
Saturday 22 November 2014

Black & Gold

 Good Morning Ladies,
Thank you for stopping by today.
I chose to use my favourite Californian Collection for this
card, Creative Expressions, I also used the Italian Border and The gorgeous Delicate Daisies, designed by Sue Wilson.
I started by Embossing a piece of white card with the Heart Lattice Embossing Folder from Creative Expressions, I matted and layered with black card and a soft gold shimmer card. I then cut two Italian Borders in each colour and intertwined them down the side of the card, I used the Matting Basics A & B set of the Californian Collection and matted and layered those with both colour cards, I stamped my sentiment on black card and heat embossed with Gold Cosmic shimmer detail powder, I have to add here that these Embossing Powders are amazing, the do actually pick up the tiniest of detail, I die cut this and added as the focal point.
I tied a bow using gold silky crush ribbon, added a dazzler and stick pins, one of which I made to compliment the colours of the card! what do you think?
at the top side of the card I arranged the die cut
Delicate Daisies on top of some black Impression Obsession Leafy Branch Die cuts (just to lift them off of the base colour, so that they stood out a bit more).  I added a flat back black pearl to the centre of each of them to tie in the black.
I welcome your comments, I love reading them,
I hope you are having a relaxed weekend.
crafty Hugs,


  1. Happy Saturday Sandra.
    This card is absolutly stunning.
    Lancashire Steph xx

    1. Thanks Steph, both for your lovely comment and your support, it means the world to me! Off to 'check out' a craft fair today to see what people charge etc, just to get some ideas! Then I need to sit and make Christmas cards! Urgh! Would love to see a pic of your cards too! Well like you I am hoping that the 100 or so extra followers on Sue's blog continue to be part of our craft family! But having witnessed the trends in give always on Sue's Blog since I first joined in 2011 I am guessing they won't , sadly, what must sue think!
      Crafty hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. I feel sorry in my heart for Sue during her weeks of launches, people just come from nowhere to 'try their luck' then we dont see them again until next launch. Its so unfair to her. Thats why I get so much pleasure to see the regular friends win a gift from Sue because that's what it is, a lovely gift and lets face it, she doesn't have to do it, she has a very kind heart that's taken for granted by those that want something for free then dont comment again. Lets face it, how long would it take just to type - beautiful or stunning, seconds ? Yes people have busy lives, but to take 5 seconds to acknowledge the beautiful work, time and talant and blog is nothing !
      Wow, its high on this soap box, time to get down. Sorry Sandra.
      I hope you have found some possibilities to check out. Honestly, my cards are nowhere near your standard so I know you will do well. I sold quite a few today which gave me profit after the table £20 - and I thought of you so much, thinking "if.I can sell 10 to 1 person with cards like your's Sandra I know customers will rave about them and come back for more" the next market is the 21st Dec so Im not sure what to do, should I make more, or concentrate on the smaller things like gift tags/bags as haven't most people got their cards by that date ? Advice anyone ? Id be grateful to know what you'd do. Yes I have some cards left.
      I cant wait for the day you do really well Sandra and im sure it wont be long : )

      Hugs to all.
      Lancashire Steph

  2. WOW oh WOW! Sandra your card is stunning. Hope your weather is better than ours - wet and miserable a real stay in doors day. Hazel xx

    1. Hi Hazel, thanks for stopping by to support me, it means the world to me xx
      The weather here is rubbish too, the girls have football this morning too! But I am not going, it affects me badly getting soaked and cold! I will be here to welcome them home with a hot chocolate!
      Enjoy your weekend,
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra,
    WOW! WOW! WOW! Today's card has blown me away's exquisite! Have a good weekend.

    Love Sheila xx

    1. Oh Sheila thank you for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment, your support means the world to me xx
      I hope that you have a lovely weekend xxx
      Sandra xxxxx

  4. Hi Sandra. Another gorgeous card. I love the colour combination, especially on the daisies. Have fun at the Craft Fair, get lots of ideas for when you do your own stall : ) Take care. Hugs XX

  5. Good morning Sandra,
    These dies make such a beautiful card and it is one of the times that i really like black as it makes the card look so elegant and chic. The beautiful layers of daisies really finish it off to perfection. I love the soft gold card that you have used with the black and white as it is so subtle and has that understated elegance look to it. Have a great weekend with the girls and i hope that they win there football match where ever they are playing. I can see i am not the only one that gets miffed at the new followers for Sue only hanging around long enough to get their name into the draws. Why can't they support our special friend the rest of the time too i wonder, but hey ho can't change the world i suppose and the way of some people, sorry moan over,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (Glenochil Village)

  6. HI Sandra
    Your card is stunning. I love the soft gold with the black so elegant. Hope you have a good week end. I have only just got back from taking my Mum out didn't get any Christmas presents and now no time to make cards. Hopefully tomorrow.

  7. Hi Sandra,
    ,Wow Gorgeous card I love the black & gold colours absolutely stunning your layout,bow flowers stick pin, & everything has the WOW factor.
    You are so talented my lovely Sandra,I hope you find a craft fair to sell your cards love & Hugs Lynda xxx
    . I also agree with the number of new followers that only comment when Sue is giving away prizes. I agree with Steph it only takes A few moments to leave a short comment.It so unfair on Sue. Xx

  8. Hello Sandra, I tried on 3 occasions to leave a message on your blog yesterday evening and it just didn't work. trying a little experiment this morning I haven't signed off Sues blog and see if I can then leave a message on your blog by doing this. The message disappeared when saying publish !!!!!!!!!!
    This card is just beautiful gold and black it's stunning, I love everything about it. you really should go and try and sell these beautiful works of art you have
    really got talent I'm sure they would sell. Love Brenda x

  9. Replies
    1. Oh Bless you Brenda, I am so thrilled to have your comment on my blog, it really means so much xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra,
    What a gorgeous card! I love the colours and dies used and the whole thing looks so classy. Lovely bow too! That ribbon is one of my favourites. I hope you manage to find somewhere to sell your lovely cards. They are all beautiful. Have to say I totally agree with the comments about those who only visit Sue's blog at giveaway times. It seems so selfish and Sue is so very generous and lovely. It only takes seconds to type - lovely card!
    That soapbox has been busy these last few days! Lol
    Love Myra, xxx

  11. Hi Sandra, I've been meaning to leave you a message but couldn't find my password to sign in. Got it now.! I love your cards and your jewellery a very talented lady. Hugs Theresa (TOB)
