
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Oh La la!!
close up of flowers 
Hello again, another freezing cold day here again today! Where is the sunshine??
Well todays card wil warm you up!
I stamped the image from a Creative Expessions Vintage Lingerie stamp set, then added some red ribbon to the bottom, matted and layered onto Spellbinders Floral Ovals and then Grand Decorative Oval dies, I added some flowers made  from Spellbinder dies and a Creative expressions pearl swirl.
I am just waiting to add a sentiment as required.
I hope you like it.
My new set of Spellbinders have arrived so I am off to have a play!
 Warm Hugs,
Sandra xxx


  1. Hi Sandra
    I have just been on Sue Wilson's blog and read your comment about your new puppies they do sound adorable.
    Hope you get this message I am not sure how else to contact you! We have had dogs all our married life all corgis with the exception of one who was an Irish Red Setter but that is another story!
    With regards to feeding there is nothing wrong with good quality dried food, as long as they have access to plenty of water so don't worry. One thing we have always given our corgis when they were puppies was some goats milk it really does them the world of good also any time they have been poorly or off their food goats milk is a really good pick me up for them fresh or UHT it doesn't really matter. have some really good savings on lots of things for dogs food, treats, beds, cages, toys in fact anything you need for pets, which may save you some pennies.
    I know just what you are saying about vets charges, but, if you want an appointment at a vets you can always get one, yet if we try to get a quick appointment at our doctors it is a totally different matter unless it is urgent we have to wait 10-14 days! I often ask our vets if I can have an appointment for myself as the service is so much better that the NHS. Our last corgi had to have regular liver function tests we would take him to the surgery the blood was taken and 3 hours later our vet was on the phone with the results now that is service in my book. If I have the same test I see the doctor then have to get an appointment for the nurse usually a week later and it can be 10 - 14 days before I get the results if I am lucky. If you are worried about vets bills have a think about pet insurance and quite often if you have two you can get a discount!
    One thing I would recommend it to have your pets micro chipped it is not really expensive and can help such a lot if they get lost, or stolen.
    Should you wish to contact me my email is
    The main thing is for you all to enjoy having your lovely little pets they will return your love back 10 fold.
    Margaret corgi owner xx

  2. P.S. So sorry I forgot to say your cards are beautiful.

  3. Oops what must you think of me Sandra I got it totally wrong, I am so sorry, I honestly thought that you had got two puppies! however I have checked with a friend of mine who runs a cattery and she tells me that goats milk is good for cats too. In the past she has had neglected kittens and sometimes cats brought to her and she has given them goats milk to build them up. She also says that if a cat or kitten has been on antibiotics then live yogurt is good for their tummies as the antibiotics kill of the good bacteria in the stomach and the live yogurt puts it back. She even told me to do just that after I got an infection after an op that went wrong and it worked wonders on my stomach.
    Once again sorry for getting it so wrong thinking you had some puppies, I am not usually that silly truly I am not.
    Margaret corgi owner

    1. Thank you for taking the time to send me your messages, it was very thoughtful of you!
      Thankfully Milo is running around like a mad thing again, I have to say I am amazed at how quickly we have become so attached to our little kitty's , we have had the only 6 weeks and they are a huge part of our lives now, mainly due to the fact that they wake us at 5.15 every morning! Going to have to change that somehow, a Any hints gratefully received,
      Sandra xxx

  4. Wow Sandra your cards are gorgeous & you are so clever doing your own blog hope kittens & puppy are getting on better,could you put some pictures on I would love to see them. Hoping your pain is more bearable these days .
    Big gentle hugs Lynda ( Brock) from Sue's blog xxxxx

    1. Lynda, thanks so much for getting in touch, it was so kind of you!
      I will try and get a photo of Bella and Milo tomorrow, I have been busy today making a 21st birthday card. It seems to take me hours!
      Pain is slightly more under control today, thank goodness, but as I have had a busy day, I will no doubt pay for it tomorrow!
      Please keep in touch,
      Sandra xxxxxx

    2. Hi Sandra thank you for replying I think Sue has copied your card today ha ha,I will e.mail you later today & send you a picture of Annie & Bambi . Take care hugs Lynda xx

  5. Hi Sandra,
    I am doing this with trepidation! You see this is something I've never done before. I have not the first idea how to set up a blog - or maybe I would try.
    Just call it old age! I am Myra from Sue's blog! There seems to be a pattern here! Lynda has done the same!
    Your cards are lovely , the best I can muster is to email a few of mine to Sue who is really kind about them. We used to live in Islip Oxon. a long time ago now but our younger son was born in Oxford. My husband worked for the NHS so each time he got promotion we had to move! You either make friends or sink! Children help , of course, as do animals , like our daft Labrador . I am wary of leaving an email address as anyone else could do as I have done. However , I do appreciate your posts each day and realise you suffer a lot of pain.
    I have a husband , two sons and four grandchildren! The eldest is 15
    going on 45!!
    Sue's blog is so lovely - apart from Julia's , the only one I check on each day.
    Must go , don't want to drive you batty!
    Love and best wishes to you and your family,

    1. Hi Myra
      Thanks so much for taking the time to contact me!
      Your husbands blog sounds a little like mine, he is in The RAF at Brize norton, we have been here for ten years now, so it seems like home.
      I have four children (well when I say children ) they are 21,20 and twins that are 14, then there is Bella &Milo of course!
      Like you, I have had to make friends, they almost become family as you rely on them, our families are atleast 130 miles away!
      Please stay in touch, my email is
      You can mail me your email then and no body well see it.
      Lovely to hear from you,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Hi Sandra,
      I tried to send emails twice last night but it was returned saying unable to send! I will try again . Just didn't want you to think I didn't even try! Been out all day with my daughter in law so first chance I've had. Sorry !
      Love Myra xxx
