
Friday 10 October 2014

Gorjuss Again!

Good Morning My Crafty Friends,
Another Gorjuss Girl card today, I have had these toppers and papers for months and months and I have just recently found the box with them in whilst looking for something the teenagers!
I tried to pick colours from the topper, some I went with beige/coffee colours.
I went for the 8x8 card base in white, matt and layered with some coffee coloured card and then a piece of coordinating patterned paper from my stash. I slightly distressed the edges of the paper with scissors, roughening up the fibres so that they take the ink better, I then used an ink duster
to add the Tea Dye Distress ink to the edges.  I used a Martha Stewart Punch to make a decorative strip border across the card and topped it with some Creative Expressions Ribbon.
I used the Tea dye ink to colour a doily and mounted that onto my card base, tucking it into the ribbon strip, I then added the topper which I mounted onto a Spellbinder A2 Ribbon Threader Die cut, put it on top of the ribbon and doily.
I used a Cheery Lynn Fancilful Flourish Die and a selection of paper roses and some little fancy bits from Anna Marie Designs website.
I used the same paper on the inside of the card and stamped 'happy birthday' onto another A2 Ribbon threader Die cut and mounted that in the middle.
An unusual colour combo for me but I think I like it.
I have left a space on the front of the card to add a sentiment or personalisation.

Here Is a close up of the floral focal element of the card.
My husband takes the photos and I think he is taking some tips from Sue Wilson with these close ups!
Thanks for stopping by,
Crafty Hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra. You have created another beautiful card, I love the colours and the flowers look so pretty.
    We were right about Christine weren't we! Let's hope she comes to Oxfordshire : )
    Looking forward to seeing you next week. Take care.

  2. Sandra, what a lovely card, beautiful colours and those flowers are gorgeous. So glad the three of you had a great time, and oh yes I can just see all those die cuts. My husband says it's like there been a wedding going on in our house when I am die cutting - it's all part of the fun. Hope your mum enjoys her little holiday. Hazel xx

  3. Gorjuss card Sandra, love the floral element too. Well done Paul for photography, you are a very talented twosome.

  4. Hello my Friend,a beautiful card Sandra i love the colours they coordinate so well, i love your discriptions you do them so well, also excellent photography by Paul.
    HAHA i am in my craft room now with a mountain of die cut pieces all around me i have been die cutting out all morning.
    Well done Sandra on your blog. Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Another really beautiful card, love the colours you have used and the flowers do give this card a look of luxury.
    Well done Paul excellent photos you really are showing the card off to it's best, excellent.
    Do hope all is well with you sweetheart, Take care and have a lovely weekend.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  6. Hi Sandra,
    Just thought I'd pop by on a visit to see what you've been up to! I think your gorjuss girl stamps are lovely. I don't have toppers but bought some gorjuss stamps which the children on Mondays love to use. They are easy for them to colour and cut out too.
    I love the colours you have used and your distressing is nice distressing!! Full marks too to the photographer. What a team.
    Try not to worry about your Mum. I do hope she has a lovely time.
    I emailed Creative Expressions about my GC handle as I didnt want to bother Sue but I will if I have to!
    Take care, love Myra xx

  7. Oops - should have read gorjuss girl cards! X

  8. Sandra just been reading your comment on Sues blog about Paul and his wash piles. Now I admire him that's what I call well trained. I am a darks/ light Person but also wash same colours where possible, but work in a house where everything goes into together at the weekend. I dread Mondays. As I have to rescue so many things. I hope the three of you have had a great day, and didn't make to much mess while having fun. Hazel,xx

  9. Good morning Sandra,
    I am sorry flower, i don't know how i missed your new addition to your blog but i love how you are a colour inner at heart. I think you and i must have been on the same place sitting with our pencils and pens when we were finally allowed to get to use them as you have made such a beautiful job of colouring in this little lady. I love the colours that you have used, the flowers, doily and the beautiful lace. Everything is just looks like it is supposed to be there. Thank you flower for allowing us into your world,
    Love and crafty hugs
    Norah (aye that pain in the upmost from Glenochil) x

  10. Sandra. I don't want to be a wet fish, but ref the table. Patricia and I did a few and have even done a fair in the past but it got to the point we would stress ourselves out getting things made and just organising things to be let down in the end.. At the beginning that was 4/5 years ago it's ok but after our last one 2years ago we decided it wasn't worth it, folk who are not crafters or card makers, don't see the work value and expect to pay next to nothing for items. The ones that make from it are the organisers as they get the table money with out standing/ sitting for the few hours. We raised hundreds of £ for the kidney patients society from ours. It's up to you but be prepared to get folk pick up your cards Handel them then put them down and walking off.
    They will pay at say Tesco nearly. £4 but try charging £1.50 and they will say it's a rip off. We sold our pendants starting at £10 for small ones and it was hard going you make jewellery you no the work and cost to make but they don't see that. We have even had someone say they could pick up something like it in Primark cheaper . For one it's not hand made and two their are hundreds out there wearing them same, it's all down to money. Sue Wilson wears my pendants - she thought we sold them to cheaply but we don't do it for big profits and Sue see the work that goes into making them. We were told that in London they would cost a lot more but it's not London All I can say is think long and hard about it. Hazel xx. Sorry if I sound like I am trying to put you off but, it's a lot of work for little reward.

  11. Sandra just read your comment about the lady wanting you to share the table but use her name with your things. Stick to your guns girl you have your name she has hers, she knows it will be your stuff on the flyer that will bring the people, not good about all the other events on the same day. Patricia and I did ours together under "sister" which we are, and we shared, but she makes different from you she can be at one end you at the other with your makes. I hope you for it works out. Hazel xx oh I agree the striplets are fab dies.

  12. Sandra. Hi. I feel I have to try and say a word regarding this table that is stressing you out so much. Firstly, I did 3 craft/markets before I even covered the price of the table, talk about down in the dumps, but its something that can and does happen, it all depends on the footprint - how many people visit, how well advertised the event is, plus competition, ie - how many other card makers there are there. When I sa I was lucky, I mean it, I was the only one there with cards. People only by them if needed, they dont tend to 'think ahead' although one of my customers do (the 1 that asks me for 'wacky' cards Ive mentioned on Sue's blog ! But as far as your diilema goes - they are YOUR cards, YOU sell them for YOU and only YOU, make some cards with your contact email and pop them into the bags you intend to use, dont depend on people just picking them up (I place my contact cards both on the table for those just looking and cards inside my bags which I hand to anyone that buys a card. Its so nice to make your own cards, I just put the name I go under with a bit of info re personalised cards and use a pretty stamp to decorate then laminate them.
    If the first time doesnt go well, try not to give up, yes you may spend more on tables than you sell, but eventually and hopefully you will start to do well, I only do one a month, and it varies from mth to mth, sometimes it goes really well, last week it.didnt but at least I sold plus those new people have my details just incase they want to order from me.
    I say give it a try, but dont give up if its not what you hoped for, dont go with what this lady wants, your hard work, your own cards and your own profit.
    I hope Ive helped just a little.
    Would really love to hear that you did it your way with some pocket money at the end of the day.
    Lots of friendly luck.
    Lancashire Steph x

  13. Hi Sandra. Not sure when you will get round to reading this, but I felt I just HAD to contact you after reading about your awful first experience of doing a craft fair.
    You poor love. Do you know Sandra, that sounds almost identical to my 2nd attempt at a craft fair (its now the one I do at the end of each month) ! In a side room with very few visitor's due to been out of the main room. There were 3 of us in there, all paid more for the table than we sold !!
    I know its made you feel poorly, lowered your self esteem I dare say, but please re-think about not doing another. Look through your local paper, or google farmers markets in your area. Do it alone with your own cards and beautiful jewellry. The market I do is only 4hrs and yes, I feel wretched on the Monday, sometimes Im pleased Ive had no orders, as I can rest up until my pain is under control again and my joints have got less swollen !
    If you do decide to do another ( right time of yr now) you may want to check that chairs are provided (hope Im not teaching you to suck eggs) provide your own chair. Check how long its on for if it doesn't say, that way you can decide if its too long for you to be away from your home comforts. If I sound patronising I do apologise, but if you think of anything else just ask. I know its still raw and you are suffering, but if you find the right market for you, people will start to recognise the fact you will be there, look out for you and your beautiful work, from that you will sell and/or get orders, so please dont give up. From what Ive seen here you work is bound to sell when you find the right market. Yes it may take a few visits before you have some profit and sometimes it will be slow, but Im sure given time and perseverance, you will reep the benefit.
    Hope Ive helped in some small way. And I also hope that after a few days to recover you will start to feel as well as you can.
    Steph xx

  14. Oh Sandra, I have just read your comment on Sues blog. I was really hoping that you had had a good day!!! I can't believe that they didn't open the doors , then again we have been there, more stall holders than buyers. I would be asking for my table money back. I don't think you will be doing another with the person you shared with, she had a cheek even asking you knowing she didn't have many items. Put it down to experience. Have you thought of having an open afternoon at your own house and inviting some friends and ask them to bring a friend and sell your cards and Jewllery ?? We have done this and it was successful, but you can really only do it the once unless friends ask you to do another one. Take it easy. Sending (((((( hugs)))))). Hazel xx

  15. Hi Sandra,
    Hope you don't mind me popping on to your blog as I have just been reading the posts on Sue's blog and came across yours and just wanted to say how sorry I am that you were so badly treated by that awful woman at the craft fair. I know I don't know but I felt so disgusted at what she did. I have never done a craft fair as I only make cards for family and friends but reading what Steph and Hazel have both written it sounds like good advise to me. I do hope you are feeling better soon and your spirits will soon be lifted especially as you make beautiful cards from the ones I've seen on your blog.
    God bless and sending you hugs.

    Love Sheila xx

  16. Sandra just a thought, or maybe you are like what I was when husband was in the army. I didn't do the coffee mornings etc, I was working for one and usually had a circle of friends out with the regiment, any way if they do have coffee morning on the base could you not ask if you could bring along your cards and Jewellery and even say you would give 10% of your taking to SSAFA. That way you could show your wonderful work and it would be a shorter less stressful event. Only a thought. I know it's the long day at the craft frayres that do it for me, more so since I went though my Chemo. I bet you caught a cold from being in that hall. Take care and keep warm, Hazel xx

  17. Hi Sandra,
    I hope you don't mind me adding my tuppence worth! I was really upset when I read your post today! So sorry the whole process has made you so unwell you were typing from bed. Your cards and jewellery are lovely but you didn't need that kind of stress.
    I can't give you advice as I said already . Steph and Hazel have done that so well. I just wanted you to know I was thinking of you and I do hope you feel much better tomorrow. You are a kind lady. Please don't let people take unfair advantage of that kindness.
    Sleep well, love Myra xx

  18. Hello Sandra,
    It upset me to read your posts re your craft sale. I too have had negative feedback from local craft fayres etc but don't let this experience crush your spirit, this is a learning curve and you will triumph, it might only be in little steps but they will get bigger and you will feel more confident. To get over my disappointment at lack of sales, I held a Christmas sale in my own house in support of the charity I chose following my diagnosis of kidney cancer. I was overwhelmed at the support given to me by family and friends and raised over £350 and am thinking of doing one this year in support of CMA who have given me much support following my beloved Pete's death from Dilated Cardiomyopathy last year. Perhaps this could be a solution for you as you would be selling your goods in the comfort of your own home?. Much preferable than a draughty hall or outside stall.
    I wish you luck for your endeavours and hope you will recover soon. Chin up girl, we are all rooting for you.
    Love and hugs Cheryl xxx

  19. Hi Sandra. Hope today finds you feeling a little better than yesterday (unless you've got the awful flu) shivers then flushes, sounds like it, especially with extra aches.
    Maybe if you are still resting up just out of interest you could look at various sites - google... Craft fairs in - then your area, and read what extra info they have provided, also do the same with farmers market. I think you may find it a better experience at a FM, you kind of get a 'nicer' clientel for want of a better word at F Mkts, and if its indoors like the one I do even better and they arnt on all day, did I say 4hrs is more than enough for me, plus they know I cant be by the cold draft of the door in winter so they have now moved me to the radiator. You get a lot of the same people going to Farmers Markeys for all the delish produce so they become your regulars too, they know you will be there each month and hunt you down lol, the message gets round with the help of your printed cards then you start to get emails requesting you do a card and so it grows. Its really worth trying Hazels idea, have a girly day, that will lift your spirits too (and orders hopefully) dont doubt your work though Sandra, it really is beautiful ( I dont believe in telling porkies) if I didnt think it was worth leaving a complimentary comments I wouldnt.
    Stay warm and cosy.
    Steph xx

  20. Sandra. So glad to hear that lift in your sprits, just think on wards and upwards. Try the coffee morning don't go daft baking loads, when we did ours it was a tea or coffee and just had some mince pies and shortbread. At least at home you won't end up getting cold from drafty doors. Enjoy your selves tomorrow. Hazel x
