    1. Jess, please tell me I'm not missing Wimbledon. I may just scream.

    2. Bummer X 2 ! I have problems sometimes with comments disappearing and it is soooo annoying ! Who is reading all the terms and conditions before you go to buy ?? Hope your new iPad will work wonderfully xx

    3. Saba, you're missing Wimbledon xxx

    4. JESS :- Snap we NEVER seems to get these bargains so many people get!!!
      I tried to comment earlier but it just would NOT publish xxx

  18. Hi Sandra
    Kakenlotty hope that your biopsies turn out yo be nothing much. A big hug to you from me.
    Brenda Lello I just love your weaving card. I might if I'm lucky, cut some out and have a go. Hint hint Sandra.
    MARGARET, I just love your card using the budgies. Aren't they cute. Patricia your cogs card is lovely. I have the Spellbinders embossing folder that could be used to cut some of these out. Where else but this blog can we find such diverse inspiration. Not only for card making, but for all sorts of crafting goodies. The sun has been shining all day today, but it's just started to cloud over a bit. Did you have a patent on the Cafe idea Sandra, as you could get lots of money from Spellbinders for copyright.

    1. Oatricia first the other day and now Kakenlotty ! Pat are you alright ?
      To much Limonera hi hi xxx
      Have a great day with Sandra and Mrs B tomorrow or is it Wednesday ?
      Anyhow have fun crafting together. Are you three coming to AP in September ? Hugs to you and Pete xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Just tried to leave a long comment but it wouldn't publish. I am ok will be back later as I am in town now.

  20. Just tried to leave a long comment but it wouldn't publish. I am ok will be back later as I am in town now.

  21. Sorry Saba, Wimbledon started today x

    1. Yoo. Hoo ! Saba , I hate to tell you but Wimbledon takes place at the same time every year! Will you be home in time for the Finals? If not Oops , probably isn't enough. Game, set and match! Xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all in the best cafe' in the world. coffee and a slice of that yummy looking carrot cake please.
    I just lost my comment just after telling Jess how annoying it is when that happens grrrr. I have posted a bit on the way down then had to take a break when body shut down. could it be the pills working at last, I don't know......
    Brenda- your card is lovely and you have made a good job with the weaving thingy ! Nice colours too.
    Margaret- your card is great, they are so cute ! the green to the white " shell I put some sun cream on your back before you roosting " ta da, oh that is bad hihi
    Patricia- Love you card with all the sizes cogs! More to my need list/book.
    I too can see funky glasses and it is greeeat.
    Wonder if Janice found Saba, can you read coordinates ?
    Karenlotty- I hope you are ok, the bleeding stopped ?
    Waiting to hear back from Littlelamb, hope you feeling better .
    Sandra hope you are fine and managed to go down to the allotment. Shopped in Sainsbury's this morning and so dissapointed with their fruit and veg so might go to Lidl tomorrow they are quite good and cheaper at some things.
    Spagbol tonight, easy food. Off to see what happened on Sue's so see you all later Love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      We're having left over chicken! Only one more meal to cook before we go on holiday! So looking forward to not so much , not having to cook, but not having to think about meals !! Maria, may I just say that I think your English is marvellous! I know it's not your first language but you are just super! I know I translated one Swedish word - but that's the sum total of my abilities. Well done, my dear! Xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. MARIA:- your English is amazing. It was something Hazel said on Saturday that let me know you were not English but Swedish. We lived in a foreign country for 7 years. I could only speak the very basics and certainly could not have written anything that's for sure.
      I deleted my previous comment I pressed the publish button after I had typed only your name. xxx

    4. Thank you my lovelies, it does help to have spell checker on at all times tihi Sometimes I can write the same word quite a few times but still can't get it right the next time, which is really annoying . Patricia , to speak Turki can't be easy when all the letters are different, you must have done good after 7 years. I Love reading Norah's because she write in such a way that I have to think a bit more hihi Saba must be good with her German, not sure how long she has lived over there.
      God natt,sov gott, Kram Maria xxx

    5. And God natt, sov gott Kram Maureen xxx

  23. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Well sorry to be late again folks but I do have a reason but will come to that later.
    The card I made was requested by my friend for a very close friend of hers who breeds budgerigars and she was delighted with it. Alan's birthday is later in July so no doubt will get to know what he thinks although I made his Christmas card and he has kept that! The A in the name was from Tonic's new set of alphabet, sorry cannot remember the name and at the moment cannot quite reach the box where it is stored.
    Brenda what a fabulous card love everything about it and the colours are just so perfect for a man, love it.
    As always Patricia your card is stunning what a great idea so very clever.
    My reason for being late I hope it qualifies, I was out on the patio this morning my legs went from me, down I went my feet felt really sore so as I usually do ignore it, and have a coffee, but no cure the pain got worse so Derek took me to hospital. 3 hours later we left with me in a wheelchair one foot in plaster as it is broken the other the ligaments are torn, and an appointment for the fracture clinic for Wednesday. Some good news our little grandson is better and was back to school and had a really good day he said, so not all bad today!
    Well I will try and pop in later and read the comments, hope everyone has had a good day.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret,
      You poor thing. It must have been agony for you. I hope you have some strong painkillers at home.
      Sending you the biggest hugs possible.
      Love Saba xxx

    2. Margaret what a day you have had, I hope your feet are feeling better.
      Great news about your grandson, it's not nice when children are ill.
      Take care x

    3. Oh dear Margaret. What a thing to happen to you. Hope you are ok and you get on ok at the Fracture clinic. Glad to hear that your grandson is better and back at school. Take care.

    4. Oh! My! Goodness! Margaret, you poor soul. Oh! it's at these times I wish I was nearer all my Coffee Shop friends. I could have been round to help you. Have you not had enough this past week.
      (((((Hugs))))) just for you xxx

    5. Oh Margaret, before I read this I was about to say ,I'm turning into Margaret - where has today gone! However I am so sorry this has happened to you and I hope you are not in too much pain. Just after you had helped everyone else too. Take care my dear, please. I hope you will get some help as you are going to need it. Sending you lots of love, Myra xxx

    6. OMG!!! Margaret well that's you out of action for a while, between your shoulder now your ankles? We were all worried about you getting the virus, but this is not good at all. Now please let others look after you, (((((( hugs)))))) Hazel xxx

    7. Sorry meant to say glad grandson is better, how is SIL? You won't be driving him to appointments for a while either. Xxx

    8. Oh Margaret what a day. You start off with everything fine and finish in plaster and tremendous pain. Hope you've got Derek organized and all goes well on Wednesday. Gentle hugs on their way. xxxx

    9. Oh Margaret - so very sorry to hear of your fall, hope you have some strong painkillers and that you can get a little bit of rest - you will have to rest up now so please take care - ((hugs)) a plenty winging their way to you -
      Jean x

    10. Margaret you poor thing. Now who is going to be looking after you?
      Take care, Love and gentle Hugs xxx

    11. Margaret, I am so very sorry to read what has happened and I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight. Strong painkillers and rest are the answer, I think. Someone will have to run around after you, for a change. Love and hugs to you xxxxx

    12. Margaret, what a day you have had. I'm sending hugs for a speedy recovery and hope the hospital app. goes ok
      Glad to hear the little one is back to school, hope your SIL will get better too soon Xxx

  24. Oh Margaret what an awful thing to happen to can be such a 'b' at times. You've been so caring and helpful to your family lately (I know they're you're family and you love them as we all do ours and each of us help out when and where we can) but I thought it would be your time to have some 'me' time and then this least your grandson is better and I'm so pleased about that as it's awful when the little ones are ill. Take care dear lady....sending you the gentlest of Sheila xxx

  25. Well I had a good day yesterday. Knew a couple of people there slightly as met them a couple of years ago at my friends 70th Birthday party. I was sat with them and we sat on the same table as the couple celebrating their Golden Anniversary. We had about 6 courses of food which took us about 4 hours to eat. Some people went home after and some stayed later. I decided to go home as it was an hours journey and it had stated at 11am and finished at 4.30.
    Went to the eye clinic today and I have now been discharged after nearly 4 years. yippie! They have probably had enough of me😀. Just have to ask my GP to put me back on the list for the diabetic eye screening which is done yearly at my surgery. Also go to the optician once a year for a check up and check the Glaucoma pressures. They are fine at the moment after having laser and the cataracts done. They should stay fine now I was told. No more eye drops but need to wear sunglasses when out as my eyes are sensitive to light. Have tried to comment on the way down but hadn't commented to Margaret but she has been in now.
    MARGARET. Your card is fantastic and I am sure the recipient will be well pleased with it. Well done. Hugs for all in the basket. Hope you have all had a good day and SABA has been able to get some gas and had the electrics repaired.
    SANDRA I hope you had a good weekend. How are the mocks going.

  26. BRENDA:- (littlelamb) good news you have been discharged. Just be very careful please don't let any eye problem go unchecked.
    Yesterday was a long day for you but good you enjoyed it xxx

    1. Brenda so pleased you have the good news of being discharged - you must be relieved - take care - Jean x

    2. Thank you Patricia and Jean. Yes I am very relieved. It's taken nearly 4 years but seems to be all sorted now. Have to see GP tomorrow for results of my blood test to see if the iron tablets are working. I hope so. Had a good day shopping. Didn't used to be able to buy bras in our M&S for putting the prothesis in, had to go to another large one further away to get then. Goodness knows why when they see so many in ours anyway they now sell them so that saves a long trip. Got 2 very nice ones for £16 the two then I get the 20% vat off so that was even better. Went into John Lewis and looked in the section where they have craft things and they have a sale on. I had a £10 voucher so got a 6x6 paper pack Papermania French Lavender Capsule collection reduced to £2. Papermania Bellissima 6x6 paper pack £2. Two lots of Jesse James beads which said £2.50 so I took them to the till and said I think that will be £10 as one of the paper packs said £3. She rang it all up and it was £7.50! The beads rang up as £1.75 each previously £5 so I then went and got some 3D transparent dots and some French Lavender collection ribbon. I paid 50p as I had the voucher given to me. I was well pleased. Also got some bargains in The Works, good day and also saw my granddaughter. Now got two heat bags, one on my shoulder and one one my back. Shouldn't have carried so much but that is nothing compared to the day some of you have had today. Try to keep smiling.

    3. I'm so chuffed for you Littlelamb, fantastic news! and then go to town and getting so many bargains, how great is that hihi Enjoy playing with your new 'stuff' hugs Maria xx

    4. I will Maria. I had the voucher for Christmas but having the broken wrist I didn't get into town much until a couple of months ago. Glad it was the sale it was worth waiting for. I would not have got that much for £10 if not. Only the two lots of beads.

  27. OK, Saba, I'm back at my computer, and I found you! You can't escape anywhere these days. I know it was a few hours ago, but certainly not in a marina (or a campsite) You heading North or South? A lot of these little islands look small, but beautiful.
    We have Marine Traffic on our tablet. Not a sailor, but renovating a Dutch Barge for our retirement home.
    Enjoy your trip. Want us to relay the tennis scores? Sorry

    1. JANICE:- gosh that is so interesting ..... renovating a Barge!!! Good for you guys that's fantastic.
      Now on the other score of finding SABA:- that to me is extremely scary......I hate the thought of someone watching me. I hate when I look at our house on Google. The two cars are sitting outside in the drive, we can almost read the registrations. A more powerful computer will do that no problem. Nothing today is sacred. xxx

    2. Janice - co- ordinates! Blimey O' Riley! I though I was being clever just googling the islands Barbara mentioned! Respect girl! As they say nowadays !! Xxx

    3. If you go on google earth and type in those numbers, you get a little orange flag in the middle of a page of blue. Then move out and you find the islands of Croatia. The AIS I was asking about picks up the signal ships transmit, so you can see in real time exactly where they are.
      The barge is another story. Still be a couple of years before we are ready for that move. There's a major amount of work ahead. We don't do easy.

    4. Janice, I bow before you. Renovating a barge, checking co-ordinates on the computer, takes me all my time to make a cup of coffee !! xxx

  28. Hello folks, I have commented on the way down as I have not been able to "publish" for most of the day.
    Went to Perth this morning ...... did not meet up with Hazel she was doing her own thing. John needed a haircut, that's done, thank goodness. Went to SpecSavers got my glasses fixed, the right lense fell out the other day. I have been using my old glasses but they are not just as "sharp" focused as they should be.
    Popped into Elaine's TeaRoom for lunch which lasted approx 2 hours ....... we were NOT eating all that time. She was not too busy, we just sat drank tea & coffee. We laughed and chatted with Elaine and her young assistant. Got home and I could not be bother doing anything ... lazy or what. Off now to catch up with the things I should have done.
    Will keep popping back to see what else in going on. xxx

  29. I think we have all had problems publishing today, I couldn't do it even from my phone. Yes Patricia and I were in Perth, but I was there helping Tammy take her cats to the cattery, while Derek saw to filling the car with fuel and checking tyres

    pressures then he loaded the car. They are now in Newcastle, one very excited older grandson ( 101/2 year old) as they are having a tour of St James Park tomorrow, you would think it was because they were going on holiday on Wednesday no the tour is far more exciting. Goes to show children couldn't care about fancy holidays as long as they do things that they like.
    Saba, no where is sacred with this lot? Hope you are now able to have a nice hot cup if coffee.
    Brenda, that's great that you haven't got to go back to the hospital, but just keep getting yearly check ups. I am so glad you had a lovely time at the celebrations too.
    Oh I'd better go and get things tidy in the kitchen, been one of those days I haven't had 5 mins to myself, and been in and out of here like a yo yo. Hazel x

    1. Oh I wish I'd known they were coming, I could have cooked them a meal xxx

  30. Well. SANDRA, This has been quite a day! It has taken me until 8 37pm to reach the bottom of the comments! I know I've had distractions and had to go out, cook , and feed husband , but it has taken an awfully long time!
    May I just say - all three cards are really lovely . We get so many ideas here day after day.
    Brenda's card is just great because it's lines will appeal to most men!
    Margaret - your card made me smile! That's a good start. It's such a novel idea and I think would appeal to anyone.
    Patricia - this too, would appeal to many men.
    You are all very clever and I thank and salute you for your inspiration.
    Brenda , Littlelamb - so pleased you had a good day, maybe even better than you had hoped for. I waited up - well I was up - to see how you had got on but I left a final message around 1am!
    I've thoroughly enjoyed the Launch of Sue's Christmas Dies and in my humble opinion they are the best on the market!
    Ironing next! Ugh!
    Love Myra xxxx

    1. Sorry you waited up so late Myra. I am usually still awake at that time but last night I was very tired. Didn't used to feel like that. Don't know if it's that I am getting older or the low blood count making me feel more tired. Yes I enjoyed the launch of Sues dies and am going to find it very hard to choose. Can't have them all.

    2. Brenda, no problem I was up and I just wanted you to know that I was checking to see how you had got on. That's what friends are for! Xxx

    3. Thank you. Everyone here is so thoughtful and caring.

    4. I was still up too,it was nearly 3am before I got to bed but not much sleep when you got a snoring and stop breading OH next to you aargh

    5. Hope you have a better night tonight. Are you still up?

  31. Hello Sandra & all you ladies.
    I have been missing over the weekend did you notice haha. I have had Gastric enteritis all weekend so never popped in the café in case I infected you all I stayed in bed most of weekend felt awful.
    Was feeling a little better today haven't done much had a PJ day & kept nodding off. I loved all the cards & mixed craft your all such talented ladies.
    BRENDA your weaving card is a lovely man card love the colours.
    MARGARET your card is so sweet it tweet & really unusual I love it.
    PATRICIA love your cog's card excellent man card thanks for the inspiration.
    SHEILA hope you enjoyed your PJ day yesterday xx
    MARGARET so sorry about your fall & your Broken leg hope your not in too much pain. Glad Ben is better & back at school bless him, hope SIL is on the mend now & Lisa is ok.Gentle Hug's too you.
    SANDRA hope your weekend was better this week. Did you manage to get to the allotment. How did Sophie get on with her art project,have they both got any more Mock's this week.
    Hasn't Sue's new Die's been gorgeous this week I'm loveing them all. I want them all, I can dream as i didn't win the lotto :0((.
    Have a good day tomorrow Sandra with Sue & Pat.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, so sorry you have been so unwell! I do hope you feel a lot better tomorrow! We need you well for your Birthday and Anniversary!! Lots of love Myra xxx

    2. Oh Lynda, sorry you have had a bad weekend (I almost said a shitty one, but I restrained myself)
      Hope you are improving now

    3. Oh Lynda so sorry you have been so poorly...GE really knocks the life out of you. Take it easy lovely lady and build your strength up in time for your birthday. Hope you are getting plenty of fluids and I don't mean the Baileys type either. Get well soon.
      Sending gentle hugs over to you.
      Love Sheila xxxx

    4. Lynda, I hope you are feeling much better and well on the road to recovery. I laughed out loud at Janice's "nearly" remark. xxxx

    5. Lynda, I hope the awful bug has worked it way through !!!!!! It really does knock the life out of you doesn't it. Take care dear friend, Love and Hugs xxx

    6. Lynda, sweetheart I am so sorry that you have been poorly, any bug that makes you sick or have an upset tummy, really takes it out of you, take it easy over the next few days and let your body recover!
      So lovely having you back xxxxx
      get well hugs


    7. Janice you are bloody hilarious!

  32. Lynda, sorry you haven't bern well, glad you stayed away as these bugs travel, only joking. A few more days off for you I think. As it takes a lot out of you energy wise. Oh just read Myras comment forgot it was your birthday and anniversary, maybe that will have to be a quiet one? Xxx

    1. Lynda. Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Hope you will soon feel better.

    2. Hello my friend, so sorry to hear you been so unwell. You rest up and take it easy a few more days and hopefully you feel better asap.
      Sending you lots of cuddles ! I hope Terry is looking after you.

  33. Hello and goodnight.
    I'm off to bed, but I send all those who have had accidents, broken bones, gastro whatsit, and other ailments my love and hugs and hope you all feel a lot better soon. This has got to stop otherwise it will be like Emergency Ward 10 in October!!!
    Sweet dreams, and a good night's sleep (if possible) to you all.
    SABA Wimbledon is still on!!!
    Love to all Fickle Muriel xxxx

    1. Night Night Maureen, you're a minx ! Xxx

  34. Hi everyone
    Lynda sorry to hear that you have been ill hope you will soon be feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed once again sending you some hugs just for you. xxx
    Thank you all so ,so, much for all your lovely messages of support and all those healing hugs they are all so gratefully received.
    Hope the exams are going well for Sophie and Lucy this week.
    Sandra thank you for showing my card today such a lovely surprise and many thanks to everyone for you kind comments too.
    Well my eyes keep closing so I will say good night and God Bless .hope to see you all tomorrow, sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Night Night Margaret, Slerp well! Xxxx

    2. Natti,natt Margaret. hope you have a good night Xxx

    3. Littlelamb, yes still up but will go out for a while to check mails and maybe post on tripadvisor . Good night Littlelamb and all at the Cotswolds cafe Xxxx

    4. I'm still up but I don't know for how much longer! It's been a long day and trying in some ways, joyful in others. I guess that's life. Thanks for being here ladies! You're the best! Xxx

    5. Hope your trip advisor comment is about this wonderful cafe, Maria.
      Just off to bed myself. Night night

    6. Oh Dear! I said Slerp well to Maria! At least it wasn't Slurp well!
      Always look on the bright side of life ! Xxxx

    7. You said it to Margaret, hihi time for your bed young lady xxxx

    8. Maria! You're too sharp for this time of night! Oh well you are young! My brain is very very tired by this time of night! Xxxx
      Slurp well! Hi hi xxx

  35. Good morning ladies,
    I have to say you lot are like a breath of fresh air.
    Except for Janice and Muriel and Myra who have been very mean about the tennis! Hope you have a power cut!
    Janice well done for finding me. It might have to be a daily challenge. I've got the vessel finder too, it's very useful when you entering a shipping lane.
    Lynda, sorry you have had the bug, ( loved Janice's description) . Hope you feel better soon.
    Must go ladies, it is silly o clock and I have a cold coffee to look forward to.
    Goodnight God bless you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah!
      Now I won't tell you what's happening in the tennis!
      Doesn't feel right to say God Bless after that!
      Night Night dearest! Xxx

  36. Going to bed now night all. Looks like I am last so will put the dishwasher on and lock up.
