
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Janet's Tuesday Treat

Good Morning Ladies,
Todays card is one of Janet's beautiful creations, so pretty with the blue's and the gorgeous bow and pretty stick pins, they do add a special touch to a card don't they.
Hopefully Janet is all unpacked and relaxed enough to come in and comment today.
Well I get two crafty days this week as Pat and Sue can't make the same day, so I have Sue coming to play today and Pat tomorrow, how lucky am I ?
I am excited for our Scottish Sisters, as they are all getting to meet up and Myra and Saba too,
wow who'd have guessed that 6 months ago?!
Its amazing isn't it, then in about 11 days there are a few of us who are getting to meet up at Ally Pally, I am really quite excited both to meet friends for the first time like Maria and also reuniting
with some lovely friends that I have met before, Lynda, Brenda, hopefully Cameeli, Littlelamb Brenda too, Alison (Barbie) if she is going to make it and hopefully many more of you too, its always good to have a quick catch up with Sue too!
I have a tip for you all, Make a Shopping List of all the things you are going to buy, then have a quick shop round on the internet and make a note on your list of the prices, so that when you are at the show you can compare the prices and make sure that you are getting the best deal.
I the last time I went I had to keep checking on my phone the average price of things, which was a bit of a pain.
Cheryl have you got your Storage 4 Crafts unit up and stocked up, I can imagine your excitement, I would be like a child in a sweet shop, don't forget the photos!
Well I am off for a shower, I need to get ready for my special guest today.
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and my dear friends,
    Beautiful Card today, I'm sorry but im still not ok hopefully each day I will get better.
    Take Care All
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Hi Sam sorry your still unwell sending healing Hug's get well soon love Lynda xx

    2. Oh Sam, get well soon, here's a special hug (())
      Muriel xx

    3. Hi Sam,
      I'm sending you healing cuddles too so hopefully you will feel a lot better soon, take care
      Hugs Maria x

    4. Hi Sam so sorry to hear you are still poorly, I hope you will soon be on the mend. I miss your comments here and on Sues blog. Take care of yourself , I look forward to seeing you when you feel up to popping in.
      Love Diane xxx

    5. Hi Sam,
      I'm very late today as we had visitors who have just gone home. Lovely to have you back but sorry you haven't been well. Hope you feel a little better each day.
      Love Myra xxx

    6. Hi Sam
      I'm so sorry to hear that your still feeling poorly. I'll try and arrange for some warmer weather for you. That might cheer you up a bit.

  2. Morning all. Am I the key holder today or has someone else popped in and are in the back warming things up I wonder ? Yoooohooo any body here..........
    Oh I see Janets card is on the art wall today, what a beauty. Hope you reached your destination unscaithed Janet and Mr E. Hope the weather is better there, its awful over here !
    Hope you have a lovely day Sue and Sandra. Hope you are feeling great now Sue. Congrats Cheryl, blog candy winner I see, lucky lass, enjoy your new toys.
    Hopefully the cafe will be all warm and cosy by the time our friends pass by.
    Have a great day everyone.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  3. Morning lovely Sam. Sit down my love. What would you like ? I'll go get it for you. Sit and rest sweetpea xx.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Miserable day here in Southport-very very windy & looking like rain again.

    Beautiful card Janet-is that "fire + ice" you have used as a background? I bought some gilding flakes ages ago & only used them once-thats what I do with a lot of crafty things.

    Off to make my lunch then feed the birds before setting off for work . Didn't manage to pop back yesterday as watched a film last night with hubby.


  5. Good morning Sandra and the Coffee Shop Ladies.
    JANET:- love, love, love your stunning card. Everything is just beautiful.
    SAM:- good to see you in for a cuppa. Sorry your stil not so good (((hugs))) hope you feel better soon.
    STEPH:- great to see you as well, hope you are feeling better and your hands are behaving.
    To all who are not so good, in pain or just a little down I am leaving a basket of (((((hugs))))) at the door, places just help yourselves.
    I had a quick cuppa, tea, toast & jam. Have cleaned up, left my money in the pot. Will be back later.
    The sun is shining here BUT you should see the SNOW on the hills I see out the kitchen window .... Brrrrr!!!

  6. Good morning dearest Sandra and the coffee shoppers,
    OH boy Sandra flower are you right, i would never imagined that i would be getting to meet my Scottish compradres or that they would want to meet me, i am so excited, but so nervous, but i can't wait until next week. So you're having double chocolate this week instead of single, 2 crafty friend days that i know that you are going to enjoy it's just a pity that my 3 graces can't meet up this week as our threesome. Have fun with our crafty sisters but don't wear yourself out as you know how it takes us long enough to recover or if you do having fun, be good and rest up on Thursday.
    Janet, what a lovely card you have made with the fire of the gilding flakes. I love the design of this die as it highlights the design of the die cut and also the gilding flakes beauty.The blue is so soft it could be mistaken for gray to which it is lifted with the beautiful colour of the zircon ribbon. Your stick pins pick up some of the light that the gilding flakes are giving off so that each part ties into your beauty of a card in more than one way, Thank you Janet for allowing us to see your mini masterpiece.
    Oh Cheryl flower, i am so happy that you won top prize in the blog giveaway as it will be a lovely little addition to your new craft room. Isn't it lovely how something like that can lift our spirits so high after what seems to be always the wrong sort of news that we get. Enjoy your lovely prize when it arrives flower in your new custom built craft room.
    OOO ooo please can i get to use my new Tommy Tippee cup that you got for me Sandra with a latte in it please. I think i went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson last night and he won every one of them. I will sit over in my normal corner set and watch the world go by. If i nod of that's fine, but if i start making big snoring noises please wake me up again. I have brought some new hugs today and hopefully they will know how to behave themselves and not be as rowdy as yesterdays.
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil)
    And Sam, welcome home, i am so glad that you are feeling a bit better than what you have been, here's hoping on your continual improvement in health flower.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Good Morning everyone,
    Well, I'm still on Cloud 9 with my Candy Blog win. You always hope your name is going to come up and when you see it, you don't believe it. I actually emailed Sue last night to ask if she was sure it was my name she pulled out of the draw, and she said yes. What a lovely gift for my new craft room, I'll have to purchase another box for it all to go in. It's being posted to me tomorrow so I will be waiting in anticipation for Mr White Van Man to arrive. Thank you all for your good wishes on my win. That'll be my something to bring for our Retreat.
    Janet, your card is sublime, the gilding flakes give that luxury glow to the background. And your colour choice of ribbon, wow, that makes the whole card 'pop' for me. Wish it was my birthday now, I'd love to receive your card.
    Stephanie, I'd like to take you up on your very kind offer to cut out some camellias, both kinds, please. As others have found, it is not in stock at any of my usual shops, so I'm on a waiting list for new stock to arrive. I'll send you my address in an email through Sandra, that is you don't mind my dear.
    Sandra, take it easy my lovely, and don't overdo it today with your special guest. Arthur Ritis and Miss Sciatica are not easy bedfellows, and although mine is improving with each day.
    Sam, lovely to see you pop in today my flower. Lots of TLC coming your way.
    Off for a shower, then pick up Fiona and off to the hospital. I shall be making an observation to the Breast care nurses to see if anything can be done to improve her GP's knowledge of Breast Cancer. She wass toatally bang out of order to try to block Fiona's mammogram, especially when my Consultant had requested both my daughters were screened following my diagnosis last year.
    Love & hugs to yo all
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      I bet you are still on a high, I would be too, you will love what you get I can guarantee it!
      I hope all went well with Fiona's appointment and that you make some progress, it us disgusting that your GP could do such a thing, knowing what you have been through!
      Looking forward to pics of your new cabinet too!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Cheryl congratulations on your win, I hope the parcel is a big one. It's really exciting and just the treat you deserve. I hope all goes well at the hospital for Fiona, how dreadful they tried to stop her mammogram, I hope it wasn't a lady GP, somehow that would make it worse.
      Hold on tight floating on that cloud 9, sounds like you are flying high, not surprised with these strong winds!!!
      Love Diane xxx

    3. Thank you Sandra and Diane,
      Fiona's mammogram went all right, nothing to worry about. I did talk to one of the lead nurses and even she said there was a good %age that neither of my girls would develop Breast cancer as I didn't get mine until I was past 60 (well that made me feel ancient), and mine was post-menopausal and youngsters don't fit the criteria. What that's got to do with a hill of beans is anyone's guess. Still didn't address what Fiona's GP said to her, "You're too young". HUH!!
      Cheryl xxx

  9. Just a quick hello as I am off to physio. Sun shining here but can see it is still very windy. Will just have a latte to drink on the way. See you later

  10. Morning everyone, wow Janet's card is gorgeous, I hope they managed to get across to France ok.
    Sam good to see you are able to pop on for a quick hello, look after yourself and pop in when you feel able,
    Coffee and toast for me today, need something warm after the terrible night we had here, rain and gales made it a very restless night.
    Cheryl I bet you are cock-a-hoop over your fantastic win, well done love.
    Looking forward to our meet up next week with Norah, Patricia and Hazel, wee bit apprehensive but I know it will be ok, after all it seems like we have known each other for ages through this blog, can't thank you enough Sandra for making this happen.
    Hugs to all who need, take care everyone, Jess x

  11. Good morning Sandra and ladies. A bit late for me today? No the shock of getting tomorrow off isn't the cause of it. fell asleep last night, I think not being able to use my I pad and join the fun, I decided to have an realy night. Now I put I pad on charge, well I thought I had no I put my phone on, so this morning went to get the said I pad and sit for 5 mins while having my cup of tea to find it still only had 15% charge, when it's that low it just plays up. So had to wait till now. One of those mornings, into work make lunches shout for the girls to get out of bed, wash on shout at them again yes the sort of morning that I hate. Beth got dressed then climbed back in her bed, got her out walking zombie is what she was like. Tell WHY does her mum not see that a 10 year old can't do vaulting for 2 hours on Saturday morning ride her pony out in the afternoon travel up to Aberdeen over a 2 hour trip do Shetland pony racing for the whole of Sunday and Monday morning trip home again and think she can get up and go to school for the day ???. Told her friend this morning to keep poking her to keep her awake. Guess who will be glad to say cheerio tonight?
    Sorry Janet should have said how gorgeous your card is, it's beautiful and I just love it!!! Sandra you are going to have great crafty fun this week, with two days enjoy it and make the most of your time with Pat and Sue.
    Norah and Jess stop worrying, we will all get on fine. We all share a common thing in crafting and we know each other have a sence of humour. Can't wait.
    Thanks Steph for seeing to things this morning and Sam great to see you pop in for a minute. Cheryl, hope everything went ok with Fiona, no your right these things can't be left to chance? To everyone else have a good day. Hazel x

  12. Good afternoon Sandra & all that pop in the cafe today.
    Sandra first I'm sorry we were out all day yesterday went to visit my brother for the day.didn't get home till 9 pm,tried to leave a post. IPad & computer would not play nice tried three times too leave a post gave up at 11pm as all went to cyber space. Sunday was lovely went to Darren's & had my Harry fix with lots of cuddles with my gorgeous smilling grandson.Anyway Sandra your card was Stunning loved it all. Have a lovely day with Sue today & Pat tomorrow how good is that Two crafty days enjoy.
    Janet wow your card is gorgeous I love the Noble die's & how you have used it with the gilding flakes,your flowers bow & stick pins just lovely.
    I have a engagement card to make today & hopefully tidy craft room up again.
    Have put a basket full of ((((Hug's ))) in the corner & left money in pot for my tea & toast. Love Lynda DBits xxx

  13. DUCK EVERYONE I did a really long post just after Norah's, went to publish it - well you can guess the rest. Just be careful it doesn't fall in your area. I forget the Internet here is not brilliant, we have a much better service at home.

    Hello Sandra and everyone, As I was saying earlier, who would have thought just over a year ago Sandra that your crafting would have opened up your world (and so many of us) to the extent it is today. What a difference the Internet has made to our lives. Today you have Sue crafting with you and tomorrow Pat, also through your blog the Scotish Four are meeting up this week, I'm so excited to hear their stories. It reminds my of being a child and waiting for my Dad to come home with my comic.
    JANET your card is beautiful, love the bow it really makes the design pop. You really are a lady of many talents. Hope you arrived safely at your French home and found everything was as you left it.
    DEAR SAM So pleased you managed to stop by, please take it steady. We all want to see you back where you belong, also hopefully at AllyPally.

    Well Ciara is away at school, have been making chocolate Easter Eggs with the two older children. Saw these moulds in M & S some weeks ago thought they would be a holiday activity, as they are silicone we may use them to bake in later.
    Will pop back later, helped myself to a coffee, sat and rested a while, it was just what I needed. See you later, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Enjoy making your Easter eggs. I used to make them years ago using plastic mould, they were a real pain to get out, you had to have the chocolate thick enough, couldn't put it in the fridge because the chocolate would bloom and then the static would stick them to the moulds! Silicone moulds will be so much easier. What a fun thing to do with your grandchildren.
      Enjoy yourself
      Love Diane xxx

  14. Hello All As it's lunch time can I have a bacon and brie panini with my cappucino (it's my treat if I'm ever in a real cafe in town) Janet's card is lovely You lucky lucky people all meeting up It sounds fantastic. And well done Cheryl on the win As I'm new on thjis blog I wan to say a huge thank you for welcoming me. Blogging has become my new therapy and it's really helping Talking of which as it's Tuesday I'm off to update mine. I'll try and pop in later and hopefully there'll be some hot cross buns left

  15. Wooohooo. That's me sorted with mounting foam, my man has just walked in with 5 packs, apparantly they the larger pack of square foam pads too, but as im being over run with foam pads at the mo I'll just add that to my list and to the Cotswold Bargain Notice Board. Great idea.Sandra, just LOVE the idea of having a Bargain Basement attatched to your cafe : ) 15 rolls to stroke, cant be bad lol. YES, I DO stroke all my crafty goodies, well if im going to start sticking sharp instruments into them dont you think they need some TLC before hand ?

    Anyone else for some Camelia petals ?

    Love n hugs.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. I stroke craft stuff too! Oh no it's confession time again ! Xxx

  16. Oh Steph I just had to laugh at you stroking your craft goods as you will be poking sharp instruments at them later, if you were to see my carpet with die bits it shows how cruel I have just been to mine!!! Must have a wee trip to pound land I am sure we have one in the centre at Glenrothes just along the road, well 14 miles but not far. Hazel x

  17. Been to Physio. Said there is a lot more movement in my wrist now and can start driving. Going out later. As I am going home tomorrow am taking some things home at the same time. Will just have some a leek and Potato soup and a cheese scone. Left my money in the pot. Good to see you Sam. Hope you will soon be feeling a lot better. Hope Sandra you and Sue are having a good and you also have a good day with Pat tomorrow.
    SANDRA. thank you fir showing Janet's fabulous card. JANET your card is gorgeous. Love the colours. Hope you had a good crossong yesterday. Still very windy here but sunny. rain later, be back later.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Yay so pleased you can drive! Are you coming to Ally Pally?
      Have you been at your sons again? What's happening there?
      You go careful on your first drive, your wrist may still be weak!
      Love & Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. All being well I am coming to Ally Pally. It will be a longer drive in heavy traffic, don't mind the motorway it's the North Circular which is always busy. Still will try and get plenty of practice in before then. Probably feel more confident then. I missed the one at Esher and the Big Bead Show at Esher so don't want to miss this as well. Yes I have been back at my son's again but she is back tomorrow but not on the plane yet. I will make myself scarce. I drove home which is abt a mile and then back again a long way round. It was ok.

    3. Yeh!! Brenda, great news that will make so much difference.
      Lucky you getting to Ally Pally.

    4. Yes it is wonderful news. Just hope I will be able to drive to Ally Pally but will do lots of practising in the meantime. Enjoy you meet up next week.

    5. What lovely news, you can drive again! Well my dear just take it slowly, we don't want you driving off into the middle of nowhere, now do we? Have fun also at Ally Pally, I have looked into coming but I'm afraid it's outside of my craft budget and it's going to take about 6-7 hours if I come by coach, by which time you will have bagged all the bargains and gone home leaving me to help pack up the stalls for the night. I'll look forward to our Retreat instead.

    6. Brenda,
      Great news! Enjoy having your freedom back. Don't overdo things and hurt your wrist. Xxxxx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    |I hope you enjoy your day today with Sue, and tomorrow with Pat. I also hope everyone enjoys their meeting up with other sisters. NO, don't give it a thought that I'll be on my lonesome and won't see any of you until October, I'll struggle on!!! Seriously, it is fantastic that you have brought together so many like-minded ladies who would never otherwise have had the companionship, fun and laughter. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you deserve a medal.
    Janet, what a beauty. I'm looking forward to reading the whys and wherefores of this card. It's gorgeous.
    Hazel, I understand exactly what you're going through, although my granddaughters don't do as much all at the same time. It is spread out over the week, but the youngest does get very tired.
    Myra, they took their Easter Egg creations into school today which will be laid out in the hall so that the parent and grandparents can go to look at them. Then tomorrow they find out who has won.
    We've had a lovely day in Newcastle so far today. Sun, gales, hailstones, snow and pouring rain. Makes you glad it's Spring!!
    Cheryl, we've also had big black clouds but there's been a lovely fluffy white cloud with the number 9 on it, and I'm sure I saw you sitting on it waving, but hang on tight love, we don't want any accidents before October!!!!
    And Lynda, please get your wind under control, I can hardly keep on my feet because of it!
    Saba, how's little Oliver today? Is it tomorrow you go to see Val?
    Got to go, got everything put back to where it was in the first place in my craft room (very small) and still cannot see the desk. There's stuff piled up high on it because I can't make up my mind where to put it - and no suggestions please!
    But I have got all my dies sorted and the drawers containing my stamps sorted and titled. So it's time to attack the desk!
    Love and hugs to all who are feeling under the weather, or who are down in the dumps.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Maureen, Patricia and I will just maybe have a wee trip to Newcastle over the summer, we would love to meet you before October, so don't dispair!!! Hazel x

    2. Yep!! I am up for that

    3. Dear Heart,
      you won't be on your lonesome, you will be next to me. And when you get tired of struggling, I'll be there to give you a push-up, no worries. So we can both wait until October together.
      Aaah, love & hugs xxx

    4. Sorry Cheryl it's just a little to far for us to travel to meet you before hand, we if we could, but believe you me we will all make up for it in October. Hazel x

  19. Littlelamb Brenda, I meant to say that I found the worst exercise was when I had to put my wrist on the edge of the table and bend my hand and fingers down. It made me feel physically sick. Do you do that one?
    Muriel xxx

    1. Yes I do have to do that exercise and as you say it's not nice. Even worse when you have to turn your hand over and do it the other way.

  20. Oh Brenda that fantastic news, now I have been there! When after I had my op for womb Cancer and wasn't allowed to drive for over 8 weeks,I was like a child with a new toy, getting the go ahead to drive again. It was the best feeling. You had just got the go ahead after your eye op, when you did your wrist so please take it easy, but oh boy enjoy just getting into your little car and knowing you have freedom again. We have snow up here by the way, more over Patricia's way, oh she isn't happy, but it won't last. Hazel x

    1. Thank you Hazel. Well it is cold enough to snow here and has just started raining. No snow though thank goodness. Yes I am so pleased to get my freedom back . Yes I couldn't drive after my hysterectomy and then again when I broke my shoulder. That was three months. It's good not having to ask my son for lifts although he is very good but he also works for himself from home and has to look after my Granddaughter so I don't like him having the added burden of looking after me. Enjoy your meet next week. You must tell us all about it.

  21. Hi Sandra and ladies in here,
    May I have a tea and scone please.Got to come in for a breather and sit for a little while and look at this lovely card from Janet. It does looks a bit light grey in colour on my acer but still absolutely lovely with the stickpins and the beautiful bow. Hope your journey did go ok this and not to choppy, the winds are so strong and make it quite cold to be outside but I thought I should start lightly with tidy up the borders in the back garden. If you live in MK you soon get used to have clay in your garden, even after growing potatoes, putting in sand and clay breakers over the years it's still there, the blasted nuisance. Anyway it's nice to sit here and see what you been up too. Steph you got a lot of sticky stuff but I guess you going through a lot making cards etc. for the market and requests .
    Cheryl, I saw you too flying past on number nine cloud lol please hold on tight so you not falling off ! Littlelamb, what a relief that you now fit for driving again, it must feel so good. I don't drive but love going in the car on holidays and I guess it helps when being abroad that I can see the right of way, especially driving out from a petrol station seem's to be tricky. Karenlotty-are you near Watford by any chance, I go there sometimes but not often but you are always welcome to meet me in MK if you like ? You not going to AP ? you might have told already but if I don't write things down it's gone, oh well the scone and cup of tea was nice and I'll be back later hopefully not to late ,god I keep saying that but usually you all gone to bed so when I talking it is to myself, nothing changed there than lol
    Hope your day been good to you Sandra and to everyone looking after their grandchildren have a nice, messy time together
    Love and Hugs Maria xx

    1. Maria you have been a busy bee but don't over do it. Don't get too cold either, that wind is quite chill and so strong still. We have clay soil too, it either comes out in a big soggy lump or you can't get your fork into it because it has dried out. I bet Cheryl has got lovely soil, it's a gorgeous colour down her way.
      Have a hot bath tonight to ease your muscles and warm up - take your glass of wine in with you to sip whilst in the bubbles!
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Thank Marie. Yes it is wonderful to have my independence back again. I have been driving for 56 years now and it's hard having to ask other people for lifts and letting other people down by not driving when you have said you will take them somewhere.

  22. Hello Sandra and all the Ladies, beautiful card Janet has made.
    So sorry to hear Sam is still unwell, sending you lots of hugs Sam.

    Went on my little jaunt to Poundland yesterday got lots of Foam tape though it was a pound each roll but sadly they did not have any metallic sheets, but I did get some MDF shapes, Owls, Butterflies Trees and Birds so thank you again Sandra for the nod on those.

    Love & Hugs
    Jacquie xxx

  23. Hi Sandra and all the lovely coffee shop ladies. I've just put some more hot cross buns on the counter help yourself. I had to laugh yesterday at the hot cross bin! Who's been looking in my kitchen! My sister gave us a new kitchen bin that opens and closes itself when you open it- very posh! I was sat crafting away last week and wondered what the noise was, the bin kept opening and closing all by itself! Spooky! I worked out the sunshine was triggering the sensor so when the sun came out the bin opened and when it went in it closed! I've had to move the bin now! It really gave me the heeby geebies!
    Janet your card is really beautiful, I love the colours you have used too. I hope you have had a safe journey to France the wind has howled all night long here and they said on the lunchtime news ferries have been cancelled and a cruise ship hasn't been able to dock. Take care. Love Diane xxx
    Sandra , enjoy your two crafty days with Pat and Sue. I wouldn't worry about hoovering up in between !
    Well it sounds like every one is busy today. I've just taken a short break from a huge pile of ironing. Little lamb so pleased you are angle to drive again but do take care especially with this wind.
    Right I will pop back later as I must get on with the ironing and I'm awaiting a text to know what time train to meet!
    Take care everyone
    Love Diane xxx

  24. I've just remembered I'd forgotten to mentio my bargain bucket (I must see where my nearest Poundland is I need 3d foam and MDF shapes...yes please) You talented ladies may already know this one but a certain DIY store - I think someone on here works there - it starts with B and has a Q in it too A certain paint company beg with V have their paint sample thingies on seperate pieces of card in shaded tones Can trim off the name etc and you have beautiful strips to add to cards - price? FREE I've used them several times as a background and put a butterfly/flowers on top

    1. Oh Karen I've just had a flash back. When my daughter was doing GCSE textiles we went into the DIY store to get some paint samples for her to use in her coursework (along with half the school!) we came out with a great handful of them and I had to put them in my handbag. We had loud conversations about the rooms we were decorating and not being sure which colour way to go with!! Oh how I wish we were decorating! It's a major task in this house!!
      You can also get fabric swatches in M&S , we had potential curtains and sofas in many colours!
      Thank you for sharing that tip, I should think they emboss nicely too.
      Love Diane xxx

  25. janet ecco of sheffield31 March 2015 at 17:35

    Hello Everyone - Bon Jour.
    We are all unpacked and sorted having arrived at 16.00hrs your time. We had an excellent journey yesterday - no rain and a bit of sun and the crossing was very calm - we sailed at 12.00noon. It all changed last night. We stay overnight in Calais these days as our bones love to tell us they are tired and need a rest!!
    We were sat in bed - my reading as usual and Jim watching football on the TV when suddenly the wind decided to announce its presence. And did it arrive in strength OH YES!!!! It couldn't have sounded any worse than being in the middle of a war - at times it sounded as though the hotel was falling down and although we were on the ground floor it was no consolation to me! Jim of course managed to get to sleep while I continued to read and then nap and then read and then nap...........................I'm sure you've got the story. Jim of course was out to the world only getting up to go to the loo - sleep walking as usual- and then back to sleep with just a little comment 'can't you sleep?'. I can only say that it's a good job I wouldn't part with him for the world although sometimes it's really tempting. Anyway we've high winds all the way down to Marigny but not as strong as last night so here we are and all's well although the builder hasn't been and put in the new grey water filters he was supposed to be doing in March so fingers crossed it will be done before we return in June.
    It was a lovely surprise to see my card when I checked in via the tinternet as I have to do for the next four weeks. As you can see I had a change and used at 6x6 as this had to be posted. As you've all guessed I used Sue's new Noble Square throughout the card - I just love love love it. I decided to use golden gilding flakes - and I'm sorry I cannot remember their colour name- I didn't use any glitter so it's just the flakes pressed well down. The ribbon is of course seam binding but it was cream and I coloured it with pro markers to give the beautiful blue to enhance the beautiful blue shimmer card from Crafters Companion which I've had for ages. I tied two bows and then tied them together by just using a piece of the same ribbon around the middle of the two bows and knotting it at the back. I finished off with some of Sue's wonderful stick pin beads and the little pearl flowers in the corners are from CE's new pearl corners.

    So so pleased to see Cheryl is the Candy Blog winner. It's wonderful when you know who wins. Sam I really hope you're getting better each day. It's not the same when my sisters are ill. Sandra have a really good two days (well you've probably had the first but there's tomorrow). I'm sending my hugs via tinternet/space so hoping they arrive. If they don't land in the basket by the door will someone please give them a little nudge to the right place. Looking forward to hearing from you all tomorrow.
    Hugs Janet xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm so pleased to hear you arrived safe and sound. I was quite worried about you last night with the strong winds. Ferries around here have been cancelled and flights disrupted all day. The wind kept me awake too, usually Julian sleeps through it too ( do you think it's something to do with selective hearing??) but last night the wind set off a car alarm so it kept going all night! At 4.30 Julian went outside because we thought it was his car but someone had parked their car at the side of our house well away from where they live! And it was theirs. Their car battery is well and truly flat now!!!
      I hope you have a better nights sleep tonight.
      Love Diane xxx

    2. Thank you Janet,
      I still can't believe I won first prize!
      So glad you have arrived safely, I am so looking forward to all these wondrous pastries you are going to share with us, I am drooling already, slurp.
      Hugs Cheryl xxx

    3. Good evening Janet,,
      Glad you arrived safe & sound and all is well in your little corner of "paradise"

  26. Bonjour Janet,
    So pleased to hear you have arrived safely, we were all thinking about you yesterday as the wind soon picked back up in the afternoon!
    Thank you for allowing me to share your card, it has been very well received!
    What's on the menu tonight at Chez Ecco ?
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Janet so pleased to hear you had a safe journey. Enjoy your stay and your card is gorgeous.

  27. Hi Janet so glad to hear you arrived safely, hope you are cosy and warm.
    What a day it has been snow showers very windy and also a little sunshine.
    Will be back later for supper. Jess x

  28. Dear Sandra,
    i have been consulting my dictionary on the meaning of a retreat. Apart from the obvious, going backwards, it also states it is a temporary retirement for religious exercises and meditation. AND a place of reception for pensioners or alcoholics. I think that last one covers most of us (shhhhh, don't say anything to the late night wine drinkers), doesn't it?

    1. I think that just about covers it, not sure there will be too much religious exercises happening, but the rest of it sounds spot on!
      Love and Hugs

  29. Hello all,
    Janet I'm pleased to see that you survived the Ferry and Calais to make it to your little hideaway . Ooh that rhymes, if I'd tried to do that I wouldn't have been able to. Enjoy yourselves and remember to bring some pastries back for Sandra's Cafe.
    Talking about the Cafe, I'll get myself a latte and date and walnut scone, no just sit still, I'll help myself and put the money in the Pot.
    Well, went to see the Easter Egg competition at school and true to form the same people that always win, won again. There's some amazing concoctions and how some of these children do the mechanical or electrical additions is fantastic. They should be members of Mensa!!
    I haven't been in long from Rachel's but thought I'd let you know that I can now see about 2' square of my desk, so I am getting there. Though the floor is still covered with files etc.!!
    Littlelamb Brenda, I'm sorry I forgot to say that I'm so pleased for you that you are able to drive again, and so gain some independence. It makes such a difference when you are not relying on other people. I know the other exercise you mean, I find that I still do that sometimes when watching the TV, even though it's a couple of years since I fell, I sit with my hands together and push the palm back with my "good" hand, it stops me from putting them around "he who must be avoided's" neck!!!! There's no medical reason to do it, I think it's just habit.
    Cheryl, I like your interpretation of the meaning of a retreat. That's a good piece of research! It's awful that you've had the hassle of getting a mammogram for Fiona, common sense would think that preventative action at this stage is better all around. So pleased that things have turned out OK.
    Hazel and Patricia, I've got my clothes out and the cement mixed for the make up, ready for when I meet you ha ha. You do know that you will be sorry don't you.
    Oh Steph, she of the shaking hands and the wobbly Tommy Tippee cup. You are so kind to offer to cut the Camellia dies, and if I cannot get them soon, I'll take you up on it. They are harder to find than my red silk drawers at the moment!!
    I'm away to spend another half hour clearing the desk. Won't get it finished because EVERYTHING is being put away properly, so that when I want something I won't be able to find it!!!!!
    See you all later. Sandra, the latte and scone were delish.
    Love Muriel xxx

  30. Hi Sandra and all, well I can just say that my arms feel like lead. yes Diane I overdid it but you know when you feel better for a moment that's when you have to do it otherwise I have to phone the 'lush' gardener they using down the street .lol I had a warm shower, don't think I even been in the bath here and we lived here over twenty years. If I sat in it today, I would get stuck and not a pretty sight for the handsome fireman to found me in, bless han lol
    Janet, good to see you and Jim are safely in your little paradise', as you can see from the others we have some horrid winds everywhere, no not the smelly kind lol
    Let me say again that your card is Beautiful ! Yikes I will need a week not just a weekend away to be taught how to make wonderful cards, help !
    I love it Cheryl that you looked up the meaning of 'retreat' it could be nice with some 'meditation' lol Two crafting days with friend ey Sandra, hope you both had a great day and that you have another one tomorrow.
    I'm off out in the morning with a friend and hope we can get over to wyevale ,No more crafting bits allowed to buy, only look and stroke lol
    I'm actually dog tired , can't understand why ? hmmm maybe an early night is on the horizon so I'm saying good night to you all my lovely friends and see you tomorrow, yawn,yawn hihi
    Love and hugs Maria xx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Sounds like you need a soak in some Radox! Soak those tired muscles, or get that that lush gardener down the street to come and give you a massage, then you wouldn't even think about your aches and pains!
      Have fun tomorrow at Wyevale, no spending, save it for a week Saturday, when we are all at Ally Pally, I am so looking forward to meeting you.
      Love and Hugs

  31. Hi Sandra
    Nothing for me this evening or I might need a Tena Lady during the night.mits quite a performance seeing me trying to walk up the bed on my elbows, to enable me to swing my legs out if bed. Jess you'll have a lovely time when you meet up. Sandra, Mrs B and myself met up through Sues blog. We all took the plunge, well it was like we knew each other for ever.
    Janet your card is stunning, I just love seeing everyone else's take on dies and stamps. Hope your journey over to France was uneventful. Littlelamb Brenda it's great news that you can now drive, I have at least another two weeks before I see the Dr and hopefully he'll give me the all clear to drive. It's horrible being beholden to someone to drive you everywhere. Dr suggested driving round a supermarket car park at night just to make sure as it was mtpy right hip I had done. Now Cheryl perhaps I'll treat myself to a glass of wine.

  32. Good evening, thought I was having a quiet evening, all changed when Gillian and Andrew came, she had asked if I could make another 8 evening invites I made 10 then tonight it was please can we have another 8. All Andrew fault I was told, as he started a new job a few weeks ago and he would like to invite some of those he works with. So I cut all the bits and Gillian put them together, so all done and dusted.
    Janet so glad you had a good crossing, listening to that wind last night I wouldn't have liked to been on a ferry? Been there and done that so many times when we lived in Germany.
    Diane glad you enjoyed your afternoon tea, it sounded delicious?
    Cheryl love the discription!!.,
    Oh yes thought I was off work as from tonight, but Beth is playing her cello at the easter service and asked if I would come, so I will do that. It's really being more of a granny than their nanny, and I do love listening to her play.
    Right off to have a shower and put the pjs on, will pop back in to see what you are all up to tonight. Hazel x

  33. That's ok Pat, enjoy your glass of wine, I've already had hot chocolate and now the meds are kicking in, I'll say good night too. See you all in the morning.
    Nighty night
    Cheryl xxx
    Cheyl xxx

  34. Helloooooo!
    It's the rather late Myra! I have had visitors today. They came for lunch and left after 9 15pm.
    I am so looking for ward to seeing Saba tomorrow. I can't believe its actually going to happen!
    Janet - so pleased you had a good journey and a smooth crossing! Hope you sleep better tonight. Your card today is lovely. I just love to see how people use things in different ways and in different colours. I get in a rut with colours ! Thank you for sharing your lovely card with us.
    Cheryl - there has been many cloud passed our way today - I didn't see the No9 though - you must have been hanging on for dear life in that gale! So thrilled for you. Couldn't happen to a nicer lady.
    Steph - you are very kind. Thank you for your kind offer. I will take you up on that if they don't come back in stock in the next few weeks. I will be at my son and lovely DIL's home next week so no crafting. So will maybe give you a shout if they don't come back in stock soon. Thank you. x
    Will go now and read what you've all been up to .
    Saba,my dear, I've replied to your email . x
    Lots of love ,
    Myra xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      I just want to say that I hope you have a lovely time with Saba tomorrow, I feel kind of like and Crafty Matchmaker!

    2. Thanks Sandra, You have made lots of ladies very happy. We've made lovely friends. So looking forward to meeting everyone but I will enjoy tomorrow with Saba!
      I planned to leave home around 10 30am and should be there by 11 30am. We'll tell you all about it. Love Myra xxx

    3. Myra, have a lovely day tomorrow with Saba, you will have a great time and I don't want to read anything about it in the papers so you will have to behave yourselves!
      Hazel, enjoy the music recital with Beth, these are such special occasions and she will have lovely memories and remember you with love.
      Well. I'd better turn in so I'll tidy the benches, load the dishwasher, but I'll not put it on because someone else is sure to come in. Anyone seen Maria as I don't want to lock her in. I'll put the key in the usual place.
      Love to all, have a good night,
      Muriel xxx

    4. Night night Maureen!
      Thank you, my dear . We'll be ever so good- promise! I certainly won't be saying the P word! I've got to drive home !!
      Myra xxx

    5. Myra and Saba enjoy your time together. I wonder how many hours a coffee will last! It's amazing how quickly time passes when you are chatting.
      Right think I must go to bed soon, hopefully the wind has calmed down enough tonight so we can all get some sleep. I've got the dentist tomorrow , not looking forward to it at all.
      Night night everyone
      Love Diane xxx

  35. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies,
    Thank you Sandra for showing us Janet's beautiful card today. What fabulous stick pins. I do hope they have them at Ally Pally. Love the fire and ice peeking out from behind the die sut. It's lovely Janet. Glad you got there safely.
    Sorry I am late today and can't stay long.
    Sam, I am so relived you were able to comment today. We have been so worried about you. Please rest and get well soon.
    Brenda, I am so happy that you will be able to get back behind the wheel, drive carefully.
    Cheryl hope Fiona's mammography was ok.
    Muriel my lovely, I wish we could meet up too, I hope Patricia and Hazel manage to get down to you sometime soon.
    Myra I am like a giddy kipper and will not be able to sleep tonight.
    Sandra, bless you love for bringing us all together,
    Love to each and every one of you, night God bless

    1. Hi Saba just wanted to say enjoy your day with Myra tomorrow have a great time. Hug's for Val & Hug's too you & Myra. Love Lynda xx

  36. Oh I meant to say I made a batch of scotch pancakes this afternoon, I put some in the count for those who wanted something to have for supper, sorry I was late with them, they are better eaten when just made I have to say. They are made with 100% free range eggs, all 4 hens are laying so loads of eggs and they are away as from tomorrow, so snack was pancakes as requested. 2 of the hens lay blue shelled eggs and the yolks are a rich orange, so the pancakes are a lovely colour, did freeze some too. If I had known they weren't going to use the eggs up tonight I would have baked a few sponges for the freezer, get for packed lunch boxes and snacked when in from school.
    Myra enjoy meeting up with Saba tomorrow, safe journey too.
    Hazel x

    1. Oh Hazel,
      your eggs sound wonderful, there is nothing better than a proper, golden yolked free range egg! You have me drooling, I could just eat a scotch pancake, what do you put on them?
      I will just a some golden syrup, yum yum, thanks mum!
      Love and Hugs

    2. Thanks Hazel,
      I'm so excited. It's lovely to meet a new friend face to face! My husband has set the Satnav for me - he doesn't trust me with it ! He has cause - I really got it wrong once before!
      Has been so windy here and today is what we call multiple bin day! Two brown wheelie bins ( garden rubbish) one blue wheelie bin - tins, bottles/jars and newspaper said/ paper. One green box - cardboard!,
      Well - what a mess this morning ! Our neighbour's blue bin had blown over and emptied itself as had their green box! Ours was fine but my husband helped them retrieve everything! Great start to the day. Xxx

  37. Sandra, oh yes free range eggs that you know are free range are just perfect, the chickens have the run of the garden which is huge and they are all happy, Gillian has chickens too so we get well supplied. I really just like butter on mine, the girls had cherry jam on theirs tonight. Hazel x

  38. Cooooy any one still up,someone left the light on in the cafe & more bottles outside. Hope you had some crafty fun today Sandra With Sue,& enjoy your day with Pat tomorrow. Well nearly finished my engagement card, I had one of them days nothing went right. I bought two sets of stamps when I went to Oyster stamp open day,well I tried the Rose one do you think it would stamp properly no it kept leaving spots that didn't stamp,tried about 6 times so frustrating so gave up with that one. I tried the other stamp a Lily & that one stamped fine,I wont give up on the Rose stamp not sure why it never stamped propaly I will try it again tomorrow.
    Muriel it's still very very windy down in my neck of the woods. If you put some led weights in your shoes too keep you from doing a Mary Poppins hihi.
    Janet pleased you arrived safely & settled in your lovely French home,hope the weather is kind for you. Enjoy your people watching & all the yummy pastry's.
    Sandra good night my lovely. If nobody is up I might as well go to bed. So good night everyone & don't let the bed bugs bite. Love & Hug's Lynda xx
