
Wednesday 4 March 2015

Guest Designer Day.........SABA... Beautiful Ballerina + sneak peak!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well todays beautiful card Is one that Barbara (Saba) made for Granddaughter Abi's
4th Birthday, Oh boy if you think the front is pretty wait until you see the inside.
Abi is a little Ballerina herself.
 She must have absolutely loved this card, what little girl wouldn't
The Little Ballerina here is coloured so perfectly too, Saba will
call in later to give you a run down on how she created such a gorgeous
 Even a little Ballerina to take out and play with, Abi must have had
hours of fun with this, it reminds me of the little cut out dolls that were in
comics when we were little, where you had to cut the clothes out to fit on them
if you were clever enough to not cut the tabs off while you were cutting them out!
I love the sparkle in the Ballerina's skirt Saba!
Thank you so much for letting me share your gorgeous card, if it wasn't for you
lovely ladies there would be no posts somedays, I try to make sure I have a card for every day
but sometime life gets in the way, I also love and I mean genuinely love sharing your
makes too, I want you to have the opportunity of hearing the appreciation from your friends
here in the café !
Right an update.......
I called a couple of times to check on Pat yesterday, both times she was sleeping,
but they said the op went well, I will hopefully chat to her today and then Sue and
I will be putting on our best 'togs' and donning our hats to visit Pat is her Private Wing!
I so wish Steph was enjoying the same luxury, I am imagining her with a bed full of the little
die cut bits that fall out, the backs of sticky pads and the crumbs off of the incredibly dry,cold toast that she has had to chew through for breakfast.
I hope both Steph and Pat can manage to pop in today!
Saba, lets try to keep all your fingers safe today, maybe invest in some of those rounded end
kiddy scissors, or lay off the wine! haha
Wendy, I hope you will trek all the way from Bonnie Scotland to the café today
it was lovely having you join us, see we aren't so scary after all!
If anyone else is out there peaking in through the window, make that step over the threshold
I promise you won't regret it, I am blessed with the best bunch of ladies you could think of,
so don't think of us as strangers, think of us as friends you haven't met yet!
Love and huge hugs to you all,
ps I promised you a sneak peak............................................................
its one of Saba's handbags, she will send us more detailed pictures soon but here it is..........
 How flamin' gorgeous is that!
She's a clever old bird isn't she!


  1. Good morning Sandra, I'll pop the urn on and warm up the toaster (it's too early for cake - even for me)!
    Saba - your ballerina is beautiful, your colouring is exquisite, Abi must have had hours of fun playing with her gift. And you handbag - wow! I'll pop back after work to check out your instructions, but did you use the cutting edge of the Gemini on the big piece of card and then place the full die cut piece over it? I haven't tried to make one yet but I wondered how the Gemini would cut from the big piece of card as it would have to go across the GC not vertically to cut - does that make sense? I'm going to print out the instructions and have them in front of me when I try but I'm sure that I won't be showing anyone my attempt! Be careful with the scissors and anything sharp today!
    Hope that your migraine has gone today Sandra, because it sounds as though that's what you had. Please pass on my get well soon wishes to Pat when you see her.
    Steph - thinking of you in Chapel Allerton with it's lovely views!!! I bet you get lots of orders though when people see your wonderful creations. Are you taking some Izzy bags to make up?
    Well better go and have some actual breakfast, see you later. Sue xxx

    1. Good morning Sue,
      Thank you for opening up, what would I do without you wonderful angels!
      Isn't Saba's card just so adorable?
      I am wondering if the Gemini die cut is stuck on the flap of the bag, as you wouldn't get that through the Machine.
      Saba will be in later to read all the lovely comments!
      That was my first experience of that kind of headache, I am still left with the loudest high pitch sounds in my ears though, not sure why, I do have a bit of tinnitus but it's never usually this loud!
      Anyway I hope to be around more today!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sue.
      Yes, I used the cutting edge first and then cut out the Carina and stuck it down. And the colouring, well, see post below, it was printed!

  2. Wow-the ballerina & card are just gorgeous Saba. The handbag is also beautiful, I'm thinking of having a play with the dies I've got to make a handbag next week when I'm off work (can't wait)!!

    Another meeting today-trainer from Preston college coming in to see both students & to check up on the assessors, will be glad to have a nice, normal (busy) day tomorrow!


    1. Chin up Michele. These managers etc are all the same. Days wasted on your part when you will be the one having to catch up. Hazel x

    2. Morning Michele,
      There must be nothing worse than sitting answering all these questions when you would much prefer to be doing what you are best at, what course is it you are actually doing?
      Just thing about relaxing next week my lovely,
      Now shoulders back, big smile, don't let them get you down,
      Huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Thank you Michele, once you have made one you will be hooked.
      Don't let em get you down today, just nod occasionally and make the right noises!
      Saba xxx

    4. Thanks ladies. Miserable day as my friend was admitted into the hospice yesterday & had his wedding rushed through this afternoon. He was 29 on Monday-just doesn't seem right does it?!


    5. Thinking of you Michelle. Life is c... I see it every day and it's always the nice people it happens to. Take care xxx

    6. Michele, I am so sorry to read that your friend hasnt got long, it's so sad. Anna and Beth's dad had to break terrible news to a young man of 29'last Thursday, he said his job is getting harder to do more than ever these days as it involves to many young people. Sending you some (((((( hugs)))))) I know they won't help the pain , but they are to let you know that I am thinking of you and your friend and his wife. Hazel x

    7. Hi Michele, thinking of you and your friends.Sue xxx

    8. Hi Michelle,
      So very sorry to hear about your friends! Thinking of you all. x
      Myra x

  3. Morning Sandra and all beautiful friends, Im still at home you numpty lol... Now who's been at the wine ? Oh yes, dont I WISH I was going into a private hospital !!! Oh well, good ol NHS for me, but I still get a menu each day, the ward cleaned, so I'll be semi posh, the best thing is that Ive been going so long the nurses are not stranger's so makes for a more relaxed atmos, its the other mix of patients that concern me as in the past there have been some really mean 'older' ladies that dont realise how loud they are talking, so dont realise how cutting their remarks are, ok so I am scraggy at only 7st but why do they always think its anorexia and announce it as loud as they can to other patients and visitors, so the relaxed atmos quickly turns to me feeling quite upset (such a sensitive soul) lol anyway Ive not attempted any Izzy bags yet and if I did there is NO way under the sun I could do anything as beautiful, Saba its stunning. Is that ballerina one of JS new dies ? Its one Im going to order today along with the new Easter die plus the stamp Sue has used on her card today, how spooky that Sue used the stamp, and Saba's gorgeous little card has the ballerina both will be waiting for me when I get back from Leeds (oh Im really dreading it) if im honest but I have my everything's fine mask close at hand.
    I shall send my love to you all and hope Sue isnt in too much pain today.
    Loads to do before lunch so need to finish off my latte and clear up after myself and skidaddle back home to do some organising myself.
    Hugs all round.
    Lancashire Steph xxx

    1. Steph, how awful of those kind of folk. I do hate when folk open their mouths and don't stop to think!!! If you are to thin you are anorexic, if you are over weight you eat to much, no you there are illnesses that cause these things and meds too. But Steph they are small mind so don't let them get to you, please. Remember and your bag of ((((((hugs)))))) that we have collected in here for you to take with you. Hazel x

    2. Morning Steph,
      Talking of Numpties it's Pat that's had a new hip not Sue! 😜😘 !
      I am not sure why I thought yesterday was Wednesday, I think I am going crazy! Did you get my email! I know what you mean about spiteful old biddies, I had one opposite me once, she complained about everything from my children visiting, she couldn't understand why I was having hip surgery at my age, but her biggest grievance was that on the day of surgery she was after me on the list. My surgery unfortunately took 81/2 rather than the scheduled 3 which meant she missed out on having hers done that day ! Well talk about bitter! She made my life hell for a couple of days and the nurses, now I try not to laugh at other peoples misfortune but after she had her surgery she got 'bunged up' so the nurses from what I can tell took great delight in giving her an enema (revenge), well to see this stuck up old biddy trying to rush across the ward whilst try to stop the 'trail' she was leaving was hilarious! I think she wished she could have taken the plum from her "stuck up accent" to stick up her ****to stop the flow! Then cleaners took to looking at her like she did to me!
      The people watching part of it I enjoy!
      You sound like you are all sorted, being such a choosy area, does Andy Mage you get out whilst his engine is running, so that he doesn't have to stop, so no one can pinch your car?!
      I hope that you have internet coverage down in the dungeons, if only to keep you sane! I want full descriptions of your cell mates so that I can picture your seen!
      Love and warm snuggles
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Morning Steph, like Hazel, I too dislike unkind comments re peoples weight. My two girls are very comfly (as youngest's son used to say) and son Robin is very tall and thin as was I at a younger age. We all inherited different genes from our family pool. My weight gain has been since I was put on steroids so I certainly agree that meds are sometimes the culprit. Take no notice of detractors, they are so upset with their own lives that they need to pick faults with others to make themselves feel good.
      Just remember how beautiful you are as a person inside and out.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    4. Thinking of you and all the "glitter & those blooming wee squares"
      That will give those horrible people somthing to gripe about.......!!!
      It really bugs me when people who are in Hospital don't remember where they are and have some manners.
      May I pop a few hugs in that bag please.
      Thinking of you

      Patricia xxx

    5. Hi Steph,
      Thank you for your kind comment. The doll however was a free download which I printed and cut out. I am going to have a look at the die you mentioned though, sounds interesting.
      Good luck today,
      Saba xxx

    6. Hi Steph, I hope you are all packed and ready for your stay in your 4 star hotel! Well you can dream can't you. I should take a big roll of double sided tape and some ear plugs with you so you can tape the nasty ladies mouths up and pop the ear plugs in so you can't hear them! Just ignore them lovely lady, we all come in an array of shapes and sizes and none of us are perfect. I bet they can't make beautiful flowers like you can. It's good to hear the nurses are friendly though, it makes your stay so much better when they can chat like an old friend to you, especially if you are short on visitors. Take care lovely lady, I will be thinking of you. Xxxx

    7. Hi Steph,all the best for today,will be thinking of you sweetie
      Don't let the stupid ignorant people get you down,your a lovely lady inside & out Steph. I hope you get a nice buch of ladies this time & they buy all the cards you make how good would that be.
      (((((((Hug's))))) Lynda xxxx

    8. Hi Steph now just you listen to me, take no notice what so ever of the old biddies, YOU ARE ELEGANT AND BEAUTIOFUL I have seen pictures of you on your daughters wedding day remember, so if anything is said just you tell them from me you are going to regard their remarks with the contempt they deserve. I do so hate busy bodies like that who think they know everything and they actually know nothing. So lovely lady it is head up and smile your lovely smile, you are better than them, I'll just bet they are jealous.
      Be good and take care with the bits, don't get them in the bed!
      With love
      Margaret xx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all how call in today. I see Sue got everything going this morning, so I will just get my usual tea and I think I might have a tea cake too. I wonder if Sam is still under the weather, as she is usually in by now so I am sending her a few (((((( hugs)))))).
    Steph, are you all ready for the off to the health retreat??? Well it is for your health, have lots of crafty fun, I can see the cleaners being glad when you leave, as they will have to mega clean round your bed area every day as it will be like a snow storm when the nurses are making your bed, with all the backings off the foam pads.
    Pat I hope you are not to sore this morning and have had a good night?
    Theresa just one more sleep till you see the surgeon so fingers crossed he gets you sorted.
    Right Saba, why oh why have you not been sharing your stunning work before, this is simple wonderful, what a gorgeous card , I know one little girl in our family who woukd love to receive a card like this as she to is a dancer, she might be coming 7 but she is still a little girl who loves to play with her dolls so an extra gift, it's given me an idea for a card when she does her next set of exams. Thank you, granted it won't be a patch on yours. Also you see you to have managed to make a gorgeous " izzy bag" big sis is determind I get making one, I just have to finish doing the thank you cards for Gillian first and make a "beer cake" no cake just beer in the box and decorated to look like a cake, this one will be boring as the person doesn't have a hobby and the order is just for a simple one with 40 on it. So it won't cause any sleepless nights. The other 2 I have orders for will. An F1 fan and a guy that part of the Fife hunt. Thank goodness I have till September for those but planing in my head already.
    Well I'd better make a move have washed up and money in the pot. See you later to catch up. Hazel x

    1. Morning Hazel,
      Hope you are well, thank you for helping hold the fort yesterday, boy was I knocked flat by that headache, never before has a headache knocked me down like that!
      Like you I am worried about Sam & Norah too! I hope they are both ok!
      I imagine Pat will be quite groggy today, that was her first anaesthetic yesterday so will be an odd feeling I think!
      Saba's card was genius wasn't it, with that gorgeous little doll?
      A bit like your various 'cake cards' they are gifts that keep on giving!
      Well Paul managed to get me some lovely fruit and muesli bread yesterday so I am going to go and toast a couple of slices and a cup of tea and come back to catch up later!
      I see it's another tattered lace pick of the day, oh my when will it stop!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Thank you Hazel, it was a lovely card to make and if you want the link to the website for the doll just let me know.
      You will love making an "Izzy" bag with Patricia and anyone who can make a Beer Cake will find it a doddle.
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

  5. WOW! What a stunning card Barbara has made, so lovely and something to treasure always.

    Hope you other Ladies are doing well and that you get better soon.

    Have a great day

    Love & hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Morning Jacquie
      Thank you sweetheart,

    2. Thank you Jacquie., I suspect Abi will have destroyed it by now though!
      Saba xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra, are you feeling better today??
    Pat, I Hope you had a good sleep and have a good day.
    Steph, thinking about you, hope it all goes well.
    Theresa, tomorrow will not be coming soon enough for you .
    Sam I hope you are back to your old self, take it easy again today.
    For any others not feeling there best here are few (((((hugs))))) to help.
    Oh! My! Giddy! Aunt ...... SABA!! your card and those pretty little dolls are absolutely amazing. We have 2 grandson that we love dearly but this is when I think it would be nice to have a granddaughter. Love, love, love your bag it is beautiful. I have "bits" in similar colours waiting to be made up. I am keeping it in bits to show Hazel. When she see the "bits" she will be off and running at making them.
    Now I have had a good look and I don't see any "blood red" you did a great job making that with the injury you gave yourself. Have a good day and NO playing with danger today.
    Right folks, better get a move on, the sun is shining, the windows are a disgrace to looks like that could be today's job. There are so many in this house I could be at it all day. Thank goodness for my Window Vac. only downside is I have to re-charge it. Will do that at lunch time ready for the afternoon window cleaning.
    I have washed my cup and plate, put the money in the pot.
    Will try to pop in again later to see what you have all been up to.
    Patricia xxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Thank you for popping in and for making this blog such a warm and friendly place, it means the world to me, as did your words of concern yesterday, I sat reading the comments with tears streaming last night, wondering how I came to be blessed with such amazing friends as you lovely ladies!
      I have always wondered about those window vacs, they look good on the telly, but wasn't sure if they were as good in real life!
      Paul tends to 'tut' at not another gadget!
      Saba did say late last night when I asked her for a photo of the bag, 'can you see the blood stain' but I can't ! That little ballerina is just so adorable! Is it ok if I pop along to your demo when you show Hazel how to put it together?
      Well I can smell the scones that Saba put in last night, she made banoffee pie too!
      I will hopefully pop back later after I have spoken to Pat,
      Love and hugs

    2. Thank you for your very kind comment Patricia,
      I have 2 grandsons as well and I love the bones of them but do get a bit tired of Minecraft and Lego. Whereas Abi is such a girl, recently in a department store having been asked if she would like to look at the toys and have a little treat she was heard replying, " no thank you Omi (granny in Germany) I think I need a new handbag though" she is 5 for goodness sake, heaven help us.
      No prizes for guessing who I will be making Izzy bags for.
      Ps, don't tell the others, but if you look carefully at the right hand edge!!!
      Love and hugs Saba xxx

    3. Saba. I see you are Omi to your grand daughter how lovely, Tammy still calls her God parents Oma and Opa, as this did t upset grand parents when she was a baby and we wanted them to have a special name as they were there for her when she was a new baby and I was on my own with the three of ours when Charlie was away.and still to this day they and her think the world of each other. Hazel x

  7. Hello Sandra my dear friend,
    Also to All my other Friends,
    Could I Please Have A Weak Latte And A Toasted Teacake.
    Sandra I'm sorry you were unwell yesterday,
    I'm also extremely sorry for not coming onto the Blog yesterday it's just that I suffer from Bad Headaches but I was told this when I had my operations so I was in bed all day, and I take Medication daily For them.
    Lyndon was brilliant as always bless him! He took Boys out and gave them there toast, so they didn't miss out, only thing is one of my Boys Archie has always followed me everywhere and even though I wasn't moving while in my bed he knew I was there as when Lyndon brought my Medication upstairs he said Archie was driving him crazy as he was sat next to the door leading to the stairs crying but Lyndon didn't want him to come upstairs and disturb me!!!!
    It really brought things home to me when I read about dear Sheila (Ginger) as what her Husband Passed Away With Is What I Had, I so feel for her.
    Sandra your Card yesterday was Truly Stunning and today your asking for more Photographs of Cards, I will gladly send some of mine I just don't wish to bore you all.
    Saba How is Val I Hope She's doing well.
    Steph I'm thinking of you and any of my dear friends that are feeling unwell.
    I'd like to say a huge Welcome Wendy from Scotland this is a Wonderful Blog Sandra is so Kind to share her Blog and Coffee/Craft Shop with all we use Steph's Soap Box occasionally (she's so kind she doesn't mind).
    Saba: Well Today's Offering The Truly Fabulous Extremely Very Beautiful Card and Handbag, I Just Love The Stamping And Inside the Card Is Stunning What A Lovely Keepsake For Your Granddaughter I'm Sure She Was Thrilled With It.
    You are a very talented lady
    Well take care Sandra and all my very dear friends
    I'm lucky to have Friends like you.
    Love and Hugs
    From Sam xxx

    1. Oh bless you sweetheart I am so pleased you could call in today, I was so worried when you weren't first in this morning! It sounds like you and I were in good company yesterday, boy I have never had such a severe headache in my life, it gas left me with the loudest ringing in my ears, like my tinnitus is on overdrive, I couldn't look at any screen as moving my head made me feel very sick! I am praying it won't return today!
      I did think of you when I read about Sheila's husband, it's so sad, I wish we could bring her into the cafe as she would really benefit from the love and support from you lovely ladies!
      Take it easy today Sam, by the way we would never get bored of your cards, they are all so different! It's also very helpful for me to have a supply of cards to use on my 'bad' days when crafting is out of the window! I can't wait to see what you do with those amazing stamps you ordered!
      What a wonderful husband Lyndon sounds, it's makes such a difference doesn't it, oh bless your poor boys wanted to be snuggled up with mummy!
      Love and hugs sweetheart,
      Love you lots
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Thank you Sam, so sorry you were unwell yesterday, hope today is a better one.
      Thank you for your kind comment.
      Saba xxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra and all your lovely ladies.

    I hope that headache has gone and you managed to get some sleep last night love.
    It must have been a bad one to keep you from us all day.
    Steph, good luck today, have a safe journey over to Leeds, will be thinking of you.
    Pat, hope you had a comfortable night, take it slowly and you'll be up and about in no time.
    Brenda, good luck at the Fracture clinic.
    Norah, hope you are feeling a bit better today, missed you yesterday
    And Maria, you were late last night, was getting a bit worried, glad that mouse was no where in sight.
    I'll just help myself to a latte and a slice of toast with marmite I think.
    Right then, my card first, and credit where credit is due and in this case, no credit is due for the colouring on the little girl image. It was already coloured when I printed it. The stand alone paper doll though I did add a little bit of sticklers glitter to her hair band, bodice and shoes.
    She is a Betsy McCall paper doll from 1960 and I found her on a free printable doll site. If anyone wants the link, just let me know.
    Her skirt was made of Tulle which I gathered with with thread and fastened around the body. I put tiny little glitter jewels on it, again using sticklers glue.
    The inside of the card was printed on A4 card stock and then folded and cut in order to get her in the centre. The pleated skirt was simply an oblong concertised piece of patterned paper, which was then folded in half and glued inside.
    The sentiment on front of the card was printed and then embossed, but it did loose definition and if I were to do it again, wouldn't emboss it. Again, I gathered up some pink tulle, added glitter and glued it to a strip of cardstock before attaching it to the front.
    Abi loved it. She is a pink, glittery "la la la" type of little girl. Goes to ballet class and will be a "Rainbow" in a production of Dorothy (wizard of oz) soon.

    The sneak peak Izzy bag was photographed very late last evening and the picture is not brilliant but you get the idea.
    Using Izzys instructions I adapted her measurements slightly in that to make the flap, I cut the Carina die first in white card and then trimmed it to the width of the die, this saved having to have exact measurements for the width of the body of the bag as I just cut my body strip to the same width. I used very pale pink for the body. I then cut out the Carina again using the same pale pink and coloured it with a Copic rose red marker (wasn't intending to do that but had a little accident which needed covering up)
    I then attached it to the flap leaving a tiny piece of the White card showing along the lower edge, and used some of the pale pink waste cut out pieces and glued them back in to add a softer look.
    The bows were made using Sue's Classic 3D smallest die, and highlighted with the Copic pen before taking them out of the die.
    The handle was cut was pierced by using the ribbon strip from the same die set cut to a longer length by not cutting the end on the first cut and then repositioning the die and cutting the extra length needed.
    Once assembled I used two Velcro fasteners on either side of the flap to keep it closed.
    Phew, descriptions are not easy are they. Hope it all makes sense.
    Think I need another coffee now.
    Love and hugs to each and every one of you, will pop bag later
    Saba XXXX

    1. Morning Saba,
      Thank you so much for stepping in at such a late hour and despite your concerns regarding 'vino' your photo of the bag was spot on!
      Your scones smell delicious by the way and that Banofee Pie has had everyone drooling this morning,
      Thank you so much my love, you have no idea how much your kindness means to me!
      Love and huge hugs
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Sandra my lovely, you are very welcome, just so glad I could help.
      You give us so much every day and have made a real difference to my life through your amazing blog and the love that we all find in this wonderful coffee shop.
      I feel we are all real friends and help each other through good and bad and "that's what friends are for!"
      Oh heck now I've got another tune in my head for the rest of the day.
      Love you Saba

    3. Morning Saba,, wow your card is gorgeous, any little girl would be over the moon with it, and your little bag is beautiful. What a talented lady you are. I would be interested in looking at the site you used for your download if that would be ok.
      Thanks, Jess x

    4. Hi Saba your card and doll are beautiful, I'm not surprised your granddaughter loved them. When they are that age girly and pink do just the job. Your bag is gorgeous too and no we can't see your accident, hope your finger has stopped bleeding today, if not you had better see the nurse! Thank you for the scones, they smell wonderful. Take care love Diane xxx

    5. Hi Saba,
      I would be interested also in the site you mentioned.I have lots of little great nieces who would love a card like yours.
      Hugs Cheryl xx

  9. Janet Ecco of Sheffield4 March 2015 at 08:56

    Morning one and all - I'm helping myself to an extra large latte today and money is in the dish. Saba (Barbara) you take my breath away. What a fantastic; beautiful; gorgeous gift for any little girl. You have immense talent and I would love to see much more of it. Please. Sandra thank you for showing us how talented Barbara is. When you see Pat please pass on hugs for me.
    I so so remember having the dollies in cut out books and dressing them and yes many a time tags were cut and Mum had to fashion some more so I could play. Being born in 46 I had more of these than proper dolls. Rationing was still on and money was more than scarce. In those days when someone said they didn't have any money to throw around they meant it not like today when it is said but money can be found for leisure etc.
    As I have said on Sue's blog this morning I'm determined to have a much better day today. As you know it was my turn to demo yesterday at Knit and Natter. Well more often than not I have some complaints that the card is difficult to do; too much cutting out because fingers etc don't work; or why do we have to have bows because everyone knows they cannot tie them! So I thought it would be nice to give them a creation using Sue's Noble Rectangle along with one of her beautiful lattice bows. I used Teal and Cream as the colour theme. I also gave them a cream rose which they had to glitter along with a few swirls and boughs around the flower. Guess what - It was too easy this time and the coloured card used was odd!!! Sometimes I wonder why we do try to make some people happy or even smile. I know it wasn't my best day health wise but I really felt disappointed that they didn't like it as you all know just how difficult it is to come up with a different idea and give them something new to learn each time. Oh well the old saying of you can never please everyone etc is so very true.
    I have to make a bday card today to send to one of our friends in France and it has to be today as it needs posting Friday. Thank you for the coffee and listening to my moans. I'll be better later. Take care. Hugs to all
    Janet x

    1. Good morning Janet,
      I hope you have a better day today, you put so much work into preparing your packs for the ladies at K&N to enjoy, you must have been so frustrated to hear negative comments, why do people bother, it is so disheartening, do they all moan when somebody else does things too! You must feel like saying why do I bother!
      What colour card was it,? Next time take them some crayons and a page from a colouring in book and say you act like stroppy toddlers so I'll treat you like one! Grumpy old biddy's!
      What theme are you going for with the French card? They don't seem to have cards like we do over there? So it must be amazing to see their faces when they open a Janet 'special' card!
      Love and hugs ,
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Janet, thank you so much, your cards are fabulous, mine is a simple affair compared to the detail you put into your stunning creations.
      Loved Sandra's colouring book tip for your miserable Biddies. Some people just like to be negative, next time ask them to prepare a project and see how that shuts them up.
      I know what you mean about cut out dolls. I had loads when I was little and played for hours with them. Real Dolls were an expensive luxury only for birthdays. I do remember having a Tressy Doll though. She had a button in her tummy so you could pull her hair and make it longer and then wind it back in again. Wonder what ever happened to her?
      Hope you feeling better today.
      Hugs Saba xxx

  10. Good morning everyone, I hope everyone is feeling fine.
    I'll have my usual tea and honeyed toast please.

    Oh my goodness Saba, what a stunner!!! You certainly have been hiding your talents under the bushell. I am blown away by it, your granddaughter must be so happy with receiving such a delightful card. WOW WOW WOW And your lovely little bag, I haven't started mine yet as still clearing stuff out of my study/playroom ready for the redecorating to commence.

    Still bright and sunny here but strong chilly winds so no gardening today.

    Pat, I hope you were comfortable last night following your surgery. You are now be on the road to recovery and I wish you well. Gentle healing hugs on their way.
    As I wish everyone else in pain or discomfiture.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good morning Cheryl,
      Please take some before and after photos of your craft room to share with us! I can't wait to see the finished room, it sounds lovely!
      I am thinking we will need a big space to make these handbags, so I need to have a tidy up before I attempted it!
      Well I am going to pop some toast on for breakfast, see you later my lovely.
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Thank you very much Cheryl, it was a lovely card to make and she was thrilled with it. It's always a real challenge making cards for our grandchildren and it always depends on what they are interested in at the time. This year it was frozen for Abi horrible to make, and Minecraft for Max 7. But it is worth it, they are really starting to look forward to their cards and seeing what I come up with, so much so that Max said it was brilliant and loved it so much he still has it up in his bedroom 4 months later.
      Would love to see a photo of your study room.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    3. Hello Sandra,
      I'm so pleased you feel well enough to post on the site today. I was quite worried yesterday when you were missing for so long. It definitely sounds like a migraine to me. George used to come in from work and follow the trail of bags and clothes to the bedroom - he knew I had a migraine - it wasn't an invitation lol.
      Saba, I hope that Val is continuing to improve.
      Your card is absolutely gorgeous, perfect for a little girl, and the separate paper doll takes me back to when Rachel was young. She would have loved this but I think at 47 next birthday she might be a tad too old now! And talking about Minecraft and Lego - well Eleanor and Zoe are mad about them, so it's not just a boy thing. In fact I think I've seen the Lego Movie about 6 times when they have a sleepover and bring the DVD. I enjoyed it the first twice ha ha.
      Your bag is super. Seriously, I've enlarged it but cannot see any blood, and believe me I've looked. And, how professional is the photo, on what looks like a crushed velvet background. Methinks you've got a job in a photographers studio.
      Oh, talking about Saba, I'll help myself to a latte and a piece of Banoffee pie, my money is in the pot. (Thanks for making the pie, one of my favourites and calorie free).
      Pat, I hope you are recovering well today.
      Steph, take no notice of the ignorant old women (I'm one so I feel I can say that - no not ignorant, just old). Some people are not worth worrying about, and I'd have loved to see the stuck up ???!!!*** woman oozing whilst hurrying to the toilet. I'm smiling as I type this. You take care, rest and let them look after you so that you can have a better life.
      Sam, I hope you are well today.
      Michele, I agree with Saba, just keep a small smile on your face whilst they are chuntering on and nod now and again. They'll think you are so interested what they are saying.
      Janet, I was only telling our granddaughters this morning that I was 21 before I had a birthday party, and the only birthday cards that I got before then was from my mam and dad and two aunts and uncles. They couldn't believe it. I told them that it wasn't because my parents were mean, it was just the way things were. I remember when party bags came in when Rachel was about 7 or 8. I couldn't understand why the guests should be given a bag for going to a party!!!
      Cheryl, I hope you are feeling brighter today x.
      That's me for now, I'm meeting my brother's wife in town today at lunch time and want to do some shopping before then, so will get my make-up on (I can hear the cement mixer going and I've got the trowel ready) and will walk a little way before I get the bus. It's the only exercise I can do and I try to walk as much as the old knees allow.
      Love to all, sit still Sandra, I'll put my dishes in the dishwasher, that banoffee pie was gorgeous - I don't know if I'll be able to eat anything when I meet Joan (yes that'll be right, I've always got room for cakes). xxxx

    4. Morning Maureen,
      Thanks for your kind words!
      I can picture poor George's, rubbing his hands together and doing that excited mans walk all the way to the bedroom door, expecting to see you laying there fanning yourself with a huge feather, then watching his shoulders drop when you are in fact laying with the sick bowl, in the dark! Poor George xxx
      Have a lovely lunch with Joan, after you have completed the plastering! I imagine it's a bit like icing a cake! Lol
      Have a fun afternoon sweetheart!
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    5. Before photos taken, it is in a mess mind and the tall brown boxes are of my new craft storage, I'll let you know where I got it from when it is up and everything stored in it. The rest of the mess is as I'm trying to sort out what is going in what box so i know where it is. That's the reason I got clear boxes. I'm such a clutterbug at times and found out the long way that it is better to have clear boxes rather than colour coded ones.
      Thank you Maureen for being so kind, your email was lovely. I am feeling better today.
      And I do apologize for not knowing how bad you were yesterday Sandra, I didn't call back in yesterday as I was rather upset.
      It sounds as though you had one of my growing up migraines, I used to suffer terribly with them and the only way to get rid of them was strong painkillers and sleep.
      hugs Cheryl xxx

    6. Mauren, thank you so very much for your lovely comment.
      Methinks you have been watching too many period dramas. Methinks if I was working in a photography studio I would have been sacked with the quality of that photo.
      Hope you had a good day in town.
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

    7. Forgot to add, Sandra, I can only imagine what an excited mans walk looks like and we are back to that again, nice bum, not sure about the other side lol??

  11. Morning Sandra, glad to hear you are much better, these headaches are the pits, you were sorely missed yesterday, don't overdo it today!
    Wow Saba's card is stunning how talented the coffee shop ladies are, oops can I have a nice white coffee to get me going, oh it is nearly elevenses now so that would be ok.
    Take care ladies, will pop back later. Jess x

    1. Hi Jess,
      Thank you for your kind words, I felt terrible that I was absent yesterday!
      Thank you for calling in, hope to catch up later,
      Sandra xxxxx

  12. Morning everyone, Could smell the lovely scones, so one with my latte will hit the spot. So glad you are feeling better this morning, does sound like a migrane. My husband used to get them regularly and was totally helpless when they came.
    Saba, this is fantastic. Wish there were some little girls in my family, but my nieces are all grown up.

    I had a great start to my day, usual quick flick through my favourite blogs (this is not a quick visit spot, too much gossip to catch up on) and wooo hooo, found my name on Christine Emberson's blog. I won the diagonal chevron die. Looks like it could make some good masculine type cards, you know, our favourites!
    Thinking of everyone in hospital, or about to be there.
    I will pop in later to check on you all.
    Thanks ladies

    1. Fantastic, enjoy it. I use my Cheryl die loads, and it's all the better because I won it on Sandra's wonderful blog from the very kind Cheryl. (that's why it's the Cheryl die, I think it's proper name is Cynet or something similar) In fact I used it last night to make my first Izzy bag. xx

    2. Hi Janice,
      I saw your name on Christine's blog this morning and I was so happy for you! That will be a useful die for man cards! Christine has a knack of making any die look amazing!
      Do you know I was only saying to someone last week that I had never had a migraine, I have no idea if that's what I had yesterday but I am in no hurry to have another one it was horrendous! The nausea was as bad as the headache, I just wanted to be still and in the dark!
      Thank you for your lovely comments,
      Love & hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hi Janice, thank you very much,
      Congratulations on your win. How kind of Christine, I popped onto her blog that particular day but didn't leave a comment as I thought it was unfair for her regulars in case a stranger won.
      Hugs Saba

    4. Congrats on your win-thats such a lovely die. Look forward to seeing what you create with it.


  13. We'll ladies,
    I need you to all think positive thoughts this afternoon as we are driving to Coventry to look at and hopefully pick up a new car for Becca, she has seen a Citroen C1 and so we are off on a journey across country to have a look, it's a good hour and a half away, she only passed her test last week, never done motorways! I am a little nervous as she wants me to sit in with her and follow Paul home! I am very nervous!
    Call back later
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Positive thoughts here. I use to have a Citroen AX. 20 years ago Tammy
      Ear to to drive in it and Tammy and I went to Germany 3 times I sold it with 140,000 miles on the clock wasn't that old just had travelled all over the length of Britain and Europe, it was bought by a lady in one of Gillians clinic for her family to learn to drive in, her husband was good with cars put a new engine in it at one stage and ?Gillian was onky telling me the other day, that it's still on the go and just passed its MOT. Tammy and Gillian bought AX models to at one point. So we will be positive that Beccas C1 will give her good service too. Just enjoy seeing her happy driving her own car. I sat with all three of mine once they had so many lessons, then I let them drive when we went any where apart from the motorway until they passed of course. Hazel x

    2. Just seen that ipad has messed up. At the start it is meant to Tammy learnt to drive. Hazel

    3. HI Sandra,
      I hope the car proves to be Riley perfect (get it!). If Becca is following Paul she should be fine and you will be safe as she will be extra cautious. Let us know how you all get on xx

    4. Hi Sandra, YES positive thoughts heading your way. Hope this is the car for Becca, If it's to be just take deep breaths Sandra, Youe daughter will be fine.
      My first car was a RILEY dead posh, Leather seats and Walnut dash. I complained to John that I could not get it to go over 30. He said I will follow you when I flash my lights check what speed you are doing - we return home I said it was 30 !!! WELL *********** (the rest has been edited) I was looking at the rev. counter. OOPs
      Anyway wishing you all a safe journey, drive carefully Becca. The hardest bit will be leaving the motorway and getting back onto 'normal' roads, love Brenda xxx

    5. Just thought of another car I had. it was an Austin A40 the number plate was FOF ??? (cant remember the numbers) I kept it in lovely condition , People would look at it and smile, I thought they were admiring my smart car. having had it for about 6 months a friend who had his own garage said I've sold your car ( he was always doing this to me, but I always ended up with a better car) I was relaying to my friend what had happened, She then called to her husband and said Mike, "Brenda has sold wee F off" - and I never realised, they say ignorance is bliss. LOL Brenda xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies. It's good to hear you are feeling better today Sandra, what a Nast migraine you had. Take it easy today as you will probably still be feeling a bit wobbly. Send Pat my love, I hope she's had a comfortable night. How long will she be in for? Mind you, if it's a private hospital you don't mind being there!!! Sam I hope you feel better today to, your boys missed you yesterday so I expect you will get lots of cuddles today. Cheryl don't over do it with your moving and decorating. It will be lovely when it's finished but you want to be able to enjoy it. Michelle as the others have said smile and nod, it's the only way to get through it! Janice congratulations on winning the die, what a lovely surprise.
    I too remember the paper dolls and yes the tag issues! I used to spend hours playing with dolls of all types. Emma had a paper doll book when she was little (granny bought it for her), she was only talking about it the other day, how funny. She did ballet when she was little but she wasn't much of a pink and sparkly girl, she was a bit of a tom boy, probably because she hung around with her boy cousins when she was little! We hardly ever see her in a dress or skirt and although she has got some high heels she's nearly 6 foot so doesn't need them! Maureen I've watched the Lego movie( only once though) isn't it great . Haven't seen frozen yet, I'm waiting for it to be on Netflix! Right I must go, I've been awake most of the night with tooth ache! I'm seeing the dentist tomorrow as I think I've cracked my back tooth. I've got some strong pain killers from the chemist now so I'm going to try and catch up on sleep! Hope everyone has a lovely day, I will try and pop back later. Take care love Diane xxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      We went to my daughter's on New Year's Eve to see the Frozen DVD. It was ok (George fell asleep, but then when we took them to see Big Hero 6 the other week at the cinema, he fell asleep then as well, and the sound level was horrendous!). x

    2. Oh Maureen your poor husband! I can remember mum and dad taking my sister and I to see Alice in Wonderland at the cinema when I was little (a rare treat to go to the cinema as it was an hour away and dad didn't often take an afternoon off!). My poor dad fell asleep and snored all the way through the film and because mum was sat at the other side of us she couldn't nudge him! I suspect he got an earful when he got home but at least I remember it. The noise in cinemas is so loud isn't it - I think I must be getting old! Xxx

    3. Hi again Diane, I have watched the Lego movie on a DVDS, twice now with Max and Frozen at least 5 times, didn't enjoy Lego loved frozen the first couple of times.
      But, sound of music is Abi's favourite film, I bought it for her 2 years ago and she sings all the songs, drives her mum bonkers.

  15. Sandra will be back later have Eye appointment at hospital just off see you all later Hug's Lynda xx

  16. I am sitting in the corner with my coffee and actually giggling remembering the paper dolls. I have 2 inherited grandchildren a boy and girl 5 & 6 so Jessica would love this card its gorgeous and the bag is awesome must try making one, as she would love that as well. Jessica and Kyle are called inherited because as my daughter Linda says she inherited them whether she wanted to or not lol. Her husband died 3years ago when he was 40, and these are her partners children. We are very lucky because the kids and Linda all adore each other.
    Just had lunch then going away to iron and get some suitcases looked out, off to Lanzarote for a month in 3 weeks. Again I would like to say the card and the bag are both gorgeous and I think I am going to enjoy this coffee shop as everyone is so friendly, thank you , love Wendyxx

    1. Hi Wendy,,
      Do you want to take an old woman with you? xx

    2. Thank you Wendy.
      So glad to see you again. Wondered if that was you giggling to yourself in the corner . Did think looks like another mad woman in here.
      Would you like to take another one. Love lanzarote, our Daughter lived there for about 6 years.
      Saba xxx

  17. SANDRA:- just popped in for very quick cuppa and the answer to your question.
    I went on to my Blog page.
    Clicked on settings
    Clicked Post &Settings there was a bit came up for comments
    Clicked onto allow everyone
    That seems to be it. I am not good on the computer but I think that could be
    Have not even started my windows yet. Yes! The Window Vac is brilliant and NOT just another gadget.. Went food shopping instead. Came home had lunch, washed Rosie (my wee car) she was filthy.
    OK I have put my money in the pot
    I am off to post another of my Scene Cards.
    Be back once that's done if nothing else crops up.

    Patricia xxx

  18. Hi Sandra, Hope you are feeling better after your bad day yesterday. Well my comment went with Dr Who, out there is space, so second attempt.
    Saba what a beautiful card, every little girl would love one of these, (oops must not be gender biased) and some little boys too. lol .What a gorgeous ballerina doll..
    Your Izzy bag is beautiful I really want to make these.
    Seeing new surgeon tomorrow so fingers crossed.
    Steph hope you are ok, ignore the old Bats. When I was young people used to say if I turned sideways and poked my tongue out I'd be a zip, because I was so thin. Now as I'm older have almost zero mobility I'm told to lose weight, sometimes you can't win.
    Sam glad you are feeling better.
    Hope Pat is ok, please give her my love when you see her.
    Have lots of hugs today to hand out so please take one with you when you leave the café.
    Love to all. Theresa (TOB) xx

    1. Thank you Theresa, good luck tomorrow, let's hope they finally do something for you. Gentle hugs. Xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra, I've already been there and done this today and where did it go ? Goodness knows!
    I was trying to be early to wish Steph well for today and safe travel! Well now I'm too late - but I'm sending hugs and positive thoughts Steph! Safe travel home for Andy too .x
    Wow, Saba what a gorgeous card for a little girl. She must have loved it. Very clever to think of using the doll in this way. They look so pretty.
    As for the bag - I'm impressed - seriously impressed and no signs at all of yesterday's butchery skills! Thanks for making me laugh re : no sympathy for burned nose!
    Maria I'm glad you remembered I didn't catch the sun in sunny Lancashire!
    Sandra - so sorry about the migraine - sounds very like one! They're horrid and usually hit me when I have had lots to do and then relax. A bit like your weekend maybe?
    Hope all goes well eating Becca's car. Hope the car is just what she is looking for.
    Sam - great to have you back - missed you and all your positive comments.
    Pat - hope all sent well with the surgery and that you are up and running very soon. The visitors wearing their Sunday best including the hats are Sandra and Sue - just in case you don't recognise them. Lol
    Alison - thinking of you too and your Mum and Uncle. Take care.
    Lots of love to all,
    Myra xxx

  20. PS - despite what a typed I do not want you to eat Becca's car! It was supposed to say re: Becca's car!
    I agree with Patricia - Karcher window gadget is super! Good for car windows too, Paul!
    Love Myra xx

    1. Myra, if that was payback time you've done it girl. I can hardly hardly type for laughing. It actually made me lol and and will probably have me giggling again later. Such a lot of money for a car to then eat it,,
      Thank you for your kind comment.
      Hope your nose is peeling!!!!
      Love and hugs
      Saba xxxx

    2. The tyres were a bugger to chew too!
      Love & hugs

    3. Hi Saba, it is! - peeling nose! However it's a combination of sunburn and a cold which my darling husband has so kindly given me! He brought it with him. So thoughtful - 'twas the only thing he packed! This blog is such fun - we all get on so well. It's lovely!
      Love to you and Val.
      Love Myra xx

  21. Hi Sandra and ladies. Just a cup of tea for me thanks, it took about an hour to nibble a sandwich at lunchtime. Never thought I would say it but can't wait to go to the dentist tomorrow ! The painkillers have helped which is good. Sandra I hope the car works out well , from Theresa's comments the car should be a good runner. Emma passed her driving test before Christmas but we can't insure our cars for her until she is 21, but she has driven Granny's car a couple of times. We will look at cars when we know if she is going to University, most Universities don't let the students have cars on campus so it's not worth getting one until she will actually need it. Meanwhile I suspect we will change my car so she can 'share'! Right, I've washed my cup up - Saba your banoffee pie didn't last long! See you later. Love Diane xx

  22. Hi again Diane, Ooooooh you poor thing it must be bad if you are looking forward to the dentist. Try Cloves. If you have any put it on your gum and leave it there clove oil is of course better but who has that in their cupboards.
    Failing that a I find tumbler of whisky does the trick, just don't tell Steph I said that.
    Soothing hugs
    Saba xxx

  23. Sandra, hope all went well and Becca is now the proud owner of a good car, not that other rust heap.
    Will pop back later, just have to quickly squirt a bit of polish and shine up the bathroom taps so Peter will think I've done some housework. I am not kidding, it works. Men can be so thick at times.

    1. I have one like yours Saba,
      Plump up the cusions, get the bathroom towels hanging nice, he thinks I have been busy all day.
      However he does keep asking why I am cleaning, polishing and dusting when the house is perfect!!! You just can't win can you??

    2. Saba & Patricia, my mother used to put a headscarf turban on her head like they did during the war, put a bit of flower on her cheek, and when dad came in from work say "eh Tommy, the kids have been little buggers today". He never, ever, cottoned on that she had been to the afternoon pictures whilst we were at school !!! xxx

    3. That should read flour on her cheek ha ha xxx

  24. Hi Maureen
    Just slip inside the case
    and we will wheel you along lol.
    Wendy xx

    1. Wendy, dear, a case is no good, I'd need a bl**dy big trunk xxx

  25. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    It's one of those days again! Before lunch I typed (on laptop) a long post - so many messages. Clicked publish, then I was asked to sign into Google ( I leave iPad signed in) signed in and my message is in cyberspace AGAIN - not sure where the fallout will occur, could be anywhere between S London and Oxfordshire.
    SABA. What a talented lady you are, Your card is stunning, I'm sure your Grandaughter was delighted with it. WOW the bag is Gooooorgus.
    I have got as far as printing off the instructions ...... Working towards. As the teachers would say!
    Sandra I hope that migraine has not left you feeling to washed out, take it steady.
    SAM Your husband sound lovely, very thoughtful and Careingbridge. Hope you are feeling better today.
    STEPH, Thinking of you, ignore the old ladies, they haven't anything better to do than gossip. Just get well and come back to us.
    Will pop back later, to check how you got on in Coventry. Bit of useless information, I lived in Coventry until I was about 8 yrs old, I was born in Rugby. Not far from Rugby School.
    I had a lovely cup of Afternoon Tea and a scone with jam and cream. Thank you, have left it all tidy.
    Lots of Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda,
      I don't think you would recognise much of Coventry now, it's all new trading estates and shopping centres, we saw the sign for Rugby! It's a small world, how did you come to be where you are now from living over in Coventry?
      Glad you enjoyed the scone!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hi Brenda, thank you, she loved it.
      Hugs Saba xxx

    3. Brenda, no information given on this blog is useless, as our leader Sandra, will confirm. We store everything in our immense brains, and then - in my case - immediately forget it! xx

  26. Sandra, hope Beeca managed to get her car. I remember when our son got his first car. Not that great, when I think back probably was not that safe either. Oh! dear does not bare thinking about!!!
    I really like the Citreon C1. Bought back memories, I had an Cirteon Jive AX many years ago which I sold to my DIL who then sold it on. It was sill on the road just a couple of years ago.
    I still have a little car which I love, it is red, that's why I call it "Rosie"
    We have a big 4x4 as well because of where we live.
    Had another cuppa and a bit cake to heck with the diet. Money is in the pot.
    See you all tomorrow
    Good night and God Bless you all

    Patricia xxx

  27. SAM Sorry predictive text can be so annoying, my comment should have read - Your husband sounds so thoughtful and careing.
    Love Brenda x

  28. Well I made it back after a long journey, lots of revving! Miles's her she did really well as we were following sat nav that followed a diversion and took us through Coventry City centre! It's a lovely little car, baby blue!
    I rang and spoke go Pat (Witney) and she is obviously still very sore but she was feeling really low as the morphine was causing her to vomit, it sounded like she had being do that all morning bless her, Sue and I are going to visit tomorrow afternoon, I am really looking forward to seeing her.
    Patricia, Rosie sounds very sweet, she hasn't blamed this one yet! Mind you I dread to think what she will come up with, her KA was called Kelsey, with calling her dog Diego, I dread to think what she will call her babies!
    There is something sweet about a little car though, I had a burgundy fiesta all those years ago, I then had to dive Paul's big mk 4 Cortina that was like driving a tank!
    She has driven off to Josh's now, first time on her own!! I am waiting for the call to say she has arrived!
    Sandra xxxxxxx

    1. That's great. She has had a good run in it which will make it easier for her. I always liked when I could let ours have a long drive as you know that they can manage that bit longer trips, short drives don't test them. Yes it will be interesting as to what she will call it. Are your stress levels ok??? Hazel x

    2. Great news Sandra! Happy motoring Becca!
      I'm not even going to comment on the toughness of the tyres!
      Love Myra xx

  29. Hi Sandra and ladies!
    Hope you have fully recovered from your migraine Sandra. I have only ever had one in my life and it was terrible, flashing lights, nausea and a horrendous headache. I really feel sorry for people who suffer migraines regularly.
    Saba your card is just gorgeous, I love it, the ballerina is so pretty. Any little girl would love to receive a card like that. The sneak peak of your Izzy bag is lovely too looking forward to seeing more pictures.
    Went into the shopping centre in Livingston to find a Works and got two of the 12X12 paper pads at £3 each, they are well worth the money. Also went in to Hobbycraft but only bought some Neenah white cardstock. I find them expensive and they don't stock Sue Wilson or Creative Expressions. They do have lots of Tattered lace which I don't like. They really need some proper crafters working in there and bring it up to date.
    Steph hope you have a reasonably pleasant stay in hospital, its nice when you get a good group of women in the ward it makes the day go in quicker.

    1. Barbara so glad you got some of that 12x12 it is lovely and great to work with, I am hoping that the works in Glenrothes still have it, I got two last week and they had a few so here's hoping, as it will be great for the girls making Oragami boxes being double sided. Hazel x

    2. Hi Barbara,
      Glad you got some bargains, don't you find that you always find that tattered lace are everywhere, they really have saturated the market! Every show I have been to they have a huge stand selling them off 3 for 2! I just think they are everywhere, were as sue's dies are more special!
      Those bigger chains don't tend to have anyone to give you advice, which us a shame as they usually sell machines that people will generally want to know a bit about!
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Barbara, thank you so much, it was a lovely card to make and yes she loved it.
      Saba xxx

  30. Hi Ladies, Saba your card is gorgeous so girlie! I used to have cut out dolls in twinkle magazine - anyone remember that and Bunty! The bag is gorgeous I really must have a go at these they are right up my street! I am taking a couple of days off next week so hopefully will have time to have a go.

    My stick pins arrived a couple of days ago and can't wait to have a go either just wish I had more time or a tardis!

    Tilly's vegetable creation the one that tested my creativity last week has been pictured in the local paper so she is really pleased!! So am I after all the stress it caused me!

    My first car and all time favourite was a Citroen 2cv in bright green and white I put frogs on the doors and his name which was George after George Michael - giving my age away now! I wish I had never sold it and kept it as a second / play car - it only hit 72 mph max with your foot to the floor. I have recently considered trying to get one I loved it!!!!! Now that gear stick was something else!

    Saba do you live in Germany or Austria sorry I have forgotten?!

    Steph, hope sutcliffe country is treating you well. Hope you have no old bats with you this time! Some of them are sooo rude I just won't take it. I won't accept any behaviour that isn't acceptable in a supermarket why because people are in hospital do they feel they can speak and act however they feel!?

    Pat hope you are feeling a bit better.

    Well off to work soon - a night in paradise not! Stupidly arranged to meet a friend for lunch at 12 am 20 miles away what was I thinking! 2 hours sleep max! However we go to a fab tea rooms and she is the friend who got me in to craft - it's all her fault I have no money! So a good gossip and chat will keep me going!

    Must dash stuff to do see you all soon xxx

    1. Alison, I can remember buying the twinkle and the bunty for my two younger sisters ( big gap) and they lived with us. Patricia and I use to make our own dressing dolls when we were little, we use to love making their clothes and colouring them. Patricia had 2 CV it was yellow if I mind right. My first car was our Astra estate nothing lady like for me, as I didn't start driving till I was 31,funds just weren't there for lessons. But oh boy I have driven millions of miles since and I mean that. I have driven over two and half thousand miles since christmas. Hope you have an easy night. Hazel x

    2. Alison, thank you very much, I actually thought of you when I made it, pink and girly. I used to get Bunty, can't remember twinkle but I can remember being so excited the day my Bunty arrived.
      I live in South Germany, lovely but a bit chilly at the moment.
      Hope you have a reasonable night shift. 2 hours sleep is not enough, you'll make yourself ill, hope you are not working tomorrow night.
      Hugs Saba XXXX

    3. I loved my Bunty too! There was a story each week about four girls all with the same Christian name - was it the Four Mary's?
      Love Myra xx

    4. Hi Alison. I remember Twinkle and Bunty! Hope you have a quiet night at work. Sue xxx

  31. Hi Alison
    It's not like you to be dashing around! You will catch yourself coming back one day!
    I am so pleased you got some recognition for your hard work on the veggie's famous!
    We got Back safe from Coventry, Becca's little car us a sweet looking little thing in baby blue! We gad to drive back via back roads, to avoid the Motorway, I do think that they should get motorway experience at some point during learning or soon after!
    I hope you have a peaceful night after your busy day!
    We are off to visit Pat tomorrow, I am hoping they will have given her an alternative to morphine as it was making her really sick this Morning bless her!
    Right Paul is calling that tea us ready, must go, take dare, thanks for popping in my lovely,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  32. Michele,
    I have just been checking back to make sure I hadn't missed thanking anyone and saw your reply to your this mornings post.
    I am so sorry and can't imagine what your friend and his now wife have gone through in the last couple of days, I am glad they managed to rush the wedding through so quickly but it is heartbreaking. My prayers are for you and for them tonight.
    Loving hugs Saba. Xxx

    1. Michele,
      Sending hugs to you all.
      Cheryl xxx

  33. No not working tomorrow night so a treat of a glass of white and an early night snuggling my gorgeous girl to look forward to!

  34. Good evening Sandra and all you lovely ladies, my you have all kept the place clean and tidy today, I'll just have a a quick latte thank you.
    Well I popped in at lunchtime having been to the hairdressers this morning left a message for Steph, then some visitors arrived and have just gone so that put pay to me being early today!
    Sandra so pleased you are feeling better today, I do hope you have got Becca sorted, but that other woman is still annoying me how dare she treat your poor daughter like that. Thank you so much for making it possible for us to see Saba's works of art.
    Saba your card is stunning, so very beautiful and the detail you have put into it is fantastic. Well what can I say that has not already been said about you bag, it is fantastic so beautiful and I would never have thought of personalising it with my own blood, thank you for the idea!!! Hope there are no more like that, please do take care. Love to Val.
    Delighted to know that the surgery went well just you sit back and enjoy all the attention and pampering while you are there Pat, sending you gentle hugs.
    My little grandson Ben has recently had his birthday and as I make his birthday cakes this year he told me exactly what he wanted. It had to be based on a character from Skylanders. As the character was in blue and gold that was what his cake had to be with a picture of it. I took the easy option the cake icing was light blue and I used one of Sue's border dies to cut out 4 strips in gold card to put around the edge of the cake board. It is the easiest cake I have ever done! Ben thought it was great, all his friends thought it was fantastic and was the talk of the classroom all week. So if anyone has to make a birthday cake try using one of Sue's border dies for a spectacular result. I emailed a picture of it to Sue and she thought it was great, it just proves how very versatile the dies can be.
    Sam delighted to know you are feeling better today our corgis sat outside my bedroom door the other week when I was ill in bed too, it is lovely to know they care, along with your lovely husband.
    Well that is the washing up done ready for tomorrow, so I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evening and have a good night.
    Norah hope you are alright sweetheart.
    Take care, hugs to you all
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Hi Margaret,
      Nothing ever goes to plan in this house either!
      Well we got back safely with the car, she is pleased as punch with it!
      Your grandsons cake sounded fabulous, maybe you could send a photo for Saturday's mixed craft day, that would be great.
      It sounds like you are the envy of all the other grandchildren.
      Have you recovered from your exciting weekend?
      I think it so sweet that the Corgi's knew you were poorly and clearly wanted to comfort you!
      Well I am off for a shower and an early night all being well!
      Love and Hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hi Margaret, thank you very much for your kindness. Your cake sounds amazing. What a clever idea, bet Sue was mega impressed. Isn't it a lovely warm feeling when grandchildren are actually proud of something granny did. Would love to see a picture of it.
      Hope you have a good night, love and hugs
      Saba. Xxxx

  35. Well, I'm beat so going to go to bed. I've faffed about for a couple of hours and the craft room looks in an even bigger mess so I'll leave it, and faff some more tomorrow.
    Saba - methinks you are very funny, oh just a moment I've dropped my fan which I was using to hide my blushes, and my crinoline has caught on the back of the chair!!!!
    Sandra - it's great that you got Becca sorted out with her car (my first was a second hand red mini - I was 34 when I learnt to drive - and the reg was COO 650G. Boy I loved that car, I used to take Rachel away Mon - Fri on half terms when George was at work. We used to go to the Lakes, Scotland, Nottinghamshire, all over and I never got lost. Now I'm frightened to go further than the supermarket or Rachel's house.
    Myra, Sandra's putting a special on in the cafe tomorrow. There's bumper surprise, headlight pudding, door handle cakes and coffee au le anti-freeze. Should be an interesting day.
    Alison, you need to slow down. You do too much. Now I know you'll think I'm talking out of the back of my head - which is my party trick - but my aunt used to say that to me, and you know what, she was right!
    Sandra, I hope you have a good night tonight (I mean sleep wise) and be well tomorrow.
    Michele, what can I say other than they are in my prayers.x
    Bye everyone. I haven't tidied up as I'm quite tired tonight, but there's bound to be someone in after me.
    Oh - whoever has toothache, I used to rub my gums with whisky (don't drink and couldn't stand the taste) and it used to do the trick until I could get to the dentist. Only trouble was I used to see two of him hic !!!
    Love Maureen xx

  36. Glad to see you are back. Was worried about you yesterday and also haven't seen Mrs B since we were at Farnborough. Hope she is ok. Don't overdo things today Sandra. Take it easy. Thanks for showing Saba's lovely card.
    SABA. Love your card. I have 2 granddaughters and a GtGrandaughter who would love a card like this. I can well remember the cut out dolls. As Janet says toys didn't come easily. I had a lot of my Uncle's old toys. Train set and cars etc., My GtGrandmother knitted me a teddy bear. Can still remember it.
    STEPH Hope all goes well for you. Take no notice of the moaning Minnie's. They are only jealous.
    THERESA. Hope all goes well tomorrow. Hope seeing a different Consultant helps.
    Well went to Fracture Clinic today. Completely different to when I went three weeks ago. Only about 3 people waiting in the waiting area and actually I didn't sit down there at all. Went straight to plaster room where they cut the plaster off. No one waiting. Then to X-ray. Only 2 waiting there. back to the Fracture Clinic and went straight in and saw the Dr. He took the plaster off and thought it all looked ok and then got the nurse to put a splint on. She recognised me immediately as she was a friend of my daughter at school. When she said that I recognised her straight away as she lived in the same road. We chatted for a long time about sleep, their other friends etc., I thought the Dr would come to look for her but it was good to see her and catch up. Haven't got to go back at all, just have physio but don't know how long that will be. In the meanwhile I have exercises to do. Will do those as going away for a few days to the Cotswolds towards the end of the month and want to be able to drive. If not will have to go by train as my friend doesn't drive. Her husband always did the driving. Hope Norah is ok. Haven't seen her today. I know I am late. SAM Hope you are feeling better today. Well I had better just have my hot chocolate. Might have an early night but then again 'pigs might fly'. :-). If I missed any one I am sorry. Hugs to those that need them

    1. Thank you so much, if you want to make one I will put the link on tomorrow for the cut out dolls. So glad you have finally lost your pot, bet it feels funny without it. Won't be too long before your up and crafting again. I am heading off to bed now. Love and hugs

    2. Thank you would love that. Love and hugs To you and Val. Hope she is improving. Brendax

  37. Hi Sandra,
    Well eye appointment went ok apart from having taken 2 hours to get seen by doctor grrrr talk about a numb bum. Went home & got doggies went for walk on beach as sun was shining & warm.
    Saba wow wow just love your card absurlootly gorgeous, I can imagine your granddaughter loveing it, I had thoes paper dolls you dress so did my daughter when she was little. Another Wow wow for your Izzy bag it's gorgeous I must give them a go.Sending happy (((((Hug's ))))) to Val xxx
    Pat glad your opperation went well now for speedy recovery just think Ally Pally to spur you on :0)) hope your not in too much pain. sending Gentle
    ((( Hug's)))
    Ladies I have seen Margaret's cake she made Ben it was brilliant,
    Theresa good luck tomorrow i hope they can give you some positivity. & treatment for your shoulder too give you the help you have suffered these past months.i Will be thinking of you sweetheart. Sending gentle ((((Hug's)))
    Sandra so sorry you have had a hell of a migraine,I feel your pain my lovely as I have had really bad ones too,also that horrible horribal tinnitus mine is like 5.000 bees in my head all the time. Do you get the flashing coloured lights in your eyes I asked the doctor today as I get them a lot he said that they are normally the start of a migraine.
    Well I'm the only one in the cafe so helped myself to a hot chocolate,I have washed cup up & locked the door.see you all tomorrow. Oh before I go I went to the works yesterday got one of the 12x12 paper pads & a Adults colouring book it's great for practicing the colouring for your cards,you can also use the papers on your cards too.. Big Hugs Lynda xxx


    1. Thank you Lynda, glad you liked the card and bag. Val would appreciate your hugs as well.
      Glad your eye appointment went well despite the awful wait.
      I am shattered so off to bed now, Love and hugs
      Saba xxx

  38. Me again. Saba sorry forgot to say how lovely the bag is. I can't wait to have a go at making one.
