
Tuesday 8 July 2014

Gorjuss card

Good Morning,
Just a quicky today!
I made this card for a school friend of my twin daughters,
I used a Gorjuss Girl Decoupage from Do crafts as the main focal point, I then decided to sit her on a fence which is the Heartfelt Creations Lace Border Die, I coloured the front of the card with Distress ink (to look like a garden) and then added some paper roses and some green Marianne Flourishes.
I cut a small Spellbinder to add my sentiment and that's about it, simple, quick, thankfully she loved it!
Exciting day today as we gave Prize Giving at school and my daughter has an ICT award, proud mum!
Hugs to you all,
Sandra xxx


  1. Oh you are entitled to be a proud mum, well done to your daughter. Beautiful card love the design. Hazel xx

  2. Well done to your daughter your aloud to be proud of her Sandra. Your card is lovely,i love how you made the fence & the girl is very sweet.
    I emails Sue a couple of my cards she was so kind & said they were lovely. I asked her when her new dies were coming out first are August sometime but she said that hopefully the Christmas sets should also be with her at Ally pally yaaay so looking forward to see what her crafty Die mind has come up with this time .Hugs Lynda xx hope your well at the moment Sandra xx

  3. Hi Sandra. Sorry, forgot to look at your blog this week but this card is Gorjuss : ) I love the way you have used a border die as a fence, great idea. You should be the proud Mum and well done to your daughter : ) Take care.

  4. Hi Sandra
    Thought I would try and comment on your blog again, after Sue pointed the way as to how I could get past the robot comment.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Looks like I cracked it, thanks to Sue.

  6. Hi Sandra
    This is a really lovely card, please give your daughter my congratulations well done her, you must be so proud.
    I was sorry to read on Sue's blog you have had a water infection to cope with on top of everything else, but this may help you. Have you ever tried having cranberry juice as this can be a great help when you have an infection like this and this advice came from a consultant from London that my husband was under a few years ago, and you cannot overdose on it and I have not found it interfere with any other drugs either so quite safe.
    Hope you are soon feeling better.
    I too have left a message for Julie Laz been there and got the tee shirt.
    Take care and try and have some extra rest sweetheart.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  7. Sandra, have a wonderful holiday, your not sad why go somewhere else when you enjoy and know where you are going. Enjoying the family time is the most important thing. Glad you are feeling better. Hazel xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    So pleased you are feeling well on the road to recovery and looking forward to your holiday, can I sneak a ride in your luggage, oh for some warm weather! Up here in the Lake District we may have lovely views but boy do we get lots of rain and cold weather which is no good for me.
    I know you will have lots to do getting everything and everybody organised and ready but do get some rest so that you too can enjoy your holiday.
    Do they have any markets near where you stay if they do enjoy looking around for bargains, who knows you may find some beads to make stick pins with a difference or some lace suitable for cards. Oh I do wish I was coming, I love shopping for bargains!
    Take care sweetheart.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I have missed you on Sue's blog for a couple of days I do hope all is well and you have not been overdoing things before your holiday. Just wanted to say have a safe journey and a wonderful time hope all goes well for the journey on Thursday.
    Take care sweetheart
    With love
    Margaret xx

  10. Hi Sandra
    So pleased to know you are almost ok remember to take some Sandra time just for you to relax even though you have all the packing to do. Your new med is a wonderful drug it has helped my little grandson Ben such a lot as he has had major problems with his tummy since he was born and he is only 7 but he just smiles through it all. Although we live in the Lake District he has to see a wonderful consultant in Manchester and he says this is an excellent drug so at least you are on the good stuff!
    Just make sure you have the essentials anything else you can improvise or buy just you enjoy the holiday and have a safe journey.
    Take care sweetheart and keep smiling!
    With love
    Margaret xx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Have a wonderful time and safe travels and do have a super time celebrating all those birthdays! Will you do me a little favour please, whenever you fancy some of those delicious French pastries have one for me too, oh the thought of them is making my mouth water!
    As for having your own pillows you are not the only one darling and as for liking things clean you are definitely not alone, and as for eating in self service places they are a definite no for me. We were returning from a family wedding in High Wycombe and stopped at a motorway services just for coffee and we saw a couple come in and lift the lid of the soup pot to look inside, the man then sneezed into the pot I will not go into details as to what went in that pot. Ugh then the dirty devil put the lid back on and walked further down the counter, I said to my husband come on lets go before I am sick!
    do have a wonderful time you really deserve a super holiday take care and come back safe sweetheart.
    With love
    Margaret xx

  12. Hello just getting to grips with your blog. Janet

  13. Welcome back Sandra, I hope you and your family had a lovely holiday - all chilled and relaxed. Oh and a belated happy birthday. Things been very busy here, no play time but been gutting out my spare room/ craft space. Husband putting a couple of shelves up so staying out of his way. Look forward to seeing more of your beautiful cards. Hazel xx

  14. Good evening Sandra, ref acupuncture, I work for a pain consultant and I know when I was in a lot of pain with sciatica, she was all for me getting acupuncture if physio didn't work, luckily it did. But I know she sends people to have it. But I know you have been through a lot and I can't start to think how you cope with all your pain. But maybe as it's not a drug or op, it might just help even a little bit. I am having a flair up with my Polymalgia at the moment and back to the doctors tomorrow, but I always stop and think there are people like yourself that live with pain every day, So I shouldn't complain. Hazel xx

  15. Hi Sandra
    So very sorry you had a bad time at the physio but I have had acupuncture for my back (After an accident I needed a rather large spinal fusion that went wrong and I was left it chronic pain along with other problems, they tried all sorts but not a lot helped except very strong pain killers which then caused damage to my liver so thanks to acupuncture I was able to come off the pain killers within a month) the needles or pins are so very thin and really you don't feel them in fact I used to fall asleep while they were in. For the rest of the day when I had the treatment I was very tired and could fall asleep at the drop of a hat. But it was a physio that did the treatment, as there are some people who do this and don't have any training. I had the treatment for just over 4 years then fell and fractured some vertebra and after that I was not able to lay in the position needed to have the treatment so that was the end of it I regret to say. I too have a thing about needles but the pins they use are so very thin and not at all like the conventional needles, ask to have a look at them to see just what they look like. I am a great believer in try anything once and also in the saying believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see, take what they says with a pinch of salt keep your feet firmly on the ground not in the clouds as it always hurts when you drop of that cloud.
    Having said this my daughter tried acupuncture for her condition, she has endometriosis and it was no help what so ever and her wonderful consultant up in Edinburgh said for her condition it was no use at all. I say wonderful and he really is, as it is only thanks to him and two operations he did that she was able to have Ben our wonderful little grandson.
    I hope this is of some help to you and please do remember if I can help in any way you only have to ask darling, even if you only want to have a good old rant, if you would like my email or phone number just say.
    Take care
    With love
    Margaret xx

  16. Hi Margaret , thanks for your kind words, I would love your email address,
    Mine is
    Thank you again,
    Sandra xx

    1. Sandra
      Please, please don't feel any pressure to reply but I sent you an email this morning and as I have not heard anything fro you I am just wondering if it didn't reach you with my computer skills anything is possible! So just in case it did get lost, my email is
      Please darling don't put yourself under any more pressure just hang on in there we are all thinking of you just take your time and if need be talk over what happened at your appointment with someone in the medical profession you can trust and see what they have to say.
      Or just focus on meeting up with people in a few weeks time at Ally Pally oh I really wish I was going to see everything and everyone and especially to give you a really big cuddle. You really are so very lucky to be going. Who knows what goodies will be there for you, Sue has hinted she will be having more goodies coming soon she may have them there. I have already asked her does she do prison visits because before much longer I can see the bankruptcy courts looming! lol Thank goodness I have a very considerate husband.
      Hang on in there sweetheart.
      With love
      Margaret xx

      P.S. Did you see the comment that Julie Laz left especially for you on Sue's blog yesterday? She also left a reminder about it for you today too.If it helps she has the picture of a white poodle on her comments each day.

  17. Hi Sandra, know you off Sue's blog. So sorry you have been so down but very understandable. I admire all the wilsonetes who carry on despite all their problems. I have always been lucky health wise for which I am so grateful. When my Dad was diagnosed with cancer I did the " why us" but then realised "why not" as so many people struggle on a daily basis and as a family I feel we had always been so lucky.

    The craft family definitely helps in times of troubles and you can get so adsorbed in a project. I feel blessed to have it in my life though many people don't get it!!!! Apart from cyber craft friends I just have one craft friend and she started me on the addiction! It's all her fault!

    Get in touch anytime I am don't be fooled by the email address I am not a blond bimbo but its a long story ......
    Hope to hear from you. Take care xxx

  18. Hi Sandra, I'm going to pinch your idea for a Gorjuss card for my 8 year old granddaughter Zoe. I've been puzzling what I could do for her and this will fill the bill nicely!! xx

  19. Hello Sandra, I know you from Sue's blog, you are a brave strong lady and I am so sorry to hear that you are in such pain and feeling low. I had acupuncture and it worked for me, it is worth you trying anything that might help you, the pins really are so fine.
    My email address is. please feel free to get in touch, I would love to hear from you.
    Hugs to you, Bella and Milo
    June xxx

  20. Hi Sandra, what beautiful cards you make, you are such a strong lady too, many of us have been in the same position being given false hope by the medical blunderers. If you are still worried about acupuncture, how about trying turmeric, it is an amazing spice you take that has some wonderful healing effects, as well as being an anti inflammatory, if you are interested in trying it,let me know at It seems to work for many things in both humans and animals xxxx

    1. Hi Lindsay hope you dont mind me asking is the Turmeric just the spice you buy in the supermarket or is it from health shop & how do you take it please
      thank you Hugs Lynda xxx ( from Sue's Blog )

  21. Hi Sandra sweet lady, i have just Emaild you but just wanted to say i posted your birthday card on my blog hope you dont mind. but i will bring it with me to Ally Pally so you can have it Hope the crafting has helped you today. Cuddles to Bella & Milo.
    BIG HUGS from me Lynda xxxx

  22. Good morning Sandra,
    Sorry flower just me being nosy and concerned as you haven't been on for the last few days. I hope that you are ok,
    Love and crafty hugs Angel

  23. Good morning Sandra,
    Glad that you are feeling a bit better and up to the mark again. Sending you and wee Lucy a big hug and please tell her to try and keep her spirits up which i know is very hard to do when your are 14 and everything is the end of the world. I have everything crossed and said a wee prayer that this temporary double vision that she is suffering from rights itself soon for her, but ask her to imagine a big cream cake, well she will have two of them. I hope that she gets back to normal again soon flower,
    love and hugs to you both Angel
    Norah (glenochil)
