
Thursday 11 December 2014

And now for something completely different!

Good Morning Ladies,
Well look at this no bows, no frills but I gave used the much feared (to me anyway ) mirror card!
I just cut a couple of Sue Wilson's Mosaic Poinsettia dies and offset them, I cut a three Impression Obsession Pine Pair die cuts and popped them behind the poinsettia, the base of the card is a A5 card matted with gold mirror card and then another piece of white card onto which I stamped my sentiment. I added a piece of gold mirror and embossed white card both with 'tails' cut into one end to finish the background!
Simple, but I think it's growing on me! Once again Steph I think you could make this work as decoration for a box top!
Well I have survived the day, it's been a bit lonely, but with all of my children in the house it wasn't quiet! But nice to have them all home.  Poor Milo was poorly last night  as he managed to get into Becca's room (my eldest daughter) and rip open a bag of dog chocolate treats and eat them! So keeping a close eye on him, poor wee thing.
Wow it's nearly the weekend again already, we haven't got even half the shopping done! Panic!
I am expected Sue's blog numbers to start rising again as we approach the Blog Candy Draw, I find it so sad that people take advantage when something is going free, but not bothering to support the blog year round, if all the people that appeared at the Die launch continued to post Sue would be over three hundred daily and probably in top position where she deserves for all of her hard work!
Oops, that's me carefully down off the soapbox anyone want to borrow it?! Haha
Thanks again for stopping by,
You lovely supportive messages really got me through, thank you,
Big hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Good morning Sandra. Yes this is different but it's still stunning. You have come out of your comfort zone and produced this beautiful design, well done for taking the step. Like you I didn't like mirror card stayed away from it, until I used it to try our a striplet die - no point of using other card just to play with. Any way the beviled glass and the trethed hearts look so great I now have used up the mirror card I had and I am buying more along with Matt silver. Your strip and poinsettia look great, and I agree with you about the box decoration. Poor Milo, but will he do it again, oh yes they don't learn. Glad you had an ok day otherwise. Hazel x.

  2. Hi Sandra. This is a really pretty card, the mirror card adds that something doesn't it, even though I am like you and am not normally a fan. You have proved that anything can look lovely if used in the right way. I'm sorry to hear about Milo, I hope he is feeling better today. Glad that you got through yesterday. Take care.

  3. Hi Sandra. This is so different. I LOVE your style and yes.Im going to try something similar on a box front so thanks once again (about time I used my OWN initative) instead of simplifying your idea's - I dont or wont copy as they are your own designs but they sure do help with idea's.
    Im thinking.that Im making myself far too much work and will bring most of it home again as the market is so close to Christmas most people will be orgainised ! Im now thinking ive not done enough boxes for childrens dvd/computer games and done mainly 'adult' decor on the boxes ! And should I do more that scarfs/wraps/shawls can be given in ?! But im seriously shattered. Im doing market stuff all day with all the other things thrown in (which if I wasnt so picky or OCD as Andy calls me he could do but after 34yrs of marriage he still cant do things how I like them to be done) I blame my mom as her way was the 'only' way so its brushed off on me ! So yes, totally k*******d. Rant 1 complete, rant 2 on the way... Sharing your soap box re Sue's blog Sandra, people want something for nowt and its wrong and unfair to Sue, I feel so much hurt for her but her heart is so big.. People take the michael (thats me trying to hold back) !! We have so much admiration for that woman and people know how generous she is so they crawl out of the woodwork. I just love to see regular blog friends names on the winners list, ok getting dizzy now so rant 2 over.
    Glad yesterday was okish apart from little 4 paws, hope all is ok today.
    To you Sandra and all that visit have a lovely day.
    Lancashire Steph xx

  4. Hi Sandra, Glad yesterday went ok for you. Love those poinsettias aren't they stunning. Clean lines, simple but stunning. Well done again.
    Hugs Theresa (TOB) xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Some more stunning cards that you have posted. Try not to do to much posting these on the blog. I know you have bad days and good days, but don't make the bad days worse by doing so much. I'll join you on your soap box, as people who only comment on a blog when so thing is going for free make me so cross. Lovely seeing you today, and hope we can arrange for next week.

  6. HI Sandra
    Another lovely card I don't know how you manage to post every day. I agree with your rant about people only commenting when there is something free. Off for an early night had a long day at the hospital.

  7. Hi Sandra, will keep this brief- my comments keep freezing.
    Love todays card, and totally agree with your rant. Brenda x

  8. Hi Sandra,glad you survived your Day. I love this card it is different for you but it's gorgeous well done love the poinsettias, I have some Miri card not really a fan of it but seeing your card I might try something with it.
    I also agree with your rant Sandra, it's so annoying when the numbers go up when something is free. I hope poor Milo is better soon
    Big Hugs love Lynda xxxx
